Parking Lots (Permits)_October to December 1934PARKING LOTS (Permits) Parking lot permit granted for L5th St. (between Ocean Dr.& Collins Ave.) 10/12/34 Above action rescinded and permit revoked 10/22nd/34 1. Hook, Page 13 125 Parking lot permit granted for N.E.corner of 23rd St. & Liberty Ave. 11/21/34 13 160 Parking lot permit, given for Ocean Dr. between 10th & llth Sts. 11/21/34 13 169 Parking lot permit,given to Sinclair Oil )o.N.W.cor.22nd St.&Liberty Ave. 12/5/34 13, 173 PARKING LOTS Permits) 2. Book,__ Page Parking lot permit at Ocean Dr. & loth Street granted 12/5/34 13 177 Parking lot permit in Blk.2,M.B.I. Co. Ocean Front Property 1/2/35 13 226 Parking lot permit on E. side of Wash. Ave.between Repeal Bldg.& 6th St.1/2/35 13,227 New application for parkin; lot at 10th St.& Ocean Dr.left to City Mgrs.Dis- cretion 1/2/35 13, 227 PARKING LOTS John B. Reid urges discontinuance of Parking Lot at Ocean Drive and 15th St, 1/1.6/35 Temporary Permits granted for Parking Lots (2) on Collins Ave. opposite Roney Plaza. 1/24/35 Temporary Permit granted for Parking lot on Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 1, 0. B. Sub. 1/24/35 3. Book Page 13 233 13 255 13 255 PARKING LOTS Wook Pag4. e - Biscayne Collins Hotel ask to have parking lots on Biscayne Street removed. 2/20/35 13 309 - N.E.Corner Liberty Avenue & 23rd Street - M.A®Kaufman temporary permit 10/16/35 1 147 Jas. J. Teller granted parking lot permit N.W.eor.lst & ollins 10/30/35 14 170 PARKING LOTS 5. R. V. Waters urged permission for his client for parking lot on NW corner of Lincoln Road & Lenox Ave. Taken under consideration. 11/15/35 14 191 Parking lot permit granted across street west of Roney Plaza Hotel 12/11/35 14 233 Bloosnfield.Feuer Realty Co.given permit for parking lot in Friedman & Cope Subdn. 12/30/35 14 252 Lots 11,12 & 13,B1k.1,0.B.Sub. park- ing lot (A. Golurnb) 12/30/35 14 252 PARKING LOTS 6. Book Page 0. A. Lazarou_permit forarkint lot N.W.eorner 10th St.& Oeean Dr. -12130/35-- 14 253 Arthur __Spo_rherg_granted_parking-lot permit (16th and Lenox) 1/g/3b 14 266 Parma Corporation given parking lot permit 1/29/36 111- 277 Patten,John L. granted parking_lot permit on Lincoln Rd. 1/29/36 14 277-- 1301 Goldstrom urges more parking lots be -provided 2/5/36 14 2g7 PARKING LOTS 7 Book Page Parking lot at N.W.corner Lincoln Rd. a Lenox Ave. granted 9-24-36 15 153 Parking lot request by John B. Reid for 14th Lane & Collins Ave. 9-30-36 15 153 Parking__1ot_ permit _requeRted by Simon Cohen at 14th St. & Collins Ave. (withheld for present) 10-21-36 15 179 Barking lot permit ranted fQr following! Simon Cohen -Lots_ 9,B1k.2b,0-B.0 S. E• cor; Lincoln & Euclid Barri also for SW. cor. 15th St.