Permits_May to July 1930PERMITS
35' Curb depression at 5th & Collins 9, 428
War Dept. Permit for Cable between Rivo
Alto Is. & M. B. Filed 5-7-30 10, 133
Distillate Tank in Alley at rear of
Sol Goldstrom's Bakery 7-16-30 10, 201
Request for permit to depress curb for
filling station at Lincoln & Alton 10, 201
331 Curb depression at Alton & 36► Curb
depression at Lincoln authorized 10, 206
George W. Dickens—Remove cottage on to
Lot 9,B1. 77, OB #3 8-20-30 10, 244
Mr. Fleerna.n request for permit to have
office on wheels on 5th Stre— n d
Mr. Merithew requests permit for "for
sale used cars" lot 1-21-31 10, 442
Remodelling old Carl G. Fisher home into
private club referred to committee 10, 474
Shepard, Lloyd M: Move crouse on to
Hibiscus Island -2-18-31 10, 475
10, 305
Building permit for restaurant_ i. Atla 11, 6
tic Heights referred to Childers 4-1-31
Orange State Oil Company: Filling Sta-
tion on County Causeway S-5731 11e 113
For restaurant at Collins & 72nd Street
requested referred to Hioe 8-5-;31 11, 113
Committee on above "i-31 11. 118
Sinclair Refinir1Co: Tank at_Charter
Boat Dockage 6715-77 11 345
Rest .Bldg. B1k.3,M.B.I *Co
8/16/33 12,119
Book Page
O.M.Shogren, temporary permit for
key shop on 7th St. 1/3/34 12 217
3en Fox - temporary permit,endin
May 1st, 193+ for parking lot 1/3/3+ 12, 217
H.R.Stucky - temporary permit for
operation of minature auto
concession 1/3/34 12, 217
Temporary permit for operation of
parking lot adjoining Floridian Docks 12, 225
Temporary permit for parking lot at
2lst St.& Liberty Ave2.1$ , A.Drake) 12, 256
Book Page
M.B.Koaher Market & Sunshine
Market given temporary per-
mission to use 3 feet of side-
walk 2/12/3
12 257
Building permit for Mortuary on Lot
2, Block 11 Island View Sub. 2/14/34 12, 25g
Permit granted to Sun0i1 Co. to construct
filling station N.W.corner Alton Rd.
at 16th St. 3/7/34 12, 302
Book Pam
Res. #2795 instructing City Engineer
to make application to War Dept for
permit to reoonstruot bridgesdsa W. 12, 306
63rd St. ,4
Water Supt. instructed to make pplica-
tion to War Dept. for permit to lay 12"
Water Pipe in East channel of Indian
Creek at W.63r4 St. Res. #2920 7/15/34 13, 4
R.B.Gautier,Jr.granted permit to move
House to San Marino Is. 7/25/34 13, 9
Radio Cab Co. ® Storage garage 7/25/34 13 16
L.B.Athletic Club- Boxing ring 7/25/34 13 16
Book Page
Moving of house in Orchard Sub.
0 authorized 8%16j34 13 57
Permit granted F.E.Danielson to use
property at Lenox Ave.&5th St. for
car rentals 9/5/34 13 67—
Wrestling & boxing, arena on Hardier
Casino pool site approved 9/18/34 13 76
Res.2968 authorizing City Engineer
to make application for permit to
-:-construct foot bridge over Indian
Creek near 28th or 29th Streets 9/19/34 13, 87
Book Page
Parking lot permit granted for
15th St. (between Ocean Drive and
Collins Ave.) 10/12/31- 13 111
Fish Market permit for Atlantic
Food Shop granted 10/12/34- 13 111
Swan Fish Co. at 707 Collins Ave.
granted permit for Fish market 10/19/34 13,118
TempoN permit granted for steps pro-
truding into Lincoln Rd. on building
east of. Bank Bldg. 10/19/34 13 118
Book Page
Permit granted for issuance of per-
mits to all applicants for filling
stations on 41st St. 11/21/34 13, 158
Temporary permission given for park-
ing lot on Ocean Dr -between 10th &
llth Streets 11/21/34 13, 169
Parking lot permit granted for N.E.
