Parking Of Automobiles_February to March 1952PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES . 78 Book Page Proposed ordinance re. off-street parking spaces in connection with new hotels and apartment houses again discussed. No action taken. 2-13-52 32 358 Council discusses purchase of Lot 15, Block 11, Orchard Sub. No. 44, (Adams Property) for off-street parking purposes. Purchase authorized, purchase price $26,875.00 3-5-52 32 416 Res. #7953 authorizing purchase of above Adams Property 3-10-52 32 419 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 79 Book Page Mr. Lipp to check with Police Dept. about double and triple parking on streets, and use of Library Parking area for parking by,various establishments 3-19-52 32 439 Owner of Westview Hotel urges city to buy vacant property located between Fleetwood Hotel and 10th St. for off-street parking 3-26-52 32 444 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 80 Book Page City Mgr. advises that Parking Committee recommends that $17,500. be offered for Lots 61 and 62, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy, with idea of also acquiring Lot 22 adjacent to and west of alley in B1k 10 to provide 50' street necessary for proposed off-street parking area. City Mgr. authorized to offer $17,500. 4-4-52 32 470 Mr. Renshaw authorized to offer additioral$400. for above property Caiplaint filed re. Royal Yor C6 Hotel 32 498 nark of i EstateD .strl c Clt7 o look into mater.' 4-15-52 32 500 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 81 Book Page Public hearing to be called 4/30/52, to consider application of Martin Drexel for permit to construct multiple -level parking garage on north half Lot 5, and all of Lots 6 & 7, Block 30, Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton Beach (1670-76 Collins Ave.) 4-16-52 32 498 Hearing conducted on above application. Action deferred. 4-30-52 33 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 82 Book Page 3rd reading Ord.#1019 re. multiple -level parking garages 5-7-52 33 13 Permit to construct multiple -level garage on no. 1/2 Lot 5, and all of Lots 6 and 7, Block 30, Fisherts First Subd. of Alton Beach, denied. (1670-76 Collins Ave.) 5-7-52 33 26 Ordinance to be prepared requiring all new hotels and apartment houses to provide off-street parking facilities for their gusts. Matter to be discussed by Council in private 5-21-52 33 62 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 83 Council denies requestto Book Page call public hearing to consider permit for erection of multiple - level parking garage on north half Lot 5, all of Lots 6 & 7, Block 30, Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton Beach 5-21-52 33 63 Appropriation of $35,122.00 authorized from proceeds from sale of $1,480,000 Parking Revenue Bonds, for construction of parking area on 42nd Street between Royal Palm Ave. and Sheridan Ave. 6-4-52 33 84 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 84 Book Page Safety Committee recommends elimination of parking on Collins Ave. between 26th 4 44th Sts. since Council again changed one-way traffic system on Collins Ave. Recommendation to be clarified. City Mgr. & Traffic Dir. to submit their recommendations to Mr. Lipp for report 6-11-52 33 105 City Engineer reports re. elimination of parking on Collins Ave. from 26th to 44th Streets, during time two-way traffic isi e$ ect 6-18-52 33 118 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 85 Book Page Royal York Hotel must discontinue use of lot immediately south of Hotel for parking of cars 7-16-52 33 160 Owner of Shorecrest Hotel requests leasing portion of city parking lot at 16th St. and Collins Ave. for its guests. Matter referred to City Mgr. 7-16-52 33 163 Zoning hearing to be called at early date requiring provision for off-street parking spaces in connection with future construction on ocean front and nearby properties from 15th to City limit 7-23-52 33 168 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 86 Book Page Zoning hearing held re. setting up Parking Districts. Action postponed until Sept. 3, 1952 8-27-52 33 222 Hearing continued re. parking districts; proposal taken under advisement 9-10-52 33 239 Hearing re. multiple -level garages set for October 1st 9-10-52 33 239 Hearing continued to later date re. multiple -level parking garage application of Martin Drexel 10-1-52 33 288 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 87 Book Page Ordinance to be prepared requiring provision for parking spaces in connection with new construction on both sides of Collins Ave. from 44th St. to 63rd St. and from 75th Street to city limit. 