Convention Center Complex_April 1985CONVENT/ON CENTER COMPLEX 543 Date 4/3/85 Memo 210-85, Res. -85-48054 adopted, eledtri- C -3D cal contr. w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., So. FL Auto and Truck Dealers Asso., So. Hall, 4/7-16/85. 4/3/85 Memo 221-85, Res. 85-18056 adopted, granting C -4B Hertz Corp. permission to sponsor a hot air balloon offering complimentary rides fr. MB Cony. Ctr. parking lot during the 5/14-16/85 COTAL Congress Trade Show, subj. to execu- tion of an indemnity agreement (to be prepared by C Atty) bef. 5/1/85 and cert. of gen. liability ins. in amt. of $5 million, naming City as addnl insured. CONV'ENT'ION CENTER COMPLEX 544 Date 4/3/85 Memo 212-85, request fr. MB Police Athletic C -5A League, Inc. for reduced rental rate of $1,850 for use of Conv. Hall So. on 9/7/85 for annual country -western show, denied. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. to approve rate of $2,000 to cover expenses. (see MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE) 4/3/85 Memo 213-85, request fr. Walter Alvarez, Inc C -5B that $3,000 charge to dismantle ice in Conv. Hall No. after Disney show be absorbed by City, denied; credit of up to $2,500 granted on bill for closed circuit TV fight in Conv. MPTLC d M X . 545 date (Cont'd) 4/3/8.5 - -ital.]. No. on 4/15/85,-as recbiimi4nded by Cony. - C�5 Ctr. Adv: `Bid: and'cdncurred in by Admin. 4/17/85 Memo 252-85, Res. 85-18065 adopted, elec. C -3A contr. w/Conv. Elec. & Ltg. Servs., Inc. for Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 4/17- 21/85. (AFTER THE FACT) 4/17/85 Memo 255-85, request of Tuto Enterprises, C -5A Inc. for reduced rental rate for TV boxing in Rm. 100 on 4/23/85, withdrawn. 5/1/85 Memo 272-85, Res. 85-18074 adopted, electri- C-3A cal contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., CON ______ ____ COI P ; X 516 e- -Cot 571/85 , :M Ino.iami Mame Shona;. and So.-Hairss C -3A -_ 5/21 - 6/4/85:- 5/15/85 /4/85:- 5/15/85 Memo 290-85, Res. 85-18081 adopted, else. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Svcs., Inc., COTAL, So. Hall, 5/11-18/85. (AFTER THE FACT) 5/15/85 Memo 292-85, request of Miami -Dade Comm. C -5A College No. for $400 rental overpmt. refund for 5/11/85 commencement exercises tfr. fr. No. Hall to Rm. 100; approved per Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommendation as concurred in by Admin. MERTON CRUM' Miing,R -11/ Date 5/17.85 Memo 293-85, request to establish temp. rental ivate for _Room 100 use during TEPA renovation period. Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. for single perf. rates (incl'g seating setup) for civic/charitable, lessee of $1,200 flat, coml. - $1,200 or 12% of gross rects., whichever is gtr.; approved. 5/15/85 Memo 310-85, Res. amd'g Community Benefit R 7A Committee for the Performing Arts auth. to use surcharges collected on TOPA tkts. fr. 11/1/84 to 5/6/85 to sponsor free events in Conv. Ctr. for residents 65 or over; def. CONMITION CHNTHP COMPLEX 548 Date (Cont►d). ..._.._.. 5/15/85 pending outcome of 5/17/85 meeting re TOPA R -7A bids. (see -THEATER' OF 'THE PERFORMING ARTS, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE) 6/5/85 Memo 316-85, Res. 85-18088 adopted, elee._ _. C -3B contr. w/Conv. Electric & Lighting Svcs., Inc., for World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 6/14-24/85. 6/5/85 Memo 341-85, request of Dr. Komanduri K.N. C -5E Charyulu of Gold Coast Classical Music Society, Inc. for waiver of all or part of Conv. Ctr. facility rental rate to pres. Kuchipudi dances of India on 6/29/85. As CONVENTION=`CENT2VMHPLEY - '510 Date Cont'd /5/85 reeomMended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd.'and eon- C-5E.ourredin ` by `Admin:, full oharjtable _ rate ($1,500 for TOPA or $1,200 for No. Hall Rm. 100) required. 