Cor. 23rd St.& Liberty Ave. 11/21/34 13, 160
Parking; lot permit granted to Sinclair
Oil Co. on N.W.corner of 22nd &
Liberty Avenue 12/5/34 13, 173
Orange State Oil eq.: Storage tanks
Gulf Ref. Co. retaiA iralle12,27A26 .66,1K 7
OrlInge State 011 Gb3 Storage tanks/
Jan4,-192g- 6A-lik.S,P. 153-
Sun_011_00mpany-Tarka 3-15-20 u,' 9, 79
lulfRefining Garemove &
Addll Tank at Seaboarcj4a___
ft H 11
replace tanka 9,_ 163
3- 9-32).3.4 Yid
11 316
lO- 206
Permit for abovegrantad_
Permit for 2 Add!' tanks
Seaboard -oil -CM-. —7/23/30
Book Page
Berry Collins given pernit for
operation of Sun Bath colony 12/5/34 13, 177
Temporary parking lot permit in B1k.
2,M.B.I.Co.Ocean Front Property 1/2/35 13 226
Parking lot permit,east side of Wash.
Ave.between Repeal Bldg.& 6th St.1/2/35 13, 227
Parkin; lot permit at 10th & Ocean Dr.
left to discretion of City Mgr. 1/2/35 13, 227
Peoples Gas Co. seek permit for gas storage
tank south of 5th St. 1/2/35 13, 227
Book Page
Temporary permission given
Charles Re Pease to sell live
fish on Venetian Docks 2/6/35 13 267
Permission granted Leon Gibbs
for a Flash Game onitthe,3ier 13 263
Temporary permission given for
two Parking Lots on Collins Ave.
opposite Roney Plaza Hotel
13 255
Book Page
Temporary Permit granted for
Parking Lot on Lots 7 & 8,
Block 1, 0. B. Sub. 1/24/35 13 255
Permit for 4 -Unit AAt. House
on Lot 13, Blk. D. ?airgreen
granted. 1/16/35 13 233
PERm I T S 1�+.
Book Page
Application for hotel Bldg.permit
on Lot 1,B1k.14,0.B.#2 fi2410/35 13 378
Above permit denied 5/1/35// 13 379
Above permit issued 5/6/35 13 403
Filling Station permit
granted S.W.cor. Royal Palm Ave.
and 41st St. (Texas Co.) 6/5/35 13-_ 435
Tentative permission given for fill-
ing station at 71st & Abbott Ave.
6/5/35 13 436
_ . Book Page__
Peoples Gas Co. ask permit to erect
gas holders, etc.on Lot 17, Blk.111
Ocean Beach Addn.#3 6/5/35
13 436
Edw. A.Hurst application for building
permit for a dairy plant on Lot 5,
Block 101,0.B.#3 filed 7/3/35 13 466
Permit on above request of Mr.Hurst
denied 7/5/35 13 488
Edw.A.Hurst presents application for
bldg.permit for dairy plant onLot 13,
Blk.80,0.B.#3 - granted 7/10/35 13 4 89
Book Page
Dorothy Evans requests bldg.
permit for construction of gas tank
and warehouse for Peoples Gas Co.
on Lot 17, Blk. 111,0.8.#3 7/10/35 13 489
City Engineer instructed to make appli-
cation for permit to construct bulkhead
an ones Res. 3268 7/19/35 4
(FLED - Aug.21,1935) see minutes 14
Annell Hotel Clock Sign - permit
granted for installation 7/19/35 14 1
Book Page
Patten Bldg. owner requests 3 permits
(1 and 3 granted ) 7/29/35 14 9
City Engineer instructed to make appli-
cation to War Dept. for permit to make
e4ension to City Dock Res.3273
(FILED 9-18-35) 8/5/35 14 14
Application to construct 67room
hotel on Ocean Dr. south of 5th St.
