Parking Of Automobiles_December 1959 to January 1960PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 163 Book Page Parking Committee recommends acquisition of the following property for off-street parking: N.W. Cor. 31st St. & Collins Ave. N.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Alton Rd. 1621 Michigan Ave. N. W. Cor. 6th St. & Meridian Ave. Res. Nos. 10234-5-6.7 authorizing acquisition of same. 12-16-59 42 406 Res.#10261 granting Komoko Corp. access from Lot 12, Bik D, Atlantic Heights, to proposed City parking lot, opening to be along east line of south 10 feet of Lot 1. Komoko to dismiss condemnation appeal. 1-20-60 42 445 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 164 Book Page Res. #10273 authorizing condemnation proceedings for acquisition of n.w. cor. 31st St. & Collins Ave. (Lots 1 & 2, and s.20 feet Lot 3, Blk 16, Ocean Front Property, for off-street parking. 2-3-60 42 458 Res: #10276 authorizing purchase of N.20' of Lot 13, Blk 48, Lincoln Sub. for off-street parking - $13,000. (W.side Mich. Ave. south of Lincoln Rd.) appropriation from ucf. 2-3-60 42 464 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 165 Book Page Res. #10277 authorizing purchase of S. 30' of Lot 13, B1k 48, Lincoln Sub. for off-street parking, $19,000. (W.side Michigan Ave. south of Lincoln Rd.) (Vacca) (Appropriation from ucf) 2-3-60 42 465 Res. #10278 authorizing condemnation of Lots 7 & 8, Block 73, Ocean Beach Addn #3, for off-street parking Res. purchase 42 474 #10279authorizing urchase of Lot 26, Blk 17, NautilusExter'1on, for off-street parking (E.side Alton Rd, just N. of 41st -St.) $20,500. Appropriation from ucf. (Rickles) 2-10-60 42 474 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 166 Book Page Appropriation of $6,500 from 1958 Parking Rev. Bond Funds authorized to cover development of off-street parking area at s.w. cor. of Dickens Ave. and 73rd St. 3-2-60 43 11 RES. #10305 authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire Lot 26, Block 17, Nautilus Extension (propertynorth of 41st Street near Alton Road) for off-street parking 3-16-60 43 4o PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 167 Book Page Parking Committee recommends development of small strip of 69th St. Park for parking. 57,100 appropriation authorized from 1958 Parking Revenue Bond Funds. 4-20-60 43 66 Martin Drexel proposes that City require parallel parking instead of angle parking on street at Southgate Hotel Apts. Mr. Lipp to look into matter. 4-20-60 43 71 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 168 Book Page Objections raised to development of small parking area at 73rd Street and Dickens Avenue. Subject taken under consideration. Survey of parking areas in north end proposed. 5-18-60 43 83 Otto Stegeman requests Council not to acquire property at N.W. cor. 6th St. and Meridian Ave. for off-street parking. No action. 5-18-60 43 84 City Mgr, to give consideration to suggestion offered regarding placing signs indicating tow away zones. 7-20-60 43 163 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 169 Book Page Complaint regarding parking at Southgate Towers referred to City Mgr. 8-3-60 43 172 Discussion re. acqusition of property at S.E. cor. 81st St. & Harding Ave. for off-street parking (recommended by Parking Committee). Restoration of meter heads on all off-street parking areas, also discussed. Mr. Liberman suggests that lots not taking in money be sold and other lots acquired. Meters to be restored on 47th St. parking lot and all other lots on which meter heads have been removed. Reis. #10373 authorizing ac it on o- aoove r�,,rPr+�, 6��/-6U 43 192 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 170 Book Page Moe Hyman complains of lack of parking space at 46th St, beach. City Mgr. requested to investigate and if advisable install more short time meters there. Mr. Hyman also proposes old residence located on the propert at 46th St. beach be removed and thought tgiven to double - decking area. 8-17-60 43 192 Report from Mr. Lipp re. parking at Southgate. No parking in front of the Southgate to continue 9-7-60 43 218 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 171 Book Page Discussion re. parking on Pine Tree Dr. in vicinity of 47th Street. Suggestions referred to City Mgr. 9-7-60 43 223 Moe Hyman complains that parking is not being enforced in metered parking areas. Referred to City Mgr. 9-21-60 43 252 Res. #10420 authorizing condemnation of property Lot 13, Blk 49, Lincoln Sub. for off-street parking (Jefferson Ave.) 11-2-60 43 320 City Mgr. & City Atty. to discuss street Michigan, LenoxcandyAltonfRd.3lth St. on 3-22-61 44 28 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILESBook Page 172 Res. #10542 authorizing purchase of West 110" of S. i of parcel comprising Lots 40,41,42,43 and 44, Block 10, Oceanside Sec., Isle of Norm. (Tract #1) for off-street parking (ft lttF) 4-5-61 44 36 Res. #10543 authorizing purchase of Lots 9, 9A, 9B and 10A of Block 3, Oceanside Sec. Isle of Normandy (Tract 2) for off-streetarking (appro. from ucf) 4-5-61 44 36 Martin Drexel proposes that parking be prohibited on w.side Alton Rci. from 17th St. to Collins Canal. City Mgr. requested to look into matter. 