Parking System_December 1965 to September 1966PARKING SYSTEM Rerald Spolter Associates elected to prepare the Engineering Report of the Metered Parking System for year ending December 31, 1965 12-16-65 49 507 Statement of Gerald J. Spolter & Associates for Engineering Report -Metered Parking System for year ending 12/31/65 $850.00 4-8-66 50 215 48 Book Page Ltr of appreciation from Shapiro for parking tags presented and filed. 7W C'a u c� F n h -f( •C.1.41 Harold issued 9-7-66 51 28 PARKING SYSTEM Res. #11963 adopting budget for Metered Parking System for year beginning Jan. 1, 1967. 10-19-66 51 123 49 Book Page Council considers selection of CPA and Consulting Engr. for annual audit and engineering report of Metered Parking System and defers action to 12/15/66. 12-14-66 51 238 Selection of firms to perform annual audit and engineering report of Metered Parking System deferred to next meeting. 12-15-66 51 268 PARKING SYSTEM Res. #12008 authorizing transfer of funds from Metered Parking System to City's General Fund. 12-21-66 51 279 Book Page Sidney Wasserman & Co. awarded contract for annual audit of Metered Parking System. Oboler & Clarke, Inc. awarded contract for annual engineering report of Metered Parking System. 12-21-66 51 281 Audit of Metered Parking System report for yr. ended 12/31/66 as performed by Sidney Wasserman & Co. presented for information only, to be combined with Eng. Report and transmitted together at a later date.3_1_67 51 424 PARKING SYSTEM Recommendations of Parking Committee of Council approved as submitted, containing recommendations for improvements to Metered Parking System. 4-5-67 51 520 Book Page Res. #12145 requesting government authorities to disapprove any effort to prohibit Federal subsidies and grant for municipal parking facilities. 6-14-67 52 76 Parking System financial report for period Jan. 1 - June 30, 1967, filed. 8-9-67 52 187 Recommendation re. emergency repairs for Lincoln Lane parking area (double deck) approved and Res. #12097 authorizing transfer9of7funsIT 560 PARKING SYSTEM 52 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 11/1/67 on resolution adopting budget for Metered Parking System for sinking fund year beginning 1/1/68; need for Parking Committee to review and Council to study. 10-18-67 52 351 Res. #12271 adopted authorizing adoption of 1968 Budget for Metered Parking System for $297,249. 11-1-67 52 388 Parking permit rate changes approved, effec- tive 5/1/68: yearly -$98; 6 mos. (5/1-10/31)- $45; 6 mos. (11/1-4/30)-$63; 1 mo. (5/1-10/31)- $12; 1 mo. permits (11/1 -4/30) -Discontinued. 3-6-68 61 51 PARKING SYSTEM Council members & Parking Meter Division Supervisor to attend International Parking Congress, Toronto, Canada, 6/16-20, 1968 at City expense. 5-1-68 Parking Committee requested to have Mr. Moe Hyman at next meeting to discuss items presented by him. 5-1-68 Action deferred to 6/5/68 on resolution authorizing transfer of Surplus funds of Metered Parking System --City Attorney in- structed to render written opinion re. authority for such transaction. 5-15-68 53 BOOK PAGE 53 177 53 178 53 205 PARKING SYSTEM 54 BOOK PAGE Resolution authorizing transfer of surplus funds from Metered Parking System & report from City Attorney re. authority for same deferred to 6/26/68. 6-5-68 53 222 Action deferred to 7/3/68 on resolution authorizing transfer of Metered Parking System funds. City Manager to discuss further with City Attorney. 6-26-68 53 263 Action deferred to 7/17/68 on resolution re, transfer of Parking System funds. City Manager to contact bond attorneys to get opinion whether City can use surplus meter money for completion of Convention Hall. 7-3-68 53 287 PARKING SYSTEM 55 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 7/31/68 on ordinance estab- lishing new parking regulations. Suggestion that Mr. Toal meet with Dade Planning Department re. permissible height of buildings. 7-17-68 53 326 Ordinance #1718 adopted transferring Metered Parking Division to City Clerk -Finance Director. 10-11-68 53 538 Parking permit fees increased (necessitated by 4% state sales tax): Annual permit (sold in May only of each year) --new rate $102; One-half year summer rate --new rate $48; One-half year winter rate --new rate $66. During summer PARKING SYSTEM 56 BOOK PAGE months, monthly permits for parking on any muni- cipal lot except those exclused per list --new rate $13.00. Parking Committee awaiting ruling whether tax will be required on "courtesy permits." 