& Ocean Dr. 114/36 15 PARKING LOTS 8. Bow Page Parking lot permit given to Mr. —John M rIeghem -Mit &- Collins 11/5/36 15 212 Parking lot permits given to J.J.Teller 11/12/36 15 219 P rking lot permit given to Smith Co. 11/12/36 15 219 Parkilot pexmti iv -en-- far -S E. GOT. 1 thn e& Collins Ave.providing wai rs are brought int: 11f12/36 - 219 • PARKING LOTS 9 Book Page __Parking lot permits granted fn11 owin.g:- J. G.Whalen ,N. E. cor. Lin. Rd. & Lenon Jerry's Ser. Sta on -Liberty lve.be- Teeen 22nd & 23rd -St. I. Pollak,S.W.cor.11.th Lane & Ocean Dr. Hob rt r._ Wensley 636 Collins Ave. W.C.Peters N.E.cor.22nd & Liberty 3, 3 15 27g Parking lot permtt granted Morris -- Marks -8c Bell Rice for B.E.cor.6th St, and Washington Ave. 12-9-36 15 2g6 FAN -& BILLS ASK permit to operateparking lot 12-16-36 15 2$7 PARKING LOTS 10. Book Page J.B.Grant given parkin lot permit for N.W.cor.Lenox Ave1 1 i 1n Rd 15 .SOS 3 requests filed for Parking lot -permits--but--Council asks that waivers be first brought in 1-6;431 15 317_ Parking lot -perm -its given to Bloomfield - Feuer and also to Ben Friedman 1-6-37 15 331 Parkin g lot permit r nted Morton.Moss, for N.V� cor.lOth St Ocean Dr. 1.11-37 15 335 Parking -lot -perm -It -for -41st 3t-.- _Bheridan Ave. 1-20-37 15 338 PARKING LOTS _Parking lot at Collins- Ave.&- 14th Lane ordered discontinued 1-20-�7 I1 Book Page Parking lot permit granted J.F. Mathews, S. VP. cor. Collins & 20th 1-20-37 15 352 Parking lot permit denied N.E.cor. 10th St. & ocean Dr. 1-20-37 15 352 Parking--L-ot permit gra.nted7Lot-7,B1k. 2 Linco1 n Rd. Subdn.A 1-20-37 . Parking lot permit granted N.E.cor Lincoln Rd & Euclid 1..--20=37 -P-arking lot p-rmit granted_J.A..1nnk 1-2n-77 15 .352 15 352 15 352 PARKING LOTS 12. Book Page Parking lot permit granted Perry Stone for S.E.corner West Ave.& 6th-st 9-15-37 i6 —257 Parking lot permit granted G.O. Smith for Na. oorner 16th &t. , n a, ten Road 9-16-37- -16 260 Parking lot permit requested by Edw. M. Klein 10-20-37 16 335 Wensley -Hobart, granted parking tot- permit 10-20-37 16 335 Teddy Berman grantee&parking lot per- mit,Lots 6,7,8,B1k.15.,0.B.#2 11-3-37 i6 337 PARKING LOTS 13 Book Page Parking lot permit granted to I.Pollack at S.W.corner or 14th Lane and Ocean Dr. 11-5-37 16 350 Herman Emerman requests parking lot permit 11-17-37 16- _r- W.R.Pritehard-granted parking lot permit 11-17-37 16 371 Leohardi,John-granted parking lot permit 11-19-37 16 32 Emerman-Herman, granted parking lot • - 3i 16 382 tARLING LOTS 13. Book Page Parking 1 t permit granted to J.L. .(orleghen for Lots 3,4,5 & 6, Bl -9; Nvria ri1y Beacll South 11-10. 59 Parking lot permit denied in Block 48, immediately north of Geo . Washingto n Hotel 11-10-37 16 360 PARKING LOTS 14- Book 4Book Page Geo .Brumlik granted parking lot permit 11-24-37 16 391 Parking lot permit denied client of Leon Kassewitz in Blk.51A,Lincoln 12-1-37 1 L3rrewater Beach Wotel gI to r.mi, to use Lot 4,B1k.19,©.B. for park- 1b- 405 ing guests cars 12-1-5 W.B.McDo__, a __d arr-granted parking lot on Lots 1�2 & 3.Block B, M.B.I.Co.Ocean Front 12-15-37 16 444 PARKING LOTS 15 Book Page Taylor,G.A.granted parking lot on Lots 12 and 13, Blk.54-, Orchard 12-15-37- Roney 2-15-3 —Roney Pima -Hotel given permit for parking Lot on part of Lot 3, east of Roney Plaza Garage 12-15=5( 16 Teller, James J. - granted permits for two parking lots 12-15-37 16 446 I'alkenburg,C.F.