Convention Center Leases_September 1983CONVENTION CENTER LASES 402 Date _. 9/21/83 Memo 590-83, Res. 83-17466 adopted, Creative C-30 Mktg. & Advertising Gp., Inc., filming of commercial, TOPA, 8/31/83. (AFTER THE FACT) 9/21/83 Memo 591-83, Res. 83-17467 adopted, MB C -3P Symphony Orchestra, 7 concerts, TOPA, 11/20/83, 12/11/83, 1/15/84, 2/12/84, 3/11/84, 4/8/84, 5/6/84. 9/21/83 Memo 592-83, Res. 83-17468 adopted, Church C -3Q of Reformation, Inc., ballet gala or sub. concert, TOPA, 4/6/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 403 Date 9/21/83 Memo 593-83, Res. 83-17469 adopted, Ballet C -3R Etudes Co. & Workshop, Inc., ballet "Nutcracker", TOPA, 11/18/83. 9/21/83 Memo 594-83, Res. 83-17470 adopted, So. FL C -3S Auto. Dealers Assoc., So. FL Auto Show, No. & So. halls, 10/22 - 11/6/84. 9/21/83 Memo 475-83, Res. 83-17471 adopted, auth'g C -4A Dir. of MB Conv. Ctr. to execute certain amdts. to Conv. Ctr. leases (technical, non - substantive chgs. or of minor nature) pertaining to time/date chgs.; payment time CONVENT/ON CENTER LEASES 404 Date (Cont'd) 9/21/83 chgs; typographical/clerical error C -4A corrections; & incr's in no. of dates, shows, etc. provided rent for such incrs. does not exceed $5,000. Amdts. to 1st be approved by C Atty's office as to form & by Mgr or his designee. (see CONV. CTR. LEASES) 10/5/83 Memo 630-83, Res. 83-17487 adopted, Temple C -3A Beth Sholom, Alvin Ailey Dance Co., TOPA, 11/8-13/83. 10/5/83 Memo 631-83, Res. 83-17488 adopted, Temple C -3B Beth Sholom, 9 concerts, 1 rehearsal, TOPA, COMV T YON ;C 'Y'na L 588 Date (Cont'd) 10/5/83 fr. 10/2/83 -- 4/10/84. (see mtg. records C -3B for details) 405 10/5/83 Memo 633-83, Res. 83-17490 adopted, Comm. C -3D Concert Assoc., Inc., 7 concerts, TOPA, 11/17/83, 12/1/83, 1/18/84, 2/26/84, 3/14/84, 4/3/84 & 4/22/84. 10/5/83 Memo 634-83, Res. 83-17491 adopted, FL Intl. C -3E Univ. for & on behalf of FL Bd. of Regents, commencement exercises, no. hall, 5/2/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 406 Date 10/5/83 Memo 636-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17493 C -3F adopted, amd'g lease w/Jewelers Intl. Showcase, Inc., fine jewelry & diamond show, no. hall, 9/29 - 10/4/83. AMDT: chg. use of no. hall to rm. 100 in the no. hall. 10/19/83 Memo 656-83, Res. 83-17507 adopted, Estampas C -3A de Columbia, Inc., folkloric concert, TOPA, 10/29/83. 10/19/83 Memo 657-83, Res. 83-17508 adopted, Printing C -3B Ind. of So. FL, Inc., Graphics of the Americas, so. hall, 1/23-29/85. CONVE YON -CENTER_; sts 407 Date 10/19/83 Memo 658-83, Res. -83-17509 adopted, Opera C -3C Guild of Gtr. Miami, Inc., d/b/a Gtr. Miami Opera Assoc., The Fantastics (free adm.), TOPA, 10/24/83. 11/2/83 Memo 702-83, Cultural Arts Society of So. C -3A FL, Inc., free children's ballet, TOPA, 3/12/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/2/83 Memo 703-83, Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show, C -3B U.S. Tennis Assoc., & Exec./Mgt. Seminars, No. Hall, 1/5-12/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. CbMNT ON= CENTER TEASES 408 Date 11/2/83 Memo 704-83, lease amdt. - The Life Expo - C -3C sition Group, Inc., Intl. Health Fair (open to pub.), So. Hall, 11/16-21/83; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/2/83 Memo 705-83, Teldio Corp., Peppy Fields C -3D House Party, TOPA, 2/5/84; not reached def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/2/83 Memo 706-83, Tennessee Partners, Inc., Bob C -3E Barker Fun & Games Show, No. Hall, 2/10-11/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. CONVENTION -CENTER LEASES Date 11/2/83 Memo 707-83, Opera Guild C -3F d/b/a Gtr. Miami Opera rehearsals, TOPA; not 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/2/83 C -3G 11/2/83 C -3H Of Gtr. Assoc., reached 409 Miami, Inc. 8 operas & - def. to Memo 708-83 Church of Reformation, Inc., Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo or subst., TOPA, 2/10/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. Memo 709-83, Footlighters Foundation Fund, Inc. Night of Stars, TOPA, 3/12/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. dONVMTION C 11TER LEA82S 410 Date 11/2783 Memo 710-83, Chutoh of Reformation, Inc., C -3I Count Basie & Orchestra or subst., TOPA, 2/8/84; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/2/83 Memo 711-83, Adams Bros. Restaurant & Bar, C -3J Haitian Dance, rms. 102 & 103 in So. Hall, 11/19-20/83; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/9/83 Memo 702-83, Res. 83-17520 adopted, Cultural C -3A Arts Society of So. FL, Inc. - free children's ballet, TOPA, 3/12/84. W/ref. to Arnold Leon's suggestion that $1,500 TOPA CONVENTM1 awn =MS S 411 Date °(Cont'd) 11/9/83 rental rate was insufficient & that Comm. C -3A rev. rate/costs/no. of nights open, Mayor Fromberg asked Admin. to request Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd. to investigate feasibility of basing rate on costs & no. of nights Theater is open, & to submit rep. & recommendation. Comr. Grenald requested rep. incl. compari- son of rates charged by other cities for use of similar facilities & actual cost to open Theater. (see TOPA, CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 11/9/83 Memo 703-83, Res. 83-17521 adopted, Tennis C -3B Ind's Natl. Buying Show, U.S. Tennis Assoc., & exec./mgt. seminars, No. Hall, 1/5-12/84. CONVENTION CE'N'i'EA LEASES Date 11/9/83 C -3C 412 Memo 704-83, Res. 83-17522 adopted, amdg. lease w/The Life Exposition Gp., Inc., Intl. Health Fair (open to pub.), fr. So. Hall, 11/16-21/83, to No. Hall. 11/9/83 Memo 705-83, Res. 83-17523 adopted, Teldio C -3D Corp., Peppy Fields House Party, TOPA, 2/5/84. 11/9/83 Memo 706-83, Res. 83-17524 adopted, Tennes- C-3E see Partners, Inc., Bob Barker Fun & Games Show, No. Hall, 2/10 & 11/84. CONVENT/ON CENTER LEASES 413 Date 11/9/83 Memo 707-83, Res. 83-17525 adopted, Opera C -3F Guild of Gtr. Miami, Inc. d/b/a Gtr. Miami Opera Assoc., 8 operas & rehearsals, TOPA. Rehearsals: 1/19/84 - 4/13/84. Operas: 2/21/84 - 4/15/84. 11/9/83 Memo 708-83, Res. 17526 adopted, Church of C -3G Reformation, Inc., Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo or subst., TOPA, 2/10/84. 11/9/83 Letter of 3/5/84 re. admt. to orig. lease C -3G agreement subst'g Jim Bailey & Orchestra for Ballet Trockadero, filed w/records of mtg. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 414 Date 11/9/83 Memo 709-83, Res. 83-17527 adopted, Foot- C -3H lighters Foundation Fund, Inc., Night of Stars, TOPA, 3/12/84. 11/9/83 Memo 710-83, Res. 83-17528 adopted, Church C -3I of Reformation, Inc., Count Basie & Orchestra or subst., TOPA, 2/8/84. 11/9/83 Letter of 3/2/84 re. amdt. to orig. lease C -3I agreement subst'g Jim Bailey & Orchestra for Count Basie & Orch., filed w/mtg. records. 11/9/83 Memo 711-83, Res. 83-17529 adopted, Adams C -3J Bros. Restaurant & Bar, Haitian Dance, 415 Date (Caned) 11/9/83 rms. 102 & 103 in So. Hall, 11/19 & 20/83. C-3J 11/16/83 Memo 738-83, Res. 83-17545 adopted, Irvin C -3A Feld & Kenneth Feld Productions, Inc., circus (Ringling Bros. - Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc.) No. Hall, 1/24/84 - 2/7/84 (28 performances). 11/16/83 Memo 739-83, Res. 83-17546 adopted, Trans C -3B Am. Exposition, variety merchandise show (trade only), So. Hall, 3/18-23/84. cONMT ION C tTNA 1,0,888 416 Date 11/16/83 Memo 740-83, Res. 83-17547 adopted, Bellande C -3C Georges, Haitian Dance, rms. 102 & 103 of So. Hall, 12/10 & 11/83. 11/16/83 Letter of 12/9/83 re. amdt. to orig. lease C -3C agreement chg'g mtg. to - Rm. 100 of No. Hall on 12/10-11/83, filed w/mtg. records. 