Convention Center Complex_July 1984COMMTION CRNTRR COMMIX 500 Date -7/11/84 Res. 84-1794 adopted, auth'g execution of R -7D Interlocal Agreement as amd'd, creating The Gtr. Miami Cony. Consortium, to become effective 10/1/84, subj. to rect. by City of applicable funds fr. VCA, and execution of Interlocal Agreement's Schedule I (Agreement bet. Consortium and Tourism Ind. Coalition of Gtr. Miami, Inc.); Consortium Bd. to con- sist of Mayor or designee (mem. of gov'g body) of ea. pub. agcy (Dade Co., CMB, & Vil. of Bal Harbour), w/ch. administrative off. to be ex officio mem.; funding - Co. to contrib. 25% of Co. Tourist Development Tax ($900,000 max.), CMB & Vil. ea. to contrib. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date -7/11/84 C -5B 7/11/84 C -5C 498 Memo 427-84, request fr. R & 0' Promotions, Inc. for extension of rental deposit. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., torg ant request that $2,500 deposit for 6/8/84 cancelled boxing match be held in escrow, to be applied to any other event org. may promote; as recommended, dep. to be so held AND only until 12/7/84. (see BOXING WRESTLING, CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) Memo 428-84, request fr. Visitor & Conv. Auth. & Metro Dade Co. Dept. of Tourism to waive rent for use of a cony. hall for CONVENT/OW CENTER COMPLEX 499 Date (Cont'd) 7/11/84 5/6-10/89 Intl. Pow Wow Cony. (tour opera- C-5C tors). Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to deny request but charge opera- tional costs in effect at time of convention only. (see TOURISM, M.B. VISITOR & CONV. AUTH., CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., METRO DADE CO.) 7/11/84 Request by Comm. to waive fees for use of R-9E Conv Ctr So. Hall, morn of 9/17/84 for natu- ralization proceedings. Waiver approved; event organizers to be requested to contrib. up to $2,000 to help defray City's antici- pated $2,300 cost. COMMTION C8NTtR COMPTAX 501 Date (Cont'd) 7/I1/84 25% of Resort Tax ($850,000 and $150,000 R-7D ea., resp.) for 1st fiscal yr., Tourism Ind. Coalition of Gtr. Miami, Inc. (TIC) to contrib. $350,000 min. yearly w/addnl. amts to be contrib'd in 2nd & subsequent fiscal yrs as designated; term to be renewable ea. yr. (Bd. to coordinate cony. promotions & mktg efforts). Atty Kenneth M. Myers, Dade Co. Comr. James Redford, VCA Chm. Robert H. Dickinson, & TIC Chm. Stephen Sonnabend appeared in support of reso. adoption & responded to ques's fr. Comm. (see BAL HARBOUR, M.B. VCA, METRO DADE CO., GTR MIAMI CONV. CONSORTIUM, TOURISM IND. COALITION OF GTR. MIAMI, INC., RESORT TAX) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 502 Date 7/11/84 Metro Dade Co. Comr. James Redford advised R-1113 that Co. Comm. will be considering the 1st reading of the ord. re. the Conv. Development bonds at its 7/17/84 mtg & that the 2nd reading will probably be 9/4/84. He further advised that the Supreme Court hrg. on the 3% Conv. Development Tax will be held on 10/3/84 and there could be a decision by some time in Oct. (see METRO DADE CO., METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) 7/25/84 Memo 463-84, Res. 84-17800 adopted, elec. C -3C contr., Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc., Fla. Furniture Show, No. & So. Halls, 8/15-22/84. CONVENT/ON CENTER COMPLEX 503 bate 7/25/84 Memo 509-84, reallocation of $2,172 fr. C -5E Conv. Ctr. salary acct. to MP -233 Conv. acct. approved; Wk. Ord. to be incr. to re- flect same. (see 1983-84 BUDGET) 7/25/84 Comm. Shockett requested Admin. to schedule R -9K mtg. dur. Aug. w/Asst. Co. Atty. Vicki Jay & bond counsel, to narrow unresolved issues on interlocal agreement w/Metro. Dade Co. re. bond issue based on revs. fr. 3% Conv. Dev. Tax, for Conv. Ctr. expansion, pert. to handling of Tax proceeds, so agreement can be executed in Sept. Lawrence Levy of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius (bond counsel) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 504 Date (Cont'd) 7/25/84 appeared. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, R -9K METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX (CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION)) 9/5/84 Memo 514-84, Res. 84-17817 adopted, electri- C-3B cal contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Intl. Restaurant & Hotel Suppliers Expo, No. Hall, 9/5-12/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 9/5/84 Memo 519-84, Res. 84-17822 adopted, electri- C-3G cal contr. w/Lind Elec., Dade Co. Home Show, No. Hall, 8/29 - 9/4/84. (AFTER THE FACT) CON'VEN'TION CENTER COMPLEX Date 9/5/84 Memo 528-84, request for approval of new C -5A Conv. Ctr. lease agreement form; approved. 