-granted parking lot permit N.E.Cor.26th & Collins 12-15-37 16 4454 Parking lot permit denied for Lot 3, Block 48, 0. B. #3 12-22-37 16 465 PARKING LOTS 11 - : _ • o • • 16 Book Page permit(Smith Co.property) 12-22-37 16 458 Parking lot permit request for 27th St. and Collins Ave.denied 1-19-3g 16 504 G.A..Taylor granted parking lot permit Blk. 53,Orchard-Sub. 1-19-3 16 50 Parking lot permit given for Lots 3 and 4, Block 14, 0.B. 1-19-38 16 504 Request for parking lot on Lot 16, Blk. 13,0. B. #1, referred to City Manager 2-2-3S 17 16 PARKING LOTS 16 Book Page Henry Hohanaer asks permit for park- ing lot on Lot 3,Blk.4g,.3.2.#3 (No action) 1-5-38 16 466 PARKING LOTS 17 Book Page_ _- Sig Thomsen granted parking lot on Lot 16 and part of 17, Bik. 11, O.B. No 1 -2-2--38 17 16 Cook's -Casino granted parking lot permit- - —2=8-38 17 Y 6 Henry Hohauser granted parking lot -permit on Lots 2,3, & 4,B1k.48, 0.841 2-2-38 - - 17 16 Bruno Weil granted parking lot permit on Lincoln Road 2-16-38 17 37 --9-# Ryan denied parking lot in -rear - of Dade Motor dales Garage - __2-16-38__ 17 O PARKING LOTS 18 Book Page Parking lot permit given to P. L. Hutchinson at .E.cor. 12th St. & Collins Ave. 8-10-38 17 248 Howard Norris parking lot request referred to City Mgr. 9-7-38 17 279 Parking lot permit renewed to I. Pollock, Lots 1 & 2, BIk.19,Q.B. 10-26-38 17 313 Parking lot permit renewed to N.W. corner Lincoln & Drexel 10-26-38 17 314 PARKING LOTS Strath Haven Hotel Beni edpermit to park -cars on Lot 6,B1k.5,0.B. 11/16/38 permit for Lots 4 & 5,Bik.11 O.B5.#4 11/16/38 19. Book Pagt 17 347 Edsinger Hotel granted parking lot subject to receipt of waivers 11/16/38 17, 347 --Jerry--Goodman- granted- parking lot permit L.1 & 2,B1k.1,0.F. 1116/38 1 ,_347 Frank Baker granted parking lot per- -Soou_t to 4,5 & 6,Blk.9ilar 3 Beach 17, 347 PARKING LOTS 20. Book Page Parking lot permits granted BEACH CABANA CLUB & 3.MORLEGHEM 366-- Binder,A.Finloy - aske for parking _10-t permitto_ bring_ in waivers 11/30/38 17 36 Louie F. snedigar given permit for parking lot in Blk.D,Ooean Front Prop. of M.E.I. 12-1-38 17 371 —Essex House granted non=oommarzial 12/1/38 17 371 PARKING LOTS M.B.Tennis Clubiven ermit to operate --commercial parking—ice B1k.J,O.F.Property of M.H.I 12/1/38 17 371 Jas. J.Teller granted parking lot permit 12/1/38 17 372 --Normandie Hotel gramted -commercial -- parking lot permit 12/7/38 17 38' Roney Plaza Hotel granted parking lot permit 12/7/38 17 385 B. V. Freok-s—granted parking lot per— mit subject to receipt of waivers • 12/8/38 17 393 21 Book. Page_. PARKING LOTS 22 Book Page Complaints filed against Normandie Hotel parking lot 12/14/38 17 39g Complaints filed against Strath Haven Hotel parking lot 12/14/38 17 39g M. Goldstrom asks for parking lot for Franklin Hotel -(waivers to be obtained) 12/1)1/38 17 39g Evans Hotel and others protest against parking lot on Ocean Ct.south of 10th -St. 12/21/38 17 404 ias..J.Tel1er parking lot request_re- ferred to City Mgr. (lot north of Bis— nsivna Lnl 7 ina Hnta1 1 12/21-/ '- Ti 11.01 PARKING LOT 23 Book Page Ray's Famous Steak Restaurant de - .hied permit for parkin12/21/3g 21/jt 17 404 27th-&- Collins Ave. I Franklin Hotel (M.Cold strom) parking lot permit 12/�� 17 414 Objections filed to Normandie-Hotel parking lot 1-4-39 17 419 Normandie lot el (-B. S toImaker4 park- -ing lot revoked 1-4-39 17 420 Mr. Evans again complains of parking lot nuisance in Ocean Ct. 1.