Convention Center Leases_January 1983CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 381 Date Memo 9-83, Res. 83-17225 adopted, lease amendment 1/5/83 Temple Beth Shalom, 1982-83 Concert Series, TOPA, New dates: 10/10/82 and 2/7/83. (After the fact). Purpose: Added two days and changed rates Memo 11-83, Res:. 83-17227 adopted, lease amend- 1/5/83 went. Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc.,Circus, No. Hall, old dates: 1/19 - 2/3/83, new dates: 1/19- 2/1/83. Purpose: lessee canceled two performances. Memo 12-83, Res. 83-17228 adopted, Fla. Inter- 1/5/83 national University for and on behalf of the Fla. Board of Regents,, Commencement Exercises, So. Hall, 4/22/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 382 Date Memo 28-83, Res. 83-17240 adopted, Baron Antique 1/19/83 Shows, Inc., two Antique Shows, So. Hall, 4/28- 5/1/83, No. Hall, 10/27-30/83. Memo 29-83, Res. 83-17241 adopted, Ringling Bros. 1/19/83 Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., Walt Disney's Great Ice Odyssey, No. Hall, 4/30-5/16/83 and 4/15-30/84. Memo 61-83, Res. 83-17257 adopted, Ringside 2/2/83 Events, Inc., Boxing, room 100 of No. Hall, 3/1/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 383 Date Memo 63-83, Res. 83-17259 adopted,Miami Beach 2/2/83 Symphony Orchestra, Children's Concerts (no admission charge), TOPA, 4/13/83. Memo 100-83, Res. 83-17265 adopted, Expro Inter- 2/16/83 national, Inc., International home Show, No. Hall, 8/30 - 9/8/83. Memo 101-83, Res. 83-17266 adopted, lease amend- 2/16/83 ment, American Academy of Family Physicians, Convention, No. Hall 10/5-15/83. Purpose: lessee will add use of TOPA on 10/11/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 384 Date Memo 103-83, Res. 83-17268 adopted, lease amend- 2/16/83 ment. Amway Corporation, as agent for merchandising productions, Inc., Amway Exposition and Convention So. Hall, 3/4&5/83. Purpose: Lessee will add 3/3 as a move -in day. Memo 129-83, Res. 83-17277 adopted, Expo. Corp. 3/2/83 of Amer., Miami Home Show, No. & So. Halls, 5/83 thru 6/86. (*for amdmt. see over) Memo 130-83, Res. 83-17278 adopted, Bertha Abess 3/2/83 Childrens Ctr., Kick Boxing Championship, Rm. 100, No. Hall, 2/28/83 (after the fact) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 385 Date Memo 159-83, Res. 83-17287 adopted, Jewelers 3/16/83 Int'l. Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show, No. Hall, 9/29-10/4/83. Memo 160-83, Res. 83-17288 adopted, Jewelers 3/16/83 Int'l. Showcase, Inc.,Fine Jewelery & Diamond Show, So. Hall, 1/10-1/16/85. Memo 161-83, Res. 83-17289 adopted, Cultural Arts 3/16/83 Soc. of So. Fla., Inc., Free Children's Ballet, TOPA, 4/19/83. Memo 198-83, Res. 83-17302 adopted, Neal Pedowitz, 4/6/83 Fla. Office Olympics, Rm. 100, No. Hall, 4/29/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo 199-83, Reformation, sub., TOPA, 5 Memo 201-83, Inc., World's 3/4-3/12/84, Memo 202-83, Sholom, 82-83 to Dade Cnty. Memo 233-83, Expo., Health public), So. 386 Date Res. 83-17303 adopted, Church of 4/6/83 Inc., An Eve. w/Charles Aznavour or /14/83. Res. 83-17305 adopted, IBS Flea Mkt., 4/6/83 Largest Indoor Flea Market, No. Hall, 6/15-6/25/84, 11/23-12/3/84. withdrawn by City Mgr., Temple Beth 4/6/83 Concert Series, TOPA. (Series moved Aud.) Res. 83-17313 adopted, Trans Amer. 4/20/83 , Nutrition & Fitness Show (open to Hall, 1/19-1/23/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 387 Date Memo 234-83, Res. 83-17314 adopted, amdg. lease 4/20/83 Miami Int'l. Boat Show, Inc., Miami Int'. Boat Show, No. & So. Halls, Amdg. dates, Old: 2/13-2/28/93, New: 2/12-2/27/93. Memo 235-83, Res. 83-17315 adopted, amdg. lease 4/20/83 Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., Walt Disney's Great Ice Odyssey, No. Hall, 4/30- 5/16/83 & 4/15-4/30/84; add 4 performances. Memo 236-83, Res. 83-17316 adopted, Temple King 4/20/83 Solomon, 8 concerts, TOPA, 6/10-6/12/83 Camilo Sesto; 8/28/83 Lupita Dalesso; 9/23-9/25/83 Raphael. Memo 238-83, Res. 83-17318 adopted, amdg. lease 4/20/83 Latcom, Inc., Comunicaciones Expo '83 (trade only) Mn Nall k Mn Nall Mta Rmc in Wranarnnnei(cont.) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 388 Date (cont.) 4/7-4/15/83. Amdt.: Delete No. Hall Mtg. Rms. in Wraparound on 4/8, 4/9, 4/14/83. Memo 273-83, Res. 83-17329 adopted, amdg. lease 5/4/83 M.B. Symphony Orch., 7 concerts, TOPA, Amdg.. dates, Old: 11/7/82-5/1/83; New: 11/7/82-5/8/83; Delete 5/1/83 & use 5/8/83. Memo 274-83, Res. 83-17330 adopted, Baron Antique 5/4/83 Shows, Inc., Antique Show, So. Hall, 2/5-2/14/83. Memo 275-83, Res. 83-17331 adopted, Promotions, 5/4/83 Inc., Int'l. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 12/28/83- 1/2/84. T ,2mo 276-83, Res. 83-17332 adopted, Elan Vital, Inc., 5/4/82 Religious Svcs., No. Hall, 6/30-7/4/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 389 Date 6/1/83 Memo 335-83, Res. 83L17360 adopted, Dade Co. C3A Sch. Bd., high sch. graduation exercises & rehearsals, TOPA; rehearsals - 6/9 & 13/83; graduations - 6/14-16/83. 6/1/83 Memo 336-83, Res. 83-17361 adopted, Adams Bros. C3B Restaurant & Bar, Haitian dance, No. Hall, rm. 100, 6/11-12/83. 6/1/83 Memo 337-83, Res. 83-17362 adopted, amdg. lease C3C w/Jewelers Intl. Showcase, Inc., fine jewelry & diamond show, so. hall, reducing show dates fr. 1/12-18/84 to 1/12-17/84 (3 days). CONVENTION CENTER (LEASES 390 Date 6/1/83 Memo 338_83, Res. 83=17363 adopted, Intl. Action C3 Sports, Inc., truck & tractor pull, No. hall, 7/21-24/83. 6/1/83 Memo 339-83, Res. 83-17364 adopted, amdg. lease C3 w/Am. Bankers Assoc., ABA Nat'l. Operations/Automation Conf., No. Hall, to change show move in dates fr. 5/22-25/83 to 5/22-24/83 and move out date fr. 5/26/83 to 5/25-26/83. 6/1/83 Memo 340-83, Res. 83-17365 adopted, Intl. Ladies C3F Garment Wkrs. Union, concert, TOPA, 1/16/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 391 Date 6/15/83 Memo 376-83, Res. 83-17374 adopted, M.B. Reg. of C -3A Hadassah membership rally (no admission chg.) TOPA, 10/31/83. 6/15/83 Memo 377-83, Res. 83-17375 adopted, Oral Roberts C -3B Evangelistic Ass'n. rel. mtg., TOPA, 9/10/83. 6/15/83 Memo 379-83, Res. 83-17377 adopted, Inst. in Basic C-3 D Youth Conflicts, Inc. educ'L sem., So. Hall, 10/24- 29/83. • 6/15/83 Memo 380-83, Res. 83-17378 adopted, M.B. C -3E Symphony, 2 POPS concerts, TOPA, 9/4 & 11/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 392 Date 7/6/83 Memo 428-83, Res. 83-17389 adopted, M.B. Police C-3 A Athletic League, Inc., Country Western Concert, So. Hall, 8/13/83. 7/6/83 Memo 429-83, Res. 83-17390 adopted, Ch. of C -3B Reformation, Inc., Eve. of Ballet w/Alexander Godunov (or sub), TOPA, 8/20/83. 7/6/83 Memo 430-83, Res. 83-17391 adopted, Cenis Prods. C 3 C Inc., Latin Dance, No. Hall, 7/16-7/17/83. 7/6/83 Memo 431-83, Res. 83-17392 adopted, Temple C 3D King Solomon, Concerts/Shows/Rehearsals, (cont'd) COV NNICN C NfERY St8 393 Date (Cont'd-) 7/6/83 TOPA, 11/2/83, 11/3-6/83, 12/3-4/83, C -3D 2/11-14/84, 3/8-11/84, 4/7-8/84. (*see back) 7/6/83 Memo 432-83, Res. 83-17393 adopted, Latcom, C -3E Inc. Comunicaciones Expo '84 (Trade), So. Hall & Mtg. Rms. of So. Hall, 4/26-5/4/84. 7/6/83 Memo 433-83, Res. 83-17394 adopted, Cuqui's C -3F Productions, Inc., Claudia de Columbia in concert, TOPA, 7/17/83. 7/6/83 Memo 435-83, Res. 83-17396 adopted, The Life C -3H Exposition Group, Inc., Intl Health Fair (open to public), So. Hall, 11/16-21/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 394 Date 73 Memo 436-83, Res. 83-17397 adopted, Pine Tree C -3I Productions, Inc., full contact karate, Rm. 100, No. Hall, 7/15/83. 