505 9/5/84 Memo 531-84, request fr. Tuto Enterprises, C -5D Inc. for $4,000 flat rental rate & waiver of $750 TV hook-up charge for use of Conv. Hall So. on 9/14/84 for championship boxing; approved as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd & concurred in by Admin., provided Tuto Enterprises furnishes confirmation letter that Spanish Intl Network is televising fight to U.S. and Latin Amer. & that Network will utilize MB publicity. CONVENTION CRNTER COMPLEX 506 Date 9/5/84 Res. 84-17831 adopted, auth'g execution of C-4G an Interlocal Agreement w/Dade Co, FL, per- taining to County's issuance of up to $80,000,000 sp. obligation bonds, as well as completion bonds and addnl bonds for the financing of expansions and improvements to the MB Conv. Ctr., and the assignment of City's 2/3's share of 3% Conv. Development Tax as security for the bonds, w/utility serv. tax revenues and franchise fees as secondary funding source to pay principal, prem., if any, and int. on bonds; agreement effective upon execution and to remain in effect as long as any bonds are outstanding. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 507 Date (Cont'd) 9/5/84 Dade Co. Comr. James Redford urged approval C -4G of agreement so Co. can draft bond ord. for 1st & 2nd reading, which he anticipates will be 9/18/84 and 10/2/84 resp. He advised case on the 3% county -wide Cony. Dev. Tax will be heard by Supreme Court on 10/3/84. (see METRO DADE 3% CO -WIDE BED TAX, METRO DADE CO.) 9/5/84 Discussion re. COTAL convention, requested R -3A by Ron Kent, Exec. Dir., VCA; def to 9/19/84 per request of VCA. (see M.B. VISITOR AND CONV. AUTH.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 568 Date 975/84 Memo 580-84, RFP 236-84, arch. & engr'g R-8C Servs. for CMB Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expan- sion. Presentations made by reps. of 3 finalist firms recommended by Arch. Sel. Com. & Tourist & Conv. Auth. Subcom. Firms ranked: #1 - Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Assos. #2 - Norman M. Giller & Assos. #3 - Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. NOTE: Corr. dtd 9/5/84 fr. Michael Schneider, mem. CMB Tourist & Conv. Auth. subcom., expressing his indiv. views on item, filed w/mtg. records. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 569 Date 9/5/84 Discussion re. REP for new Conv. Ctr. cater - It -9D ing serv. contractor; not reached - def. to 9/19/84. 9/19/84 Memo 589-84, Res. 84-17844 adopted, elec. C -3A contr. w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Intl. Sport, Rec. and Hobby Show, No. Hall, 9/3-17/84 (AFTER THE FACT). 9/19/84 Memo 618-84, appt. of Trustee for Dade Co R -7B Sp. Obligation Bonds for Conv. Ctr. expansion. Pan American Bank selected as Trustee (lowest fee schedule) to create & conserve funds & accts, render monthly CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 510 Date (Cont'd) 9/19/84 reps., make investments & disbursements as - R -78 directed, and transfer funds to paying agt. as required. Comr. Grenald requested C Atty 1) investigate whether City can require bank to guarantee amt on deposit, since it will be over the $100,000 insured by Fed. Deposit Ins. Corp., and 2) review County's document to det. if appropriate bond insuring deposit is required of Trustee, and to submit report. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) 10/3/84 Memo 630-84, Res. 84-17868 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition & Servs., Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show (trade GOWN WT ION C NT It COMP X Date (Cont'd) 10/3/84 only), NO. Hall, 10/11-16/84. C-38 511 10/3/84 Memo 624-84, request of Tuto Enterprises, C -5A Inc. to waive $750 TV hook-up chg. & to ap- ply $1,400 ($1,000 - rental, $400 - seating setup charges) of $2,500 dep. pd. for can- celed 9/14/84 event to 9/28/84 boxing matches in Rm. 100 (AFTER THE FACT); approved per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. as concurred in by Admin. $1,100 deposit bal. to be held in escrow, to be ap- plied to a TEI event on or before 4/1/85. (see CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 10/3/84 Memo 637-84, Lincoln Rd. R -8A in civic and cony. ctr. 512 directional signage district. Proposed at -grade signs at fol. locations, approved: 17th St./Washington Ave. 17th St./Conv. Ctr. Dr./Meridian Ct. 