-4-39 17 420 --Me-. mien—taken an --:Rapport -re- quest for parking lot 1-4-39 17 420 PARKING LOT 24 Book_ Page Smith Co.Inc.granted permit for parkinglot 1-41-39 17 434 Councilmen Hice and Cleary,also ait y Mgr. Ren ehaw appointed to in- spect parking lot of I.Pollak 1-6-39 435 8, _A.y_an_ Mo tare den ied park ing lot permit at Liberty & 20th St.1/6/39 17 445 Beacon Hotel granted rarking].ot p" it = 1-6-39 ing lot 17 445 for Lots 1,2 & 3,B1k.3,Ocean Beach 1/18/39 17 446 PP_HK NG LOT 25 Book Page . Newman Lewis -denied parking lot for Lot 13,B1k.12,0,B.#1 I/1g/39 -17-1#9 Sarah Birkin given parking lot permit 1/18/39 17 459 Parking lot permit granted Hohauser, --15e-11 and Dorsky 2-1-39 17 46 Shoreham and Norman Hotels granted parking lot --permits - 2/1-/-39 17 467 - - -—£oll-ins- at-trnr granted parkin glo-tp rrntt7th_&_ c.LD .4 2-15-39 17 405 PARKING LOTS 26 Hook Page Atty.J.M.McCaskil.l requests parking lot permit --for ladle Bros. 9/6/39 18 227 Parking lot permit granted Economy ifrmle-salo-Grumry--9-6-39 18- 230 Parking lot permit granted Archie —Greenberg for 15th St.and_ ollins Avenue 9-6-39 18 251 Parking lot permit sought by Joe Cohen -for 10th & Wash. (no action) 9, '39 18 --265- _W.T.Sayers requests parking lot at Lots 5 and 6,B1k,48,Lincoln Sub9/20/39 18 265 Mayor Levi suggests that specifications. be set --up f--r--parking --lot -1/20139 16- 205-- PARKING LOT 27 Book Page Regulations_ drawn up_by Mr.Wolf son & Mr. Renshaw with view to regulat- Ing PARKING LBTs— 10-4-39 1-8- 0 ouz o simar-Wol f a��vno n_ex 5$-i-e-wa on Parking lot situation 10-4-39 18 291 No action taken on parking lot re- arg-by Adler-Bros.fo�ots 5 and Harrison --&--Hayes Subdn. 10/4/39- 18- - 291 Joe Cohen granted parking lot per- mit at 10th St. & Washington Ave. -10-4-39 18 291 HotelH ilburn-pri e -parking lot on _ of 19 -and—a . at-18-.Blk-.-- 7- 10/4/39 18 291 PARKING LOTS 2S Book Page__ Peter Miller Hotelranted ark1ng lot permit- stth j e c t t o waivers an final appy. o a]_of_ Cityi Mgr.10-4- 39 18 291 No. acti on taken onW.--1:Sayre reixe-st --dor perking- l-ot- on-Jefferson_Ave.. just south of Lincoln Rd. 10/4/39 18 291 Parking Lot permit denied W.T.SAYRES on Jefferson Ave.just south of Lincoln Road 10/1$39 1$ 323 ming lot permit granted forAZT8 and 6,HARRISON & HAYES SUBDN. 10/18/39 18 325 DORCHESTER HOTEL gr ngAgrking lot iS 325 PARKING LOTS 29 Book Page Joe Cohen asks for public parking lot permit at 10th--&-wash.-Ave. 11-1-39 18 350 Jaoob Bloom granted parking 141) pe rmit-L1t 3, B ik. 29 ,-0 39 1g -35O Frank Habershaw seeks parking lot permit- for- tot 23, Blk. 28 ,M: B: f. Co. 11/1/39 1 351 Parking lot permit granted G.T. 8tonebreaker-71st & Oollins Ave. 