Convention Center Leases_June 1982CONVENTION CENTER LEASES (Cont'd) So. Hall, 10/31 - Memo 341-82, Res. Inc., dance, rms. 18/82. 362 Date 11/15/83. 6/2/82 82-17025 adopted, R.E. Cayard, 6/2/82 102 & 103 of So. Hall, 7/17 & Memo 342-82, Res. 82-17026 adopted, Tuto Enter- 6/2/82 prises, Inc., 7 boxing events, No. Hall & rm. 100 of No. Hall, 5/21/82, 7/2, 23/82, 8/6, 27/82, 9/17/82, 10/1/82. (after the fact). Memo 343-82, Res. 82-17027 adopted, Bellande 6/2/82 Georges & Michael Bastien, dance, rm. 100 of No. Hall, 7/3 & 4/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 36.3 Date Memo 378-82, Res. 82-17032 adopted, Tuto Enter- 6/16/82 prises, Inc., boxing, rm. 100 of No. Hall, 6/8/82 (after the fact). Memo Inc. 380-82, Res. 82-17034 adopted, Sonny boxing, So. Hall, 6/11/82 (after the Memo 381-82, Res. 82-17035 adopted, Disc. Inc., 2 merchant's buying syndicate trade So. Hall, 5/2-8/83 & 9/26 - 10/2/83. Unlimited 6/l' fact). Mgt., 6//16/82 shows, Memo 382-82, Res. 82-17036 adopted, amdg. lease 6/16/82 of Latin Arts Prod., Inc., Roberto Carlos concert, TOPA, 5/30 - 6/1/82. Amdt. purpose: rate chg. per Comm. action 5/19/82 (aftr the fact). CONVENTION CENTERLEASES 164 Date Memo 383-82, Res. 82-17037 adopted, Dade Co. Sch. 6/16/82 Bd., high sch. grad. exercises & rehearsals, So. Hall & TOPA, 6/11, 15-18/82. Memo 384-82, Res. 82-17038 adopted, Chris Dundee 6/16/82 Enterprises, Inc., boxing world championship (Palma vs. Cruz), So. Hall, 6/12/82 (after the fact). Memo 416-82, Res. 82-17046 adopted, Am. Acad. of 7/7/82 Family Phys., conv., No. & So. Halls & all mtg. rms., 10/5-15/83. CONVENTION'CENTER'LEASES 365 Date Memo 417-82, Res. 82-17047 adopted, Vi -Car 7/7/82 Entertainment, Inc., Vikki Carr concert, TOPA, 7/17/82. Memo 418-82, Res. 82-17048 adopted, amdg. lease 7/7/82 of Latcom, Inc., Comunicaciones Expo '83 (trade only), So. Hall, 4/7-15/83. Lessee will use No. Hall & No. Hall mtg. rms. instead of So. Hall & So. Hall mtg. rms. Memo 419-82, Res. 82-17049 adopted, Pro. Golfers 7/7/82 Assoc. of Am., PGA trade show, No. Hall, 1/12-20/84. CONVENTION CENTER Memo 420-82, Res. Inter -Expo Corp., No. & So. Halls. dates 9/19-30/82. adding 1 show day. LEASES 366 Date 82-17050 adopted amdg. lease of 7/7/82 Inter -Expo '82 (trade only), Old dates: 9/19-29/82. New Lessee releasing So. Hall & Memo 421-82, Res. 82-17051 adopted, amdg. lease of 7/7/82 Divine Lt. Mission, Inc., rel. servs., So. Hall. Old dates: 6/19 & 20/82. New dates: 6/19-21/82. Lessee added addnl. show date (after the fact). Memo 422-82, Res. 82-17052 adopted, Communication 7/7/82 Trends, Inc., DBA "The Interface Group", conv., No. & So. Halls & mtg. rms., 3/17-27/82. CON7tNTTON CENTERIEASES 367 Date Memo 427-82, Res. 82-17054 adopted, Ch. of 7/7/82 Reformation, Inc., ballet gala, TOPA 7/24/82. Memo 428-82, Res. 82-17055 adopted, United Teachers 7/7/82 of Dade, mtg., No. Hall, 6/29/82 (after the fact). Memo 479-82, Res. 82-17060 adopted, Community 7/21/82 Concert Assoc., Inc. 8 concerts, TOPA, 10/31/82 - 4/12/83. Memo 515-82, Res. 82-17073 adopted, MB Region of 8/18/82 Hadassah, membership rally (No admission charge), TOPA, 10/18/82. CONVENTION'CENTER LEASES 368 Date Memo 516-82, Res. 82-17074 adopted, Temple Beth 8/18/82 Sholom, Am. Ballet Theater, TOPA, 1/24-2/5/83. Memo 517-82, Res. 82-17075 