Parking Of Automobiles_January 1958PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 239 Book Page Petition and communications presented requesting removal of parking ban on Collins Ave. between 63rd and 71st Streets (action of Police Chief). C of C resolution urges Council to uphold parking ban. Discussion held with Police Chief present. Measures agreed upon re. Collins Ave. parking 219 and ban between 69th and 75th Streets. 1-15-58 40 232 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Petition of Parkview Island residents and property owners presented, asking for ordinance to require sufficient parking with all new construction. Legal Dept. instructed to prepare stop gap ordinance to require 1 -car parking space for every 1i units; also instructed to prepare necessary resolutions to amend zoning ordinance. No specific action taken with regard to Parkview Island. 140 Book Page 2-5-58 40 4o 244 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 141 Book Page Ben Harvey appears in regard to permission to construct 5 -story apt. house on Ocean Drive WITHOUT PARKING. Council advises Mr. Harvey to contact Mr, Lipp 2-5-58 4+o 258 Parking problem in vicinity of Indian Creek Dr. & 71st St. discussed. Parking Committee has matter under consideration 2-5-58 4+0 273 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 142 Book Page Mr. Lipp advises that Mr. Harvey will provide 11 car spaces for 5 -story, 55 -unit bldg. on Ocean Dr. Action deferred. Objectors to be notified. 2-12-58 40 274 Council again discusses request Of Ben Harvey to construct 5 -story apt. bldg. at 1446 Ocean Dr. Objections raised. Council votes to deny application for building permit. 2-19-58 40 279 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 1143 Book Page Legal Dept. explains purpose of resolution calling zoning hearing re. provision for off-street parking of automobiles in connection with construction of 2 -family or multiple -family dwellings. Res. #9706 calling hearing on March 19th. 2-19-58 40 283 Ord. #1291 adopted as emergency measure - prohibiting issuance of building permits for multiple -family construction unless parking spaces are provided; also providing for isauance of emits without parking upon har s p determination y Uity Council 2-19-58 40 284 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 144 Book Page Sec. 24.4 of Code to be amended to eliminate requirement for barricade 5' from property lines in connection with parking lots required with multiple -family construction 2-26-58 40 309 1st reading amendment to Ord. 1291 providing for 5' opaque wall or hedge on side, front & rear lines of such parking spaces required in Sec. 1 of Ord. 1291 where same are within 50' of any existing dwelling 3-12-58 40 324 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 145 Book Page 1st reading amendment to Sec. 24.4 re. elimination of requirement for permanent barricade five feet from side and rear lines of property used for parking lot purposes throughout the city 3-12-58 40 325 Hearing conducted re. provision for off-street parking in connection with construction of 2 -family or multiple -family dwellings. Ord. to be prepared. Council- man Shapiro proposes construction of parking lots in multiple -family areas 3-19-58 40 336 145-A PARKING OF:• ATJT4MOBILES_ Park Book Page Comm tee's recommendation that certain property in northern end of City be acquired and developed as parking areas accepted: Lots 1 & 2, Blk D. Atlantic Heights Sub. Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Blk 12, Norm.Beach Sub. Lot 3, Blk 14, Normandy Beach South Lots 3 and 10, Blk 16, Normandy Beach South All of these properties lie west of Collins Ave. bet. 69th & 71st Sts. Funds to cover cost: of acquisition available in $1,850,000 Parking Revenue Bond Issue 4-2-58 40 362 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 146 Book Page Res. #9743 authorizing condemnation proceedings against properties in 71st St. area for off-street parking: Lots 1 & 2, Blk D, Atlantic Heights Sub. Lots 13 to 16 incl. Blk 12, Norm. Beach So. Lot 3, Blk 14, Norm. Beach So. Lots 3 and 10, Bik 16, Norm. Beach So. Request made to exclude Lot 3, Bik 14, Norm. Beach So. from Resolution 4-16-58 4o 374 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES- 147 Book Page Council discusses parking areas required by Ord. #1291 in conjunction with new multiple -family construction. Applications do not have to be presented to Council for approval and notification does not have to be given by Clerk to adjacent property owners. City Clerk's Office and Bldg. Dept. to work out operating procedure for processing such applications through Engineering and Traffic Division for such action as is required by the departments concerned.4-16-58 4O 386 PARKING OF AUTOMOBIT,RS 148 Book Page Mr. Lipp recommends Lot 3,'B1k 14, Normandy Beach South, not be dropped from condemnation proceedings 4-3o-48 4o 388 M. B. Apt Assn objects to building permits being issued without parking provisions 5-21-58 40 416 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 149 Book Page City Mgr. to look into feasibility of acquiring property at 47th St. & Pine Tree Dr. for off-street parking (Lot 13, B1k 32, Lakeview Sub. less alley) 5-21-58 40 424 Resolution of M.B. Apt.Assn requesting Council to investigate possibility of setting aside northern tip of Flamingo Park , bordering on Meridian Ave., for development as off-street parking area. City Mgr. to look into matter and report to Council. 6-4-58 40 456 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 150 Book Page Res. #9789 adopted authorizing acquisition of property at N. W. cor. Pine Tree Dr. and W. 47th St. for off-street parking (by condemnation) 6-18-58 4o 472 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 151 Book Page Objections made to proposed acquisition of property at 47th St. & Pine Tree Dr. for off-street parking. Council urged to rescind condemnation Res. #9789, and to consider acquiring E. Lot 11 and all of Lot 12 lntead. Objectors advised that Parking Committee recommended that Lot 13 be acquiredfor parking. Motion to rescind resolution fails. City Mgr. requested to instruct Parking Committee to determine advisability of acquiring E.2 Lot 11 and all of Lot 12, and report to Council. 7-2-58 40 482 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Petition of Washington Ave. Assn. presented, requesting double decking of parking area at 16th St. from Washington Ave. to Collins Ave. Referred to City Mgr. 7-2-58 40 485 Mr. Lipp's report re. request of M.B. Apt. Assn for development of off-street parking area in n.e. cor. of Flamingo Park. Council advised not to disturb area as it was needed for recreational purposes. 7-16-58 41 12 152 Book Page PARKING OF AUTOMBILES No action on Councilman Richard's suggestion that policy re. parking on grass in certain residential areas be determined. 7-16-58 Suggestion of Councilman Richard re. parking of small cars referred to City Mgr. 8-6-58 41 48 Parking Committee recommends acquisition of property on west side of Drexel Ave. facing City Hall, for off-street parking. $iRgh. tgresented. City Mgr. a thorized 8-2o-50 41 65 153 Book Page 41 16 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 154 Book Page. Res. #9845 authorizing purchase of Lots 13,14,15, Block 12, Normandy Beach South, for off-street parking, $162,500. Appropriation from sale of $1,850,000 Parking Revenue Bonds. (Bernard) 8-27-58 41 72 Res. #9854 authorizing purchase of S.25' of portion of Tract Ten NA of revised plat of portions of Ocean Side Sec. and Trouville q1 Sec., Isle of Normandy,(from 1238 Normandy Aiy Dr.Inc) for $1,000, for off-street parking. Appropriation from ucf) 9-3-58 41 89 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 155 Book Page Parking Committee recommends acquisition by purchase or condemnation, property on Washington Ave. immediately north of City's 16th St. parking area (Lot 12, Bik 57, Fisher's 1st Sub.) City Mgr. authorized to negotiate. 