Convention Center Leases_September 1985- Vnif YOi C 1� 5 4 0 -bate (Cont' d) --9/4/85 25/85; No.Ha11 Wraparound excluding-sudio 6-3C- rm. , 10/18,42/85*. *Amdd. to 10/1823/85 per 8/23/85 memo fled w/mtg. recs. 9/4/85 Memo 466-85, Res. 85-18155 adopted, lease C -3D amdt., ABC Prods., Inc., Rocio Durcal concert, TOPA, 10/26/85; Lessee releases all rt./title/int. in concert to Silver River Prods. (new lessee). 9/18/85 Memo 513-85, Res. 85-18177 adopted, w/Ballet C -3A Etudes, Inc., Ballet Etudes, TOPA, 11/17/85. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 470 Date 9/18/85 Memo 515-85, Res. 85-18179 adopted, amdg C -3C lease w/Productions, Inc., Dade Co. Home Show, So. Hall, 10/9-15/85. Lessee chg'g use dates. (see mtg. file records). 10/2/85 M#545-85, Res. 85-18200 adopted, Intl. C -3E Artists Ser., Inc., concert 2747‘86*; rehearsal/2 ballets, 4/25-27/86, TOPA. *NOTE: Date changed to 3/1/86 per 2/5/86 Arndt. filed w/mtg. recs. 10/2/85 Memo 546-85, Res. 85-18201 adopted, Inst. in C -3F Basic Youth Conflicts, Inc., educ. sem., So. Hall, 3/17-22/86. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Date 10/2/85 M#547-85, C -3G Solomon, TOPA; 471 Res. 85-18202 adopted, Temple King Raphael concert, 10/11-13/85; Rocio Jurado, 11/83-84/86*; Enrico Maclin, 11/30/85; Chassidic Festival, 12/1/85; Shalom '86, 2/6, 8-10/86. *NOTE: Dates changed to 4/5-6/86 per amdt. filed w/mtg. recs. 10/16/85 M#584-85, R#85-18229 adopted, Dundee C -3A Enterprises, Inc., wrestling, Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 10/2,16/85 (AFTER THE FACT). 10/16/85 M#585-85, R#85-18230 adopted, No. Shore C -3B Optimist Club, 17th Ann. Night of Stars honoring Peppy Fields, TOPA, 2/2/86. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 472 Date 10/16/85 M#586-85, R#85-18231 adopted, Barry Univ., C -3C commencement exercises, So. Hall, 5/10/86. 10/16/85 M#587-85, R#85-18232 adopted, Chase Fed. C -3D Svgs. and Loan Assoc., variety concert, TOPA, 3/13/86. 10/16/85 M#588-85, R#85-18233 adopted, Group Pro - C -3E motions, Intl. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 3/13-16/86. 10/16/85 M#589-85, R#85-18234 adopted, Alessi Pro - C -3F motions, Hagler vs. Mugabi - closed circuit boxing, No. Hall, 11/14/85. L H-er d+d. Z -II -86 recd ehy'g dafe. -(D 3 -.0- (c -?lel i/mtj. rex CONVgNTION_NNTg0 DLASNS 41 Date 10/16/85 M4590-85, R485-18235 adopted, Positive C -3G Results, Inc., Miami's Summer Boat Show, No. and So. /Halls, 7/7-18/86. 11/6/85 M#627-85, lease amdt. w/Natl. Marine Mfrs C -3B Assoc., Miami Intl. Boat Show; not reached def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 M#628-85, contr. w/Bank Admin. Institute; C -3C not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 M#629-85, contr. w/Hebraica - Miami Comm. C -3D Ctr., Inc., Maccabean basketball game; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. COMMITION c8WP21 L2A82S Date 11/6/85 Rev. M0630-85, C-38 6 concerts & 474 contr. . w/Temple Beth Shalom, 2 rehearsals; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 M#631-85, So. FL Auto -Truck Dealers Asso., C -3F Inc., So. FL Truck Show; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 M#632-85, Cony. Mgt. Co., Inc., MB Intl. Air C -3G Show; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. 11/6/85 Rev. M#633-85, FL Intl. Univ. for and on C -3H behalf of the FL Bd. of Regents, commencement exercises; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. CONMTION CgNMR t8A$V5 475 Date 11/20/85 M#627-85, R#85-18265 adopted, lease amdt. C-38 (chg. dates for 1987-1993), Nati. Marine Mfrs. Assn., Mia. Intl. Boat Show, Conv. Ctr., 1984-1993, prevailing rates. 11/20/85 M#628-85, R#85-18266 adopted, Bk. Adm. C -3C Inst., ATM 10 conference, No. Hall, 10/21- 29/87. 11/20/85 M#629-85, R#85-18267 adopted, Hebraica - C -3D Mia. Com. Ctr., Inc., Maccabean basketball game (free admission), room 100 of No. Hall, 11/23/85. COMNTION egNT�12 YAA$ $ 4'16 Date �. _ _..� _ � ._ .,. 11/20/85 M#630-85 rev., It#85-18268 adopted, Temple C-313 Beth Sholom, 6 concerts & 2 rehearsals, TOPA: 10/31/85 - rehearsal, Porgy & Bess; 11/2/85 - Porgy & Bess; 12/2/85 - rehearsal, Jose Carreras; 12/3/85 - Jose Carreras; 12/7/85 - Labeque Sisters; 1/12/86 - Itzak Perlman; 3/10/86 - Isaac Stern; 3/16/86 - Peter Serkin. 