Permit granted 8/5/35 14 14
Richard Gerling given permit to sell
fish at retail only 8/14/35 14 38
School Trustees ask permit to
construct garage with janitors
quarters on Lot 3,Blk.117A,
Ocean Beach Addn#3. 8/14/35
Permit requested for fish and
poultry market 8/15/35
Permit granted to move office of
olden Rule Homes 8/21/35
Little Dutch Mill granted permit
for erection of Neon Sign 8/21/35
Book Page
14 41
14 45
14 52
14 52
Book Page
Maurice Abramson again seeks permit
for fish and poultry market 8/21/35 14 52
J.T.Wilson seeks permit to move frame
garage to lot adjoining his new home
(Principal of Ida M.Fisher) 8/21/35 14 59
Permit refused on fish and poultry
market in Blk.111,0.B.#3 9/4/35 14 83
Texas Co. ask permit to build two
additional tanks -refused 9/18/35 14 100
Book Page
Ferdinand Jeanneret asks for
permit to building filling
station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. 14 104
Permit granted for private garage
oonCollinse Ave. Ocean Villas 14 104
Permit granted for filling station
at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. 9/30/35 14 115
Book Page
Texas Co. again request permission
for two additional storage tanks
on Causeway property. Refused. 14 117
Gulf Refining granted permit for
erection of Neon Sign on their
Alton Road property. 10/2/35 14 118
Permit granted to change Neon
sign at 5th St. & Alton Rd. 14 119
Book Page
Request of Atlantis Hotel for
permit to construct cabanas 10/16/35 14 136
Combs Funeral Service, Inc. granted
permit to erect funeral homeon Lot
Blk. l2 , Iela - �F ew 10/16/35 14 -136-
Permit for reconstruction of gas station
on causeway by Texas 0o.referred to
tri Hiae and _City -Mgr. 10/16/35 14 136
Permit to operate fish marke3 anted
. 0ilinskY 10/16 14 148
Book Page
Car rental lot/granted F.E.
Danielson, 5th St. & Lenox 10/23/35 14 153
Berry Collins granted permit
or sun solarium 10/25/35 14 164
Parking lot permit granted
James J. Teller 10/30/35 14 170
Roller Skating permit granted
to Norman Skelly 10/30/35 14 170
Permit granted to Eddie Rosenbaum
for 2 games 10/30/35 14 170
Book Page
Permit granted to Goldie's Sportland
for Skill Ba11TS.B.Feidman)10/30/35- 14- -170
Permit granted to Al Coppersmith
for Fortune Pokeeno 10/30/35 14 170
Request of Archway Ocean Villas for
permit to rnstall gas tanks -to-pri-
nate_ .gars a -taken under_ advisement
.11/6/35 14 171
M.B.Riding Acadamy asks permit to move
--tIsle-ef-Normandy 11/6/35 14 171
City Engineer to make-applioation for
permit to reconstruct dock #3361 11/6/35 14,177
Book Page
Tema Co, ask permit to construct new
repair shop, remodel office bldg. and
erect storage tank ® lst two left up
to Bldg. Dept. Tank denied 11/6/35 14 178
Permit for night club requested by
Dave Singer -339 -22nd St. 10/16/35 14 150
Sam Barken application for night club
permit at 5 o'clock Club denied 11/17/35 14,180
filed Nov.6,1935.
Permit for parking lot on NW corner
of Lenox and Lincoln Rd. requested,
11/15/35 14 191
Building permit granted for filling
station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave.
11/13/35 14 188
Permit granted for reconstruction
of "Pirates Den" provided it is put
in safe condition and removed by 5/1/36.
11/15/35 14 191
Permission asked to install gasoline
tanks in private garage opposite
Archway Ocean Villas on Collins Ave.
11/15/35 14 191
Proprietor of Boardwalk Filling
Station asks permission to repair
his building. 11/15/35 14 191
Mrs. Bertha Levine prop. of a
sandwich shop at 1426 Ocean Drive 1
requests permit for fruit juice stand.
(Denied) 11/15/35 14 191
Permit request for reconstruction
of Deauville Filling Station.
