Convention Center Leases_January 1982CONVENTTON CENTER LEASES 345 Date Memo 7-82, lease amdt. Res. 82-16877 adopted, 1/6/82 Temple Beth Sholom, 9 concerts, 20 ballet perfs., 4 rehearsals, TOPA. Old dates: 10/15/81 - 3/11/82. New dates: 10/15/81 - 7/22/82. Arndt. purpose: lessee will add date of 7/22/82 for London Symphony (addnl. concert) Memo 8-82, Res. 82-16878 adopted, Delta Sigma 1/6/82 Theta Sorority, Debutante Ball (no admission charge) So. Hall, 4/3/82. Memo 9-82, Res. 82-16879 adopted. Luggage & 1/6/82 Leather Goods Mfrs. of Am., cony., No. Hall. New dates: No. Hall - 3/3-9/82, No. Hall Mtg. Rms - 3/6-9/82. Lease amdt.: releasing 3/10/82 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo 44-82, Res. 82-16891 adopted, Temple Beth Sholom, cantorial concert, TOPA, 3/15/82. Memo 45-82, Res. 82-16892 adopted, R.E. Cayard, Inc., dance, rms. 102 & 103 of So. Hall, 1/23-24/82. 347 Date 1/20/82 1/20/82 Memo 48-82, Res. 82-16895 adopted, Natl. Assoc. of 1/20/82 Realtors, cony., No. Hall & No. & So. Hall mtg. rms. - 11/12-18/81, So. Hall - 11/12-19/81. Lease amdt: 11/14/81 chgd. from mtg. to move -in day (after the fact). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 346 (Cont'd) Date show day. Memo 10-82, Res. 82-16880. adopted, Ringling Bros.- 1/6/82 Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., circus, No. Hall, 1/20 thru 2/2/82 - 27 performances, 1/19 thru 2/3/83 - 29 performances. Memo 29-82, Res. 82-16881 adopted, Tuto Enter- 1/6/82 prises, Inc., 5 boxing events, So. Hall & Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 12/18/81 (AFTER THE FACT), 1/22/82, 2/5/82, 3/2/82 & 4/2/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 348 Date Memo 70-82, Res. 82-16906 adopted, Church of Refor- 2/3/82 mation, Inc., 3 concerts, TOPA, 2/3-5/82. Memo 96-82, Res. 82-16918 adopted, amend'g lease 2/17/82 of D.S. Clarke, antique show, So. Hall, 2/2-11/82. Amendment: Lessee releasing mtg. rms. 154 & 159 on 2/8-11/82 (after the fact). Memo 97-82, Res. 82-16919 adopted, Temple King 2/17/82 Solomon, Raphael in concert, TOPA, 5/7-9/82. Memo 98-82, Res. 82-16920 adopted, New World Bal- 2/17/82 let, Inc., ballet; rehearsals, 6/2-4, 20/82; 1 perf/day cont'd. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 349 (Cont'd) Date 6/7-13, 21-23, 25-26/82; 2 perfs./day - 6/24/82. 2/17/82 Memo 99-82, Res. 82-16921 adopted, amd'g lease of 2/17/82 Temple Beth Sholom, 10 concerts, 20 ballet perfs., 4 rehearsals, TOPA, 10/15/81 - 7/22/82. Amdt: On 2/12/82, Lessee will chg. time of occupancy from noon - 6 p.m. to 6 p.m. - mdnt. for evg. perf. instead of matinee (after the fact). Memo 100-82, Res. 82-16922 adopted, Ice Follies & 2/17/82 Holiday on Ice, Inc., Disney's World on Ice, No. Hall, 4/28 - 5/10/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 350 Date Memo 123-82, I.B.S. Flea Mkt., Inc., World's 3/3/82 Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 3/4-14/83, 6/17-27/83, 12/2-12/83. VM Dr. Haber explained that although he had no objections to proposed March & June dates, he was opposed to Dec. date because of its adverse effect on local merchants, inasmuch as it was too close to Christmas/Chanukah season. Harold Friedman, representing I.B.S., advised that they would have preferred an earlier date (in Nov.), but none was available. Following discussion, Conv. Ctr. Dir. was requested to again rev. cal. of events scheduled for Dec. & Nov. in this facility, and to