Peoples Water and Gas Co._March 1932 to February 1935PEOPLES GAS CO;iPAN. (ALSO see "GAS") Acceptance of Franchise Fi1 d 3-29-32 Inde �nif Bo a F' aG0 3-29-32 Request permission to erect storage tanks on their property (denied) 9/1/33 Request permit for storage tank in bay front property south of Fifth St, but taken under advisement 1/2/35 Request permit for erection of storage tanks in Block 78, O.B.#3 2/13/35 1. BOOK,PAGE 11, 310 11, 310 12, 134 13, 227 13 29 ?EOPLES GAS COMPANY 2. Book Page Request again made for gas storage tanks in Bik. 78, O. B. #3 2/20/35 13 294 New rates for gas refrigeration proposed by Peoples Gas Co.5/15/35 13, 421 Request permit to erect gas holders, etc. on Lot 17,B1k.111,0.B.#3 6/5/35 13, 436 President of Gas Co.to appear before Council on rate subject 6/5/35 13, 437 Erection of gas QontainertAms con -13 446 sidered on jun' 194'935 PEOPLES GAS COMPANY 3. Book Page Permit denied for erection of equalizer on B1k.111,0.B.#3 6/19/35 13 447 Atty. urges reconsideration on above decision 6/19/35 13 449 Dorothy Evans seeks bldg.permit for construction of gas tanks & warehouse on Lot 17,B1k.111,0.B.#3 - denied 7/10/35 13 489 Article of Merger filed -Peoples Gas Co.of Maryland and Peoples Gas & Water Co. of Delaware 12/4/35 k 223 PEOPLES GAS COMPANY 4. Book Page -Peoples Water & Gas Co. announce new policy with reh enoe to _discounts 12/4/35 14 226 IDEM -TY BOND FILED WInIi INSURANCE POLICIES IN DOCUMENTARY FILE City Mgr.,City Atty. and Councilman Meyer to confer on Gas Franchise subject /25136 14 354 A-ttys.Loftin Stokeh s Bent ordinance for passage...taken under consideration 5/6/36 14 419 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. 5. Book Page 1st and 2nd_Readings Ordinpmcs_respect® ing the purported transfer of Gas Fran® chi -t0 -People s -Water -& 1s Co e 5/13/36 435 3rd Reading Ord. #430 a6/3/36 per babove 1pe145# New schedule of rates filed. 711136- l4 487 _--Bequest_. passage of ordinance to termit-- erection of gas holders 8.5-36 - 15 �9 PEOPLES WATER & GAB COMPANY Ordinance read re: permit being £ranted for construction of gas holders - no action, meeting -announced for -next day --g-19-36 6 ay--- 19-36 6 Book Page Property owners in south end of City object to erection -of high _pressure tanks 8-21-36 --Re-s--#-3669--exp re s s ing-Ooun-c i -i -as -op -- posed to construction o gas tanks at soot Beach 9-2-36 15 Petitions filed against tanks .9-2736 I 15 71- 15 81 93 93 PEOPLES WATER & GAS 00. 7. Book Page C.H.W.Read asks Council approval for Gas tanks in Island View Sub.9-16-36 15 —I26 -- 1st Reading Ordinance granting per- mit in Island Vier (not read second time - lost on motion) 9-16-36 15 126 Petitions filed against erection of gas tanks in Island View Sub.9-2+-36 15 11 - Request for permit to erect'vertical sign 2-3-37 15 3g2 File new rate schedules 11-19-37 16 3€3 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. 8. Book Page New gas rate changes filed by Peoples Water & Gas Co. 5111738 17 149 Peoples Water and. Gas Co. file new rate schedules 5/17/39- 1 85 Seek permit to install storage holders-in-NAcinity-of-2nd at-A— Jefferson Ave-Mr.Renshaw to confer with Gas Co. 2/8/40 18 476 :PropertY otters file obTiotions to proposed -construction -4f gas-etorage tank 2/21/40 18 500 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. New Gas rate schedules filed 4-17-40 Book; Page • 19 82 Peoples -fitter & Gas Co.given permission to extend transmission main from 41st—St. to :tncoln Rd. 1/2/41 20 Peoples Water and Gas Co. file new —rat e --s ehe-dul e °Ell 2/3/43 U, S,Army-asks City to investigate 2-2 Lr L.) rates of Peoples Water & Gas Co. 22 172 7/21/43 7 pity Attorney instttucted Oto -furnish _ opinion on gas rates 1O/6/43 2� 17 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. 10 BOOK PAGE Army officials again appear before Council in connection with rate 22 189 controversy 10/20/43 City Attorney's opin on read on rate controversy 10%20/43 22 189 Mr. Renshaw & Mr. Shepard appointed by Council to confer with Gas Co. re. rate controversy with army 11/17/43 22 219 Mr. Renshaw & Mr. Shepard report no success in conference with Gas Co. re. rates to army 12/1/43 22 233 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. 