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Convention Center Leases_May 1981
CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 315 Date Memo 8983, Res. 81-16643 adopted, Mitch Hall 5/6/81 Associates, Comunicaciones Expo '82 (Trade Only), So. Hall, 4/22-5/1/82. Memo 8984, Res. 81-16644 adopted, Society of 5/6/81 Nuclear Medicine, Convention, No. Hall & No. & So. Wraparound Mtg. Rms. Dates: No. Hall - 6/10-19/82, No. & So. Hall Wraparound Mtg. Rms. - 6/10-19/82. Memo 8985, Res. 81-16645 adopted, amending lease 5/6/81 of Tennis Industry's National Buying Show, U.S. Tennis Association & Executive/Management Seminars, No. Hall. Dates Contracted: 12/30/81-1/6/82. New Dates: 1/7-14/82. Amendment Purpose: New CONT TION CENTER LEASES 316 (Cont'd) Date dates became available to the lessee. 5/6/81 Memo 9016, Res. 81-16656 adopted, United Teachers 5/20/81 of Dade, Meeting, TOPA, 5/4/81. (AFTER THE FACT) MEMO 9017, Res. 81-16657 adopted, Felix Zabala, 5/20/81 Boxing, Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 5/16 & 30/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 9018, Res. 81-16658 adopted, lease addendum. 5/20/81 Exposition Corp. of America., Miami Home Show, No. Hall, 5/24-6/4/82. Addendum Purpose: Lessee will use the So. Hall in addition to the No. Hall of the MB Conv. Center. 'CONVENTTON.CENTER"LEASES 317. Date Memo 9021, Res. 81-16661 adopted, Alcantara 5/20/81 Machado Comercio & Empreen Dimentos LTDA Agent for Brazil Export '81, Brazil Export '81 (Trade Only), So. Hall, 9/28-10/4/81. Memo 9051, Res. 81-16673 adopted, lease amendment 6/3/81 Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Ben Vereen, TOPA, date contracted: 5/6/81. New Date: 6/28/81. Amendment purpose: Lessee released May 6 Date, will use June 28 date instead. Memo 9052, Res. 81-16674 adopted, Dade Co. School Bd., high school graduation exercises & .rehearsals, TOPA. Rehearsals: 6/15-16/810 Graduations: 6/17-19/81. 6/3/81 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo 9079, Boxing, So. Memo 9080, Boxing, Rm. (AFTER THE Res. 81-16683 adopted, Felix Zabala, Hall, June 13, 1981. (AFTER THE FACT) Res. 81-16684 adopted, Felix Zabala, 100 of No. Hall, May 16 & 30, 1981. FACT) 318 Date 6/17/81 6/17/81 Memo 9081, Res. 81-16685 adopted, Area Agency on 6/17/81 Aging (United Way ), sr. citizen showcase, (No admission charge) TOPA, June 26, 1981. Memo 9083, Res. 81-16687 adopted, amending lease 6/17/81 of Church of Reformation, Inc., seven concerts, 12/12/80 - Pete Seegar & Arlo Guthrie 2/15/80 - An Evening with Vincent Price (rant' cl' CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 31g (Cont'd) Date 3/6/81 - Count Basie & Sarah Vaughan 6/17/81 3/30/81 - Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo 4/3/81 - Dionne Warwick 4/7/81 - Enrico Macias 3/4/81 - National Ballet of Spain or substitute Amendment Purpose: Lessee will change the 3/4/81 concert date (National Ballet of Spain) to 7/11/81 Judy Collins. Memo 9084, Res. 81-16688 adopted, amending lease 6/17/81 of I.A.T.T.A., Religious Servs., No. Hall & No. Hall Wraparound Mtg. Rms. - 7/21-27/81; So. Hall Wraparound Mtg. Rms. - 7/23-27/81. Amendment Purpose: the name of the lessee is changed from I.A.T.T.A. to Divine Light Mission, Inc. CONVENTIONCENTER LEASES 320 Date Memo 9085, Res. 81-16689 adopted, Southeast Expo- 6/17/81 sitions, Inc., Crime Prevention Show, So. Hall, Oct. 6-12, 1981. Memo 9086, Res. 81-16690 adopted, Divine Light 6/17/81 Mission, Inc., Religious