5-17-61 44 82 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 173 Book Page Councilman Liberman asks that something be done about double decking 46th Street Parking Area. City Mgr. to submit recommendations. Councilman Powell asks if resurfacing Lincoln Lane double decking area had eliminated seepage; also asks City Mgr. to see that better identification of lanes in Lincoln Lane is provided. 8-2-61 44 156 Dr. Aryan urges action on relieving parking situation at 46th St. Park; also calls attention to illegal parking on Collins Ave. 8-2-61 44 165 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 174 Book Page Mr. Ray Redman asks that something be done about double decking 16th St. and Washington Avenue Parking Area. 8-2-61 44 165 $12,397.50 authorized from current fund surplus for construction of parking area on n. side 71st St. at Rue Versailless (east end Blk 10, Norm. Isle) 8-16-61 44 169 $10,050 authorized from current fund surplus for construction of parking area on n. side of Normandy Dr. between Bay Dr. and Rue Versailles (Lots 9, 9A, 9B, 10A, Blk 3, Isle of Normandy.) 8-16-61 44 169 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 175 Book Page Jack Bell requests Council to make provision for parking of automobiles of spectators at Jr. Tennis Tournament in Flamingo Park, also to put up streamers directing spectators to site of tournament. 10-18-61 44 241 Mrs. Faber urges additional parking on Lenox Ave. from 6th St. to llth St. City Mgr. to check into proposal to provide angle parking and submit recommendations. 1-3-62 44 344 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 176 Book Page Brief discussion re. double -decking 46th St. parking area. Mr. Lipp advises estimated cost would be $500,000. Council- man Richard advises Parking Committee will submit report and recommendation shortly. 2-21-62 44 398 Mr. Lipp recommends that parallel parking on Lenox Ave. between 6th & llth Streets be maintained. 2-21-62 44 401 No objections voiced by Council re. tandem parking on Collins Avenue between 69th and 75th Streets, as recommended by City Mgr. Lipp. 2-21-62 44 401 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 177 Book Page Parking Committee recommends that surface parking in city owned parking area at 4600 Collins Avenue be increased by approx. 135 spaces. Recommendation accepted. 6-6-62 44 539 Parking Committee recommends acquisition of following property on south side of Lincoln Rd. for off-street parking: Lots 6 & 7, Blk 50A, Lincoln Sub., and Lot 6, Blk 47, Lincoln Sub. Res. #10780 authorizing condemnation proceedings. 6-20-62 44 550 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 178 Book Page Moe Hyman states he had a petition requesting City to demolish building in 46th St. Park. Also that petitioners were against double -decking for parking in that area. No action taken. 6-20-62 44 554 City Mgr. authorized to discuss with County Manager McNayr the current problem concerning jurisdiction of the City's off-street parking areas. In event Metro refuses to disclaim any right to exercise any jurisdiction over City's off-street parking facilities, then the City Atty authorized to take legal action to protect City's rights. 8-1-62 45 49 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 179 Book Page Parking Committee recommends purchase of former Park Avenue property for $130,000 for parking for Library and Art Center. Approved. 9_26-62 45 121 Permission granted Lincoln Rd. Merchants Guild to designate 2 days during Oct. and Nov. as "free parking days" in areas designated by City Mgr., said expense to be borne by the Guild, payable in advance at rate of $539. per day for 24 -hr. period. 10-3-62 45 123 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 180 Book Page Res. *10826 authorizing purchase of Park Avenue property, (Lots 6, 8 & 10, Blk 1, Ocean Front Property) from Dave Singer, for $130,000, for off street parking. (Appro. from ucf) 10-3-62 45 131 Parking Committee recommends that City not acquire property at S.E. corner 81st St. & Harding Ave. for parking purposes. Res. #10860 adopted rescinding Res. No. 10373 ordering acquisition of this property (Lot 1, Blk 6, Altos del Mar No. 3) 11-21-62 45 206 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 181 Book Page Report from Planning Board opposing the proposal to double deck the 46th Street Parking area, and advocating acquisition of additional parking facilities on the west side of Collins Ave. from 44th Street north to meet the growing need for parking in these areas. No action. 