Convention Center Complex_January 1985CONVENTION CMWER COMPLEX Date (Cont'd) 1%21/85 1/2S-29/85. (A'TPR 'Mt PAM C -3B 1/23/85 Memo 4-85, Res. 85-17967 adopted, elec. C -3C contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show, No. Hall, 1/3-10/85. (AFTER THE FACT) 1/23/85 Memo 5-85, Res. 85-17968 adopted, elec. C -3D contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., FL Furniture Show, So. Hall, 1/16-22/85. (AFTER THE FACT) per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) 1/23/85 Memo 21-85, Energy Bd. cnm.�-- R-3B.2 advised inventor of the photovoltaic dome CONVBN IcI CBMTBA COMPtL X a_e (Cont'd) 1/23785 1/23-29/85. (AFTER THE FACT) C -3B 529' 1/23/85 Memo 4-85, Res. 85-17967 adopted, elec. C -3C contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show, No. Hall, 1/3-10/85. (AFTER THE FACT) 1/23/85 Memo 5-85, Res. 85-17968 adopted, elec. C -3D contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., FL Furniture Show, So. Hall, 1/16-22/85. (AFTER THE FACT) ONVENTION MITER COMPLEX Date "1721785- C -5A 1723785C -5A 1/23/85 C -5C 530 Memo 14-85, request fr. Dade Co. Public Schools for flat rental rate of $4,000 for 5/7/85 Go Vo -ed Job Fair in Conv. Hall So., denied. Per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., Comm. rental rate to cover (see SCHOOLS - PUBLIC) approved $4,100 operational costs. Memo 16-85, request by Walter Alvarez for reduction in Conv. Hall No. rental rate for closed circuit TV boxing on 4/15/85; denied per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 531 Date -1/23/85 Memo 17-85, request fr. Victor Logan to C -5D apply $3,000 dep. for canceled 3/10-15/85 Miami Intl. Auto Pts. & Accessories Show to 7/8-10/85 Miami's Summer Boat Show; approved if rent bal. due fr. 1984 boat show is pd. by 4/1/85. 1/23/85 Memo 18-85, VCA Exec. Dir. Ron Kent pres'd C -5E request for $17,500 to offset rental of Cony. Ctr. for COTAL conv.; approved - to be funded fr. Contingency Fund. 1/23/85 Memo 21-85, Energy Bd. Chm. Barnett Lazarus R -3B.2 advised inventor of the photovoltaic dome CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 532 Date (Cont'd) 1/23/85 will address Energy Bd. on 1/23/85 @ 4 p.m. R -3B.2 since similar const. is proposed for Cony. Ctr. expansion, & suggested a Comr. hear presentation. Comr. Arkin suggested a mem. of expansion design arch./engrg firm hear presentation to see if dome is compatible w/envisioned design. Mr. Lazarus advised Marcus A. Frankel is Bd. mem. & will attend. Comr. Arkin suggested he send info to Abe Epstein & Sons, Inc. (see C.M.B. ENERGY BD) 1/23/85 Memo 804-84, hrg. held & concluded; Ord. 85- R -3C 2454 adopted, amdg Zoning Ord. 1891, providing for an amdt. to @6-18, J re. pkg. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 533 Date (Cont'd) 1/23/85 requirements in the CCC Conv. Ctr. District; R -3C to become effective 2/2/85. (see ZONING) 1/23/85 Rev. Memo 805-84, hrg. held & concluded re. R -3H Planning Bd. recommendation to amd. Zoning Ord. 1891 by requiring development projects in Conv. Ctr. (CCC) and Mun. Use (MU) Dists. be reviewed by City's Design Rev. Bd.; approved. §23-3(A)(3) of proposed ord amd'd to exempt Conv. Ctr. Expansion project fr. such rev. requirement since FL Stat. places expansion design under Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expansion Auth. jurisdiction; dur. Comm. - approved projects (incl'g Fire Sta. #2, Isl. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 534 Date (Cont'd) 1/23/85 View Pk, Justice Ctr., MB Marina, So. Pointe R -3H Park and restaurant, TOPA, and 21st St. Rec. Ctr) to be grandfathered -in. Proposed ord., as amd'd, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 2/6/85 @ 2 p.m. (see PLANNING COMM., DESIGN REV. REGS & BD.) 1/23/85 A workshop was scheduled for 1/30/85 at 5 R -11H p.m. in the Mgr's Conf. Rm. to discuss var. items re. tourism, the Cony. Ctr. expansion, special events, etc. (see SP. EVENTS, M.B. VISITOR & CONV. AUTH., WORKSHOP SESSIONS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 535 Date 2/6/85 Memo 60-85, Res. 85-17988 adopted, elec. C -3A contr. w/Conv. Elec. & Ltg. Servs., Inc., Orig. M.B. Antique Show, So. Hall, 2/5-14/85 (AFTER THE FACT). 