Parking Lots_January to April 1940PARKING LOTS Book Page Parking lot permit granted Wm.Kaplan for Lots 4,5 & -M.B.I. Co.Ocean Front 1/17/40 18 451 -LLVoss granted parking lot permit for Lot 2,B1k.116, O.B.#4 1/17/40 18 451 Operator of parking lot at S.W. corner of Lincoln Rd.& Collins Ave. warmed to improve unsightly condi- tion of pak ing lot 2/7/40 18_ 454 4 Parking Lot permits granted- -Shoreham -Hotel, Norman Hotel,Whitehouse Hotel and Beacon Hotel 2/8/40i_t,ot_1-89G ___..469 _2,3 eJ.ns gaarfiX tto}-� 53 PARKING LOTS Book Page Obj ections filed by property owners to use of Lot 16, Blk.40,Alton Beach asparkinglot 4/17/40 19 7 Objection filed by owner of Biarritz Hotel to parking lot north of his hotel 6/5/40- -1-9- 15g Parking lot permit -given Shoremede Hotel - S. W. cor. Collins_ & 36th St Normaah -PIaza Hot7/26/40 l 6 40 19197 Y granted parking _].o _pc�rmi t At mor. 71st St -.1c Harding -7-40 19 ?19 PARKING LOTS 39 Book Page Cromwell Hotel granted permit to park cars on tract of land south of- down—House Hotel --8=7= . — T9 230 Crescent Hotel request parking lot permit -objections filed 9-25-40 19 264 Commi tt--e.e_ appoi nted-to nona3 c1Pr all parking_lo requests 9-25-40 19 264 Normandy Plaza Hotel again requests permit for 71st St. & Harding Ave. 9/25/40 19 286 PARKING LOTS 40 Book Pag Request for parking lot at llth St. and West Ave. for A. & P. Tea Co. --denied- 10-2-40 19 309 W. T. Sayers soeke-perking lot permit on Jeff.Ave.south of Lincoln Rd. 10/2/40 19 313 Normandy Plaza Hotel granted parking lot permit at S.W.cor. 71st & -Harding _-- 10/$/ 0 19 322 Parking lot g permits granted-Ben� berg and J. T. Stonebreaaker 1O 9 `+u -550 PARKING LOTS Book Page Crescent Hotel granted parking,,lot on W.IOO of Lot b, B11011aq68 0.#2b9 353 Mansion Operating Co. -granted parking Lot on Lotel6 tb 9BIk. , F s er s let -1- 19 353 W. T. Sayers granted parking lot on Lots 5 and 6,B1k.48,Li.ncoln 19/16/4o -_.9 353 Imatt,M. N. granted parking%5t permit an -Lots -14-2,19 and 20,31k.2 , Fi seer' s lst sub. 10/16/ 19 353 PARKING LOTS 42 Book Page Jerry Goodman granted narking lot permit on Lots 2 and 4 in Blk.1,0.F. Property of M.B.I.Co. 10-16-40 I9 353- D-;---C---King 3--- B�cicing granted permit to opmat-e _parking _ lot on . Bik.531Orchar_d__Sub. No. -2-- & 3 10-16-40 19 353 Parking Lot permit granted Bud Whelan at S.t ; co 13Lh and washington Ave. 10-21-40 19 364 Nolan-Peeler 6 - Nolan -Peeler Motor Co.granted parking lot permit 10-21-40 19 36. ImattParking lot permit at 17th & _James Ave. canc a edd 10-21-14Q 19 36) PARKING LOTS -Ho-telsa parking lotdonihotr1RUavn sna N 1/2 of Lot 19,B1k.57,Fisher's 1st Subdn. Oct. 23, 194.0— 43 Book Page J.Bloom, parking lot on west side of Collins south of 12th St.Lots 3 & 4, ii Oct.gg23, 1940 19 371 venue, eastSorfvf �ingtscarion5 Collins 10/23/40_ 19 371 Hen _ _Nad]lmies granted pa 1 of permit at B.w.00rner 17th and Collins 10-30-40- 10 377 PARKING LOTS Henry Hohauser granted parking lot on Lots 1,2,4B1k.48,0.