9-17-58 41 109 Purchase of Lot 3, Block 14, Normandy Beach South, authorized, $25,000, for off-street parking 9-17-58 41 109 Addl $500. appropriated for purchase of portion of Tract Ten NA, Isle of Nom. Price of $1,000 as given in 9/3 meeting was an error. Actual cost is tion_ Q-17-8 41 10Q PARKING OF AUTOMOBILFS 156 Book Page Res. #9873 authorizing purchase of Lot 12, Blk 57, Fisher's 1st Sub. (16th St. & Washington Ave.) for off-street parking - $100,000. Appropriation of 628,000 for down payment authorized from ucf. 10-1-58 41 144 Res. #9874 authorizing purchase of Lot 3, Bik 16, Normandy Beach South, (lot on Bonita Dr. south of 71st St.) for sum of $33,850. for off-street parking. (Nelson) 10-1-58 41 145 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 157 Book Page Res. #9875 authorizing purchase of Lot 3, Blk 14, Normandy Beach South, (lot on Carlyle Ave. south of 71st St.) for sum of $25,000, for off-street parking. 10-1-58 41 145 Res. #9901 authorizing execution of agreement for purchase of Lot 2, Bik 37, Ocean Beach Addn #3, for off-street parking (1134 Drexel) $35,250 11-5-58 41 201 $20,296.10 appropriated for construc- tion of Parking Area on Harding Ave. (from sale of Parking Revenue Bonds Series 1958) 11-19-58 41 225 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 158 Book Page City Mgr. authorized to negotiate for acquisition of Lots 11 and 12, Blk 13, Alton Beach Realty Cols Sub. for parking purposes (1831 and 1821 North Bay Rd) 12-10-58 41 253 Res. #9959 authorizing purchase of Lot 10 less E.10, ft. Bik 16, Normandy Beach South, for off-street parking. ($24,000 authorized from 1-7-59 41 294 arking ev, on un s) PARKING OF AUTOMOBIT,F:S 159 Book Page Res. #9960 authorizing purchase of Lot 11, Blk 13, Alton Beach, for off-street parking. ($22,500 authorized from ucf.) 1-7-59 41 295 Request for permit to build parking garage at 39th Street & Collins Ave. with 2 lower floors to be used as transportation offices DENIED. (J. J. Perlmutter) 1-21-59 41 306 Condemnation:proceedings to be ins toe it negotiations for purchase of Lot 12, Blk 13, Alton Beach Realty Co. Sub. (Determan property on Bay Rd.) are not consummated before next Council mAPti na _ 4-1-5() 42 44 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 160 Book Page Res. #10021 authorizing agreement with owners of property in Blk 36, Golf Course Sub., regarding ingress and egress to and from Municipal Parking Lot (1674 Meridian Ave.) 2-18-59 41 401 Councilman Powell introduces ordinance to prevent parking of motor vehicles with advertisements on vacant property or parking lot. Ord. given 1st reading. (Amendment to Sec. 32.12 of Code) 2-18-59 41 387 PARKING OF AUTOMOBIT,FS 161 Book Page Parking Committee recommends acquisition of property for off-street parking. Res. #10128 authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire Lots 9,10, and 11, Block 18, Ocean Beach Addn #2 (N.E. cor. Collins Ave. at 13th St.) 6-10-59 42 112 Appraisal to be made of property at 31st Street and Collins Ave. for purpose of acquiring same for off-street parking. 6-10-59 42 112 best for at nior�. "° kstdex PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 162 Book Page Res. #101142 authorizing purchase of n.w. cor 47th St. & Pine Tree Dr. (portion of Tract B of Amended Plat of Lot 13, B1k 32, LAKEVIEW SUB.) for off-street parking. $32,000 appropiration from ucf. 7-1-59 142 147 $7,104.90 appropriated from ucf for development of parking area at Pine Tree Dr. and 47th St. 9-2-59 142 278 515,3824.50 appropriated from ucf for development of parking area at 1821-1831 Bay Rd. (Lots 11 & 12, Alton Beach Realty Co.'s A ende Rl U l -1 F�-�iQ 42 X71 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 163 Book Page Parking Committee recommends acquisition of the following property for off-street parking: N.W. Cor. 31st St. & Collins Ave. N.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Alton Rd. 1621 Michigan Ave. N. W. Cor. 6th St. & Meridian Ave. Res. Nos. 10234-5-6-7 authorizing acquisition of same. 12-16-59 42 4o6 Res.#10261 granting Komoko Corp. access from Lot 12, Blk D, Atlantic Heights, to proposed City parking lot, opening to be along east line of south 10 feet of Lot 1. Komoko to dismiss condemnation appeal. _ 1-20-60 42 445