Permits_May to July 1930PERMITS BOOK, PAGE 35' Curb depression at 5th & Collins 9, 428 War Dept. Permit for Cable between Rivo Alto Is. & M. B. Filed 5-7-30 10, 133 Distillate Tank in Alley at rear of Sol Goldstrom's Bakery 7-16-30 10, 201 Request for permit to depress curb for filling station at Lincoln & Alton 10, 201 331 Curb depression at Alton & 36► Curb depression at Lincoln authorized 10, 206 7-23-30 PERMITS 3e BOOK,PAGE George W. Dickens—Remove cottage on to Lot 9,B1. 77, OB #3 8-20-30 10, 244 Mr. Fleerna.n request for permit to have office on wheels on 5th Stre— n d Mr. Merithew requests permit for "for sale used cars" lot 1-21-31 10, 442 Remodelling old Carl G. Fisher home into private club referred to committee 10, 474 Shepard, Lloyd M: Move crouse on to Hibiscus Island -2-18-31 10, 475 10, 305 PTS BOOl, PAM Building permit for restaurant_ i. Atla 11, 6 tic Heights referred to Childers 4-1-31 Orange State Oil Company: Filling Sta- tion on County Causeway S-5731 11e 113 For restaurant at Collins & 72nd Street requested referred to Hioe 8-5-;31 11, 113 Committee on above "i-31 11. 118 Sinclair Refinir1Co: Tank at_Charter Boat Dockage 6715-77 11 345 Rest .Bldg. B1k.3,M.B.I *Co . 8/16/33 12,119 PERMITS 5. Book Page O.M.Shogren, temporary permit for key shop on 7th St. 1/3/34 12 217 3en Fox - temporary permit,endin May 1st, 193+ for parking lot 1/3/3+ 12, 217 H.R.Stucky - temporary permit for operation of minature auto concession 1/3/34 12, 217 Temporary permit for operation of parking lot adjoining Floridian Docks 12, 225 Temporary permit for parking lot at 2lst St.& Liberty Ave2.1$ , A.Drake) 12, 256 PERMITS " 6. Book Page M.B.Koaher Market & Sunshine Market given temporary per- mission to use 3 feet of side- walk 2/12/3 12 257 Building permit for Mortuary on Lot 2, Block 11 Island View Sub. 2/14/34 12, 25g Permit granted to Sun0i1 Co. to construct filling station N.W.corner Alton Rd. at 16th St. 3/7/34 12, 302 PERMITS 7 Book Pam Res. #2795 instructing City Engineer to make application to War Dept for permit to reoonstruot bridgesdsa W. 12, 306 63rd St. ,4 Water Supt. instructed to make pplica- tion to War Dept. for permit to lay 12" Water Pipe in East channel of Indian Creek at W.63r4 St. Res. #2920 7/15/34 13, 4 R.B.Gautier,Jr.granted permit to move House to San Marino Is. 7/25/34 13, 9 Radio Cab Co. ® Storage garage 7/25/34 13 16 L.B.Athletic Club- Boxing ring 7/25/34 13 16 PERMITS S. Book Page Moving of house in Orchard Sub. 0 authorized 8%16j34 13 57 Permit granted F.E.Danielson to use property at Lenox Ave.&5th St. for car rentals 9/5/34 13 67— Wrestling & boxing, arena on Hardier Casino pool site approved 9/18/34 13 76 Res.2968 authorizing City Engineer to make application for permit to -:-construct foot bridge over Indian Creek near 28th or 29th Streets 9/19/34 13, 87 9. Book Page Parking lot permit granted for 15th St. (between Ocean Drive and Collins Ave.) 10/12/31- 13 111 Fish Market permit for Atlantic Food Shop granted 10/12/34- 13 111 Swan Fish Co. at 707 Collins Ave. granted permit for Fish market 10/19/34 13,118 TempoN permit granted for steps pro- truding into Lincoln Rd. on building east of. Bank Bldg. 10/19/34 13 118 PERMITS 10, Book Page Permit granted for issuance of per- mits to all applicants for filling stations on 41st St. 11/21/34 13, 158 Temporary permission given for park- ing lot on Ocean Dr -between 10th & llth Streets 11/21/34 13, 169 Parking lot permit granted for N.E. Cor. 23rd St.