=.' i-3 44 Bonk Pe8e .-• • 9 377 OLSEN HOTEL granted parking lot permit on Lot 14, B1k.T0, Hardier "Towns ite 10 30-40 19 377 EDWARD SINGER, granted parking lot permit 10-30-40 19 378 Parking lot permits granted EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL, WHITEHOUSE HOTEL and JERFER- SON-8c7-5T- dORTTZ-HOTELs 1.1-6-40 19 395 C Estates In�g .ranted parking lot perm ,Lots 1 & 2,BIk.10,Normandy Beach South 11-13-40 . 19 410 PARKING LOTS 45 Book Pay e K & P.Inc. granted parking lot permit on Lots 1 to 5, Blk. 5, Ocean Front Property 11-20-40 19 412 S. A. Ryan given parking lot per- mit,Lots 6 & 8,B1k.3,M.B.I.0.F.11/20/40 19,412 Thos.A.Cassara granted parking lot at S.W.cor.Lincoln & WellinstAve.11/20/40 19,412 C.ChandIer Ross granted parking lot Alton Road & Mich.Ave. 11/20/40 19, 412 Harry Sirkin granted parking lot on Lots 7 and 8,B1k.51A,T,1nooln Snb. 11/20/40 19 416 PARKING LOTS Glades Corp. granted parking Lot 46 Book Page for Lots 23 & 24,B1k.14,Ocean Front Property,M.B.I.Co. 11/20/40 19 428 A.W.McCleery granted parking Lot, for Lots 6,1 and 8 and Si of 5, Blk.22,0.B. 11/20/40 19 428 Baez,Chas.A.- granted parking lot on Lots 1 to 4,B1k.A.Atlantic Heights 11/27/40 19 429 COOK'S CASINO, COLLINS AVE.SERVICE Station and Maxine Hotel granted parking lot Formats 11/27/40 19 433 PARKIPNG LOTS 47 Book Page Nash Hotel file objection to parking lot immediately north of their hotel 11/27/40 19 133 Parking lot permits granted MORRIS BROS. and Aaron Kay 11/27/40 19 434 Parking lot permit denied for Lots 3 & 4, Blk.13, just north of 18th St.on West ---kiue 127'4/40 19 4t5— Edell's,Inc., (Grossinger Hotel) object to parking lot on S.F.cor.17th & Collins 12/4/40 19 446 PARKING LOTS 48 Book Page The smith Co.grar_ted parking lot pert -its (I) East side '-Collins Ave. south_o o • - Biscayne St.west of Biscayne Plaza ,Theatre 12/4/40 19 446_- = Ocean Grande iotel - granted parking lot permit 12/4/40 19 446 Nut Club granted parking lot permit 12/4/40 19 446 Beach Parking Lot Co.(A.R..Elliott) granted parking lot,Lot 3,B1k.53,Pine Ridge Sub. 12/4/40 19 44 PARKING LOTS 49 Book Page Action deferred on r equest of Mr.King to operate parking lot on Lot 16 and W.1/2 of Lot 15,B1k-.54,Fisherfs 1st Subdn.of Alton Beach 12/4/40 19 447 Parking lot permit granted J.C. Devine for Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 10, Ocean Front Property 12/4/40 19 454 Parking lot permit granted D & D Uorp. for S.W.cor. Wash.Ave. and 14th St. 12/11/40 19 463 Parking lot permit DENIED Mr. King at. S.E,corner Lincoln Rd. & Wash.Ave. 12/11/40 .4 19 479 PARKING LOTS 50 Book Plage Clara Siegel granted parking lot permit at Biscayxie & Collins 12111/40 19 479 Harry Martin granted parking lot permit for 17th and Collins Ave. 12/11/40 19 479 Barton, Alfred I. asks Council to re- voke parking lot permit at 18th arta Collins Ave. 12/16/40 19 480 Operater-of--parking--lot- nor Lh of Nash Hotel to furnis_h_letter agreeing not to park cars on so.15 feet of his tea= k i= zot -12/16/40 19 -4-81 PARKING LOT Book Page 51 Parking lot permit granted Alma Anderson -for S.E.corner of - = e-.