11/16/83 Memo 741-83, Res. 83-17548 adopted, WGLY-FM C -3D Radio Sta., Petra Gospel Concert, TOPA, 12/9/83. CONVENTION CENTER LASES Date 11/16/83 Memo 742-83, Res. C -3E Sport Fishing & Halls, 7/3-14/84. 11/16/83 Memo 743-83, Res. C -3F Intl., Inc., mtg. 11/16/83 C -3F 11/16/83 C -3G 417 8317549 adopted, MB Intl. Boat Show, Inc., No. & So. 83-17550 adopted, Duo , No. Hall, 12/8 & 9/83. Letter of 11/29/83 re. amdt. to orig. lease agreement chg'g mtg. to So. Hall on 12/8-9/83, filed w/mtg. records. Memo 744-83, Res. 83-17551 adopted, Leukemia Society - So. FL Chp., jazzercise, So. Hall, 3/4/84. COMMTfON Ct$T2A LaStg Date 11/16/83 C -5A 418 Memo 745-83, reque-st fr.-Chabad Comm. Ctrs. to sponsor 5th ann. Jewish Renaissance Fair, 1/22/84, Rm. 100 & mtg. rms. of Conv. Hall No. as well as adjourning grounds; approved w/certain exceptions, as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. (see mtg. records file for details) . Chabad Comm. Ctrs. to provide required ins. & be responsible for all pers. costs at 21st St. Comm. Ctr. as well as any needed off-duty police & Fire Dept. employ- ees. (see COMM. CTRS, MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD) 12/7/83 Memo 773-83, Res. 83-17562 adopted, Positive C -3D Results, Inc., Miami Intl. Auto Parts & COMValTfON c r TgA L2A8ES Date (Cont'd) _. 12/7/83 Accessories TradeShow, So. Hall, C -3D 3/10-16/85. 419 12/7/83 Memo 775-83, Res. 83-17564 adopted, amd'g C -3F lease w/Irvin Feld & Kenneth Feld Prods., Inc., circus - Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., No. Hall, 1/24 -2/7/84 (28 performances). Amdt: Lessee will reduce no. of perfs. in contr. to 27. 12/7/83 Memo 776-83, Res. 83-17565 adopted, amd'g C -3G lease w/Jewelers Intl. Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show (open to trade only), CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 420 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 So. Hall, 1/10-15/85. Arndt: Lessee deleted C -3G 1 show day (1/16/85). 12/7/83 Memo 777-83, Res. 83-17566 adopted, amd'g C -3H lease w/Temple King Solomon, concerts, shows, & rehearsal; TOPA. Old dates: 11/83 - 4/84. New dates: 11/83 - 4/84. Arndt: Lessee is deleting 3/8-9/84 dates. 12/21/83 Memo 817-83, Res. 83-17585 adopted, Temple C -3A Beth Sholom, Am. Ballet Theater, TOPA, 1/2- 15/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 421 Date 12/21/83 Memo 818-83, Res. 83-17586 adopted, Church C -3B of Reformation, Inc., the Tampa Ballet in the full-length ballet, Romeo & Juliet or subst., TOPA, 3/9/84. 12/21/83 Letter of 2/29/84 re. admt. to orig. lease C -3B agreement replacing Tampa Ballet to Ballet Concerto, filed w/records of mtg. 12/21/83 Memo 819-83, Res. 83-17587 adopted, MB Sym - C -3C phony Orchestra, Children's Concerts (no admission charge), TOPA, 4/11/84. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 422 Date 12/21/83 Memo 820-83, Res. 83-17588 adopted, Miami C -3D Intl. Culinary Show, Inc., 1984 Miami Intl. Culinary Show, So. Hall, 3/28 - 4/2/84. 12/21/83 Memo 821-83, Res. 83-17589 adopted, Intl. C -3E Action Sports, Inc., Truck & Tractor Pull, No. Hall, 7/19-22/84. 12/21/83 Letter of 1/11/84 re. amdt. to orig. lease C -3E agreement changing name to Arena Motor Sports, Inc. (will assume all liabilities & obligations), filed w/records of mtg. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 423 Date 12/21/83 Memo 825-83, Res. 83-17590 adopted, Ringside C -3F Events, Inc., boxing, So. Hall, 1/6/84. 12/21/83 Memo 822-83, Res. 83-17593 adopted, Chris C -3I Dundee Enterprises, Inc.; wrestling exhibitions, shows, & contests, So. & No. Hall, Rm. 100 of No. Hall; 10/1/83 - 9/30/85 (AFTER THE FACT). 1/4/84 Memo 2-84, Res. 84-17606 adopted, Chabad C -3A Community Ctrs., 5th Annl. Jewish Renaissance Fair, rm. 100 & mtg. rms. in wraparound of No. Hall, 1/22/84.