6/5/85 Memo 310-85, res. amd'g Community Benefit R -7A Com. auth. (granting Com. auth. to use sur- charges col. on TOPA tkts fr. 11/1/84 to 5/6/85 to sponsor free events in Cony. Ctr. for residents 65 or older); def. to 6/26/85 pending rep. on TOPA Renovation Project bid negotiations. (see COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM., THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 550 Date 6/26/85 Memo 357-85, Res. 85-18104 adopted, elec. C -3D contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Miami's Summer Boat Show, No. & So. Halls, 7/8-20/85. 7/10/85 Res. amdg. Res. 83-17447 creating Com., R -7A granting auth. to use surcharges coll. on TOPA tkts. to sponsor free events in Conv. Ctr. or other events on M.B. for residents aged 65 or older, w/drawn by Comr. Singer. (see COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM., THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS, SENIOR CITIZENS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 551 Date 7/10/85 Adm. to request Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. to R -11D obtain info. &/or pictures of adv. direc- tories in Atlanta cony. ctr. lobby & air- ports, & submit rep./recommendation re. estg. similar op. in City's cony. ctr. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., ADVERTISING) 7/24/85 Memo 425-85, Res. 85-18134 adopted, elec. C -3A contr., Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc., Fla. Furniture Show, No. & So. halls, 8/14-21/85. 7/24/85 Memo 441-85, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommenda- C-5A tion to chg., effective 1/1/86, Conv. Ctr. elec. contr'r. rates fr. flat fee to 10% of CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 552 Date (Cont'd) 7/24/85 gr. billings (exempting labor chgs. to C -5A assns. & exhibitors) for convs., trade shows, or consumer events, approved. Adm. to investigate Mrs. Benita Argos's allega- ation re. Edien Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc. status & address as listed w/Secy. of St. (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX) 7/24/85 Memo 442-85, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommenda- C-5B tion to incr. Conv. Ctr. rental rates, effective 1/1/86, approved (Exhibit II filed w/mtg. recs.); prevailing -rate contrs. to become effective 1/1/86; commitments/contrs. on cur. rate schedule to be honored. (see MB CONV. CTR. ADVISORY BD.) COMNTION -CSN bate -7/24/85 C=5C 9/18/85 C -3B Memo 443-85, Legal Dept. to finalize agree- - ment w/Chris" Dundee- Enterprises, Inc. -for 2 - yr. wrestling contr. (10/1/85 - 9/30/87), to Incl.: protection clause; dep. for applica- tion to canc. event; ins. regmt.; seating set-up/tear-down pmt.; office vacation when Ctr. expanded; $300/mo. office rental; $50/day box office chg. Finalized Agreement to be submitted to Comm. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) Memo 514-85, Res. 85-18178 add, elec. contr. w/Edlen Electrical EExxiibition Sellers Inc., Intl. Restaurant and Hotel Supp Exposition, No. Hall, 10/2-9/85. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 554 Date 9/18/85 Memo 532-85, Comm. approved Conn. Ctr. Adv. C -5B Bd's recommendation as concurred in by Admin. to deny request of Miami Intl. Fashion and Beauty trade shows to apply dep. fr. postponed 10/85 event to 4/86 event as dep. Dep. applied fr. 1985 event to last payt. due for 1986 event; payt. of dep. and bal. due on min. guarantee for 1986 event to conform w/std. conv. ctr. contracted terms and conds. (see MB CONVENTION CTR ADV. BD.) 10/2/85 M#541-85, Res. 85-18196 adopted, elec. C -3A contr., Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc., So. F1. Computer Showcase, No. Hall, 9/25-30/85 (after the fact). CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 555 Date -10/2/85 M#542-85, Res. 85-18197 adopted, elec. C -3B contr., Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc., jewelry/diamond show, So. Hall, 10/3-8/85. 