--12/16/410 19-481- 111.11_. Parking lot permit granted Paul Pollock for N.W.corner 10th St. and -Wash.-ingto = • _.9 490 Parking lot permit-grrinted-Terrace---- Restaurant d-TeRestaurant for area vet of their building 12/18/40 19 490 Parking lot permit granted Ida Lee Corp-. ea-Lo-t-s-5-and-4,B1k p� f ae-aahl9 490 PARKING LOTS 52 Book Page Parking lot permit granted Ocean Haven Hotel for Lot 4,B k;I13,O:B.. #4 - Dec. 18, 1940 19 491 Paul Topel granted parking lot permit for E.40' Lot 7,B1k.37, 0.B.#3 Dec. --181---1940 19 4 Beate Parking Lot—C©o.granted parking lot permit at Lots 5,6 and N 1/2 of T, a 31k.53,Fisher's 1st Sub.of Alton Beach Dec.24,1940 19 493 Dempsey Vanderbilt Hotel/ ranted ark�n lot on Lots 2 &4„21 ��, 19 494 ocean rront Prop. 12724 PARKING LOTS 53 Bek Psi; e Anna B. Daniels granted parking lot on Lot 20 and 21,Lyle.G.Hall Subdn. Bec-i 27, 194. 19 494 'olony Hotel granted parking lot perms = 2/24/41 19 494 MARTZ, Harry and BANC ROFT HOTEL granted parking-lot-permita 1/2/41 20 6 -Follock,Paul - objects to special regu- lations being placed on parking lot at 10th St. & Wash, 1/29/41 20 25 Compromise agreement reache on Pollock Ptu'kir -Lot 1/29/41 20 25 PARKING LOTS 54 Book Pag e Simon A. Cohen given parking lot permit for Lots 8 and 9, Bik. 26, 0. B. //2 2-5-41 20 42 Complaint filed against operation of p•AP• • _ Ave. 2-12-41 20 45 3 Parking Lot Permits 7tven:-WhtteIa• w & Tiffany HotelskShore am & Norman Hotels 2-19/41 20 -71 Bernstein, Julius A. granted parking lot permit for corner property N.E. —Lineo1n Rc o —tins— 8/&/41 20 PARKING LOTS 55 Book Page Nolan Peeler - Parking Lot Permit ordered revoked 8/6/41 20 375 Nolan -Peeler parking lot permit revoca- tion held in abeyance for 30 days 8/8/41 20 401 White House Hotel granted parking lot permits 10/2/41 20 428 Rabbin Corp. at S.E.Cor.lSth St. and Washington Ave. 10/2/41 20 440 Anderson,Alma - granted parking lot permit at S.E.cor.l7th St.& Wash.Ave. 10/3/41 20 442 PARKING LOTS 3 parking lots permits granted: Interstate Realty Inc. S.E.cor.• 71st and Collins; D & D. Corp.at S.W.cor. 14th St. & Wash.Ave. and SOL BRIER, S.W.cor. Wash.Ave. and 13th St. 10/15/41 City Mgr. instructed to negotiate for purchase of lots north and south of Lincoln Rd. west of Meridian Ave. for parking space. 