adopted, Systematic 8/18/82 Prods., Inc., Johnny Taylor Concert, TOPA,8/21/82. Memo 518-82, Res. 82-17076 adopted, Paul Steinberg 8/18/82 political rally & concert, (No admission charge), TOPA, 9/5/82. Memo 525-82, Res. 82-17077 adopted, Temple King 8/18/82 Solomon, 14 concerts & 1 rehearsal, TOPA. 10/14/82 - 2/15/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Date Memo 526-82, Trovadores De Espana '82 (2 concerts), 8/18/82 TOPA, 8/27,29/82; removed from agenda (contr. cancelled by Trovadores de Espana '82). Memo 555-82, Res. 82-17090 adopted, Kuhn for Gov. 9/1/82 Campaign, political rally & concert (no admission charge), TOPA, 8/16/82. Memo 556-82, Res. 82-17091 adopted, Am. Zionist 9/1/82 Fed., 35th Celebration Israel Independence Day, So. Hall, 4/17/83. Memo 557-82, Res. 82-17092 adopted, Intl. 9/1/82 Ladies.' Garment Wkrs., Un$on? concert, TQ A,1/18/83. CONVENTION' CENTER LEASES Memo 558-82, Res. 82-17093 adopted, Olympia Palace, Haitian dance, Rms. 102 & 103 in So. Hall, 8/28-29/82. 370 Date 9/1/82 Memo 584-82, Res. 82-17115 adopted, Ballet Etudes 9/15/82 Co. & Workshop, Inc., Ballet "Nutcracker", TOPA, 11/28/82. Memo 586-82, Res. 82-17117 adopted, The Gtr. 9/15/82 Miami Jewish Fed., The Holocaust Program (free admission), TOPA, 4/10/83. Memo 587-82, Res. 82-17118 adopted, Opera Guild 9/15/82 of Gtr. 11i, Inc., D/B/A Gtr. Miami Opera Assoc., 8 operas. & rehearsals.. TOPA. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Date Memo 588-82,Res. 82-17119 adopted, New West 9/15/82 Presentations, Inc., Sesame St. Life, So. Hall, 10/5-10/82. 371 Memo 623-82, Res. 82-17134 adopted, Am. Bankers 10/6/82 Assoc., ABA Auto. Conf., No. & So. Hall. Memo 624-82, Res. 82-17135 adopted, MB Symphony 10/6/82 Orchestra, 7 concerts, TOPA. •Memo 625-82, Res. 82-17136 adopted, amd'g lease 10/6/82 of Divine Lt. Mission, Inc., religious Servs., So. Hall.. New dotes: 12/8-10/82., Purpose: chg. old dates. of 12/9,11/82.._ CONVENTION CENTER LEASES X72 Date Memo 626-82, Res. 82-17137 adopted, Church of 10/6/82 Reformation, Inc., Spanish Festival, TOPA, 11/27/82. Memo 627-82, Res. 82-17138 adopted, amd'g lease 10/6/82 of Tuto Enterprises, Inc., 7 boxing events, Rm. 100 of No. Hall. Amdt. Purpose, chg. last 2 dates from 9/17/82 & 10/1/82 to 9/18/82 & 10/2/82. Memo 677-82, Res. 82-17157 adopted, amd'g lease. of 10/20/8: Eastern Airlines, "Taste of FL Evening" for ASTA World Congress, So. Hall. Amdt.: addn. of 10/1-3/82 dates for setup, & renaming So Hall to No. Hall. (After the fact.) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 373 Date Memo 678-82 Res. 82-17158 adopted, amd'g. lease 10/20/82 of Tuto Enterprises, Inc., 7 boxing events, No. Hall & Rm. 100 of No. Hall. Amdt: chg. Rm. 100 to So. Hall. (after the fact) Memo 679-82, Res. 82-17159 adopted, Democratic 10/20/82 Party of FL, political rally, TOPA, 10/24/81. Memo 680-82, Res. 82-17160 adopted, amd'g lease 10/20/82 of Temple King Solomon, 14 concerts & 1 rehearsal, TOPA. Amdt: addn. of 10/13/82 as a rehearsal day & 10/14/82 chgd. to a performance instead of rehearsal. (after the fact) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 174 Date Memo 682-82, Res. 82-17162 adopted, Jewelers 10/20/82 Intl. Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show (open to trade only), So. Hall, 1/12-18/84. Memo. 683-82, Res. 82-17163 adopted, Calvin Pete 10/20/82 Enterprises, Bloodstone & Dayton concert ( soul music), TOPA, 10/22/82. Memo 684-82, Res. 82-17164 adopted, Delta Sigma 10/20/82 Theta Sorority, debutante ball ( no admission charge), So. Hall, 4/23/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 175' Date Memo 706-82, Res. 82-17171 adopted, Temple Beth 11/3/82 Sholom, 8 concerts, 3 dance companies, 1 rehearsal, TOPA. Memo 705-82, Res. 82-17172 adopted, MB Sr. High 11/3/82 School, Share Program ( no admission charge), TOPA, 12/16/82. Memo 707-82, Res. 82-17173 adopted, Footlighters 11/3/82 Foundation Fund, Inc., "Night of Stars", TOPA 3/21/83. CONVENTIONCENTER'LEASES 376 Date Memo 708-82, Res. 82-17174 adopted, 2 lease 11/3/82 amdts. for Temple King, Solomon, 1982-83 concert series, TOPA, lease approved 8/18/82. Amdt: add 11/6-7/82 concert by Rocio Jurado & add rehearsal on 10/13/82. (after the fact) Memo 709-82, Res. 82- 17175 adopted, amd'g lease 11/3/82 of Temple King Solomon, 1982-83 concert series, TOPA, lease approved 8/18/82. Arndt: add Israeli Chassidic Festival on 12/25-26/82. Memo 710-82, Res. 82-17176 adopted, FL Furniture 11/3/82 Exhibitors, Inc., FL Furniture Show, No. & So. Halls, 8/17-24/83. CONVENTTON'CENTM.LEASES '377 Date Memo 711-82, Res. 82-17177 adopted, Madison Square 11/3/8: Garden Prods., Inc., U.S. Pro Gymnastics Classic, So. Hall, 12/3-4/82. Memo 713-82, Res. 82-17170 adopted, Tuto Enter- 11/3/82 prises, Inc., 3 boxing events, So. Hall & Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 10/29/82(after the fact), 12/11/82, 2/4/83. Memo 714-82, Res. 82-17180 adopted, amd'g lease 11/3/82 of Tuto Enterprises, Inc., 3 boxing events, So. Hall & Rm. 100 of No. Hall, (dates as listed above). Arndt: addn. of 10/31/82 date for t.v. closed circuit boxing & Rm. 100 of No. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 378 Date Memo 715-82, Res. 82-17182 adopted, St. Francis 11/3/82 Hospital, Holiday Variety Show, TOPA, 12/19/82. Memo 716-82, Res. 82-17182 adopted, Teldio Corp., 11/3/82 Peppy Fields House Party, TOPA, 2/6/83. Memo 737-82, Res. 82-17183 adopted, amd'g lease 11/3/82 of Democratic Party of FL, political rally, TOPA, 10/24/82. Admt: lessee will now be known as Dade Co. Democratic Party. Memo 766-82, Res. 82-17200 adopted, Baron Antique 12/15/8' chows, Inc., Antique Show, So. Hall, 2/7-16/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 379 Date Memo 767-82, Res. 82-17201 adopted, Amway Co. 12/15/82 as agent for merchandising productions, inc., Amway Exposition and Convention, So. Hall, 3/4 & 5/83. Memo 768-82, Res. 82-17202 adopted, Miami 12/15/82 International Culinary Show, Inc., 1983 Miami International Culinary Show, No. Hall, 4/20-25/83. Memo 777-82, Res. 82-17204. adopted, Chase Federal 12/15/82 Savings and Loan Associates, Free Concert, TOPA, 1/17/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 380 Date Memo 781-82, Res. 82-17208 adopted, amnd'g. lease 12/15/82 of Madison Square Garden Attractions, A division of Madison Square Garden Productions, Inc., U.S. professional gymnastics classic, So. Hall. Old dates: 12/3&4/82 to 12/2-4/82. Purpose: adding another move -in day (After the fact). Memo 782-82, Res. 82-17209 adopted, Chris Dundee 12/15/82 Enterprises, Inc., Harlem Globetrotters, So. Hall, 12/28/82.