Servs., So. Hall, June 27, & 28, 1981. Memo 9101, Res. 81-16691 adopted, Sun Promotions, 6/17/81 Inc., Closed circuit boxing, So. Hall, June 25, 1981. Memo 9120, Res. 81-16706 adopted amending lease, 7/8/81 Southern Christian Leadership Conf., Ben Vereen, TOPA. Dates contracted: 5/6/81 & 6/28/81. Amendment: Le$see released 6(28(81 date, w4,11 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 321 (Cont'd) Date use 7/1/81 date instead. (AFTER THE FACT) 7/8/81 Memo 9110, Res. 81-16707 adopted amending lease, 7/8/81 Southeastern Shrine Conv. Corp. 1981, Conv., So. Hall. Dates contracted: 8/6-8/81. New dates: 8/6-7/81, lessee will release 8/8/81. Memo 9121, Res. 81-16708 adopted amending lease, 7/8/81 Discount Mgt., Inc., Merchant's Buying Syndicate Trade Show. Dates contracted: 9/21-27/81. Amendment: Lessee will release Rm. 100, at Lessor's request. Memo 9111, Res. 81-16709 adopted, S & L Productions, 7/8/81 World Trade Fair '82, No. Hall, 7/12-20/82, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 322 Date Memo 9129, Res. 81-16710 adopted, MB Region of 7/8/81 Hadassah, Membership Rally (No Admission Charge), TOPA, 11/2/81. Memo 9139, Res. 81-16715 adopted, So. FL Auto- 7/15/81 mobile Dealers Assoc., So. FL Auto Show, No. & So. Halls, 11/15-30/82. Memo 9140, Res. 81-16716 adopted, Am. Rental 7/15/81 Assoc., Conv., No. & So. Halls, lobbies & all mtg. rms., 3/11-20/82. Memo 9137, Res. 81-16724 adopted, Church of 7/15/81 Reformation, Inc., a gala evening of ballet, So. Hall, 8/4/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 323 Date Memo 9171, Res. 81-16732 adopted, National Radio 9/2/81 Broadcasters Assoc., Convention, TOPA, Sept. 14-15, 1981. Memo 9172, Res. 81-16733 adopted, WQBA Radio, 9/2/81 Latin Dance, No. Hall, Aug. 29-30, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9173, Res. 81-16734 adopted, Florida Phil- 9/2/81 harmonic, Inc. 4 concerts, TOPA; Dates: Oct. 18, 1981, Nov. 2, 1981, Jan. 8, 1982, March 16, 1982. Memo 9174, Res. 81-16735 adopted, amending lease 9/2/81 w/I.B.S. Flea Markets, Inc. (Trade Show Div.), Wholesale Merchandise Show (closed to public), CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 324 (Cotn'd) Date No. Hall, dates contracted: 8/9-14/81. Amendment: 9/2/81 Lessee is changing name to I.B.S. Flea Markets, Incy event to World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, and dates to 3/28-4/5/82. Memo 9175, Res. 81-16736 adopted, Temple King 9/2/81 Solomon, Chinese Circus, TOPA, Sept. 18-20, 1981 Memo 9176, Res. 81-16737 adopted, Tuto Enterprises, 9/2/81 Inc., Boxing, No. Hall, Rm. 100, Aug. 14, 1981. (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9181, Res. 81-16738 adopted, amending lease 9/2/81 w/Divine Light Mission, Inc. Religious Servs. (cont'd) CaVF TION CENTER LEASES 325 (Cont'd) Date Retaining July 21-27, 1981 No. Hall & No. Hall 9/2/81 Wraparound mtg. rooms. Amendment: Lessee releasing July 23-27, 1981 So. Hall Wraparound mtg. room dates, (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9182, Res. 81-16739 adopted, Palm Coast 9/2/81 Assoc., Religious meeting, So. Hall, rm. 102, July 17, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9214, Res. 81-16753 adopted, I.B.S. Flea 9/16/81 Market, Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, No. Hall, June 20-28, 1982 & Dec. 5-14, 1982. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 326 Date Memo 9215, Res. 81-16754 adopted,. MB Police 9/16/81 Athletic League, Country Western Show - Frizell & West, So. Hall, Sept. 18, 1981. Memo 9217, Res. 81-16756 adopted, Chris Dundee 9/16/81 Enterprises, Inc., Harlem Globetrotters, So. Hall, Dec. 26, 27 & 28, 1981. Memo 9218, Res. 81-16757 adopted, R.E. Cayard, 9/16/81 Inc., dance, No. Hall, room 100, Sept. 5 & 6, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9219, Res. 81-16758 adopted, Palm Coast 9/16/81 Assoc., religious servs., No. Hall, room 100, Aug. 18, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 327 Date Memo 9220, Res. 81-16759 adopted, Muscular 9/16/81 Dystrophy Assoc., Inc., 1981 Jerry Lewis Telethon, So. Hall, rooms 102 & 103, Aug. 31 - Sept. 8, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9221, Res. 81-16760 adopted, amending lease 9/16/81 w/Professional Golfers' Assoc. of Amer., 2 PGA Trade Shows, So. Hall, Jan. 5-12. 1982 & Jan. 4-11, 1983. Amendment: Lessee is releasing mtg. rooms 152 & 159 for 1982 show. Memo 9222, Res. 81-16761 adopted, Baron Antique 9/16/81 Shows, Inc., 2 antique shows, So. Hall - Mar. 25-28, 1982 and No. Hall - Oct. 21-24, 1982. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 328 Date Memo 9223, Res. 81-16762 adopted, Inter Global 9/16/81 Productions, Inc., Closed Circuit TV Boxing (Leonard - Hearns), No. Hall, 9-16-81 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9224, Res. 81-16763 adopted, amending lease 9/16/81 of MB Symphony, 5 pop concerts, TOPA, July 12 & 19, Aug. 23, & 30 and Sept. 7, 1981. Amendment: Aug. 16 date canceled due to tropical storm & rescheduled for Sept. 7, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9225, Res. 81-16764 adopted, amending lease 9/16/81 of Temple King Solomon, Chinese Circus, TOPA, Sept. 18-20, 1981. Amendment: Lessee will add a special matinee performance on Sept. 19, 1981 at CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 329 (Cont'd) Date 2:30 p.m. 9/16/81 Memo 9226, Res. 81-16765 adopted, Inter -Expo Corp. 9/16/81 Inter -Expo '82 - trade only (heavy industrial & agriculture equip. & serv. industries only), No. & So. Halls, Sept. 19-29, 1982. Memo 9228, Res. 81-16767 adopted, Am. Society of 9/16/81 Clinical Pathologists, Conv., So. Hall & entire wraparound, So. Hall - 10/13-22/82, No. Hall Mtg. Rms - 10/14-21/82, So. Hall Mtg. Rms., Rm. 103 - 10/13-23/82, All Mtg. Rms. - 10/14-22/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 330 Date Memo 9229, Res. 81-16768 adopted, Community 9/16/81 Concert Assoc., Inc., 7 concerts, TOPA, 10/17/81, 11/3/81, 12/13/81, 1/13/82, 2/17/82, 3/9/82, and 4/13/82. Memo 9230, Res. 81-16769 adopted, MB Symphony 9/16/81 Orchestra, 7 concerts, TOPA, 11/15/81, 12/6/81, 1/10/82, 2/7/82, 3/7/82, 4/11/82, and 5/2/82. Memo 9231, Res. 81-16770 adopted, MB Jaycees, 9/16/81 video games in conjunction w/Muscular Dystrophy telethon, No. Hall, Sept. 6-7, 1981 (AFTER THE FACT). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 331 Date Memo 9249, Res. 81-16784 adopted, Disc. Mgt., Inc. 10/15/81 Two Merchants Buying Syndicate Trade Shows, So. Hall - 5/3-9/82; No. Hall - 10/4-10/82. Memo 9250, Res. 81-16785 adopted, Nat'l. Elec. 10/15/81 Contractors Assoc., Inc., conv. No. Hall - 11/3-12/82, So. Hall - 11/5-12/82. Memo 9251, Res. 81-16786 adopted, Jewelers Intl. 10/15/81 Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show (trade only), So. Hall, 1/13-19/83. Agreement not to permit performance of any other fine jewelry & diamond trade show in facility 90 days after event. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 332 Date Memo 9252, Res. 81-16787 adopted, Opera Guild 10/15/81 of Greater Miami, Inc., D/B/A Greater Miami Opera Assoc., TOPA, 8 operas & rehearsals, 1/21-24/82, 2/18-21/82, 3/18-21/82, 4/15-18/82. Memo 9253, Res. 81-16788 adopted, Inter Global 10/15/81 Prods., Inc., closed circuit boxing, No. Hall, 9/16/81. Lease amendment: chg. of rental rate :to $11,000 or 10% as approved by Comm. on 9/2/81 (after the fact). Memo 9254, Res. 81-16789 adopted, Tuto Enterprises, 10/15/81 Inc., boxing, So. Hall, 9/26/81 (after the fact). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 333 Date Memo 9256, Res. 81-16791, Contemporary Prods., 10/15/81 Inc., Sesame St. Live, No. Hall, 10/8-11/81 (after the fact) . Memo 9257, Res. 81-16792 adopted, Church of 10/15/81 Reformation, Inc., 6 concerts, TOPA, 10/24&26/81, 1/15/82, 2/12/82, 3/17/82 & 4/12/82. Memo 9258, Res. 81-16793 adopted, Temple Beth 10/15/81 Sholom, 9 concerts, 21 ballet perfs., 3 rehearsals, TOPA, 10/15/81, 11/7,8 & 10/81, 12/14/81, 1/4-9, 11-16 & 20/82, 2/1,8,9-14 & 16/82, & 3/11/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 334 Date Memo 9259, Res. 81-16794 adopted, Nat'l. Assoc. 10/15/81 of Realtors, conv., No. Hall - 11/12-18/81, So. Hall - 11/12-19/81. No. & So. Hall mtg. rms - 11/12-18/81. Memo 9263, Res. 81-16798 adopted, Divine Light 10/15/81 Mission, Inc., spiritual mtg., So. Hall, 11/28 & 29/81. Memo 9264, Res. 81-16799 adopted, Divine Light 10/15/81 Mission, Inc., rel. servs., No. Hall, 7/27 - 8/2/82. Memo 9297, Divine Light Mission, Inc., spiritual 11/4/81 mtgs., So. Hall, 12/9 & 10/81; deferred to 11/18/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 335 Date Memo 9298, lease amdt., Baron Antique Shows, Inc. 11/4/81 2 antique shows. Date changed from 10/22-26/81 to 10/22-25/81 (10/26/81 rented to another lessee) [after the fact]; deferred to 11/18/81. Memo 9299, Perf. Enterprises, Inc., music concert 11/4/81 w/Freddie Fender, John Rodriguez & Bill Monroe, So. Hall, 11/21/81; deferred to 11/18/81. Memo 9300, Teldio Corp., Peppy Fields House Party, 11/4/81 TOPA, 1/17/82; deferred to 11/18/81. Memo 9301, Fla. Furniture Exhibitors, Inc., Fla. 11/4/$1 Furniture Show, No. & So. Halls, 8/11-18/82; deferred to 11/18/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 336 Date Memo 9303, Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union, 11/4/81 concert, TOPA, 1/18/82; deferred to 11/18/81. Memo 9297, Res. 81-16810 adopted, Divine Light 11/18/81 Mission, Inc., spiritual mtgs., So. Hall, 12/9 & 10/81. Memo 9298, Res. 81-16811 adopted, lease amdt. 11/18/81 Baron Antique Shows, Inc., 2 antique shows, No. Hall dates chgd from 10/22-26/81 to 10/22-25/81. (10/26/81 rented to another lessee) (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 9299, Res. 81-16812 adopted, Perf. Enter- 11/18/81 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 337 (Cont'd) Date prises, Inc., country music concert w/Freddie 11/18/81 Fender, John Rodriguez & Bill Monroe, So. Hall, 11/21/81. Memo 9300, Res. 81-16813 adopted, Teldio Corp., 11/18/81 Peppy Fields House Party, TOPA, 1/17/82. Memo 9301, Res. 81-16814 adopted, FL Furniture 11/18/81 Exhibitors, Inc., FL Furniture Show, No. & So. Halls, 8/11-18/82. Memo 9303, Res. 81-16816 adopted, Intl. Ladies' 11/18/81 Garment Wkrs Union, concert, TOPA, 1/18/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 338 Date Memo 9323, Res. 81-16817 adopted, Temple King 11/18/81 Solomon, Israeli Chassidic concert, TOPA, 11/14/81 AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9324, Res. 81-16818 adopted, lease amdt., 11/18/81 Mitch Hall Assocs., Comunicaciones Expo '82. Old dates: So. Hall - 4/22 - 5/1/82. New dates: So. Hall - 4/22-30/82, So. Hall mtg. rms - 4/22-29/82. Amendment: decrg. So. Hall's use by 1 day & incrg. use of mtg. rms. Memo 9325, Res. 81-16819 adopted, Interval Intl., 11/18/81 conv., So. Hall, 8/26 - 9/1/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 339 Date Memo 9327, Res. 81-16821 adopted, Footlighters 11/18/81 Foundation Fund, Inc., "Night of Stars", TOPA, 3/8/82. Memo 9328, Res. 81-16822 adopted, Chabad House, 11/18/81 Hassidic Concert, TOA, 3/10/82. Memo 9329, Res. 81-16823 adopted, MB Com. Singers, 11/18/81 concert, TOPA, 3/14/82. Memo 9330, Res. 81-16824 adopted, Am. Water Wks. 11/18/81 Assoc., cony., So. Hall - 5/13-20/82. So. Hall mtg. rms. - 5/13-21/82, 2nd floor No. Hall mtg. rms - 5/14-20/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 340 Date Memo 9332, Res. 81-16826 adopted, MB Cultural 11/18/81 Soc., 2 concerts (no admission chg), TOPA, 1/18/82 - Cavalcade of Stars; 4/14/82 - spring concert. Memo 9333, Res. 81-16827 adopted, Segmented Mktg., 11/18/81 Inc., Hispanic World's Fair (mktg. show), So. Hall, 3/3-9/82. Memo 9354, Res. 81-16846 adopted, Miami Intl. 12/2/81 Culinary Show, 1982 Miami Intl. Culinary Show, Inc., So. Hall, 4/14-19/82. Memo 9355, Res. 81-16847 adopted, Church of 12/2/81 Reformation, Inc., ballet gala, TOPA, 5/4-6/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 341 Date Memo 9356, Res. 81-16848 adopted, Temple Beth 12/2/81 Sholom, 9 concerts, 21 ballet perfs., 3 rehearsals, TOPA, 10/15/81 thru 3/11/82. Lease amdt.: chg'g. Am. Ballet Theater, 1/13/82 from show to rehearsal. Memo 9357, Res. 81-16849 adopted, MB Sr. High Com. Sch., Sh. Program (no admission chg), TOPA, 12/9/81. Memo 9358, Res. 81-16850 Mission, Inc., spiritual dates: 12/9-10/81. New Lease Arndt.: 3 -day mtg. 12/2/81 adopted, Divine Light 12/2/81 mtgs., So. Hall. Old dates: 12/8-10/81. instead of 1 -day. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo 9359, Res. 81-16851 adopted, Temple King Solomon, Shalom '82, TOPA, 2/13-15/82. 342 Date 12/2/81 Memo 9361, Res. 81-16853 adopted, Madison Sq. 12/2/81 Garden Attractions, Div. of Madison Sq. Garden Prods., Inc., AAU Gymnastics, So. Hall, 12/29-30/81. Memo 9386, Res. 81-16863 adopted, Cantors Assy. 12/16/81 Cantorial Concert, TOPA, 1/19/82. Memo 9387, Res. 81-16864 adopted, Cultural Arts 12/16/81 Soc. of S. Fla., Inc. free children's ballet, TOPA, 4/14/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 143 Date Memo 9391, Res;. 81-16868 adopted, lease amdt., 12/16/81 Divine Light Mission, Inc., spiritual mtgs., S. Hall. Lessee reduced mtg. days from 12/6-10/81 to 12/7-10/81. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo 9398, Res. 81-16869 adopted, Chris Dundee 12/16/81 Enterprises, Inc., closed circuit boxing, S. Hall, 12/11/81 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo 9399, Res. 81-16870 adopted, lease amdt., 12/16/81 Contemporary Prods., Inc., Sesame St. Live, N. Hall, 10/8-11/81. Amdt. purpose: Comm. approved new rate (AFTER THE FACT). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 344 Date Comm. Fromberg requested that when time permits, 12/16/81 Admin. make every effort to poll Comm. for approval of Conv. Ctr. leases and/or amdts. to leases bef. the event, thus avoiding placing Comm. in pos. of approving after -the -fact leases.