Parking Of Automobiles_January 1955PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 111 Book Page Mr. Lipp submits report and recommendations relative to suggestion that parking be prohibited on west side of Collins Ave. from 63rd to 71st Sts. Recommendations approved. 1-5-55 36 397 City to purchase Lots 20 and 21, Lyle G. Hall Sub. (6037 Indian Cr. Dr.) for off-street metered parking 1-19-55 36 410 Ordinance to be prepared rezoning Lot 6 and N.1/2 Lot 5, Blk 30, Fisher's 1st Sub. i3AAA(Drexel property). Setbacks to be discussed. Council assured multiple -level garage will be built on N.75' 1-19-55 36 408 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 112 Authority given to purchase N. 251 Book Page of Lot 76, Blk 10, Isle of Normandy, for $6,000.00 with understanding it will cost approx. $2,500 addl to restore building located on this property. (for off-street parking) 1-19-55 36 416 Parking Committee turns down offer of owner of lot at s.w. cor. of Collins Ave. & 43rd St. to sell or lease property to City for parking purposes. 2-2-55 36 432 Request for ac uisition of Lots 2o & 1, ',vie G. Hall SSu�., for off-street parking purposes, en a 2-2-55 36 432 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 113 Book Page Matter of setbacks in connection with rezoning Drexel property to be discussed at recess session following week. 2-16-55 36 439 Re. Drexel property: Offer made to provide two easements for public street and sidewalk purposes. 1st reading ord. rezoning this property in BAAA Business. 2-23-55 36 451 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 114 Book Page Suggestion that City buy 200 feet on north side of 27th St. between Collins Ave. & Indian Creek Dr., and one lot on south side of street in same block';. +� all for off-street parking, referred to Parking Committee 3-2-55 36 457 Parking prohibited on old municipal golf course except on nights when Community Center is open, and only in vicinity of Community Center 3-2-55 36 463 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 115 Book Page Res. #8990 authorizing purchase of N. 25' of Lot 76, Bik 10, Isle of Norm., for off-stredLparking, $6,000.00 4-4-55 37 53 Re. Drexel property. Instruments In connection with easements procured Dn this property presented. Action 3eferred. 4-4-55 37 53 re. Drexel property. Ord. #1160 reclassifying same in BAAA Business District. Two easements procured for City; Dedication deeds submitted. 4-6-55 37 66 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 116 Book Page Hearing to be held to consider application for permit to construct and operate a multiple -level parking garage on Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Block 7, Ocean Front Property, located on south side of 27th St. bet. Collins Ave. & Indian Creek Dr.(Application of Alan B. Kessler, atty) 4-6-55 37 67 Hearing conducted re. above application. Matter taken under advisement - objectors to be notified when it is to be discussed again 4-20-55 37 98 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 117 Book Page $2,800 appropriation authorized to cover cost of altering bldg. on Lot 76, Bik 10, Isle of Normandy, the cost of alteration having been assumed by City because bldg. extended onto the 25 feet of property which City is acquiring for off- street parking 5-4-55 37 150 Melvin Richard contends that metered parking area at 46th St. Park is used by hotels in vicinity and people who go to the park cannot find parking facilities 5-18-55 37 167 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 118 Book Page Resolutions presented urging Council to acquire property in vicinity of Ocean Front Auditorium for off-street parking. Referred to 5-18-55 37 171 Parking Committee. Alan Kessler, atty. refers to hearing conducted on Apr. 20, 1955 re. application made by him on behalf of clients for permission to erect multiple-level garage on Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Blk 7, Ocean Front Property at which time action was deferred. Now asks that application be amended so that stores in proposed garage be permitted,. Council ind:catel it has nouthori to consider ipc 3Ori t a nerd permission6 eget stves . 20A PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 119 Book Page Request for permission to build multiple -level garage at s.w. cor. 27th St. & Collins Ave. denied. Application of Alan Kessler (Lots 5,6, 7 and 8, Blk 7, Ocean Front Property) 7-6-55 37 245 J. J. Perlmutter applies for permit to include a bank in the proposed multiple -level garage building on` Collins Ave. bet. 38th and 39th Sts. Permit granted subject to effective gats of ordinance permitting banks in' RE Multiple -family District 8-3-55 37 291 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 120 Book Page Council fails to accede to request of J.J. Perlmutter that City Atty be directed to waive oral argument before Supreme Court in connection with suit seeking stores in proposed multiple -level parking garage on Collins Ave. bet. 38th & 39th Sts. 8-3-55 37 306 Res. #9161 authorizing institution of condemnation prodeedings to acquire property on so. side 27th St. bet. + Collins Ave. & Indian Cr. Dr. (Lots 5 to 46 incl. Blk 7, Ocean Front Property) for off-street parking 10-19-55 37 413 