1O/2A/41 Parking lot permit granted E. A. Platkin (James Ave. & l8th St.) 11/5/41 56 Book Page 20 468 21 7 21 11 PARKING LOTS 57 Book Page 21 11 Parking Lot permits granted: Harry Fink - N.W.Corner 38th St. and Collins Ave. Crescent Hotel - W. 100' Lot 6, Blk. 19, 0. B. #2 W. T. Sayers - Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 48, Lincoln Sub. S. A. Ryan Motors,Inc. ,Lots 6 & 8, Blk. C, Ocean Front Property M.B.News - Rear Lot 18, Blk. 39 Commercial Sub. All -- 11/5/41 tt tt If tt tt tt tt rt PARKING LOTS Parking Lot permits granted: Sam Lachman, Lot 5, Blk. 25, Oce#n Front Property 11/5/41 B.F.Cohn, Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 46, 0. B. #3 11/5/41 M. Fedison, Lots 6, 7 & Ocean Beach Sub. Service, Inc., Lots 3 & 29, 0.B.#2 8, Blk; 5 11/5/41 4, Blk. 11/5/41 M.B. 1st Nat'l. B. Lot between their Bank and Chose Fede 1 Bank on Lincoln Rd. 11/5/41 58 Book Page 21 12 21 12 21 12 21 12 21 12 PARKING LOTS 59 Book Page Parking Lot permit granted -Aaron Courshon for N.N.corner of Wash- ington Ave. & 12th St. 11/5/41 21 13 Council agrees to construction of hedge instead of wall around Ocean Grand Hotel. parking lot. 11/10/41 21 25 -- Parking Lot license granted Normandy Ocean Club - Lots 4,5 & 6, Blk. 9, Normandy Beach South 11/10/41 21 32 Parking Lot license granted Harry Sirkin - Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 51A Lincoln Sub. 11/10/42 21 32 PARKING LOTS 60 Book Page Parking Lot permit _._granted Smith Gaye Biscayne St. W11/10/41is- 21 Bis- cayne ne riaza _ 32 Parking lot permit r t da Braznezl hotel - Lot 6 bl . 39 (Zcean Front Property ' 11/10/41' 21 32 Parking lot permit granted Smith Co. in rear of Warrin Motel on Biscayne St. 11/10/41 21 32 Parking lot permit ranted Sanford Kay - L& 10, B1 27, Fisher's 1st Sub. 11/12/41 21— 45 PARKING LOTS Book Page Parking lot permit granted Chas. E:—Baez - Lots 1 to 4, Blk. ,A Atlantic Heights 11/12/41 21-. 45 -Parking Lot pe1�m.Lt granted Broad Ripple Hotel 11/19/41 23 48 Parking lot permit granted Surrey Hotel 11/19/41 21 49 61 Parking lot permit granted Beach Parking— -ot Lots 5, 6, & N. Q Lot 7, Blk. 53, Pine Ridge Sub. 11/19/41 21 49 PARKING LOTS Book Page 62 Parking lot permit granted Simone Hotel - Lots 1,2 & 3, Bik. • _:, 21 49 Parking lot permit granted'-G-eneral Service", Lots 1 to 3, Blk. 53, Orchard Sub. 11/19/41 21 49 Parking Lot permit granted Chicagoan -Hotel - -Lat- --1 & 2, Blk.--57 Fisher's 1st Sub. 11/19/41 21 49 Parking lot permit granted Murray Spi-vack —Lots -0,10, 1-1 & 12 B1k. 29, Fisher's 1st Sub. 11/19/41 21 49 Phyeicians request parking lace reser ed in ear of 54 05 T.i nnn�n Rno �4 21 AR PARKING LOTS "" 63 Nolan -Peeler Parking lot complain -Bo ed of by -Sarah Holman I2/5/41 Parking lot permit granted to Davidson & Greenwalk - Lots 5 to 11, Blk. 54, Fisher's lstSub. 