Convention Center Expansion_February to March 1985ONVXNTfal CW1128 MAN8fON 1 Date 2/20/85 Comm. liaison rep. Come. Arkin rop'd on- R-t status of negotiations w/Raymond )Caiser Engrs., Inc. for Cony. Ctr. Expansion Pro- ject Mgr, advising he discussed scope of wk. & fee proposed by RKE w/5 people in the ind., & they agreed w/his opinion that same was excessive for project. Comm. instr'd Mgr that if no agreement reached by 2/25/85, negotiations to be commenced w/Turner Const. Co. (2nd ranked bidder). (see M.B. TOURIST AND CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) 3/6/85 Memo 174-85, res. auth'g an agreement with R-7D Raymond Kaiser Engrs., Inc. and Howard CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 2 Date (Cont'd) 3/6/85 Needles Tamen and Bergendoff, for Project R -7D Mgt Servs. during design and constr. phases of the expansion of the MB Conv. Ctr.; def. to 3/20/85 due to absence of Comr. Arkin (Comm. liaison to Tourist and Conv. Ctr. Exp. Auth.). Admin. directed to rev. alter- native scope of servs. item. Mayor Fromberg suggested developer mems. of Economic Dev. Council review proposed agreement and ques'd items in interim and submit rep. (see MAYOR'S AD HOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL) 3/20/85 Memo 198-85, in response to Comr. Weisburd R -3A inquiry, C Atty advised no conflict of int. CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION Date (Cont'd) 3720/85 exists w/Marcus Frankel bg. mem. of Energy R -3A Board and under contr. w/City for arch. servs. for Conv. Ctr. Expansion, so long as he does not vote on project he is direct- ly involved w/City; that if a matter came bef. Bd. in which he had a direct int., he would be in conflict. Comr. Weisburd suggested he be so advised. (see C.M.B. ENERGY BOARD) 3/20/85 Memo 174-85, res. auth'g agreement w/Raymond R -7A Raiser Engrs, Inc. and Howard, Needles, Tammen, and Bergendoff for Project Mgt. servs. for Conv. Ctr. Expansion; w/drawn for Date 3/20/85 R-7A (Cont'd) revision, at request -of Tourist & Cony. Ctr. Expansion Auth. (TCCEA). Bal Harbour Mayor John Sherman (Chm. - Dade Co. Beacon Council Subcom. on convs.) urged Comm. auth. a 2 -mo. study of CCC's expansion needs, & that same will be recommended in forthcoming Beacon Council rep. He advised Bal Harbour and other muns. will help w/project. Comm. directed TCCEA to consider incl. of fut. expansion needs study in Project Arch. contr. negotiation, w/stipulation that study cause no delay in bond sale process and/or cur. expansion constr. CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 5 Date 4/3/85 Memo 237-85, Res. 85-18059 adopted, auth'g R -7C agreement for Conv. Ctr. Project Mgr (for design and const. phases) w/Raymond Kaiser Engrs, Inc. and Howard Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff Archs. and Engrs., Inc. (its subcontractor); compensations to be funded fr. proceeds of Conv. Ctr. Expansion Bond to be issued by Metro. Dade Co. and rects. fr. 3% Co. -wide Conv. Development Tax. (Terms and conds. set forth in contr.) (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS) CONt1FNPION CFNVA MANSION 6 Date 4/3/$5- Memo 238-85, Rea.-85-18660 adopted, auth'g R-7D agreement w/jt. venture, Borrelli, Frankel, Blitstein and Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Assocs., Inc. Archs. (design servs. for expansion of Conv. Ctr.), as amd'd*, to be pd. fr. 3% Co.-Wide tax and Dade Co. Conv. Ctr. Exp. Bond. (terms and conds. set forth in contr.). *Sec. 3.2.1. amd'd to provide if const. cost is over $66,000,000, Arch. will redesign at their expense to come w/in budget. NOTE: Prior to above, Bal Harbour Mayor John Sherman (Dade Co. Beacon Coun- cil's Com. on Convs. & Tourism) suggested fee for servs. was too high & urged contr. be reconsidered & compared w/other cities. CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 7 Date (Cont'd) 4/3J$5 He also reiterated recommendation triat.fu€. R -7D expansion study be done concurrently w/pro- gramming servs. Admin., TCCEA, Arch. to meet bef. 4/17/85 Comm. mtg. to det. lang. of an addendum to cover contingency for const. costs, how will be handled, and attempt to det. formula for arch's fee if project expanded beyond currently -proposed size. Mgr advised Laventhol and Horwath reevaluating const. cost figs. and will have rep. w/in wk. and project revenue stream. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX, TOURIST AND CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 8 Date 4/17/85 Memo 266-85, Rea. 85-18072 adopted, auth'g R-7B agreement, as amded, * w/Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Assocs., Inc., archs., and Borrelli, Frankel, Blitstein, et. al., a Jt. Venture for professional servs. relative to the expansion of the MB Conv. Ctr. (Terms and conds. detailed in contr.) Brief comments made relating to upcoming Metro Dade Co. bond validation hrg. and challenge made to issuance of bonds for the Conv. Ctr...importance of Ctr. to City stressed. *Prior to res. adoption, Mgr reviewed revisions made to agreement based on 4/3/85 discussion. (see METRO DADE CO., ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) bate 571/85- C -5D 5/15/85 R -11D Memo 283-85,. appropriation of funds ($275,000 archs' retainer, programming initiation, plus contingency) and establish- ment of a wk. order for programming phase of Conv. Ctr. expansion fr. Conv. DeV. Tax, approved. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) Mayor Fromberg rep'd of funding for Conv. Ctr. Expansion project and basis of the State Atty and MB Homeowners Assn.'s challenge to Dade Co's issuance of bonds as violating City Charter Sec. 37(h). He stated the Court ruled the Co's issuance of CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 10 Date (Cont'd) 5/15/85 bonds was not a violation of Charter, but R -11D the secondary pledge of Utility and Franchise Taxes, as contained in the inter- local agreement, was such a violation. (see METRO DADE COUNTY) 6/26/85 Memo 361-85, appropriation of funds for pro - C -5A gramming phase of Conv. Ctr. fr. Conv. Dev. Tax, approved as follows: 1. $8,253,000 funds col. fr. MB's portion of Conv. Dev. Tax to be transferred fr. a trust acct to a capital projects acct 2. $22,000 to be appropriated for the $17,900 1st mo. payt. to Project Mgr, CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION Date ..6%26/85 C -5A 11 (Cont'd) plus contingency amt. 3. Wk. Order 2928 to be incr'd by $22,000 appropriation. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) 6/26/85 Memo 391-85, Res. 85-18118 adopted, auth'g R -8A execution of Amdt. to Agreement w/Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Assocs., Inc. Archi- tects/Borrelli, Frankel, Blitstein, et al. joint venture (archs/engrs); also Amdt. to Agreement w/Raymond Kaiser Engrs, Inc./Howard, Needles, Tamen & Bergendoff Archs. & Engrs., Inc. (Project Mgr). Both Amdts. to chg. cond. precedent for issuance CONVVNTION CENTER EXPANSION 12 Date (Cont'd) 6/26785 of Notice to Proceed fr. Schematic Design R -8A Phase to Design Dev. Phase for Conv. Ctr. expansion program. (see CONSULTANT (CONTRACTS), ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) 7/10/85 Memo 411-85, Conv. Ctr. expansion project C -5B schematic design ph. appropriation approved; $825,815 (fr. City's portion of 3% Conv. Dev. Tax) transf. fr. trust acct. to cap. projects acct.; $825,815 appropriated fr. $9,021,000' bal. for this Ph.; $659,375 - Arch. (Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Assocs., Inc. Architects/Borrelli, Frankel, CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 13 Date (Cont'd) 7/10/85 Blitstein, et al. jt. venture) fee plus C-58 $75,000 for reimbursables ($734,375 tot.); & $71,440 (4 months @ $17,860 each) to Project Mgr. (Raymond Kaiser Engs., Inc.) plus $20,000 for reimbursables ($91,440 tot.); Wk. Ord. #2928 incr. by $825,815. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX, ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) 7/24/85 Memo 451-85, Res. 85-18146 adopted, auth. C C -5H Mgr. to negotiate agreement for employment of Cony. Ctr./IOPA Coordinator to provide liaison among consultants, int. groups, & Adm.; amt. not to exceed $50,000/yr. (see THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS) CONVENTON CEN 12 EXPANSION Date 7/24/85 C -5I 14 Memo 450-85, $33,500 transf. fr. Cony. Dev. Tax trust acct. to Wk. Ord. 2928 & appropri- ation for Laventhol & Horwath feasibility rep. update & anal. of CDT rev. projections fr. transient lodging facilities (regd. for Cony. Ctr. expansion bond sale), approved (reimbursable fr. bond proceeds). (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) 9/4/85\ No action taken re. res. calling sp. elec- R-7C tion on 11/5/85 to submit to electorate