Parking Of Automobiles_January to February 1966PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES .214 Book Page Report from Police Chief re. traffic and parking violations in vicinity of Drexel Ave. & Espanola Way. City Mgr. recommends Police Department be instructed to permit proper use of loading zones. 1-5-64 50 17 Discussion re. proposalof B. I. Binder to lease or sell Lot at 4340 Collins Ave. to City for use as parking lot. Written proposal requested for presentation at next regular meeting. 2-2-66 50 79 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 2i5 Proposal to lease or sell property Book Page to City for parking lot purposes referred to Parking Committee for recommendations -(Binder proposal). Offer extended to March 16, 1966. 2-16-66 50 113 Report of Parking Committee re. above proposal. J. C. Duffield authorized to negotiate with Mr. Binder and present written proposal to Council at next meeting. 3-16-66 50 185 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 216 Council approves recommendation of Book Page Parking Committee to purchase property for parking lot in vicinity of Police Station.(Lot 3, Blk 78, OB Addn #3 136 Meridian Ave.) 3-16-66 50 206 Proposal of B. I. Binder to lease to City lot at 4340 Collins Ave. for parking area accepted. City Atty to prepare necessary resolution and agreement. 4-13-66 50 236 Action deferred on agreement with B. I. Binder to lease his property to City for parking purposes. 4-20-66 50 259 PAP (ING OF AUTOMOBILES 217 Book Page Letter from B. I. Binder setting forth proposal for lease of his land to City for parking purposes (4348 Collins Ave.).Proposal rejected. 5-4-66 50 288 Proposal of Lincoln Rd. Merchants Guild that "free parking" be permitted on Mon. and Fri. nights in Lincoln Road area to be put in writing for future consideration by Council. 5-18-66 50 325 At request of City Manager, report from Parking Committee re. free parking in Lincoln Lane Parking area, as requested by merchants, deferred for further study. 6-22-66 50 382 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 218 Book Page Action deferred on recommendations of Parking Comm. to install new meters in Lincoln Lane Parking area to extend time and rate on first level and extend time on second level, necessitating pur- chase of 1142 meters at approx. cost of $60,000. 6-22-66 50 382 City Clerk presents analysis of petition opposing 64th St. Beach parking area development. Council then approves development of area under Plan "C", funds to be provided from Parking Revenue Bond Reserve. Relocation of driveways to be worked out with Engineering6D �t67 50 388 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Council approved trial free parking program proposed by Lincoln Road Merchants Guild for North Lincoln Lane bet. Lenox & Washington Aves., through 8/31/66, Mon -Fri from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. 7-20-66 50 432 219 Book Page Potential acquisition of properties on 20th St. between Alton Rd. and Purdy Ave. for parking, referred to Parking Committee, with suggestion that acquisi- tion of Reed property be explored. 7-28-66 50 438 PARaaNG 0P AUT0M0SIJtS 22b Book Page Council authorizes negotiation for acquisition of Shoremede property, following presentation of Parking Com- mittee's report. S.Z. Bennett author- ized to make formal appraisal. 7-28-66 50 439 Lease agreement with B.I. Binder for development of land south of 44th St. bet. Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Dr., approved with provision that purchase price of land would be $130,000 and Res. #11956 adopted authorizing execu= tion of lease agreement. 10-5-66 51 78 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 221 Book Page Copies of contract between City and B.I. Binder for land south of 44th St. bet. Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Dr. for City parking lot, submitted to Council. City Atty instructed to notify Mr. Binder he will be responsible for taxes for 1966 to closing. 10-10-66 51 application for construction of off-street kparking area at 13 Island Ave. (Belle Towers) approved. 11-9-66 51 174 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Book Page 222 Statements from W. Bates Cole ($2,400) and E.D. Keefer ($2,250) for appraisals prepared in connection with Shoremede and Dayton Hotel properties approved for payment. 11-9-66 51 174 Action deferred on suggested ordinance amendments re. vehicle and trailer parking pending determination of pending litigation. 