Convention Center Complex_January to February 1986CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 564 Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 Matter def. to 1/22/86; Adm. to meet w/reps C -3H of I.B.S., Lincoln Rd. Merchants Assn., LRMDAB, & Mall Mgr. to resolve matter. 1/8/86 R#86-18336 adopted, as amended* requesting R -7C Mgr. or designee to enter into negotiations w/FL Intl. Univ. to bring college basketball back to the M.B. Conv. Ctr. Mgr. asked Mayor Daoud to participate in negs. *Amd'd to incl. Univ. of Miami. (see COLLEGES/UNI- VERSITIES) 2/5/86 M#79-86, C. Atty. auth. to obtain 5 -day C -5A liquor permit for 9/12-16/86 trade show @ 1 X.' CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 565 Date (Cont'd) 2/5/86 C -5A Conv. Ctr. as requested by Intl Restaurant & Hotel Suppliers Expo., Inc. 3/5/86 M#159-86, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recommenda- C-5C tion to chg. Conv. Ctr. rental rate when No. & So. Halls contracted as 1 entity, approved (rates for use of 1 hall only remains unchanged). (see mtg. file records for new rates) (see CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) 3/5/86 M$160-86, request of Positive Results, Inc. C -5D for free use of outside areas of Conv. Ctr. Complex for 7/25-30/86 Miami Auto & Truck CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 566 Date (Cont'd) 3/5/86 Clearance Show in No. & So. Halls, ref. to C -5D Rules & Sp. Events Com.; rep./recommendation to be submitted for 3/19/86 mtg. Adm. to attempt to develop formula(s) to chg. for outside areas. (see RULES & SP. EVENTS COM.) 3/5/86 Electronic flushing syst. reps. demonstrated R -9I syst., advised will install 1 or 2 units in Cony. Ctr. bef. 11/86 Am. Soc. of Plumbing Engrs. cony. (units to remain). It was suggested they contact Cony. Ctr. Expansion engr. re installation of devices in project. (see CONVENTION CTR. EXPANSION) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 567 Date 5/7/86 M4286-86, 8486-18436 adopted, auth'g $16,000 C -4E appropriation fr. gen. fund contingency into donations & contribs for Community Concert Assn. (comp. for loss of rev. due to moving & removing of ser. due to TOPA renovation delay.) (see 1985-86 BUDGET) 5/7/86 M#289-86, request fr. Six-day Bicycle Race C -5C Intl. U.S.A., Inc. to have %age of gate rects. waived for bicycle race to be held 4/30-5/11/87 approved as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. WNVENTION (:LNTLX (:VMYLr:X Date 6/4/86 C -5B 6/4/86 C -5C DOO M#352-86. Per Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd./Adm., fol Theater rental rate category added: 6 or more shows in 12 mo. per., percentage reduced fr. 12% to 10%, w/min. guarantee of $1,500 per show. M#353-86, request fr. Adm. to add a min. fee to the elec. contractors agreement for shows booked in the Conv. Ctr.; approved per Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd./Adm. recommendation. Contrac- tor to pay fol. min. fees or 10% of gr. rects., less labor costs, whichever is gtr.: Boat/Computer/Food Shows - $400 ea. bldg. Auto Shows - $250 ea. bldg. All others - $200 ea. bldg. Outside of bldg. - $100 ea. bldg. CONV'tNTION CENTB1 COMP= 569 Date 6/4/86 M0354-86, request fr. Mrs. Hermina Petrescu- C-5D Stowell that rental fee for TOPA be waived for free monthly sr. cit. shows she will present; request denied per Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd./Adm. recommendation. 6/4/86 Mgr suggested City consider renaming MB Conv R -11A Ctr. to something indicating area -wide uti- lization. Comm. voted in support of concept; Adm. to contact Chamber of Commerce and/or other appropriate orgs., submit recommenda- tions to Comm. as to proposed name(s). CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 7/23/86 C -5B 9/3/86 C -5A 570 M#484-86, request of Gtr. Mia. Conv. & Visi- tors Bur. for Conv. Ctr. Sq. Footage rental rate for natl. assns.; approved. Rate of 65/sq. ft. w/min. guarantee of $10,000/show day est. Events to utilize min. of 2,000 area hotel rms. & 250,000 gr. sq. ft. of ex- hibit sp. or 2 Conv. Ctr. halls. (see GREATER MIAMI CONV. CONSORTIUM) M#486-86, request fr. Door & Hardware Insti- tute for cur. rental rate for 2 -day 1994 cony. in Conv. Hall So. and adjusting rate to consumer price index using 1987 as the base to 1994; approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 571 Date 10/1/86 R4t86-18633 adopted, auth'g Gerard Kauper, R -11A Pres. Gtr. Mia. Conv. & Visitors Bur. & Adm. to negotiate w/Natl. Assn of Realtors for 1993 conv.; guaranteeing addnl. 110,000 sq. ft. of contiguous sp. to existing Conv. Ctr. bldg. in '93. Negotiated terms to come back to Comm. for approval. (see GTR. MIAMI CONV. CONSORTIUM) 10/15/86 Gtr. Mia. Conv. & Visitors Bur. V -Pres. - R -11I Mktg. rep'd of maj. tentative/confirmed Conv. Ctr. bkgs. for upcoming yrs. (see GTR. MIA. CONV. CONSORTIUM) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 572 Date 11/5/86 M#723-86, R#86-18661 adopted, agreeing to C -4A provide to the Natl. Assoc. of Realtors 1993 Conv., a 110,000 sq. ft. structure, should CC Expansion not be complete. Est. $400,000 rental cost of temp. structure to be funded fr. incr'd Resort Tax revs. to be set aside by Gtr. Miami Conv. & Visitors Bur. 12/4/86 M#796-86, R#86-18689 adopted, committing to C -4A provide to Natl. Assn. of Realtors a 110,000 sq. ft. structure for 1993 cony. should Conv. Ctr. exp. not be complete. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 57J Date 12/4/86 Deed Club Children's Cancer Clinic request R-913 for fee waiver for use of Conv. Ctr. 12/18 & 19/86 for annl. child's christmas party; not waived (to be funded fr. Mgr's Promo. Acct.). 1/7/87 Mgr advised issuance of RFP for Conv. Ctr. R -11E hotel in air rts. over pkg. lots will be sent out the end of Jan. (see AIR RIGHTS)