a Charter amdt. re. issuance of mun. bonds (repeal Sec. 37(h)). V -M Shockett read Co. Atty Robt. A. Ginsburg's 9/4/85 ltr. to CQWWNTTOW CSWI1 HXPP,NSICN 15 Date (Cont'd) 9/4/85\.: David Pearlson, Pres. - M.B. Resort Hotel R-7C Assn., confirming that Co. Comrs. auth. Mr. Ginsburg to dismiss Co's appeal in Fla. Supr. Ct. re. Dade Co. Sp. Obligation Bonds for M.B. Conv. Ctr. expansion project, upon dismissal of M.B. Homeowners Assn., Inc./ Mildred Falk's cross-appeal. Mrs. Falk stated she would drop cross-appeal if Comm. would pl. ques. on ballot for electorate to vote if they wish Conv. Ctr. expanded. (see METRO DADE CO., SP. ELECTION - 11/5/85, CHARTER AMDTS., "F" MISCELLANEOUS) CONV4MTfOR MAMA XXIMWAR 16 Date 9%4/85\ Comr. Grenald advised of proposal for Conv. R -OD Ctr. var. for const: of a 1 -level, 265;000 sq. ft. trade ctr. above proposed expansion, to be funded fr. sep. source, & not delay/deter proposed expansion. Def. to 9/18/85 pending rev. 9/10/85 by Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expansion Auth. & rep./recommendation rcpt. (see MERCHANDISE MART, TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) 9/18/85 Memo 528-85, award of RFP 209-84/85, pro - C -4C fessional land surveying servs. for Conv. Ctr. expansion. Firms ranked: 1) Zurwelle- Whittaker, Inc.; 2) Biscayne Engr'g Co., bate (Coned) 9/18/8S Inc.; 3) E. R. Brownell & Assocs.;"Inc. C -4C Res. 85-18182 adopted, auth' g execution of agreement w/Zurwelle-Whittaker; cost not to exceed $25,000, to be appropriated fr. Cony. Ctr. Dev. Tax. Mgr advised expansion project is on target as to planning and activities, but City is facing a severe prob. if the Co. bonds cannot be sold in Dec. (LTC 177-1985, dtd. 9/17/85, filed w/mtg. records). (see ARCHITECT & ENGR., METRO DADE 3% CO. -WIDE BED TAX) 9/18/8 Comr. Singer advised during 9/13/85 mtg. R -1B \ bet. reps. of the MB Homeowners Assoc. and -bate (Cont' d) 9/18%85- Metro Lade Co.; Joe Weil (Homeowners' atty) R 16 indicated it was his belief that the Co. was correct in its position that if it wins its appeal pending in the PL Supreme Ct. con- cerning the Dade Co. Sp. Obligation Bonds for the MB Conv. Ctr. expansion project, the issue would not be pl'd on the ballot; and if the Homeowners win, it still would not be pl'd on the ballot because the Co. enacted an ord. eliminating the City's secondary guarantee. NOTE: See mtg. file recs. for Conv. & Tradeshow Plan of Action, Advertis- ing Plan, and Preliminary Sales & Mktg Program. (see GREATER MIAMI CONV. CONSORTIUM) CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 19 Date 10/2/$5 Mildred Falk, Pres. - M.B. Homeowners Assn, R -1C Inc., requested her item re. cross-appeal of Judge Herbert Klein's decision re. Conv. Ctr. expansion, be heard at 4:00 p.m. when Joe Weil, her atty., & Joe Abelow could speak on matter. C. Atty advised it would be improper to discuss legal matters fr. client -to -client or have opposing counsel address the Comm. (his client) on pending litigation; therefore, item not heard. (see "F" MISCELLANEOUS) 10/2/85 M#573-85, approval to proceed to design R -8A development phase and appropriation of COMMTi0N CglIT8R MANSYO i 26 Date (Cont'd) 10/2/$5 $1,358,315 (Arch's fee - $1,186,875, Project R -8A Mgr's fee (4 mos.) - $71,440, and reimburs- ables - $100,000)., fr. Conv. Development Tax for Conv. Ctr. expansion, auth'd. Tom Ventulett (arch.) pres'd model and slide presentation of project design. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) 10/16/85 R#85-18255 adopted, declaring that City will R -9J.1 explore alts. for fin'g oper'g costs of the expanded cony. facility, and establishing policy that City will not relinquish ownership or control of Conv. Ctr. w/out vote of approval by people. CONVVNTYON. C NTHlt.,EI'. fit$IQ Date 10/16/85 R-93.2 21 Copy of Stipulation and notice of voluntary dismissal, executed by Mildred S. Palk, Joseph Abelow, and Mildred S. Falk as Pres. of MB Homeowners' Assoc., Inc., stipulating, w/prejudice, to dismissal of appeal and cross-appeal filed in Supreme Ct. of FL Case #67,221, and dir'g their atty Joseph H. Weil, to execute similar dismissal to clear record, filed w/mtg recs.; Stipulation to also be executed by Metro Dade Co. (see METRO DADE COUNTY) 1/8/86 M#41-86, Tom Ventulett, Conv. Ctr. Expansion R -8I Project arch., pres'd design, requested CON'VRNTION CENTER EXPAN$IQ�1 22 Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 auth. to proceed w/const. docs. phase. R-8I Request approved per recommendation of Tour- ist & Conn. Ctr. Expansion Auth., concurred in by Admin. $2,374,890 to be appropriated fr. Conn. Den. Tax available bal. to Wk. Ord. #2928 for payts. to arch. & project mgr. Mr. Ventulett advised const. docs. anticipated to be completed in 8 mos., bidding process, 2 mos., and 22-mo. constr. per. would begin; facility to be completed by Fall '88. Further, project will not be fast-tracked. Comr. Shockett urged Adm. & TCCEA to use best efforts to obtain funds to complete all phases of proposed expansion. CONt1NTTON CLNTR.N$TON 23 Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 Groundbreaking suggested to be scheduled for R-8I City's birthday, 3/26. Wkg. model to be displayed temporarily in Conv. Ctr., w/appropriate long-term display location to be det'd. (see TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) 1/8/86 M#28-86, Planning Bd's recommendation for R -8J approval of site plan for Conv. Ctr. Expansion w/3 stipulations (see mtg. file records for details); approved per Admin. recommendation. (see PLANNING COMMISSION) C6N/2NCEN'i'8 N"11'145 QN Date 1/8/86 R -9L 24 Rep. fr. Tourist Ind. Coalition/Gtr. Miami Conv. & Visitor Bur. by Steve Nostrand, Chm., who advised a users' com. has been est. & invited them to participate in Conv Ctr Expansion 3/26 groundbreaking. Mgr. suggested date be det'd jointly by TIC/GMCVB and City; Tom Ventulett, Conv. Ctr. Expan- sion arch. suggested it be sep. event. Comr. Shockett urged concerted effort be made to promote expanded Conv. Ctr.; Mgr. advised he understood TIC/GMVCB would be promoting facility. Mr. Nostrand advised TIC wou]dbthe responsible priority fbeingmtofill communicating CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 expanded facility. (see TOURISM IND. R -9L COALITION OF GTR. MIAMI) 25 3/5/86 M#157-86, Request from MB Chamber of C -5A Commerce granted to waive rent, table rental )K:chgs., & 15% catering commission from concessionaire for Conv. Ctr. expan. ground -breaking ceremonies and MB's b'day luncheon in Conv. Hall So. on 3/26/86. 3/5/86 Electronic flushing syst. reps. demonstrated R -9I syst., advised will install 1 or 2 units,in Conv. Ctr. bef. 11/86 Am. Soc. of Plumbing ut Engrs. cony. (units to remain). CONVENTION CENTER BXPA145YN Date (Cont'd) 3/5/86 suggested they contact Conv. Ctr. R -9I engr. re installation of devices (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX) 4/2/86 R-78 M#244-86, tion of Frankel, Thompson, Inc., archs. for professional servs. re. 26 Expansion _ in project. R#86-18414 adopted, auth'g execu- an amdt. to agreement w/Borrelli, Blitstein, a jt. venture, and Ventulett, Stainback and Assocs., the expansion of the MB Conv. Ctr. 6/4/86 Dade Co. Comr., James Redford introduced R -7F Diana Gonzalez, new person in chg. of capital improvements who will be dealing w/City on the Conv. Ctr. Expansion project. CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION Date 7/23/86 R -7A 27 M#497-86, R#86-18527 adopted, auth'g amdt to agreement w/Raymond Kaiser Engrs, Inc./Ho- ward Needles Tammen & Bergendoff Archs & Engrs, Inc. (Project Mgr.) to provide addl cost ests. & project scheduling Conv. Ctr. Exp. in amt. of $55,500. ARCHITECTS/ENGRS./CONSULTANTS) for for (see 9/17/86 Comr. Arkin advised Conv. Ctr. expansion R -11E project plans on schedule, bids w/in budget. 10/15/86 M#711-86, Cap. Improvements Com. and Tourist R -8F & Conv. Ctr. Exp. Auth. recommendations re. proceeding w/Const. Doc. Ph. as amd'd, and CONVENTION CEN'TE12 EXPANSION Date (Cont'd) 10/15/86 R -8F 11/5/86 R -8F 28 bidding/negotiation ph. for Conv. Ctr. Exp. project, approved. Amdt: liquidated damages to be incr'd fr. $2,000 to $2,500/day; bid bond to be decr'd fr. 10% to 5%. (see MB TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COM.) AUTH., M#747-86, status rep. on Conv. Ctr Expansion Project (proposed timetable for prebid conf., rect. of bids, contr. award, etc.) filed for info only. 1/21/87 M#70-87, Bid 20-86/89, MB Conv. Ctr. Expan- C-2F sion; base bid, add alt. 2 and add alt. 3 CONVENT/ON CtNTNR EXPANSION 29 Date (Cont'd) 1/21/87 awarded to George Hyman Const. Co. Tot. bid C-2F amt: $53,514,000. VCA urged to issue press release nationwide re. project. (see PUBLICITY, M.B. VISITOR & CONV. AUTH.)