2-1-67 51 364 Simon Rubin requests that City consider permitting renting of off-street parking spaces when not in use by tenants of apartment bldgs. 2-15-67 51 404 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Book Page23 Recommendations of Parking Committee of Council approved as submitted, containing recommendations for improvements to Metered Parking System. 4-5-67 51 520 S.Z. Bennett authorized to proceed with off- street parking land acquisitions (Meridian Ave.) 4-5-67 51 525 Recommendation of City Mgr. re. emergency repairs for double deck parkin area -Lincoln Lane, approved and resolutioI, pted authorizing transfer of funds. 4-19-67 51 560 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 224 Book Page Res.#12107 authorizing execution of agreement for purchase of Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Amended Golf Course Subdiv. (southeast cor. of 19th St. and Meridian Ave.) from Gertrude C. and E. Shannon Bradfield, for $150,000, for Meridian Ave. off-street parking project. (Civic Complex) 5-3-6$' 51 568 Res. #12108 authorizing execution of agreement for purchase of south 66.9 feet of Block 7A of Amended Golf Course Subdiv. (northeast corner of 19th St. & Meridian Ave.) from Elizabeth Markoth, for $81,750, for Meridian Ave, off-street) parking project. 5-3-67 51 569 (Civic Comp ex PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 225 Book Page Communications re. development of parking area at 64th St. Beach, from Mr. Morton Burack, referred to City Atty. 5-3-67 ; 51 587 Res. #12124 authorizing purchase of portion of Lots 7, 8 & 9 and all Lot 10, Block 22 and Lots 3, 4 & 5, Block 7, Golf Course Sub. Amended for Meridian Ave. off street parking project, and authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings if negotiations not successful. 5-17-67 52 30 226 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Book Page Letter of objection from Mr. Morton Burack filed re. development of 64th St. Parking area; Council declines to 6-14-67 52 73 take any action to discontinue construction of parking area. Request of Hotel Employees Union that all working people in City be afforded relief from increase in hourly rate on parking meters in parking lots of City, deferred so that request may be submitted in writing and report submitted by City Mgr. 8-30-67 52 222A PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Survey on eliminating street parking on 71st Street & Collins Avenue area referred to Parking Committee for review. 9-20-67 Progress report re. property on Meridian Ave. in vicinity of 19 St. 9-20-67 Parking Committee to review complete picture in relation to double -deck parking in 46th St. parking area & meter rate reduction in parking area north of Eden Roc Hotel. 10-4-67 City Manager to arrange meeting of Parking Committee for 11/7/67 at 2:30 p.m. with 227. BOOK PAGE 52 303 52 303 52 313 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 228 BOOK PAGE Alan Rothstein, Hotel Local 255 representatives, and Picciolos representatives re. construction of multi-level parking in area of 32nd -34th Sts. bet. Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Dr. 10-18-67 52 336 Application of Shelborne Hotel, 1826 Collins Ave. to operate parking area approved and permit authorized. 11-1-67 52 391 Application of J.R.P. Co., 1460 West Ave. to operate parking area approved and permit authorized. 12-6-67 52 434 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Recommendation re. Metro's trial plan to remove on -street parking on Collins Avenue between 69th Street and 87th Terrace re. County's proposal to make Collins and Harding one way approved. 1-10-68 Action approving Metro proposal to eliminate on - street parking on Collins Ave. between 69th St. and City limit rescinded. Merchants Attorney Richard represented prefer one-way Collins to no -parking ban. City Manager to request Metro to consider elimination of on -street parking in certain areas only. 1-17-68 229 BOOK PAGE 52 499 52 511 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES City Attorney to be in New Orleans 3/27/68 re. City's ordinance requiring hotels to provide off-street parking. 3-20-68 Ordinance #1715 adopted, as amended, establishing off-street parking requirements, effective in 90 days. Mr. Toal to submit analysis of building permits granted for new buildings to show how such properties would be affected if new provi- sions for lot coverage and parking regulations were to be applied. 