11. BOOK PAGE Gas company invited to appear before Council 12/2/43 to explain their side of rate controversy 12/1/43 22 233 Gas company, thru W. Bond Collins, vice pres. appears before Council & explains its position with regard to rate controversy with army 12/2/43 22 233 Gen. Bragdon advises agreement has been reached between gas company and U. S. army on rates 3/1/44 22 288 PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. 12 BOOK PAGE W. Bond Collins advises that 10% "fuel charge" w&b?temporarily suspended on 4/1/44 4/5/44 22 312 Council meets with officials of Gas Co. to discuss rates for 5 -year period beginning 1/1/45 12/12/44 22 448 Mr. Renshaw appointed to confer with Gas Co. as to capital investment, etc. 12/12/44 22 44S PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 13. Book Page Officials of Gas Co. meet with Council to agree on rates for 5 -year period beginning- Jan. 1, 1945 12/29/44 22 458 They offer a reduction of approximately $5,000 per year 12/29/44 22 459 Upon Mr. Frink's suggestion they agree to reduce rates $10,000 per year 12/29/44 22 459 Mr. Frink asks if this $10)000 SEE CARD #14 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 14. Book Page reduction can be allocated to year-round residents 12/29/44 22 459 Gas Co. file proposed Rate Schedules "A", "Bu, "0" & "D" 12/29/44 22 46o Council and Gas Co.. agree on proposed Schedules as offered - AGREEMENT FILED WITH DATA OF THIS MEETING 12/29/44 22 46o let Conference with C. W. MoNear, Municipal bond dealer, and W. Bond Collins, of Gas PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. Co., in which Council is offered the Gas. Co. for $2,275,000. Council takes offer under con- sideration 2nd conference with C. W. McNear about purchase of gas company 15. BOOK PAGE 1/23/45 22 468 2/23/45 22 486 Council agrees to give Mr. McNear an answer later in the week as to whether or not they wish to purchase 2/23/45 22 488 PEOPLES WATER. AND GAS CO. 3rd conference with C. W. McNear concerning purchase of gas company 3/1/4+5 4th conference with C. W. McNear - C. T. Chenery, Presidknt of holding company also present 3/5/45 Council offers to purchase for $2,650,000 as of March 31, for delivery July 1, 1945. Mr. Chenery accepts offer 3/5/45 City Attorney instructed to prepare aggeement for purchase 3/5/45 16. BOOK PAGE 22 49S 22 499 22 499 22 499 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 17. Book Page Res. #5793 passed, accepting proposal of C. W. MoNear Co. for services in connection with proposed sale of gas company to City 3/14/45 23 10 Form of agreement between Gas Co. & City read 3/14/45 23 11 City demands inventory before executing agreement 3/14/45 23 11 Res.#5794, authorizing City Clerk to publish notice of intention to apply to Legislature for authority 23 11 to purchase Gas Co. PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 18. Book Page Inventory of Gas Co. presented 3/17/45 23 12 Res. #5795, authorizing execution of agreement for purchase of Gas Co. 3/17/45 23 12 Agreement read (made a part of Res. #5795) 3/17/45 23 12-14 Voters reject proposal to purchase gas company 4/25/45 23 54-55 NEW BOND OF THE PEOPLES WATER & GAS CO. FILED 1/1/47 AND FILED WITH GAS FRANCHISE. (ORD. #260) PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. Request permission to increase rates - referred to City Manager Petition for increase in gas rates - action deferred until Nov. 19 Mr. Renshaw's report relative to Gas Company's request for rate increase Peoples Water & Gas Co. advise of rate increase effective Dec. 1, 1947 19 Book Page 10/1/47 25 387 11/5/47 25 459 12/4/47 26 7 12/4/47 26 8 PEOPLES MATER AND GAS CO. 20 Book Page Peoples Water & Gas Co. new rate schedules - effective 12/1/47 - filed 12/4/47 26 8 - 10 Council goes on record as condemning action of Gas Company in raising rates 12/4/47 26 10 City Attorney instructed to take legal action against Gas Company 12/4/47 26 10 in connection with unauthorized rate increase PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO.. 21 Book Page Attorneys for gas company advise of increased cost of fuel oil 3/7/48 26 51 Sidney Hoehl's offer to represent City in gas rate hearing is submitted 1/7/48 26 51 Res. #6440, authorizing employment of Sidney S. Hoehl to represent City in gas rate hearing 1/7/48 26 51 Res. #6441, requiring gas company to show