& Liberty Ave. 11/21/34 13, 160 Parking; lot permit granted to Sinclair Oil Co. on N.W.corner of 22nd & Liberty Avenue 12/5/34 13, 173 PERMITS 161 Orange State Oil eq.: Storage tanks Gulf Ref. Co. retaiA iralle12,27A26 .66,1K 7 OrlInge State 011 Gb3 Storage tanks/ Jan4,-192g- 6A-lik.S,P. 153- Sun_011_00mpany-Tarka 3-15-20 u,' 9, 79 lulfRefining Garemove & Addll Tank at Seaboarcj4a___ ft H 11 replace tanka 9,_ 163 /29 P73-1- 3- 9-32).3.4 Yid 11 316 lO- 206 Permit for abovegrantad_ Permit for 2 Add!' tanks Seaboard -oil -CM-. —7/23/30 PERMITS 11. Book Page Berry Collins given pernit for operation of Sun Bath colony 12/5/34 13, 177 Temporary parking lot permit in B1k. 2,M.B.I.Co.Ocean Front Property 1/2/35 13 226 Parking lot permit,east side of Wash. Ave.between Repeal Bldg.& 6th St.1/2/35 13, 227 Parkin; lot permit at 10th & Ocean Dr. left to discretion of City Mgr. 1/2/35 13, 227 Peoples Gas Co. seek permit for gas storage tank south of 5th St. 1/2/35 13, 227 PERMITS 12 Book Page Temporary permission given Charles Re Pease to sell live fish on Venetian Docks 2/6/35 13 267 Permission granted Leon Gibbs for a Flash Game onitthe,3ier 13 263 Temporary permission given for two Parking Lots on Collins Ave. opposite Roney Plaza Hotel 1/24/35 13 255 PERMITS 13. Book Page Temporary Permit granted for Parking Lot on Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, 0. B. Sub. 1/24/35 13 255 Permit for 4 -Unit AAt. House on Lot 13, Blk. D. ?airgreen granted. 1/16/35 13 233 PERm I T S 1�+. Book Page Application for hotel Bldg.permit on Lot 1,B1k.14,0.B.#2 fi2410/35 13 378 Above permit denied 5/1/35// 13 379 Above permit issued 5/6/35 13 403 Filling Station permit granted S.W.cor. Royal Palm Ave. and 41st St. (Texas Co.) 6/5/35 13-_ 435 Tentative permission given for fill- ing station at 71st & Abbott Ave. 6/5/35 13 436 PERMITS '15. _ . Book Page__ Peoples Gas Co. ask permit to erect gas holders, etc.on Lot 17, Blk.111 Ocean Beach Addn.#3 6/5/35 13 436 Edw. A.Hurst application for building permit for a dairy plant on Lot 5, Block 101,0.B.#3 filed 7/3/35 13 466 Permit on above request of Mr.Hurst denied 7/5/35 13 488 Edw.A.Hurst presents application for bldg.permit for dairy plant onLot 13, Blk.80,0.B.#3 - granted 7/10/35 13 4 89 PERMITS 16 Book Page Dorothy Evans requests bldg. permit for construction of gas tank and warehouse for Peoples Gas Co. on Lot 17, Blk. 111,0.8.#3 7/10/35 13 489 City Engineer instructed to make appli- cation for permit to construct bulkhead an ones Res. 3268 7/19/35 4 (FLED - Aug.21,1935) see minutes 14 Annell Hotel Clock Sign - permit granted for installation 7/19/35 14 1 PERMITS 17. Book Page Patten Bldg. owner requests 3 permits (1 and 3 granted ) 7/29/35 14 9 City Engineer instructed to make appli- cation to War Dept. for permit to make e4ension to City Dock Res.3273 (FILED 9-18-35) 8/5/35 14 14 Application to construct 67room hotel on Ocean Dr. south of 5th St. Permit granted 8/5/35 14 14 Richard Gerling given permit to sell fish at retail only 8/14/35 14 38 PERMITS School Trustees ask permit to construct garage with janitors quarters on Lot 3,Blk.117A, Ocean Beach Addn#3. 