10/2/85 M#543-85, Res. 85-18198 adopted, elec. C -3C contr., Lind Elec., Dade Co. Home Show, So. Hall, 10/9-15/85. 10/2/85 M#544-85, Res. 85-18199 adopted, elec. C -3D contr., Conv. Elec. & Lighting Svcs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, No. Hall, 10/23-27/85. 10/2/85 M#549-85, R#85-18204 adopted, auth'g crea- C-4B tion/maint. of "CMB Conv. Ctr. Trust Acct.' CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 556 Date (Cont'd) 10/2/85 w/Pan Am. Bk. N.A. Acct. @ Intercontinental C -4B Bk. to be closed & monies transf. to new acct. (see VOUCHER SIGNATURES) 10/2/85 M#561-85, Comm. approved Conv. Ctr. Adv. C -5A Bd's recommendation to red. rent for 7/85 Miami's Summer Boat Show; to chg. $38,000 flat rate, leaving $2,000 unpaid bal. (+ 5% F1. St. Tax), due by 11/15/85. 10/2/85 M#562-85, Comm. approved Conv. Ctr. Adv. C -5B Bd.'s recommendation to grant Am. Hdwe. Mfrs. Assn's. request for refund of $1,000 dep. for canceled 4/14-16/86 cony. CONVENTION CENTER_ COM EN 557 Date 10/2/85 M#574-85, loan fr. gen. fund to provide R -8B $125,000 for repair of cooling towers at Conv. Ctr.; approved (to be reimbursed fr. Preferred Pkg. Lot revs. by 6/30/86). 10/16/85 M#591-85, R#85-18236 adopted, elec. contr. C -3H w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., So. FL Auto Show, No. and So. Halls, 10/28 - 11/12/85. 10/16/85 M#610-85, R#85-18242 adopted, approving C -4D budget of the Conv. Ctr. Special Revenue Fund for FY 1985/86 for $75,000. (see 1985/86 BUDGET) c O v wrIOw C N7'212, COMMX 55$ Date 11/6/85 M4626-85, elec. contr. w/Bdlen tlec. Bxhibi- C-3A Servs., Inc., Am. Assoc. of Blood Banks; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 M#637-85, request fr. Intl. Travel Show for C -5A 12 -mo. extension of deposit for canceled event; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/20/85 M#626-85, R#85-18264 adopted, elec. contr., C -3A Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Svcs., Inc., Am. Assn. of Blood Bks., So. Hall & No. Wraparound, 10/17-25/85 (after the fact). CON TTON COMA COMPL X 559 Date 11/20/85 M4637-85, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recammenda- C-SA tion to grant Intl. Travel Show's request 11/20/85 C -5E for 12 -mo. ext. of $3,000 9/10-18/85 event, approved; in escrow, to be appl. to promoter may pres. in Conv. 9/18/86. dep. for can. dep. to be held any other event Ctr. on or bef. M#654-85, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recommenda- tion to add fol. rates, effective imdtly., approved: TOPA - Single perf. (coml.) - $4,500 cap on $1,500 rate or 12% of gr. rects, after taxes, whichever is gtr. Conv. Ctr. & TOPA - promoter signing 1 contr. for CONVENTION CgMTV.1 COMPTJ X 560 Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 min. of 6 single coml perfs w/in 1 -yr - C -SE percentage of gr. rects reduced fr. 12% to 10% per perf. (min. guarantee unchgd). (see THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS) 11/20/85 M#655-85, Comm. approved Conn. Ctr. Adv. C -5F Bd's. recommendation to grant Design Automation Conf. request to waive addnl a/c chgs./rent for Conv. Hall So. use 6/29 & 7/1/87 for cocktail parties during 6/24-7/3 event. 11/20/85 M#681-85, Messrs. Chris Dundee & boxing C -5L promoter Luis deCubas opposed Gemini Boxing, CONVLNTION CHIMA COMP= 561 Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 Inc. request for $5,000 flat rental rate for C --SL 12/14/85 tentatively -scheduled event in Cony. Hall So., suggesting that to auth. event would be in violation of Mr. deCubas's agreement for 12/13/85 event. Adm. to investigate & rep. back; not reached - def. to 12/4/85. (see BOXING & WRESTLING) 11/20/85 M#682-85, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recommenda- C-5M tion to approve Deed Club's request to waive $1,000 rent for use of rms 102-103 on 12/20/85 for young cancer victims ann. Christmas party, approved. Comr Shockett urged security be provided at no chg., event