Convention Center Leases_January 1981CONVENTION CENTER LEASES NOTE: Previous to 1/7/81, Electrical Contracts may be filed under CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX or CONVENTION CENTER LEASE. Correct filing caption is: CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES ALL LEASES PRIOR TO THIS DATE ARE IN THE FOURTH DRAWER OF THE SECOND CABINET ON THE WEST WALL, (OPPOSITE THIS INDEX FILE) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 296 DATE Memo #8697, Res. #81-16508 adopted, Helen Brett 1/7/81 Ent., Inc., 2 gift shows (Closed Shows for Trade Only), So. Hall, 1/7-12/82 & 9/30-10/5/82. Memo 8739, Res. 81-16521, adopted, Palm Coast 1/21/81 Assoc., Religious Meeting, Rm 102 - So. Hall, 12/31/80. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8740, Res. 81-16522, adopted, Dallas Cowboys 1/21/81 Football Club, Hospitality for College Coaches, Com. Rms 102 & 103 of So. Hall, 1/5/81. (AFTER THE FACT) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 297 DATE Memo 8741, Res. 81-16523 adopted, Palm Coast Assoc. 1/21/81 Religious Services, TOPA, 1/15 & 16/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8742, Res. 81-16524 adopted, Ice Follies & 1/21/81 & Holiday on Ice, Inc., "Ice Follies & Holiday on Ice", No. Hall, 4/24 thru 5/4/81. Memo 8743, Res. 81-16525 adopted, approving Am. 1/21/81 Zionist Fed., Israel Independence Day, So. Hall, 5/7/81. Memo 8762, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommendation ? that request of So. rental rate be denied, as concurred w/by Conv. Ctr. Dir. approved. Gerald Schwartz appeared later in mtg. & requested reconsideration. Motion to reconsider item failed of passage. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 298 DATE Memo 8744, Res. 81-16526 adopted, Major Events, 1/21/81 Inc., The Intl. Home Show, So. Hall, 1/25 - 1/.82. Memo 8774, boxing, No. Hall, 2/7/81. Res. 81-16539 2/4/81 adopted. Lessee changed from Muhammad Ali Pro. Sports, Inc. to Felix Zabala & execution of lease subj. to discretion & approval of C. Mgr. Brief discussion held concerning difficulties being experienced by original lessee. Mr. Marty Cohen, Boxing Comm., assured Comm. that all monies, etc. would be paid to insure presentation of bouts. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 299 DATE Memo 8775, Res. 81-16540 adopted, Am. Conv. Servs., 2/4/81 Inc., Intl. Gallery of Cars, So. Hall, 3/24-31/81. Memo 8777, Res. 81-16541 adopted, FL Restaurant 2/4/81 Assoc., Food, Equipment & Educational Show (Trade Show), No. Hall, 10/14-21/81. Memo 8778, Res. 81-16542 adopted, Institute in 2/4/81 Basic Youth Conflicts, Inc., Educational Seminar, So. Hall, 10/19-24/81. Memo 8779, Lease Amendment. Res. 81-16543 adopted, 2/4/81 Palm Coast Assoc., Religious Servs., TOPA, 1/15 & 16/81. Amendment - Lessee will add use of rm. 159 of So. Hall of MB Conv. Ctr. on 1/16/81 frm 5 p.m. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 300 DATE to 12 Midnight. (AFTER THE FACT) 2/4/81 Memo 8817, Res. 81-16553 adopted, Nightingale 2/18/81 Conantorp, Sales Meeting- Impact '81, TOPA, 4/2/81. MEMO 8818, Res. 81-16554 adopted, Jewish National 2/18/81 Fund, Concert, TOPA, 4/6/81. Memo 8819, Res. 81-16555 adopted, Mental Health 2/18/81 Assoc. of Dade Co., Meetings, So. hall wraparound meeting rooms, 4/14/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 301 Date Memo 8820, Res. 81-16556 adopted, U.S. Pageants, 2/18/81 Beauty Pageant (Female Impersonators), So. Hall, 4/11/81 and 4/12/81. Memo 8821, Res. 81-16557 adopted, Forum for Intl. 2/18/81 Art & Culture, Folkloric Ballet of Lebanon, TOPA, 10/2/81. Memo 8822, Res. 81-16558 adopted, amending lease 2/18/81 agreement w/S & L Productions, World Trade Fair '81, No. Hall, 7/6-13/81. Lessee will use So. Hall in add. to No. Hall of MB Cony. Ctr. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 302 Date Memo 8847, Res. 81-16571 adopted, Felix Zabala, 3/4/81 Boxing, Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 3/3/81 & 3/16/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8848, Res. 81-16572 adopted, Promo -Hit, Inc., 3/4/8] Por un Million (Spanish Play) TOPA, 3/20-22/81. Memo 8849, Res. 81-16573 adopted, T.M. Gladness, 3/4/81 Nina Brodskaya Concert, TOPA, 3/29/81. Memo 8850, Res. 81-16574 adopted, University of 3/4/81 Miami, Commencement Exercises, So. Hall, 5/5/81. Memo 8851, Res. 81-16575 adopted, Smith Youth 3/4/81 (cont'd) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 303 Date Foundation, Inc., Billy (Krach) Braddock & Janie 3/4/81 Fricke (Country Music), So. Hall, 5/9/81. Memo 8852, Res. 81-16576 adopted, T.B.S. Flea 3/4/81 Markets, Inc., T.B.S. Wholesale Flea Market (Trade Show), No. Hall, 8/9-14/81. Memo 8853, Res. 81-16577 adopted, lease amend- 3/4/81 ment. Discount Management, Inc., Two Merchants Buying Syndicate Trade Shows, No. Hall; Dates Contracted: 3/23-29/81 & 9/21-27/81. New Dates: 9/21-27/81. Amendment: Lessee is canceling the 3/23-29/81 Show. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 304 Date Memo 8857, Res. 81-16581 adopted, The Greater Miami 3/4/81 Jewish Federation, The Holocaust Program (No Admission Charge), No. Hall, 4/23/81. Memo 8858, Res. 81-16582 adopted, lease amendment. 3/4/81 The Greater Miami Jewish Federation, The Holocaust Program (No Admission), No. Hall, 4/23/81. New Date: 4/12/81. Amendment: Changing date to 4/12/81 & Building to So. Hall. Memo 8888, Res. 81-16598 adopted, Temple King 3/18/81 Solomon, two plays - one concert, TOPA, 3/25, 3/26 & 5/16/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 305 Date Memo 8889, Res. 81-16599 adopted, Luggage & 3/18/81 Leather Goods Manufacturers of America, Inc., Conv., No. Hall - 3/3 - 10/82, & No. Hall Mtg. Rms. - 3/6 - 10/82. Memo 8890, Res. 81-16600 adopted, MB Region of 3/18/81 Hadassah, "The Chosen" - Celebration 33 - Movie, TOPA, 5/11/81. Memo 8891, Res. 81-16601 adopted, M.B. Symphony 3/18/81 Orchestra, two concerts for children (No Admission Charge), TOPA, 3/9 & 10/81. (AFTER THE FACT) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 306 Date Memo 8917, lease amendment, Res. 81-16607 adopted. 4/1/81 Felix Zabala, Boxing, Rm. 100 of No. Hall. Dates Contracted: 3/3 & 16/81. Lease Amend.: 3/3 & 13/81. Amend. Purpose: Lessee wanted Friday night instead of Monday night. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8918, lease amendment, Res. 81-16608 adopted. 4/1/81 Multi -Housing World, Conference for Bldg. Ind. Pro- fessionals (sponsored by Multi-Fam. Housing News), No. & So. Halls & all mtg. rms. Dates contracted: No. & So. Halls - 3/4-13/81, No. & So. Halls Mtg. Rms. -3/4-13/81. Amend. Purpose: Lessee will release Rm. 100 of No. Hall on 3/12 & 13/81. (move out dates) (AFTER THg FACT) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 307 Date Memo 8919, Res. 81-16609 adopted, W.R.G. Ent., 4/1/81 Inc., Burl Ives Concert, TOPA, 3/28/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8920, Res. 81-16610 adopted, Felix Zabala 4/1/81 Boxing, Rm. 100, No. Hall, 3/28/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 8923, Promotions, Inc., 1981 Intl. World of 4/1/81 Wheels, No. Hall, 1/14-18/82, withdrawn at request of Conv. Ctr. Dir. Memo 8924, Res. 81-16613 adopted, Southeastern 4/1/81 Shrine Conv. Corp. 1981, Conv., So. Hall, 8/6-8/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 308 Date Memo 8925, lease amendment, Jewelers Intl. Show- 4/1/81 case, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show, No. Hall. Dates Contracted: 1/7-13/82. New Dates: 1/14-19/82 Amendment Purpose: Lessee requested change of date. Withdrawn at request of Conv. Ctr. Dir. Memo 8929, opposition to City apprvl. of Feb. 4/1/81 1-10, 1983 D.S. Clarke Antique Show contr. Res. 81-16616 adopted, authorizing execution of lease agreement for use of Conv. Hall So. as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. & concurred in by Conv. Ctr. Dir. (subj. to City's right to