2/6/85 Memo 62-85, request fr. Ringling Bros. & C -5A Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. that 10% royalty fee cr. to Walt Disney Prods. be granted "off the top" of gr. rects. for 3/30 - 4/14/85 and 3/22 - 4/13/86 ice shows in Conv. Hall No.; approved per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 536 Date 2/6/85 Memo 63-85, request fr. Dade Co. Pub. Schs. C-58 to pay TOPA rental rates ($10,500/yr.) for use of Conv. Hall So. for 1985 and 1986 Sr. High rehearsals & graduations, approved as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. and concurred in by Admin. (TOPA closed for reconstr. at that time). (see SCHOOLS - PUBLIC) 2/6/85 Memo 64-85, request fr. Tuto Enterprises, C -5C Inc. for $2,750 flat rental rate for 2/8 and 3/22/85 TV boxing in Rm. 100 Cony. Ill. No.; approved as recommends b �pnv.r. Adv. BT. and 3TLING) ed in by yAdmin. see BOXING AND CONVENTION, CENTER COMPLEX 5S/ Date 2/6/85 Comr Daoud requested a telegraph be sant to R-11D the Gov., Cabinet, & Legis. advising a decision is expected momentarily fr. the State Supreme Ct. re. the validation of bonds for the proposed Conv. Ctr. expansion and due to importance of project to Dade Co., the City would like thought to be given to contingency legis. so as to avoid any delay in event of an adverse ruling. Comr. Daoud also requested copy of request be sent to the Dade Delegation. (see FL, STATE OF) 2/20/85 Memo 108-85, Res. 85-18009 adopted, electri- C-3D cal contr. w/Conv. Elec. & Ltg. Servs., Cai`tl'tNTION CENTER COMPLHX 539 Date (Cont'd) 2/20/85 Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. C -3D Hall, 3/3-11/85. 2/20/85 Memo 109-85, Res. 84-18010 adopted, electri- C-3E cal contr. w/Show Mgt. Electrical, Miami Intl. Boat Show, No. & So. Halls, 2/15 - 3/2/85. 2/20/85 Memo 111-85, request fr. Radodex, Inc. for C -5A refund of $3,000 deposit for canceled 1/30 - 2/4/85 Intl. Apparel and Textile Show in Cony. Hall. So.; denied. CONVENTION C2NT2R`CO LSX 539 Date (Cont'd) 2/20/85 Memo 112-85, request-fr. I.B.S. Shows, Inc. C -5B to apply $3,000 payt. fr. canceled 5/10- 20/85 Better Living Show to the 6/19-24/85 World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt. in Conv. Hall No.; approved. 2/20/85 Memo 113-85, request fr. Intl. Restaurant & C -5C Hotel Suppliers Exposition, Inc. for 5 -day liquor permit, 10/4-8/85 at Conv. Ctr.; approved. (see LIQUOR LICENSES) 3/20/85 Memo 178-85, Res. 85-18042 adopted, amdg C -3C lease w/Temple King Solomon, chg'g concert dates fr. 10/11/84 - 2/12/85 to 10/11/84 - COMMTION MITER COMpr. x 540 Date (Cont'd) 3/20/85 4/14/85. Arndt: Lessee -adding Jose Lula - C -3B Rodriguez concert for 4 days: 4/11-14/85 (1 perf./day). 3/20/85 Memo 194-85, request for reduced rental rate C -5A for 6/25 - 7/1/85 U.S. Open Table Tennis Championships in Conv. Hall No. Bard Brenner, Miami Tournament Coordinator, ad- vised ideally, they would like facility do- nated; but otherwise, he requested $2,500/day rental fee w/$2,500 payable upon contr. signing and $10,000 due 15 days bef. event held. Request approved; Admin. to draft Memo of Understanding to incl. basis CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 541 Date (Cont'd) 3/20/85. for rate approval. Comr.-Singer suggested' C -5A promoters consider providing coupons which could be distributed through var. banks, VCA, City, etc. (see TENNIS) 3/20/85 C -5B Memo 195-85, request of $2,500 or 10% sales, after taxes, moto-cross and 4 x No., 4/19 & 30/85; by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Admin. for reduced rental rate of gr. recta for tkt. whichever is gtr., for 4 mud bog in Conv. Hall approved as recommended Bd. and concurred in by CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 542 Date 3%20/85 Memo 196-85, request for reduced rental rate C -5C of $600 for Children's Health Fair '85 for of Conv. Hall So., 4/24/85; Rms. 102 and 103 denied. Comm. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Admin., granting rms. approved recommendation of Bd., as concurred in by rate of $750 for use of the 4/3/85 Memo 208-85, Res. 85-18052 adopted, electri- C-3B cal contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., American Chemical Soc. Conv., So. Hall, 4/26 - 5/3/85.