7/20/83 Memo 471-83, Res. 83-17408 adopted, Interface C -3A Group, Inc., 2 So. Fla. Computer Showcase Expos (open to pub.), So. Hall, 4/3-4/9/84 & 10/9- 10/15/84. 7/20/83 Memo 472-83, Res. 83-17409 adopted, Vee Corp., C -3B Sesame St. Live, No. Hall, 9/20-9/25/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Date 7/20/83 Memo 473-83, Res. 83-17410 adopted, Ballet C -3C Concerto School, Ballet, TOPA, 7/24/83. 395 7/20/83 Memo 474-83, Res. 83-17411 adopted, Andry C -3D Montgomery Fla., Inc., Inter Amer. Dairy Congress '84 (trade show), No. Hall - 5/13-5/20/84, No. Hall mtg. rms. 5/13-5/19/84. 7/20/83 Memo 475-83, res. authorizing Cony. Ctr. Director C -4B to execute certain amdts. (minor) to leases def. to 9/7/83 at request of C. Mgr. (see CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 396 Date 9/7/83 Memo 521-83, Church of Reformation, Inc., "Frula" C -3A or substitute, 11/25/83; "Gala Eve of Ballet" or substitue, 11/27/83, TOPA; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 523-83, Direct Mktg. Assoc., cony., No. & C -3C So. Halls & mtg. rms., 10/16-22/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 524-83, S.E. Toyota Distributers, Inc., C -3D Toyota car sale, No. Hall - 8/25-29/83 and the west pkg. lot - 8/24-28/83 (AFTER THE FACT); not reached - def. to 9/21/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 397 Date 9/7 83 Memo 525-83, Temple King Solomon, lease amdt., C -3E 7 concerts, TOPA, June - Sept., 1983. Amdt. purpose: adding addnl. performance on 9/25/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 528-83, Tennatio, Inc., cargo & material C -3H handling '84, No. Hall, 3/13-20/84; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 529-83, Raging Bear Productions, Inc., C -3I national software show (trade only), So. Hall, 2/1- 5/84; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 398 Date 9�3 Memo 532-83, Baron Antique Shows, Inc., 2 antique C -3L shows, So. Hall - 4/11-15/84 & No. Hall - 10/17-21/84; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 533-83, Ballet Concerto Co., Evening at the C -3M Ballet, TOPA, 10/28/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 475-83, res. auth'g Dir. of MB Conv. Ctr. C -4A to execute certain amdts. to Conv. Ctr. leases, which amdts. concern technical, non -substantive changes of a minor nature; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. (see CONVENTION CTR COMPLEX) CONVENTION CENTER TEASES 399 Date 9/21/83 Memo 521-83, Res. 83-17452 adopted, Church C -3A of Reformation, Inc., "Frula" or sub., 11/25/83; "Gala Eve of Ballet" or sub., 11/27/83, TOPA. 9/21/83 Memo 523-83, Res. 83-17454 adopted, Direct C -3C Mktg Assoc., cony., no. & so. halls & mtg. rms., 10/16-22/83. 9/21/83 Memo 524-83, Res. 83-17455 adopted, S.E. C -3D Toyota Distributers, Inc., no. hall - 8/25-29/83 & the west pkg. lot - 8/24-28/83. (AFTER THE FACT) CON ELATION CBNTRR LEASES 400 Date 9/21/83 Memo 525-83, Res. 83-17456 adopted, amd'g C -3E lease w/Temple King Solomon to add addnl. perf. on 9/25/83; 7 concerts, TOPA, June - Sept., 1983. 9/21/83 Memo 528-83, Res. 83-17459 adopted, C -3H Tennatio, Inc., Cargo & Material Handling '84, No. hall, 3/13-20/84. 9/21/83 Memo 529-83, Res. 83-17460 adopted, Raging C -2I Bear Prods., Inc., Natl. Software Show (trade only), So. hall, 2/1-5/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 401 Date 9/21/83 Memo 532-83, Res. 83-17463 adopted, Baron C -3L Antique Shows, Inc., 2 antique shows, So. Hall - 4/11-15/84 & No. hall - 10/17-21/84. 9/21/83 Memo 533-83, Res. 83-17464 adopted, Ballet C -3M Concerto Co., Evening at the Ballet, -TOPA, 10/28/83. 9/21/83 Memo 589-83, Res. 83-17465 adopted, FL Furn. C -3N Exhibitors, Inc., FL Furn. Show, So. Hall - 1/18-24/84; No. hall & So. hall - 8/15-22/84.