permit or refuse assignment of contr. dates in event there is any change in ownership or mgt. of show as expressed CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 3Q9 (Cont'd) Date in Addendum to Contract). During discussion, 4/1/81 Att. Paul Steinberg, representing Mr. & Mrs. Louis Baron, appeared & requested priority con- sideration be given his client as current users of facilities, should D.S. Clarke not use the Feb., '82 or '83 dates. Att. David Berger, representing Hubert A. Bellman, appeared to express his client's interest in promoting a show in Miami area & requested that if Feb. dates become available, award be determined through competitive bidding. Att. David Crane appeared representing D.S. Clarke & advised his client plans to hold shows in both '82 & '83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 310 Date Memo 8923, Res. 81-16622 adopted, Promotions, Inc. 4/15/8] 1982 Intl. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 1/14-18/82. Memo 8951, Res. 81-16623 adopted, amending lease- 4/15/8] of Ice Follies and Holiday on Ice, Inc., Ice Follies and Holiday on Ice Show, No. Hall. Dates contracted: 4/24-5/4/81, 4/28-5/3/81 - Show (4/28-5/1/81 - 1 performance per day), (5/2-3/81 - 2 performances per day). New dates: 4/24-5/4/81, 4/28-5/3/81 - Show (4/28, 4/29 & 5/1/81 - 1 performance per day), (4/30 & 5/3/81 - 2 performances per day), (5/2/81 - 3 performances per day.) Amendment purpose: adding two shows to lease. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 311 Date Memo 8925, Res. 81-16624 adopted, amending lease 4/15/81 of Jewelers Intl. Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show, No. Hall. Dates Contracted: 1/7-13/82. New dates: 1/14-19/82. Amendment Purpose: Lessee requested change of dates. Memo 8953, Res. 81-16625 adopted, lease addendum 4/15/81 w/S & L Productions, World Trade Fair '81, No. & So. Halls, 7/6-13/81. Lessee will use 7/10/81 in addition to 7/11-12/81 as an open to pub. show day in No. & So. Halls of MB Cony. Ctr. Memo 9002, Res. 81-16647 adopted, Southern Christian 1441 Leadership Conference, Ben Vereen, TOPA, 5/6/81. COIVENTION CENTER LEASES 312 Date Memo 8973, Res. 81-16634 adopted, Felix Zabala, 5/6/81 Boxing, So. Hall, 4/18/81. (After the fact) Memo 8974, Res. 81-16635 adopted, Cultural Arts 5/6/81 Society of So. FL, Inc., free Children's Ballet, TOPA, 5/5/81. (after the fact) Memo 8975, Area Agency on Aging (United Way), Sr. 5/6/81 Citizen Showcase (No admission charge), TOPA, 5/14/81, withdrawn by City Manager. Memo 8976, Res. 81-16636 adopted, American Society 5/6/81 for Medical Technology, Convention, TOPA, No. Hall & No. & So. Hall Meeting Rms. Dates: Theatre - 6/22/81, No. Hall - 6/18-26/81, No. Hall Mtg. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES (Cont'd) Rms. - 6/17-26/81, So. Hall Mtg. Rms - 6/20 & 6/22-25/81. Memo 8977, Res. Solomon, Rafael MEMO 8978, Res. 81-16637 adopted, in Concert, TOPA, 81-16638 adopted, Five Pops Concerts, TOPA, 7/12 & 19/81 and 8/16, 23 & 30/81. 313 Date 5/6/81 Temple King 5/6/81 7/4 & 5/81. MB Symphony, 5/6/81 Memo 8979, Res. 81-16639 adopted, I.A.T.T.A., 5/6/81 Religious Servs., No. Hall & No. & So. Hall Wraparound Mtg. Rms. Dates: No. Hall & No. Mtg. Rms. - 7/21-27/81, So. Hall Wraparound Mtg. Rms. - 7/23-27/81. " CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 314 Date Memo 8980, Res. 81-16640 adopted, I.B.S. Flea 5/6/81 Markets, Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, No. Hall, 12/13-21/81. Memo 8981, Res. 81-16641 adopted, amending lease 5/6/81 of I.B.S. Flea Markets, Inc., I.B.S. Wholesale Flea Market (Trade Show), No. Hall, 8/9-14/81. Amendment Purpose: Lessee changing the name to I.B.S. Flea Markets, Inc. (Trade Show Division) and the name of the event to "Wholesale Merchandise Show (Closed to Public).". Memo 8982, Res. 81-16642 adopted, the Professional 5/6/al Golfers A ssociation of America, 2 P.G.A. Trade Shows, So. Hall, 1/5-12/82 and 1/4-11/83.