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 121 Book Page Petition submitted by Alton Rd. business- men requesting parking facilities in rear of west side of Alton Road extending from Lincoln Road north to 17th Street referred to Parking Committee 11-16-55 37 449 City Mgr. requested to investigate feasibility of requiring off-street parking for all new multiple -family building hereafter constructed 12-7-55 37, 73 Recommendation of Parking Committee to i/4 purchase 175 feet of Collins Ave. frontage running south from 6th St. for off-street parking for $85,000 approved. (N.26' Lot 9, all of Lots 10, 11 and 12, less N,5', Blk 2, F edman & Cope Su C-6-56 38 234 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 121A Book Page Communication from Mayor's Safety Committee re. parking on Collins Ave. between 71st and 75th Streets. Matter left with City Mgr. for further study. 3-21-56 38 103 Purchase of N.26' Lot g, all of Lots 10, 11 and 12 less N.5", Block 2, Friedman & Cope Sub. for off-street parking authorized, $85,000 Res. #92$1 6-20-56 38 258 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 122 Book Page City Mgr. advises that Parking Committee recommended purchase of 2 lots on west side of Jefferson Ave. south of Lincoln Rd. (Lots 5 and 6, Blk 48, Lincoln Sub.) for off-street parking. Mr. Renshaw authorized to negotiate for purchase of same. 6-20-56 38 256 Councilman Liberman suggests study be given toresent regulations requiring new' -hotels and -apartments to allow parking space for automobiles -- that new construction in oceanfrontstrip be made to provide one - car or possibly 2 -car space for every room. City Mgr. to look into matter. 7-5-56 38 277 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 123 Book Page Owner of property on Jefferson Ave., Lots 5 and 6, Bik 48, Lincoln Sub., asks Council not to authorize condemnation of her property for off-stredtparking. Ben Bronston and George Bertman urge City to acquire property. Motion to institute condemnation proceedings fails. 7-18-56 38 310 Parking Committee requested to submit recommendations regarding acquisition of Lippow property for off-street parking purposes 7-18-56 38 310 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 124 Book Page Ben Bronston asks Council to reconsider condemnation of property on Jefferson Ave. South of Lincoln Road for off-street parking. Council votes to reconsider matter. Building Dept. instructed to refrain from issuing permit for construction of apartment house on property until the matter has been settled. Clerk to advise owner that Discussion will be held on AugustCommunication 15th. 8-1-56 38 327 Hotel,iiu iso t.from Ocean owners of to acquire 2 lot on Dcean Dr. across the st eet from the 10th t.uditorium for off- reet parking .Council awating report of appraiser. 38 334 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 125 Book Page Mrs. Chanton requests Council to delay action on reconsideration of the proposal to acquire her Jefferson Avenue property for parking purposes. Council agrees to postpone action. Mrs. Chanton to be notified when full Council will be present. 8-15-56 38 349 Lawrence Hoffman urges Council to acquire 2 lots in vicinity of 10th St. Auditorium for off-street parking (Lots 3 and 14, Bik 15, Ocean Beach #2). Atty. Harold Turk opposes acquisition on behalf of owner of the lots. Report of appraiser read/ Action deferred until meeting we c�m i,i"t P Ct° a mitt ,�Prnrt t' AMR*18 150 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 116 Book Page $18,000 appropriation authorized from u.c.f. for enlarging the parking area at 4600 Collins Ocean Front Park 8-15-56 38 371 Further discussion held re. proposal to condemn Jefferson Ave. lots for parking purposes (Chanton property). Res. #9319 authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings (Lots 5 & 6, Blk 48, Lincoln Sub.) Mr. Lipp reports regarding revenue from parking areas north of Lincoln Rd. 9-19-56 38 400 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 126-A Book Page Purchase of Lot 1, Blk 16B, Resub. of Lots 16 to 21, Amended Sunset Lake Sub., for offstreet parking and park purposes authorized - $12,500.00 cash. Res. #9326 9-19-56 38 416 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 127 Parking Committee recommends acquisition of Lots 3 and 14, Bik 15, Ocean Beach Addn #2 for off-street parking. (Faber property). Atty for owners opposes. Lawrence Hoffman favors condemnation of property. Res. #9325 authorizing condemnation proceedings against these lots. 9_19-56 38 401 & Martin Drexel and Sol Goldstrom 415 protest condemnation by City of property on Jefferson Ave. just south of Lincoln Road for off-street parking purposes. (C�iadnton property) . Communications f.i 10-3-56 38 444 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES $35,000 appropriated to extend Municipal Auditorium parking area to the west (from unappropriated current fund surplus, to be reimbursed from Parking Meter Surplus Revenues) 10-17-56 38 466 No action taken on request of Spinoza Forum for City to condemn property adjacent to Forum for parking area. Parking Committee advises no funds are available. (Lot 15, Bik 15, Ocean Beach Addn #2) 11-7-56 38 478 128 Book Page PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES ��9 Book Page Petition requesting angle parking on 714th St. between Harding & Dickens Avenues referred to Mr. Lipp 12-5-56 39 1 Res. #9381 calling hearing to consider placing Ocean Park Sub. in "REE" Multiple - Family Dist. to permit erection of multiple - level garage on Evans property 1-16-57 39 63 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 130 Book Page Complications re. proposed purchase of property at s.e. cor. 6th St. & Collins for off-street parking. City Mgr. to advise owners that City is prepared to pay $85,000 total for property and they should settle their own difficulties with tenants; if not agreeable City will proceed to condemn property. Mr. Richard authorized to contact owners in effort to accomplish purchase of property. (purchase authorized on 6/20/56) 1-16-57 39 64 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 131 - Book Page Special hearing conducted on petition of group of Lincoln Rd. merchants that automobile parking be prohibited on both sides of Lincoln Rd. between Alton Rd. and Washington Ave. for 3 -mo. experimental period. Council to think matter over. No action taken at this time. 2-6-57 39 125 Atty Irving Cypen requests Council to settle purchase of Chanton property on Jefferson Ave. for off-street parking. Council to effect settlement on purchase of property - $86,398.25 3-6-57 39 152 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 132 Book Page Res. #9417 authorizing execution of agreement re. ingress and egress to Meridian Ave. parking in connection with new office building under construction on Lot 6 and S.1/2 of Lot 7, Block 6, Golf Course Subdivision (property west side of Meridian across from Burdines) 3-6-57 39 155 Parking Committee recommends acquisition of Lippow property for off-street parking. Res. #9421 authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings to3-20-57 5re 39 171 same. 00 PARKING OF AUTOMOBIT,FS 133 Book Page Permit for construction of multiple -level garage at 38th Street & Collins Avenue Luthorized,including washing, greasing and supplying of gasoline. (Lots 10 thru 15, 31k 30, Ocean Front Property) (Perlmutter) 4-17-57 39 255 Parking Committee recommends acquisition of property on West Ave. for parking purposes. City Mgr. authori to negotiate for purchase of Lots 16,17 and 18, Bik 40, Alton Beach Realty Co. Sub. of W. 1/2 Blocks 17-40 and 145. 5-1-57 zed ht"4 39 326 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES134 Book Page Communication from Atty Roland Granat re. acquisition of property at 6th St. & Collins Ave. for off-street parking. Council votes to accept offer of $85,000 plus lease on corner store. (Globoro) 5-1-57 39 David Heyman asks Council to discontinue negotiations to purchase his property on West Ave. (Lots 16,17,18, Blk 40, Alton Beach Realty Co.) Mgr. of Parking System to submit report on need as well as feasibility of getting other land in area. 5-15-57 39 326 345 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 134A Book Page Report of Mgr. of Metered parking System re. offstreet parking in area of West Ave. between Lincoln Rd. & 17th St. City Mgr. directed to go forward with negotiations to acquire 3 lots on West Ave. for off- street parking. 6-19-57 39 398 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 135 -41(04ut Book Page Terminal Garage Corp. requests permit to erect multiple-level garage on Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 7, 2nd Oceanfront (w.side of Collins Ave. in 6400 Block), and approval for open parking and egress and ingress over Lots 58 and 60, Blk 7, directly in rear of proposed garage and fronton Ind. Cr.Dr. Hearing scheduled for August 7th. 7-17-57 39 437 Hearing conducted on above application of Terminal Garage Corp. Action deferred pending report from Traffic Dept. aa to the effect upon traffic the proposed garage would have in the immediate ae-5r39 479 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES. 136 Book Page Hearing antinued on multiple -level garage application (Terminal Garage). Traffic Dept. report reviewed. Permit granted subject to certain restrictions. 8-21-57 39 515 Res. #9594 authorizing execution of agreement with Israel Reiman, tenant on property at 6th St. & Collins Ave. to vacate property by:Nov... 15, 1957, for the sum Qf $2,500. (This property was purchase for off-street parkingl.. Councilman Liberman requests report revenue from parking meters on his lot, one year from date. 9_4_57 40 18 (Globoro property) PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 137 Book Page Size of park at East end of Lincoln Lane reduced to provide more space for parking in Lincoln Lane double - decking. 9-4-57 40 23 Councilman Richard's motion for preparation of ordinance requiring off-street parking for all new construction fails to receive second 9-18-57 40 29 Width of parking spaces to be increased to 8'6" instead of 8'3" at Bayshore Golf Course 9-25-57 40 48 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 138 Book Page $20,500 appropriation approved from ucf for development of Parking Area PA -19, Washington Ave. & 16th St. 11-14-57 40 115 $17,576 appropriation authorized from ucf for development of off-street parking area at 6th St. & Collins Ave. (PA -21) 11-20-57 40 121