10-9-68 230 BOOK PAGE 53 88 53 494 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Vol. Indoor Parking - def. to 2/13/69 on Manager's Rept. re proposal for 42nd St. parking garage. 2/5/69 Report from City Atty. Letter from Mr. Goudiss re off street parking, B1. 10 Isle of Normandy. Councilman Englander asked that it be given to Parking Comm. on 2/11. 231 BOOK PAGE 54 2/5/69 54 179 Councilman Weinstein requested City Mgr. to review matter of parking buses used Brower of Stars activities heretofore d in rear of Convention Hall. 2/5/69 54 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES M.B. 1st National request for parking space rental. Action request for 26 stalls in Municipal Lot at 17 & Lenox Ave. during bank' construction, def. to 2/19/69. 2/13/69 Above approved. 232 BOOK PAGE 54 191 2/19/69 54 205 Approved request to relocate drive in bank (City National Bank) on Lots 3,4,9 & 10, Blk. 13, Normandy Beach So. Subd, & authorized permit issuance. 2/19/69 City Atty.to prepare opinion re. ordinance to require landlords to assign specific parking space to specific apt. throughout tenancy. 2/13169 54 205 54 186 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Transfer of funds -metered parking sys. approved. Resol. #12642 authorizing the M.B. 1st National Bank, as Depositary for Parking sys. to transfer $120,450.08 from Renewal & Replacement Fund to CMB Misc. Funds Acct. for purposes stated in Resolution. 2/25/69 233 BOOK PAGE 54 212 Proposals to be submitted in connection with multi-level garage construction on 42nd St., to City Mgr. & Parking Committee for considera- tion. 2/25/69 54 239 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 234 BOOK PAGE David Balogh, pres. of Arthur Godfrey Assoc., requests expedition of construction of multi- level parking garage; & that City acquire available residential lots for conversion to parking areas to overcome critical situation in their area. Matter referred to Parking Committee for complete study of plans the Public Works Dir. has on hand & return to Council with its recommendations as to what should be done. Mr. Balogh be invited to Parking Committee meeting as suggested by Councilman Weinstein. 3/5/69 54 260 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 1st reading of ord. amending zoning ord. to require screening of parking areas under buildings. 6/18/69 235 Book Page 55 3 Moe Hyman appearance re. parking decals deferred. 6/1'8/69 55 15 Meeting date Re: parking under Bldgs. consideration of ord. deferred to 7-16-69. 42nd St. preliminary plans: payment to: Edward Klausner, $350.- Fla.Structural Corp., $500. 7-02-69 7-16-69 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES re construction of multi-level parking on 42nd St.= specifications to be given out for bids $2000. max. to be available from Training & Education Budget to train employees re parking facilities. 36th St. & Collins - recommenda- tion for paving approved; Pub.Works Dir. to submit cost estimates to C.C. on 8-20-69. 236 Meeting date 8-6-69 8-6-69 8-6-69 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 237 Meeting date 42nd St.- contract to Perini Corp. $1,324,921.- Mr. Greene's recommendatnsRR re �c RRsI3O IR s. appropriatednPark ge Rev,der Funds o galvanized steel - deferred to 4-3-70. Appearance by Pub.Works Dir. Zoning hearing on 5-20-70 re off- street parking for schools. RES.12994. 42nd St. multi-level: Change order appr'd. re specs. ingredients. 4-00-70 12-10-69 4-1-70 4-1-70 2) PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Off-street parking for schools: hearing cont'd. to 6-3-70. hearing cont'd.to 6-24. hearind deferred to 8-5. Normandy Isle, Block 10: discussion re retention, law suit by Aaron Goldman. Agenda of 7-15-70. 238 Meeting date 5-20-70 6-3-70 6-24-70 7-1-70 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES Parking at schools; hearing closed; 1st, second readings passed amending zoning Ord re number of spaces. Theatre off-st.parking: RES.13080 calling hearing 9-16 amending zoning Ord. Parking at schools: ORD.1843 amending Zoning Ord. increasing parking spaces. Normandy Isle, Block 10: Aaron Goldman law suit - CC voted City Atty to continue defense of suit. 239 Meeting date 8-5-70 8-19-70 9-2-70 9-2-70 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 239-a Meeting date Off-street parking: Motion to revise fines CARRIED. (budget meeting). ORD. 9-29-70 1851 increasing fines.