11-5-52 33 350 Res. #8174 calling zoning hearing requiring provision for off-street parking spaces in connection with future construction - Collins Ave. from 44th St. to Royal York Hotel, and from 75th St. to city limit; and setting forth requirements 11-19-52 33 377 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 88 Book Page Permit approved for construction of 2 -story garage, as accessory use of International Hotel, 4300 Collins Ave. 12-17-52 33 427 1st and 2nd readings ordinance amending zoning ord. so as to divide City into two parking districts, in connection * th future construction 12-17-52 33 434 3rd reading ordinance creating Parking Districts" - Ord. #1036 1-7-53 33 456 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 89 Book Page Plan to acquire rear 25 feet of property in Block 10, Isle of Normandy, for off-street parking, approved 1-21-53 33 472 Space to be reserved on Drexel Ave. when Council is in session, for Councilmen's cars 2-4-53 33 515 Conference to be arranged between Councilmen and City Atty. to decide what is to be done in case of Martin Drexel v. City (Supreme Court's ruling that City will have to grant him permit to erect multiple -level garage) 2-25-53 34 33 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 90 Book Page Councilman Turk suggests that City Mgr. see if off-street parking property cannot be acquired in area Ocean Drive south of First Street, to accommodate patrons of Pier Park recreation center and the businesses in area 3-20-53 34 124 Res. #8308 authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire Lots 1,2,5,6 and 79, Bik 10, Ocean Side Sec. of Isle of Norm., for off-street parking Res. 8319 authorizingpurchase2of5N.251 126 Lot 67,Blk 10 Ocean ideSc.Is1e of Norm. 5350.0 forConcourse Corp off-street 'k ng4_1_53 34 181 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Res. #8230 authorizing purchase of N. 251 Lot 68, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec., Isle of Norm., for $350.00 for off-street parking (Layton) 4-1-53 34 147 90A Book Page PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 91 Book Page Development of parking area on Lots 10 and 11, Block 5, Isle of Normandy, for off-street parking authorized, estimated cost $10,000.00 4-15-53 34 178 Development of parking areas authorized for off-street parking: North side of 72nd St. at Carlyle Ave.(510,332.75 72nd St. from Dickens to Abbott Aves. S11,523.0( 4-15-53 34 178 Petition filed requesting that provision in zoning ordinance permitting multiple -level parking garages be repealed. Request referred to Zoning Bard. 4-15-53 34 181 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 92 Book Page Lincoln Rd. Ass'n asks for condemnation of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Bik 0, Fisher's 1st Sub. (Drexel property)for municipal parking area. City Atty to prepare resolution authorizing institution of proceedings 4-23-53 34 197 Re4. #8345 authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings to acquire Drexel property for off-street parking 4-23-53 34 199 Offer of Burrell & Jacobs, realtors, to sell Lots 1, 2, 28 and 29, Bik 23, Trouv. Sec. Isle of Norm. for off-street parking, for $19,000., referred to parkin lot committee 4-23-53 34 201 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILFS 93 Book Page Res. #8367 authorizing purchase of rear 25 feet Lot 55, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy, $350.00, for off street parking project 5-6-53 34 227 Res. #8368 authorizing purchase of rear 25 feet Lot 31, Block 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy, $350.00, for off street parking project 5-6-53 34 228 Sketch of proposed development of parking in Polo Park area approved. Requires construction of 60' pavemen or#2 d St m fr Meridian Ave. to 34 246 N atilus Cour 17 000.00 authorized from unappropriated current funds 5-13-53 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 94 Book Page Report of Zoning Bd. re. petition requesting that Sec. 5i of zoning ord., permitting construction of multiple -level parking garages in REE be repealed. Bd recommends repeal. Res. #8415 calling hearing. 