10-16-68 53 543 Parking Committee members and other members of Council desiring, and any member of Administration deemed necessary by City Manager, authorized to make inspection trips to New York City re. to check out facilities constructed by this firm re. multi-level parking (method, type, etc.). Funds for trips to be appropriated from Parking Revenue Bond Funds. 10-16-68 53 544 PARKING SYSTEM Resolution #12571 adopted, adopting Metered Parking System Budget beginning January 1, 1969, amount of $339,590.00. 11-6-68 Resolution #12572 adopted estimating Metered Parking System surplus for 1968 and inviting tenders (after transfers from Parking Revenue Fund were approved). 11-6-68 57 BOOK PAGE 562, 53 563 53 563 City Manager to contact Volume Indoor Parking Co. and other companies to obtain proposals re. costs of providing multi-level parking of 42nd Street Parking area between Royal Palm Avenue and W. 42nd Street. 11-20-68 54 35 PARKING SYSTEM Ordinance #1729 adopted creating RDH Single Family district allowing ground level parking for hospitals therein and placing Miami Heart Institute lots in same (Lots 12-17, Block 13, Nautilus Addition). 12-4-68 Action on annual audit and engineering report of Metered Parking System and award of contract to auditing firm deferred to December 18, 1968. 12-4-68 58 BOOK PAGE 54 37 54 57 PARKING SYSTEM 59 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1739 adopted amending off-street parking regulations design standards to go into effect February 6, 1969. (Ordinance No. 1715, as amended, will go into effect February 6, 1969.) 12-4-68 54 70 City Manager instructed to negotiate with Volume Indoor Parking for purpose of letting contract to double deck 42nd Street parking lot between Sheridan and Royal Palm Avenues, on basis of modified self parking and report to Council. Complete information (plans, specifications, etc.) to be supplied. 12-18-68 54 92 PARKING SYSTEM Award of parking audit and engineering report deferred to January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 Contract awarded to Seymour D. Singer and Co. to make annual audit of Parking System for sinking fund year ending December 31, 1968 at $500 fee. 1-2-69 Action deferred to January 15, 1969 on award of contract for preparation of Engineering report. Manager to furnish additional informa- tion re. firms interested. 1-2-69 6o BOOK PAGE 54 99 54 117 54 117 PARKING SYSTEM 61 BOOK PAGE Data not received re. proposal of Volume Indoor parking (42nd Street parking improvement) --action deferred to January 15, 1969. City Manager to furnish details to Council with agenda package if received in time. 1-2-69 54 125 Plans re. parking garage at 42nd Street between Royal Palm and Prairie Avenues --action on matter tabled until February 5, 1969. 1-15-69 54 153 Vol. Indoor Parking - Action def. to 2/13/69 on Manager's Rept. re pro- posal for 42nd St. parking garage. 2/5/69 54 PARKING SYSTEM 62 BOOK PAGE Volume Indoor Parking. City Mgr. advised that Public Wks. Dir. was evaluating sketches & report to be submitted 2/19/69. 2/13/69 54 185 Moe Hyman's appearance re. parking decals and parking meters deferred to 4/16/69. 54 326 CC approved debiting of $110,000, crediting to Gen] Fund for extra expenditures. Meeting date 9-30-69 PARKING SYSTEM 62-a Meeting date re $464,956 budget: Res.12872 adopted; request for '71 budget review prior to presentation; MB 1st Natl.Bank to make fund transfers; RES.12873 directing MB 1st Natl.to retire bonds, etc. 10-15-69 PARKING SYSTEM Contract to Seymour Singer Co. for '69 audit. ..contract for enoineerinq report,'69, to Gerald J. Spolter Assoc. Adequacy of off-street parking,review requested concerning schools. Parking decal distribution - deferred to 4-1-70. ....No action taken; motion made to remain status quo, but permits to be updated. 63 Meeting date 1-7-70 3-4-70 3-20-70 4-1-70 PARKING SYSTEM 64 Meeting date RES.13136 for operating year be- ginning 1-1-71, $436,416. 10-21-70 MB 1st Ntl Bank to make transfers from Metered Parking System Revenue Fund (see Memo 2815). RES.13137 estimating surplus as of 1-1-71, directing depositary to call for tenders or redemption, retire parking revenue bonds. City Mgr advised exercise of option this day of outstanding bonds @ 79.5%. 10-21-70