attempt to accommodate the show. Later in mtg., CC Dir. advised that he was unable to arrange the schedule. VM Dr. Haber's motion to CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 351 Date deny request for Dec., dates & approve March & June 3/3/82 dates, died, for lack of 2nd. Comm. Singer's motion to approve the 3 sets of dates, as recommended, failed of passage 3-3 (Mayor Ciment, VM Dr. Haber & Comm. Eisenberg opposed; Comms. Fromberg, Singer, & Weinstein in favor, Comm. Daoud absent). Matter deferred to 3/17/82 for full Comm. CC Dir. directed to meet w/I.B.S. in interim, w/view to rescheduling other bookings to accommodate I.B.S. during Nov. or Oct., 1983. Memo 139-82, Res. 82-16942 adopted, Chabad House, 3/17/82 music festival, TOPA, 4/12/82. CONVENTION"CENTER"LEASES 352 Date Memo 140-82, Res. 82-16943 adopted, Cugui's Pro- 3/17/82 ductions, Latin dance, No. Hall, 4/10 & 11/82. Memo 141-82, Res. 82-16944 adopted, Natl. Health 3/17/82 Screening Council for Volunteer Orgs., Inc., Health Fair '82, So. Hall, rm. 102, 4/12/82. Memo 157-82, I.B.S. Flea Market, Inc., chg. of 3/17/82 dates from 12/2-12/83 to 11/25 - 12/5/83. Charles Goldstein, Pres. - IBS, appeared in support of re- quest & advised that, per Comm. 3/3/82 action, Dec. dates were moved up to overcome objection of local merchants. Reps. of Lincoln Rd. Mercantile Assoc. appeared & indicated their opposition to allowing (rnnt'd) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 353 (Cont'd) Date this event on any dates. VM Dr. Haber's motion to 3/17/82 reject the recommended 11/25-12/5/83 dates & encour- age IBS to meet w/merchants in an effort to det. addnl. fut. dates, died for lack of 2nd. Admin's recommenda- tion that IBS Flea Mkts., Inc. be granted a contr. to pres. the Flea Mkt. in Conv. Hall No. 11/25-12/5/83, approved. Res. 82-16946 adopted, authorizing execu- tion of lease agreement for 3/4-14/83, 6/17-27/83, and 11/25-12/5/83. Commissioners urged that IBS wk. w/Admin., meet w/local merchants, & try to make booths available to them at reduced rates. Memo 179-82, Res. 82-16955 adopted, Natl. Bap. Conv. 4/6/8'2 of USA, conv., So. Hall, 9/7-12/82. CONVENTION "CENTER 'LEASES 354 Date Memo 180-82, Res. 82-16956 adopted, Natl. Bap. Conv. 4/6/82 of USA, cony., No. Hall, 9/5-13/82. Memo 181-82, Res. 82-16957 adopted, lease amdt. - 4/6/82 Tuto Enterprises, Inc., 5 boxing events, So. Hall & Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 12/18/81 - 3/26/82. Admt. pur- pose: 4/2/82 in Conv. Hall So. chgd. to 3/26/82 in rm. 100, Conv. Hall No. (after the fact) Memo 182-82, Res. 82-16958 adopted, Kenneth Copeland 4/6/82 Ministries, ch. servs., TOPA, 8/28/82. Memo 183-82, Res. 82-16959 adopted, Divine Lt. Mis- 4/6/82 sion, Inc. rel. servs., So. Hall," 12/9-11/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 355 (Cont'd) DatE Memo 184-82, Res. 82-16960 adopted, lease amdt. 4/6/82 Jewelers Intl. Showcase, Inc., fine jewelry & dia- mond show, So. Hall, chg. 1/13-19/83 dates to 1/20-25/83 & reduce show dates from 4 to 3. Memo 185-82, Res. 82-16961 adopted, Eantasma Prods., 4/6/82 Inc., Bobby Womack concert, TOPA, 3/26/82. (after the fact) Memo 186-82, Res. 82-16962 adopted, Jewelers Intl. 4/6/82 Showcase, Inc., JIS Jewelry & Gift Show, No. Hall, 8/19-25/82. Memo 187-82, Res. 82-16963 adopted, Michael R. Elli- 4/6/ son, Inc., rel. servs. from Israel, So. Ha11, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 35-6 (Cont'd) Date Rm. 102, 4/10/82, (free admission) (Christian Broad- 4/6/82 casting Network). Memo 188-82, Res. 82-16964 adopted, Tuto Enterprises 4/6/82 Inc., boxing, No. Hall, Rm. 100, 4/16/82. Memo 224-82, Res. 82-16975 adopted, Printing Ind. 4/21/82 of So. Fla., Inc., Graphics of the Americas, So. Hall, 1/26-31/83, 1/25-31/84. Memo 225-82, Res. 82-16976 adopted, amd'g lease of 4/21/82 Ice Follies & Holiday on Ice, Inc., Disney's World on Ice, No. Hall, 4/28-5/10/82. Lessee will have addnl. perfs. 