6-10-53 34 332 Hearing to consider amending or eliminating Sec. 52s creating REE multiple -level auto parking districts, from zoning ord. Hearing to be continued until all Councilmen present. 7-1-53 34 351 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES `95. Book Page Hearing resumed to consider amending or eliminating Sec. 5i from zoning ord. Motion to deny zoning change.' tabled until Aug. 5. 7-15-53 34 379 Res. #8448 authorizing purchase of southerly 25' of Lots 32 and 33, Bik 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Norm., for off-street parking 7-22-53 34 410 Hearing continued re. Sec. 51 of Zoning Ord. re. multiple -level garages. Council votes to repeal present provision. 8-5-53 34 427 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 96 Book Page 1st reading ord. amending Zoning Ord. eliminating from Sec. 52 provision for construction of multiple -level garages in REE Multiple -family Dist. 8-5-53 34 430 Ordinance eliminating portion of Sec. 5i of zoning ord. re. multiple level garages fails on 3rd reading 8-19-53 34 478 Petition submitted by operators of businesses on Purdy Ave. between 18th and 20th Streets, asking for better parking facilities. Referred to City Mgr. for handling 9-2-53 35 8 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 97 Book Page Council reconsiders ordinance eliminating provision for multiple - level garages from zoning ordinance. 3rd reading fails. 1st reading given proposed ordinance restricting services rendered in multiple -level parking garges to parking of auto- mobiles 10-21-53 35 102 3rd reading zoning amendment, restricting services rendered in multiple -level parking garages Ord park Ing of automobiles ll- -53 35 132 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 98 Book Page Request for rezoning of property on west side of Collins Ave. immediately north of stores so as to permit erection of multiple -level parking garage with stores on 1st floor denied 11-18-53 35 _157 Petition presented asking City to acquire property for parking purposes on West Ave. bet. 18th and 20th Sts. Referred to Parking Committee with request for a report 11-18-53 35 165 Attention urged to problem of providing parking facilities in Communit Center area at Dade Blvd. & s n onlAve. 24� PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 99 Book Page City Mgr. presents plan for parking facilities on 75th St. west of Dickens Ave. $5,516.50 to be appropriated from unappropriated current funds to cover cost of paving i-6-54 35 287 Development of parking area in west half of Blk 10, Isle of Normandy approved. $17,881.25 to be allocated from Surplus Revenues Fund of Parking! System to cover cost 1-6-54 35 287 Councilman Frank suggests City Mgr's office make investigation re. parking of cars by hotel doormen 1-20-54 35 296 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 100 Book Page Installation of lights in parking area at 13th Street and Collins Ave. authorized 1-20-54 35 303 Offer to sell Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Blk 54, Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach, for parking purposes, for $450,000. cash, or $40,000. net per year for 99 years, referred to Parking Committee 3-3-54 35 367 Removal of two parking meters at municipal parking lot between Washington & Collins on 16th St. approved, in order chat Jefferson Hotel can have access V hotel parking lot 3-17-54 35 384 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 101 Book Page Condemnation proceedings to be abandoned against Lots 1,2,3,80, 81 and 82, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy (proposed off -street - parking project) 3-17-514 35 381 Res. #8694 authorizing dismissal of condemnation proceedings against south 25' Lots 1 and 2, Blk 10, Isle of Normandy 4-7-54 35 407 Request for off-street parking on Ocean Dr. bet. 10th and llth sts., and on lot directly in back extending nom Collins Court to Collins Ave. referred to Parking Committee4_7_514 35 408 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 102 Book Page Petition presented asking that parking facilities be constructed in old municipal golf course in vicinity of 19th and 21st Streets. Referred to Parking Committee 5 416 Res.