'Jerry Goodman - granted parlig3/39 18 363 -lo-ermit for Liber -t Ave.& 22nd 11/3/39 18 364 PARKING LOTS 30 Book Page Application of Harry Martz for �arking lot permit referred to t�r, 11-3-39 1g 364 Request for .parking lot at 15th St. and Wash.Ave.referred to City -M-v. r1--3-39 18 36 -- e-gae st of -Ira -Gera -on -for parking - lot termit denied 11-3-39 14 364 Perm it_grant ed for parking lot east of filling station at 1���39ollins 18 36� Parking lot ,permit granted Governor Hotel 11/15/39 18 375 PARKING LOTS 31. Book Page Edw-.J.Singer granted parking lot at S.W.Corner 13th Bt. & Ocean Dr. granted 11/15/39 18 376 --H-.-S,N-, Parking Lot -permit for Lots- 1,2, ote--- 1,2, and 3, Blk. 3, Ocean Beach 11/16/39 -18 390 Harry Martz -granted parking -Lot on Lot 1, B1k.8,0oean Beach 11/16/39 18. 390 Jack Sattin-gr-an-ted. iming-let-fir Lots 3 & 4 B1k.116, 0. B. #4 11/16/39 18 390 J.F.WHELAN granted parking lot,S.W. oor.13th and Wash.Ave. 11/29/39 18 396 PARKING LOTS Book Page Frank Habershaw granted parkinglot at 8 E-. corner th St .& Th&i n Or. 11/29/39-- 18 397 32 Parking lot at 10th & Washington Ave. o park oars -5O deet from Mrs. Levy's -re-si-dence 12/6/39-- 16 404 Parking lot to Seymour_ Rhin on N. side of Lincoln Rd. 12/6/39 1$ 4o6 Ocean Drive Ictei granted parking lot permit 1216/39 _1$ 406 ALBION HOTEL granted parking lot 12/6/39 i$ 4416 PARKING LOTS 33 Book Page Chas. BOXER granted parking lot in Blk. 51A, Linc oln Subdn. 12/6/39 lg 4o6 M.D.SHANMAN denied parking lot at I.E. cor • 1st -C611 nes-Av e. 12/6/39 MAX-LA$KER-granted Park1 ng let- in Elk. 11,E O.B.jl 12/6/39 lg 406 IMPERIAL HOTEL (Emma Weiss)ranted park- ing lot 12/6/39 lg 406— BOWER, LEWIS E. permit 'i- UOMT.-S-;-J PR - at 14th Lane & granted parking1lot 2/6/39 1A5- -406 parka �- oean Dr. 12/6/39 lg 407 PARKING LDTS 311. BookPage JOONDEPH „ H. grant ed parking lot -on-Lo-ta- 2- and 3, Bik 48-,1% B43- 12/6/39 18___ 407 Parking lot permit denied IRVING POLLikartt 29h --&-Colli n a-1216/39 18 407 Par-kirig I�t permit grenriftd Jas. J. Teller 12/6/39 . I8 -410 Clara Seizel granted -par-k-ing let - 1216/39 18 11-10 Aetion deferred on Rarking mit for -Lot-s-5-to-10-1-Bik. 514., .vriallev ts-lst-Sub. ( Mrs. S. Engelbergf 12/13/39 18 L.AT5 kiLtiliaNU LOTS 35 - Book Page Smith Co.granted parking lot permit of Collins Avenue south of Warrinn Hotel /13/39 416 Mrs.S.Engleberg granted parking lot permit at Lincoln & Obllins 12/30739 18 1C -2O Parking lot permit granted for Lots 4 and 5,Blk.300cean Beach 12/20/39 18 421 Parking lot permit granted Morris Pollock on Penn.-Aveust-north ofth St. 12/20/3918 421 ADOLPH-FR/EDMAN-granted parking lot on Bik,8,oeean Reaeh- 12/20/39 1g - PARKING LOTS 30 Book Page Redfern Service Station granted parking lot permit in rear of their station at i-6th—St&Aton-Rd— 12/20/39 18 421 Marvin Rauzin granted parking lot permit r— Lots 1 p-BIk,42, o.B. #3 -1/3A0_ 18 438 Peregiven 4,_go. for parking lot at 63rd St.& �'ollins Ave. fo r their--ho-tel-guest s - 1/17/40 - 18 439 Gerax-ld (Gerry granted -parking -lot--a-t Lot 8, Blk. 11_,Normandy BeaoS.o-uth__ 1/17/40 18 441