1-16-63 45 289 Herbert Schiffman, pres. Hotel Employees Union, .advises Council that hotels have difficulty getting workers because of lack Qfrking space in vicinity of Fonta?neY1eau, En Roc and Doral Beach Hotels. Double decking 46th St. parking .�� discussed. Mayor Oka suggests (cont. PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 182 (cont.) Book Page waiting until construction of the Doral is complete and then restudy area. Council- man Richard refers to his previous suggestion to Parking Committee that consideration be given to cost of acquiring addl parking area as against double decking of present area,and also gain addl public beach area. Council votes to double deck 46th Street parking area. Motion to table action fails. City Mgr. making studies which might lead to immediate relief of problem - when completed same to be presented to Parking Committee and Council. 2-20-63 45 341 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 183 Book Page Letter from Lincoln Road Ass'n read re. creation of Meterless Parking Areas off Lincoln Lane. Letter from Parking Committee approving in principle proposal of Lincoln Rd. Ass'n; however, pointing out that utilization of only one area was discussed and approved (East of Burdine's) and not the second area as referred to in Mr. Weingar- ten's letter. Some groups not informed about proposal. Referred to City Mgr. to submit recommendations. 3-20-63 45 372 &375 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 184 Book Page Councilman Richard says he has received complaints about parking in Morton Towers area, particularly parking on West side of West Ave. Said he would like to have immediate steps taken to have "No Parking" signs on west side of Bay Road in front of Morton Towers removed unless there was a valid reason for them to remain. Request referred to City Mgr. Study to be made of whole area as requested by Councilman Powell. 4-3-63 45 390 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 185 Book Page Taxpayers Ass'n asks Council to rescind action taken on Feb. 20th to double deck parking area north of Eden Roc and to consider purchase of vacant property in 60th and 50th Street areas instead. No action taken. 4-3-63 45 390 Councilman Oka asks for additional lighting under the Lincoln Lane double deck Pennsylvania Avenue area. 7-17-63 46 40 Res. #11033 authorizing agreement with Lincoln Road Merchants Guild whereby they will provide free parking in portions ot_Lincoln Lane Parking area in connection w -;stn special Lincoln Road Mall S 1 Days m Hai _ 1 anti 20.196 8- - 46 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 186 Book Page Discussion re. Lincoln Road Sales Days parking. Elimination of parking meters in certain areas suggested. Directional signs to Lincoln Road also suggested. Mayor Richard gives opinion - that it is not free parking that makes the sales days so successful but the large .newspaper adver- tising program. Mr. Thal and others ask to meet with Parking Committee to present proposal to them. 8-21-63 46 76 Councilman Oka makes motion to rescind Feb. 20,1963 action to double deck 46th St. Parking Area. Motion withdrawn. Matter to be placed on Council agenda Sept. 18. 9-4-63 46 123 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 187 Book Page Councilman Oka gives reason for renewing motion to rescind its action of Feb. 20, 1963 authorizing City Mgr. to go ahead with double -decking of parking area north of Eden Roc Hotel; asks City Mgr. to investigate feasibility of lowering level of present parking area and constructing 2nd story there; also asks City Mgr. to investigate cost of same and compare with cost of acquisition of addl lots instead of double -decking. City Mgr. gives brief report re. comparative costs of double decking as against surface type parking. Walter Lebowitz favors double -decking 46th St. Parking Area. (cont. PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 188 (cont.) Book Page Mayor Richard comments. Herbert Schiffman urges action on double decking. General discussion. Morton Burack raises question. M. B. Aprtment Assn opposes double - decking. Motion to rescind the February 20th Council action fails. 9-18-63 46 147 Saul Weingarten requests Council to give consideration to establishment of "Meterless Parking" areas in certain sections of Lincoln Lane. Adrian Thal presents petition signed by 150 merchants and/or property owners on Lincoln Road in support of his request. City Mgr. (cont.) PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 189 Book Page (cont.) to make complete feasibility study and submit recommendations to Council. 9-18-63 46 149 City Mgr. advises steps being taken at present time to alleviate 20th Street parking condition (mill area). Councilman Powell requests CityMgr to continue to study this area and report to Council. 1-2-64 46 372 CitY Mgr. advises cost of double decking 46th St. parking area including portion added in October; also cost of providing underground parking. Says compilation of figures which would give over-all picture (cont.)