#8712-trans of funds 4-21-54 4 35 435 1st reading ordinance prohibiting commercial vehicles from parking in certain zoned areas 5-5-54 3rd reading ordinance regulating parking of trucks on streets in residential districts tabled until June 2, 1954 5-19-54 35 480 35 457 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 203 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance regulating parking of trucks in residential areas deferred 6-2-54 36 10 J. J. Perlmutter requests Council to authorize Bldg. Dept. to issue building permit for multiple-level garage based on provisions of Sec. 52 of Zoning Ord. on 5/16/51, the date Council granted permit, which would permit washing and greasing of cars, etc. City Mgr. to submit report to Council relative to what has transpired in the past in connection with this matter 6-16-54 36 23 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 104 Book Page City Mgr. submits report as to what had transpired in connection with Perlmutter's application for permit to erect multiple - level garage. No action on motion that building permit be issued based on provisions of Zoning Ord. on 5/16/51, when permit was granted Perlmutter 7-7-54 36 50 3rd reading ordinance regulating parking of trucks in residential sections; amended. 3rd reading ordinance as amended - adopted, Ord. No. 1119. 7-8-54 36 64 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 105 Book Page J. J. Perlmutter advises that plans for multiple -level garage on Collins Ave. had been changed so as to eliminate services not presently permitted under zoning ord. Discussion as to whether Council's approval must be obtained before permit to erect can be granted. Public hearing to be held to consider effect of proposed garage on traffic 7-9-54 36 80 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 106 Book Page Hearing held to consider effect of J.J. Perlmutter's proposed multiple - level garage on traffic. Objections made; City Engineer reports on traffic in area. Permit authorized. Council- man Turk makes suggestions. Bldg. Dept. to be furnished with excerpts from minutes on subject. 7-21-54 36 86 J. J. Perlmutter requests change in zoning ordinance so as to permit washing, greasing cars, supplying gasoline, etc. in multiple level garage. No action. 9-15-54 36 150 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 107 Book Page North Shore Assn asks Council to alleviate parking situation on 71st St. 71st St. Property Owners Assn requests off-street parking facilities on city - owned Blk 2, Norm. Beach South, to alleviate condition around Post Office. Matter referred to Parking Committee for written report and recommendation. 9-15-54 36 151 Communication from Parking Committee re. parking and traffic conditions in vicinity of post office on 71st St. near Indian Creek Dr. Council approves recommendations. 10-20-54 36 236 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 108 Book Page Change In areas where parking tags may be used after Nov. 1, 1954 -- parking permits no longer valid in Lincoln Lane area from Penn.to Wash. Aves., or in the 16th St. lot. Letter to be sent with each new permit issued oh November 1st. 10-29-54 36 298 Safety Committee submits 5 recommendations re. 1 -way traffic, parking and parking meters. Hearing held. Council approves elimination of parking on Collins Ave. bet. 26th & 44th Sts.; Approves recommendation to remove parking meters on 17th St. bet Wash. Ave. and Audit. driveway and prohibit parking; PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (cont.) tudy to be made re. removing parking, meters and prohibiting parking on west side of Collins north of 63rd St.; Hearing to be held Dec. 8th re. removing parking meters on Collins Ave. bet. 72nd and 73rd Streets 11-17-54 36 327 Request made to construct multiple - level garage with stores -on ground floor on Drexel proprty, and that setback requirements on James Ave. frontage be waived. Res. #8822 calling zo inq bearing "reclassifying this property Lot 6 and N.1/2 Lot 5, Blk 30) 12-1-54 36 357 109 Book Page PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 110 Book Page Mr. Lipp submits report relative to parking of autos on west side of Collins Ave. bet. 63rd and 71st Sts. Matter held in abeyance until next meeting. Mr. Lipp to make recommendation. 12-15-54 36 378 Property owners on Indian Creek Dr. bet. 59th and 63rd Streets request that City acquire Lots 20 and 21, Lyle G. Hall Sub. (6037 Indian Cr. Dr.) for off-street parking purposes. Referred to Parking Committee 12-27-54 36 386