8/14/35 Permit requested for fish and poultry market 8/15/35 Permit granted to move office of olden Rule Homes 8/21/35 Little Dutch Mill granted permit for erection of Neon Sign 8/21/35 18. Book Page 14 41 14 45 14 52 14 52 PERMITS 19. Book Page Maurice Abramson again seeks permit for fish and poultry market 8/21/35 14 52 J.T.Wilson seeks permit to move frame garage to lot adjoining his new home (Principal of Ida M.Fisher) 8/21/35 14 59 Permit refused on fish and poultry market in Blk.111,0.B.#3 9/4/35 14 83 Texas Co. ask permit to build two additional tanks -refused 9/18/35 14 100 PERMITS 20. Book Page Ferdinand Jeanneret asks for permit to building filling station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. 14 104 Permit granted for private garage oonCollinse Ave. Ocean Villas 14 104 Permit granted for filling station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. 9/30/35 14 115 PERMITS 21 Book Page Texas Co. again request permission for two additional storage tanks on Causeway property. Refused. 14 117 10/2/35 Gulf Refining granted permit for erection of Neon Sign on their Alton Road property. 10/2/35 14 118 Permit granted to change Neon sign at 5th St. & Alton Rd. 14 119 10/2/35 PERMITS 22 Book Page Request of Atlantis Hotel for permit to construct cabanas 10/16/35 14 136 Combs Funeral Service, Inc. granted permit to erect funeral homeon Lot Blk. l2 , Iela - �F ew 10/16/35 14 -136- Permit for reconstruction of gas station on causeway by Texas 0o.referred to tri Hiae and _City -Mgr. 10/16/35 14 136 Permit to operate fish marke3 anted . 0ilinskY 10/16 14 148 PERMITS 23 Book Page permit Car rental lot/granted F.E. Danielson, 5th St. & Lenox 10/23/35 14 153 Berry Collins granted permit or sun solarium 10/25/35 14 164 Parking lot permit granted James J. Teller 10/30/35 14 170 Roller Skating permit granted to Norman Skelly 10/30/35 14 170 Permit granted to Eddie Rosenbaum for 2 games 10/30/35 14 170 PERMITS 24 Book Page Permit granted to Goldie's Sportland for Skill Ba11TS.B.Feidman)10/30/35- 14- -170 Permit granted to Al Coppersmith for Fortune Pokeeno 10/30/35 14 170 Request of Archway Ocean Villas for permit to rnstall gas tanks -to-pri- nate_ .gars a -taken under_ advisement .11/6/35 14 171 M.B.Riding Acadamy asks permit to move --tIsle-ef-Normandy 11/6/35 14 171 City Engineer to make-applioation for permit to reconstruct dock #3361 11/6/35 14,177 PERMITS 25. Book Page Tema Co, ask permit to construct new repair shop, remodel office bldg. and erect storage tank ® lst two left up to Bldg. Dept. Tank denied 11/6/35 14 178 Permit for night club requested by Dave Singer -339 -22nd St. 10/16/35 14 150 Sam Barken application for night club permit at 5 o'clock Club denied 11/17/35 14,180 PERMIT FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF DOCK filed Nov.6,1935. PERMITS 26. Permit for parking lot on NW corner of Lenox and Lincoln Rd. requested, 11/15/35 14 191 Building permit granted for filling station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. 11/13/35 14 188 Permit granted for reconstruction of "Pirates Den" provided it is put in safe condition and removed by 5/1/36. 11/15/35 14 191 PERMITS 27. Permission asked to install gasoline tanks in private garage opposite Archway Ocean Villas on Collins Ave. 11/15/35 14 191 Proprietor of Boardwalk Filling Station asks permission to repair his building. 11/15/35 14 191 Mrs. Bertha Levine prop. of a sandwich shop at 1426 Ocean Drive 1 requests permit for fruit juice stand. (Denied) 11/15/35 14 191 PERMITS 08. Permit request for reconstruction of Deauville Filling Station. 