11/15/35 14 192
Permit refused Swan Lake fish market
to operate at 707 Collins Ave.
11/18/35 14 195
Permit requested for Sun Bath project
by David Jacob 11/13/35 14 188
Permit denied Bertha Levine for fruit
juice stand 11/15/35 14 191
Book Page
Deauville Service Station again
asks permit to rebuild 11/20/35 14 198
Stewart, Eleanor, asks permit for
solarium on -011)11-ins Ae. between 6th
&- 7th --Street$- (no action -)-11/20/35 14 198
Swan Lake Fish Co.again request per-
mit 11/20/35/ 4 t98
Deauville Casino, granted permit for
-reeansk uetion ef—cabanas 11/ 35 14 216-
Fleetwood Apts. -permit for recon-
struction on agreement basis
Book Page
David. Jacobs - permit granted for
solarium in Harrison & Hayes Sub.
11126/35- -14 216
-Roof. Sign on_Edgewaiter_Beaoh_Hote1_.
ordered completed 11/29/35 14 218
Bronart Oar Rental ask permit to in-
stall gas tank 11/29/35 14 218
Book Page
Roney -Plaza ask permit to reconstruct
ocean front cabanas -granted subject not
-to--he--built over- -M.B�Drtve 11/29/35 14 219 -
Martha Washington Roof siggnn erection
author zi 12/4/35 14 227
Reco rstructim of ocean front cabanas
at Roney -Plaza authorized subject to-
-A,greemt— 12/4/35- i A 228
Gulf Refiling-C.o-.-denied per-mItor Neon
sign on M.B.Kennel Club prop. 12/11/35 14 232
Book Page
Texas Co.ask temporary permit to erect
2 storage tanks - taken under considera-
tion 12/11/35 232
M.B.Riding Acadamy ask permit to remove
frame sheds to Isle of Normandy 12/11/35 14 232
Atbay Realty Corp. denied permit to
erect frame bungalows 12/11/35 14 252—
Book Page
Parking lot permit granted across
street west of Roney Plaza 12/11/35 14 233
Bldg.permit granted for reconstruc-
tion of cabanas around Roney Plaza
l Agreement filed 12- 12/11/35 14 235
Swan Lake Fish Market granted per-
mit 12/11/35 14 236
Temporary permit granted Texas Co.for
construction of 2 small tanks 12/18/35 14 237
Book Page
Bronttrt CAr Cn.again ask permit for
private tank 12/18/35 14 237
Temporary permit given to restore
annex building adjoining Pirates
Temporary permit granted Savoy Plaza
xafel-far-cabanas 12/18/35 14 238'
Request of Seidens Rest. to use Patio
denied - a/c zoning 12/18/35 14 238
12/18/35 14 238
Berry Collins asks solarium permit
for Collins Ave.just south of 7th
St.t 12/16/35
Book Page
Building Permit renewed for filling
Station on Lots 3 & 4,B1k.55,Orchard
12/16/35 14 . 242
Local mernhant Q st pPrmtt to
operate slot machines 12/23/35 ,14 244
Above filling station permit ordered
revoked 12/R3/35 14 244
Permit granted
to Texas Co.
Canopy permit
Book Page
for hydraulic lift
12/23/35 14 245
granted to Burdines,
12/23/35 14 245
Bloomfield -Feuer Rwalty Co.given per-
mit for parking lot in Friedman &
Cope Subdn. 12/30/35 14 252
Saks request permit to erect canopy -
referred to Burbridge & Ralton & City
Mgr. -power to act 12/30/35 14 252
Temporary-_ pe.rmit_-torparking . lot
Book Page
Lots 11,12, and 13,B1k.1 O.B.Sub.
- - —12/30/35 - 252
Parking lot permit to C.A.Lazarou
at-N.W eor th St. & Ocean Drive 14 253
Application of Maurice Kitchens for
permit for 11Jungleland" referred to
-Counoi1man Meyer - 121-3E 35 - 14 53
-Charley' s Paddock Gri1-leInc.given peln�it
-for-marquise _12/30135 14 25