18th St./Cony. Ctr. Dr. Plan for proposed kiosk(s) approved; locations(s) to be det. based on results of Nov. ballot ques. re. reinstating vehicular traffic to Lincoln Rd. Recommendation of Lincoln Rd. Mgt. & Development Adv. Bd. for addnl. signs on mun. pkg. garages at fol. locations, also approved: (Cont'd on next card) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 513 Date (Cont'd) 10/3/84 17th St./Cane. Ctr. Dr. R -8A 17th St./Pennsylvania Ave. 17th St./Drexel Ave. (see LINCOLN RD. MGT. & DEVELOPMENT ADV. BD., LINCOLN RD. MALL, SIGNS) 10/3/84 Status rep. on RFP for Cony. Ctr. catering R -9J serv. Comr. Shockett rev. status rep./RFP schedule. Purchasing Agt. Ed Davis respond- ed to ques's fr. Comm. & advised RFP pro- vides for 2 -yr. contr. (not 10 yrs. as orig. proposed) w/no ext. Comr. Shockett asked during draft review, C Atty rev. RFP to make sure City is protected & can terminate if CONVENTION CENTER COMP= 514 Date (Cont'd) 10/3/84 quality is poor. Mayor ?romberg cautioned R-9.7 that contract incl. provisions for liquidat- ed damages, atty fees & costs, & injunctive relief. Mgr advised item will be incl'd in monthly Capital Improvement Projects report. (see CAPITAL PROJECTS) 10/17/84 Memo 664-84, Res. 84-17885 adopted, elec. C -3C contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., American Heart Assoc. Conv., No. & So. Halls, 11/8-16/84. 10/17/84 Memo 671-84, Res. 84-17893 adopted, approv- C-4F ing Conv. Ctr. Pkg. Lot Fund oper'g budget CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX bate (Cont'd) 10/17/84 for FY 84/85 in amt. of $71,500. (see C -4F 1984/85 BUDGET) 515 10/17/84 Memo 646-84, requests fr. Latcom, Inc. for C -5A refund of $3,000 deposit for canceled Comunicaciones Expo '84 and '85 events and to hold 4/9-16/86 Conv. Hall dates. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. to deny refund request; funds to be held in escrow toward '86 event. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CON'VEN'TION CBNit COMPLEX Date --10117/84 C-58 517 Memo 647-84, request fr. Exec. Promotions, Inc. for $3,000 red. in rent for use of Conv. Hall No. for Miami's Summer Boat Show, 7/2-14/84. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. for denial of request but extending time for payt. of bal. due to no later than 4/1/85. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 10/17/84 Memo 648-84, request fr. AT&T for refund of C -5C $2,500 deposit for canceled use of Conv. Hall No., 12/5-6/84. Comm. approved recom- mendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as con- curred in by the Admin., to deny request and CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 518 Date (Cont'd) 10/17/84 hold funds in escrow, to be applied to any C -5C other event org. may pres. in Conv. Ctr. on or before 6/6/85. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 10/17/84 Memo 649-84, request fr. the Fitness Ind. C -5D Buying Show for sp. rental rate for use of Rm. 100, 1/6-8/85. Comm. approved recommen- dation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by the Admin., for daily rate of $500 or 12% of gro. rects. fr. admission tkt. sales, whichever is gtr., for use of half of rm. during Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 10/17/84 R -8E 10/17/84 C -5E 519 Memo 684-84, Res. 84-17900 adopted, calling hrg. for 12/5/84 @ 2:45 p.m. to consider Planning Bd's recommendation to amd. Zoning Ord. 1891 pertaining to pkg. requirements in CCC Conv. Ctr. District. (see ZONING, PLANNING COMMISSION) Memo 645-84, Conv. Ctr. application for an energy aud. grant. Adm. recommendation that Comm. accept $700 grant fr. the Gov's Energy Off. for aud. (will qualify City for addnl. energy-related funds thru Gov's Tech. Assis- tance Program, which could result in State partially funding utility design for Conv. CON WTION C8104A COMPLEX 520 bate (Cont'd) 10/17/84 Ctr. expansion) and for approval of contr. C -SE arrangements w/FP&L to perform such auds.; approved. (see FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO., FLORIDA, STATE OF, ENERGY BOARD) 11/7/84 Memo 694-84, Res. 84-17905 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. So. FL Computer Showcase, So. Hall, 10/9-15/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 11/7/84 Memo 695-84, Res. 84-17906 adopted, elec. C -3C contr. w/Elec. Exhibitions Servs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, No. Hall, 10/17-21/84. (AFTER THE FACT) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 521 Date 11/7/84 Memo 697-84, Res. 84-17908 adopted, elec. C-3E Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., So. FL Auto Show, No. & So. Halls, 10/22 - 11/6/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 11/7/84 Memo 701-84, request fr. Ringling Bros. and C-5A Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. for sp. min. guarantee rate of $59,400 or 10%, whichever is gtr., for 1985 circus engagement in Conv. Hall No. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to grant request on run-of-the-show basis for 1/16-29/85 engagement. (see CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) COM'VFNTION CENTER COMP= 522 DAte (Cont'd) 11/7/84 Memo 724-84, report on RFP 110-84, oper. of C -5F catering serv. concession at the CMB Conv. Ctr. For info only; no action required or taken. 11/21/84 Memo 749-84, Res. 84-17927 adopted, elec. C -3E contr. w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 11/23 - 12/3/84. 11/21/84 Memo 751-84, status rep. - RFP 110-84, Conv. C -5B Ctr. catering, for info only; no action re- quired or taken. Comr. Daoud requested Adm. furnish rep. on the corp. structure of CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 11/21/84 R-91 524 Comm. liaison rep. Comr. Arkin rep'd of TCCEA desire to negotiate contr. w/archs. for Conv. Ctr. exp. project. Admin. advised not w/in realm of duties. Comm. advised of mtg bet. Adm. & TCCEA scheduled for 11/29/84 to resolve issue. Mgr to pl. addnl. people on com. as ad hoc mems. Exec. Staff will begin preliminary proceedings necessary to begin negotiations w/sel'd firm, process amd'd ord. to encompass chgs implemented in new ord. passed by State granting Auth. addnl powers & will rep. back @ 12/5/84 mtg. (see M.B. TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXP. AUTH) CONV NITON CENTER COMPLEX 523 Date (Cont'd) 11/21/84 bidders. Mgr advised he'll furnish an eva1- C-5B uation of each concessionaire and his track record. Purchasing Agt. Edward Davis advised a committee has been set up, consisting of himself as Chm., William Harrison - Dir. of Prop. & Lease Mgt., Isadore Binstock - Internal Audit, Norman Litz - Conv. Ctr. Dir., and Konrad Von Eiff - Project Coordi- nator for Conv. Ctr., to review proposals and come up with a recommendation for the Comm. Comr. Singer stated he would also like expertise fr. outside Admin. Comr Shockett expressed desire to have a formal presentation bef. Comm. of the 3 finalists. CONVRNTION CFNR COMPLEX 525 bate 12/5/84 Memo 791-84, Bid 110-84, Conv. Ctr. Complex/ C-58 Flamingo Park tennis stadium concession RFP. Reps. of 3 finalist firms, as detd. by Admin. Rev. Com., made presentations & responded to ques's fr. Comm. Firms ranked: #1 Servomation Corp. #2 Ogden Food Serv. Corp. #3 World Wide Concessions & Food Servs., Inc Admin. auth to negotiate contr. w/Servoma- tion Corp. for consideration by Comm. VM Grenald suggested for easier comparison & uniformity, fut. specs. for such bids state basis (Blue bk., retail, wholesale, etc.) 526 Date (Coant'd) 12/5/04 for proposed investment(s). (see PLAMTAIGO C-SC PARK, PURCHASING PROCEDURES) 12/19/84 Memo 811-84, Res. 84-17953 adopted, elec. C -3D contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., World of Wheels, No. & So. Halls, 12/27-31/84. 12/19/84 Memo 812-84, Res. 84-17954 adopted, elec. C -3E contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show, So. Hall, 1/10-15/85. CONVENTION C WTER COMPLEX Date 12/19/84 C -5A 12/19/84 C -5B 527 Memo 824-84, request fr. Tuto Enterprises, Inc. for $4,000 flat rental rate & waiver of $750 TV hook-up charge for use of Conv. Hall No. on 2/1/85 for championship boxing; denied per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin.; rate of $2,500 or 8%, whichever is gtr., plus TV hook-up charge, approved. (see BOXING & WRESTLING) Memo 825-84, request fr. fight promoter Walter Alvarez for reduction in rental rate of Conv. Hall No. for TV boxing on 2/9/85. Comm. approved rental rate of $2,500 or 8%, L8N' MTION _ Cann COMM M, 526- tide 26.Bae (Cont'd) 12/19/84 whichever is gtr., plus TV hook-up charge, C-58 as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. & con- curred in by Admin. (see BOXING AND 'WRESTLING) 12/19/84 Memo 804-84, ord. amdg. Zoning Ord. 1891; R -3H providing for an amdt. to §6-18, J re. pkg. requirements in the CCC Conv. Ctr. Dist.; not reached - hrg. cont'd. to 1/16/85 at 2 p.m. (see ZONING) 1/23/85 Memo 3-85, Res. 85-17966 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Graphics of the Americas, So. Hall,