12/5/41 21 87 Parking lot permit granted Shepard Swede - Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 27, Fisher's 1st Sub. 12/5/41 Parking lot permit Cromwell Hotel - Parking lot permit Jennings - Lot 23, Parking lot permit Hotel - Lots 3 & 4 21 granted 12/5/41 21 granted G.M. Lyle G. Hall 12/5/41 21 granted Normandie , Blk. 3, Ocean Beach 12/5/41 21 87 87 88 88 PARKING LOTS Book Page Parking lot permit granted The Albion Hotel - E. 70' Lot 2, Blk. 30, Fisher's 1st Sub. 12/5/41 21 88 Parking Lot permit granted D. C. King for Lot 7, B1k. 2, Lincoln Rd. Sub. "A" 12/5/41 21 88 Aaron Courshon asks permission to construct office bldg. on his parking lot. No action. 12/5/41 21 88 ParkingLot permitgrated Whitehart Hotel or Lo6, B1K. b, Ocean Beach 12/17/41 21 100 PARKING LOTS 65 B_ook_. Page Parking lot permit;> granted Beach comber Restaurant on lot on Dade Blvd. next to Olney Inn. 12/17/41 21 100 Parking lot permits were granted: Bon Air Hotel - W. 75' Lot 2, Blk. 15, O.B.# Atlantic Towers - Lots 5 & 6, 81k. 37, Ocean Froqt P op. 12/17/41 21 101 Parking lot permits granted: Hutchi on Service Station - 1155 L'ollins Ave. General Service - S.W.corner 7t S and Washington Ave. 12/17/41 4-.21 102 PARKING LOTS 66. Book Page Parkin lot permits grant d: Par- ay arkn o.- o and N. 2 Lot 19, BIk. 57, Fisher's 1st Sub. Mr.Siegel - Lot 10, Blk. 10, 0.B.Sub. Anglers Hotel -Lot 6, Blk. 47, 0.B. #3 5 o'clock Club -Lots 6,8 & 10, Blk. 2, Ocean Front Prop. Stanley's Parking Lot -Lot 16, Blk. 11, 0.B.#1 ook's Casino - Lot 1, Blk. 116, 0.B.#4 12/17/41 21 102 Parking lotermit authorized Simon Cohen permit Lot 8 and part of 9, Blk. 26, 0. B. #2. 12/18/41 21 119 PARKING LOTS 67 Book Page. Mr. Renshaw advised that Parking Lot project purchasing lots north and south of Lincoln Rd., would cost approximately $200,000. Tabled temporarily. 12/18/41 21 120 Parking lot permits ranted: Jeff ky:slParOcei Front Lots 1 & 2, Ocean Inn - Lot 4, Blk. 113, 0. Tiffany Hotel - Lot 15, Blk 12, Somerset Hotel - Lot 9 Blk 4 0 Taradash Prop. - S. 1/2 Lot 19 Blk. 57, Fisher' s 1st Sub. Shoreham Hotel - Lot 1, Blk. 1, 1/7/42 B. #4 0.B.#1 .B.Sub. and all 20 Friedman & Cope 21 129 PARKING LOT 68 Book Page NortiaM Hotel - Lot 6, Blk. 1, P Friedman & Cope Hotel Clevelander - Lot 8, Bik. 15 Ocean Beach Add. #1 Stanton Hotel - Lot 4 Blk 2, O.B.Sub. Theodore Leipold-Lot to & 11, Bik. 2, Fisher's 1st Sub. A. Kobel - Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 36, O.B.#2 (hedge to be placed at N.en4/7/42 21 129 Parking lot permits granted Mrs. Doyle - Rear 1317 Collins Ave. Whitehart Hotel - Lot 13, Blk. 4. O.B. 1/21/42 21 147 PARKING LOTS 69 Book Page Parking lot permit granted Malone Bros., Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk can_Eront Propebty. , 4/4 Qe.2 __ 21 171 No action taken by Council on NOLAN- -PEELER parking-let—permit 2/18/142 21 198 -Nolan-feeler gran park n 1Ot perm -t- fer 6o days 2/20/14a Hayneswort1 Properties granted 21 207 —parking lot permit for-rear—of Lots _5a nd 6, Blk. 8 ,Normandy Beach ,South 2/20/42 21 207