cause at PEOPLES WATER AND GAS COMPANY 22 Book Page a public hearing why gas rates should not be reduced 1/7/48 26 52 Council grants extension of time on rate hearing 2/4/48 26 183 Res. #6520, granting extension of time for gas rate hearing to Feb, 23, 1948 2/11/48 26 189 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 23 Book Page Hate hearing is conducted and continued to March 8, 1948 2/23/48 26 225-26 Rate hearing is continued and adjourned to 3/9/48 3/8/48 26 246 Rate hearing is continued and adjourned to 3/29/48 3/9/48 26 247 Rate hearing is continued and adjourned to 4/1/48 3/29/48 26 274 Rate hearing is continued and adjourned to call 4/1/48 26 275 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 24 Book Page Hearing is continued and Exhibits and testimony submitted - hearing is adjourned 4/19/48 26 295 FILES OF EXHIBITS AND TESTIMONY ARE FILMY) IN "ANNEX FILE" IN WEST VAULT Res. #6590, setting forth findings pertaining to gas rate base, etc. 6/5/48 26 378 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance establishing kas rates 6/5/48 26 380 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 25 Book Page J. E. Yonge, attorney for Gas Company, objects to passage of gas rate ordinance on 1st reading and 2nd reading 6/5/48 26 385 3rd reading Ord. #854, fixing gas rates, as amended 6/18/48 26 399 Francis T. Mylott's (gas rate expert) bill for $9,515.91 approved for payment 7/7/48 26 443 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 26 Book Page Francis T. Mylott's bill in amount of $8,478.62 approved for payment 5/18/49 28 160 Council takes no action in request of Judge L. Bandel, Special Master in gas rate case, for advance payment on his fee ($7,500) 8/17/49 28 351 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. Councilman Roth's motion to pay $5,000 to Judge Bandel' in connection with masters' fee with gas rate case fails':; 8/22/49 28 361 27 Book Page Council appropriates 5,000 on account to Judge Bandel for services as Special Master in gas rates case 3,500.00 authorized to be paid Sidney Hoehl, gas rates case attorney 12/7/49 29 80 12-21-49 29 105 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. Bill of Francis T. Mylott in amount of $10,029.19 approved 2-1-50 29 150 Bill of Hine and Goldthwaite in amount- of $1,616.60 approved 2-15-50 29 165 Chas. Oppenheim protests service charge made by Company - referred to Public Relations Director 2-15-50 29 185 $5,000 authorized to Louis Bandel, Master in case 2-15-50 29 186 28 Book Page PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 29 Book Page Bill of Francis T. Mylott for services as expert witness - $9,220.95 approved for payment 6/7/50 29 396 Bill of Sidney Hoehl in the amount of $5,500. approved 8/2/50 29 501 Conference to be held with Sidney Hoehl - gas rates case 7-11-51 31 370 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 30. Book Page City Engineer submits schedule prepared by Gas Company, re. gas rates. Council votes not to appeal gas rates case. 7-18-51 31 379 Res. #7699 asking Fla. RR & Public Utilities Commission to hold public hearing on gas rates increase 7-18-51 31 379 Investigation to be made of apparent gas rates increase 1-16-52 32 297 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 31 Book Page Report of City Engineer Lipp read relative to apparent increase in gas rates. Check of gas bills to be made. s -to 32 317 Mr. Lipp submits report on investigation conducted relative to changeover in type of gas. Matter deferred until next meeting. 3-5-52 32 414 Formal complaint to be filed with Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission re. high gas rates 4-2-52 32 466 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 32 Book Page Communication sent to Fla. Utilities Comm. re. Peoples Gas Co.'s conversion to 709 BTU gas. Mr. Lipp to investigate gas "explosions" and report back to Council 5-21-52 33 63 Fla. Public Utilities Commission to be notified that Council protests continuance of hearing on Gas Co.'s application for permission to increase their rates, as this City was not formally notified of hearing. 2-18-53 34 1 PEOPLES WATER AND GAS CO. 33 Book Page Councilman Turk suggests City Manager investigate possibility of the City's purchasing Gas Company. Matter deferred. 7-1-53 34 350