11/20/85 M#631-85, R#85-18269 adopted, So. Fla. Auto - C -3F truck Dealers Assn., Inc., So. Fla. Truck Show, No. & So. halls, 4/27-5/6/86. CONVENTION CHNTRi IASHS 477 Date 11/20/85 M4632-85, R485-18270 adopted, Conv. Mgt. C -3G Co., Inc., M.B. Intl. Air Show, No. Hall, 3/19-24/86. 11/20/85 M#633-85 rev., R485-18271 adopted, Fla. C -3H Intl. Univ. for & on behalf of Fla. Bd. of Regents, commencement exercises, SeT Hall, 6/8/86. *NOTE: Date chg'd to 4/22/86 - No. Hall per 12/9/85 amdt. filed w/mtg. recs. 11/20/85 M#649-85, R#85-18272 adopted, Miami -Dade C -3I Com. Col. - No. Campus, commencement exercises, Rm. 100 of No. Hall, 5/10/86. eONV'ENTION C ,NTEit LEAS S; Date 11/20/85 C-33 11/20/85 C -3R 478 M#650-85, R#85-18273 adopted, amdg lease w/ Intl. Expos., Inc., Am. Intl. Exhbn. for Travel, 1/5-14/86 - No. & So. Halls. Amdt: Lessee will delete use of So. Hall and add use of So. Hall 2nd fl. wraparound, 1/8- 12/86. M#651-85, R#85-18274 adopted, amdg lease w/ Fla. Furniture Exhibitors, Inc., Fla. Furniture Shaw, No. & So. halls; 8/6-13/86 - No. & So. halls. Amdt.: Lessee chg'g date for Aug. show to 8/13-20/86. CONVENTION MITER L ASSES 470 Date 11/20/85 M#652-85, 12#85-18275 adopted, Duran Boxing, C -3L Inc., 2 events, No. Hall rm. 100, 11/22 & 12/13*/85. *Date chg'd to 12/14/85 per amdt. filed w/mtg. recs. 11/20/85 M#653-85, 1085-18276 adopted, Area Agcy. on C -3M Aging/United Way, Sr. Consumer Showcase, No. Hall, 5/8/86. 11/20/85 M#661-85, R#85-18277 adopted, Intl. Fair of C -3N the Americas, Inc., Feria Internacional de las Americas, No. Hall, 6/25-30/86. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 480 Date 12/4/85 M#688-85, R#85-18295 adopted, Vets. Admin. C -3A Nat'l Sports Committee, Veterans Baby Pageant (free adm.), TOPA, 12/10/85. 12/4/85 M#689-85, R#es. 85-18296 adopted, Para - C -3B lyzed Veterans Assn. of Fla., P.V.A. Coronation Pageant (free adm.), TOPA, 4/22/86. 12/4/85 M#690-85, R#85-18297 adopted, J.Y.D. Intl., C -3C oriental rug display (free adm.) Rm. 102 So. Hall, 11/21-24/85 (after the fact). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 481 Date 12/4/85 M#691-85, R#85-18298 adopted, elec. contr. C -3D w/Conv. Elec. and Ltg. Servs., Inc., for World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, No. Hall, 11/27-12/9/85 (after the fact). 12/4/85 M#692-85, R#85-18299 adopted, Trans Am. Expo C -3E Miami Sr. Cit. & Retirees Better Living Show, Rm. 100 No. Hall, 1/17-19/86. 12/4/85 M#693-85, R#85-18300 adopted, Zev Bufman C -3F Theater Partnership, Ltd., Charles Aznavour concert, TOPA, 1/16/86. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 4d2 Date 12/4/85 M#703-85, R#85-18301 adopted, Gemini C -3G Boxing, Inc., boxing, So. Hall, 12/21/85. 12/18/85 M#714-85, R#85-18311 adopted, MB Sr. High C -3A Comm. Sch., Share Program (no adm. charge), TOPA, 12/10/85 (AFTER THE FACT). 12/18/85 M#715-85, R#85-18312 adopted, Community Con - C -3B cert Assoc., Inc., 6 concerts, TOPA (12/11/85, 1/6/86, 2/5/86, 3/12/86, 4/3/86, 4/21/86) 12/18/85 M#716-85, R#85-18313 adopted, R.E. Cayard C -3C Corp., Haitian dance, No. Hall, Rm. 100, 12/28/85. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 483 Date 12/18/85 M#717-85, R#85-18314 adopted, approving C -3D lease w/Irvin Feld and Kenneth Feld Prods., Inc., Ringling Bros. -Barnum & Bailey Com- bined Shows (Circus) for reduced min. guar- anteee of $72,900 or 10% of gross rects. for 27 perfs., No. Hall, 1/22 thru 2/4/86. NOTE: Contr. amd'd 12/16/85 to provide for 25 perfs. @ $61,250 or 10% of gr. rects. 1/22/86 M#8-86, IBS Flea Mkts., Inc., Dir. Louis C -3A Shelley submitted petition & corr. support- ing events; 1985 income/expense rep. submit- ted. 7/22/86 rep. of negotiations (re. show dates) fr. Lincoln Rd. Dir. Alfred J. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 4134 Date (Cont'd) 1/22/86 Holzman pres'd by Mgr. Matter def. to C -3A 2/5/86, 4 p.m. pending further negotiations. (see LINCOLN ROAD MALL) 1/22/86 M#9-86, IBS Flea Mkts., Inc., lease amdt. C -3B Action same as previous item. (see LINCOLN ROAD MALL) 2/5/86 M#82-86, request fr. Alessi Promotions to C -5D apply $2,500 dep. fr. postponed 11/13/86 Hagler vs Mugabi closed circuit TV boxing event in Conv. Ctr. No. Hall, to rescheduled 3/10/86 date as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd./Adm.; approved.