4/30/82, 5/4,7/82 - 1 perf./day; 5/5, 6/82 - 2 perfs./day; 5/1, 2, 8, 9/82 - CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 357 (Cont' d) Date 3 perfs/day. 4/21/82 Memo 228-82, Res. 82-16979 adopted, lease amdt. 4/21/82 Pro. Golfers Assoc. of Am., trade show, So. Hall, new dates: 1/11-19/83, old dates: 1/4-11/83. Another lessee moved dates up to accommodate PGA. Memo 229-82, Res. 82-16980 adopted, Bellande Georges 4/21/82 & Michael Bastien, Haitian dance, No. Hall Rm. 100, 6/5-6/82. Memo 230-82, Res. 82-16981 adopted, New World 4/21/82 Festival, Inc., Israel Philharmonic, Paul Taylor Dance Co. -- perfs. & rehearsal, TOPA, 6/5-6/82 & 6/15-18/82, 1 perf./day; 6/14/82 - rehearsal; CONVENTION CENTER LEASES (Cont'd) 6/19/82 - 2 perfs. Memo 232-82, Res. 82-16983 adopted, Eastern Air- lines, "Taste of Fla. Evg." for Asta World Con- gress, So. Hall, 10/11-13/82. Memo 233-82, Res. 6 pops concerts, Memo 260-82, Res. Youth Conflicts, 358 Date 4/21/82 4/21/82 82-16984 adopted, MB Symphony, 4/21/82 TOPA, 7/11, 18, 25/82, 8/8,15,22/82. 82-16992 adopted, Inst. in Basic 5/5/82 Inc., educ. sem., So. Hall, 10/25-30/82. Memo 261-82, Res. 82-16993 adopted, Tuto Enterprises, 5/6, Inc., TV boxing, So. Hall, 5/1/82 (after the fact). -CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 359 Date Memo 262-82, Res. 82-16994 adopted, amdg. lease of 5/5/82 Mitch Hall Assocs., Comunicaciones Expo '82 (trade only) So. Hall - 4/22-30/82 & So. Hall mtg. rms. - 4/22-29/82. Amdt. purpose: lessee chg'g name to Latcom, Inc. (parent co. of Mitch Hall Assocs) (after the fact). Memo 263-82, Res. 82-16995 adopted, MB Police 5/5/82 Athletic League, Inc., country western concert, So. Hall, 8/20/82. Memo 264-82, Res. 82-16996 adopted, Am. Waterworks 5/5/82 Assoc., mtg., TOPA, 5/17/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 360 Date Memo 265-82, Res. 82-16997 adopted, Latcom, Inc., 5/5/82 Comunicaciones Expo '83 (trade only), So. Hall - 4/7-15/83. So. Hall mtg. rms. in wraparound - 4/7-15/83. Memo 266-82, Res. 82-16998 adopted, Promotions, 5/5/82 Inc., 1983 Intl. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 1/13-17/83. Memo 269-82, Res. 82-17001 adopted, Latin Arts 5/5/82 Prod., Inc., Roberto Carlos concert, TOPA, 5/30 - 6/1/82. Memo 270-82, Res. 82-17002 adopted, Temple King 5/5/Pi= Solomon, Raphael in Concert, TOPA, 5/7-9/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 361 Date Memo 306-82, Res. 82-17010 adopted, Ballet Concerto 5/19/82 Sch., ballet, TOPA, 6/27/82. Memo 307-82, Res. 82-17011 adopted, Natl. Piggly- 5/19/82 Wiggly Operators Asso., conv., So. Hall, 6/24-30/82. Memo 308-82, Res. 82-17012 adopted, So. Bell Tel & 5/19/82 Tel Co., AT&T shhldrs. reg. mtg., TOPA, 9/22-23/82. Memo 339-82, Res. 82-17023 adopted, Divine Lt. 6/2/82 Mission, Inc., rel. servs., So. Hall, 6/19 & 20/82. Memo 340-82, Res. 82-17024 adopted, So. FL 6/2/82 Auto Dealers Assoc., So. FL Auto Show, No. &