11/15/35 14 192 Permit refused Swan Lake fish market to operate at 707 Collins Ave. 11/18/35 14 195 Permit requested for Sun Bath project by David Jacob 11/13/35 14 188 Permit denied Bertha Levine for fruit juice stand 11/15/35 14 191 PER LITS 29. Book Page Deauville Service Station again asks permit to rebuild 11/20/35 14 198 Stewart, Eleanor, asks permit for solarium on -011)11-ins Ae. between 6th &- 7th --Street$- (no action -)-11/20/35 14 198 Swan Lake Fish Co.again request per- mit 11/20/35/ 4 t98 Deauville Casino, granted permit for -reeansk uetion ef—cabanas 11/ 35 14 216- PERMITS Fleetwood Apts. -permit for recon- struction on agreement basis /35 30. Book Page David. Jacobs - permit granted for solarium in Harrison & Hayes Sub. 11126/35- -14 216 -Roof. Sign on_Edgewaiter_Beaoh_Hote1_. ordered completed 11/29/35 14 218 Bronart Oar Rental ask permit to in- stall gas tank 11/29/35 14 218 PERMITS 31. Book Page Roney -Plaza ask permit to reconstruct ocean front cabanas -granted subject not -to--he--built over- -M.B�Drtve 11/29/35 14 219 - Martha Washington Roof siggnn erection author zi 12/4/35 14 227 Reco rstructim of ocean front cabanas at Roney -Plaza authorized subject to- -A,greemt— 12/4/35- i A 228 Gulf Refiling-C.o-.-denied per-mItor Neon sign on M.B.Kennel Club prop. 12/11/35 14 232 PERMITS 32. Book Page Texas Co.ask temporary permit to erect 2 storage tanks - taken under considera- tion 12/11/35 232 M.B.Riding Acadamy ask permit to remove frame sheds to Isle of Normandy 12/11/35 14 232 Atbay Realty Corp. denied permit to erect frame bungalows 12/11/35 14 252— PERMITS 33: Book Page Parking lot permit granted across street west of Roney Plaza 12/11/35 14 233 Bldg.permit granted for reconstruc- tion of cabanas around Roney Plaza l Agreement filed 12- 12/11/35 14 235 Swan Lake Fish Market granted per- mit 12/11/35 14 236 Temporary permit granted Texas Co.for construction of 2 small tanks 12/18/35 14 237 PERMITS 34. Book Page Bronttrt CAr Cn.again ask permit for private tank 12/18/35 14 237 Temporary permit given to restore annex building adjoining Pirates 12/1815 Den Temporary permit granted Savoy Plaza xafel-far-cabanas 12/18/35 14 238' Request of Seidens Rest. to use Patio denied - a/c zoning 12/18/35 14 238 canopy 12/18/35 14 238 PERMITS Berry Collins asks solarium permit for Collins Ave.just south of 7th St.t 12/16/35 35. Book Page Building Permit renewed for filling Station on Lots 3 & 4,B1k.55,Orchard 12/16/35 14 . 242 Local mernhant Q st pPrmtt to operate slot machines 12/23/35 ,14 244 Above filling station permit ordered revoked 12/R3/35 14 244 PERMITS Permit granted to Texas Co. Canopy permit Inc. 36 Book Page for hydraulic lift 12/23/35 14 245 granted to Burdines, 12/23/35 14 245 Bloomfield -Feuer Rwalty Co.given per- mit for parking lot in Friedman & Cope Subdn. 12/30/35 14 252 Saks request permit to erect canopy - referred to Burbridge & Ralton & City Mgr. -power to act 12/30/35 14 252 PERMITS Temporary-_ pe.rmit_-torparking . lot 37 Book Page Lots 11,12, and 13,B1k.1 O.B.Sub. - - —12/30/35 - 252 Parking lot permit to C.A.Lazarou at-N.W eor th St. & Ocean Drive 14 253 Application of Maurice Kitchens for permit for 11Jungleland" referred to -Counoi1man Meyer - 121-3E 35 - 14 53 -Charley' s Paddock Gri1-leInc.given peln�it -for-marquise _12/30135 14 25