Permits_January 1940PERMITS 100 Book Page Clerk authorized to issue lawyers --license to Rudolph S.McDavid at - 1622 -Michigan -Ave, 1/3/40 18 433 Motion to grant archery range permit on Galloway property lost` on- roll cal -1 1/3/40 18 433 Permit given ISI. B .Bay 'shore Co. to erect cabanas,comfort station and parking lot for their hotel guests 1/17/40 18 39— Permit__dobnied Red Circle Gun Club — $ t repair sh® ven 1/17/40 18 441 Meridian Ave, P Perm t 1661 -- ------ ilk-�7�0 _18 -_451_ PERMITS 101 Book Page Swiss Chalet (Palm Island Club) denied permit to erect neon sign on residential property 2/7/40 18 453 Normandy Resident & Day School denied -permit to have tent on -property 2/7/40 16— 53— Mrs.Harris Levison denied permit to haves bakery on. Everglades Concourse 2/7/40 18 453 Firestone Service Stationanted permit to erect Neon sign 2/21/40 18 503 PERMITS Book Page Jewish Funeral Home DENIED permit for office at 14th & Collins Ave. 4-3-40 19 64 102 Permit granted for Veterinarian office (W.E,Lord) at 1764 West Avenue. 4-17-40 19 86 Robt. L. Rovinson-asks re license for boat concession next season -4-17-40 19 82 Robt.L®Robinson again asks re: License for boat concession 5-1-40 19 88 PERMITS 103 Book P age Cromwell Hotel -granted permit for post sign May 1st, 1940 19 97 Chris-Craft Co.granted permit to ins-tall-_gasoli-ne tank and pump -19 Property owners request revocation of building permit for construction of hotel on Lot 3,Blk.113,Q.$ (Milton Steinhardt) Mai 7,1940 19 105 Above building permit revoked 5/7/40 19 105 Att W.G.W d addresse Council on re- vacationor above permi _- t - Committee appointed to work out 5/1V/40 19 105 PERMITS 104 Book Page Bldg.permit authorized to Florence D. Sterne forrival a school building on Lot 11 of 41st St.Block 5-15-40 19 121 Triangle- Exp -res o ran-ted-pem4t to install gasoline pump & tank 5/15/40 19 124 Venetian Causeway denied permit to erect post sign 5/29/40 19 135 Ray4ond Young denied permit to operate billiard parlor in vicinity of 5th St. Seaboard Oil Co. refused perms to 19 138 regir their oil tanks 6/5/40 19 136— PERMITS 05 Book Page Permit granted for installation of gasoline Tank and pump on Galloway property 6/5/40 19 158 Redfern ginclair Station denied permit for pole sign 6719/40 19 161 Kuntz,D.P, granted permit to operate Tom Thumb cruisers from Galloway prop- erty 6/19/40 19 16.E Farrell & Pyle seek permit to in- stall gasoline tank & pumpp in rear of 1520 Alton Road 6/19/40 19 174 PERMITS 106 Book Page_ Wm.W.Muir requests permit to construct fishing pier at foot of Biscayne St. Jure 19, 1940 1974 Action on request_ of Seaboard Oil Company and, Shag Bros.for permit to re atr tanks–deferred tib -full Council is present 7/3/40 19 179 Gulf Oi1_szrp.grant ed permit for Super Service Station at Purdy Ave.& Dae Blvd. • 7/3/40 19 186 Farrell & Py-le–granted-ermit–f-e tank & Pump 7/3/40 19 1$6 PERMITS 107 Book Page Request of Hatfreid Corp. to build cabanas -den ied -by Uounc11 - 7-26-40 —19-- -2O1-- John Enright given permit too erate Boat livery 7-26 19 201 Forrest L.Haines denied permit to move house 7-26-40 19 266 ---Sa-ke-l-e—Geo:pr-esents plane seeking permit to erect building for demons_t.ra- tion of suntan oils €5-7-40 _ 19 219 Request of Geo.Washingy Mgr. sign pe mit referred to Cit r. $$u //4Q 19' 20 PERMITS 108 Book Page Geo.Sakele granted permit to build building for demonsatration of sun - Lan oil$ subj e-ct- to- his signing agxe ent to remove bldg. at expira- tion of his lease g-8-40 19 232 Permit granted Leroy Hotel to con- struct cabanas in Blk.17,M.B.I.0.F. 0 19 2 Dixie Buil de permit for gas tank & pump 9/25/40 19 302 Orange�State Oil Co:requests permitg atrl5t t station ragetgarageglu/x/14.0 19,308 PERMITS 109 Book Page _Harry Martin granted permit for private beach and cabana club at --S. L corner 17th -St. and--0ollins Oct. 2nd, 1940 19 310 __FLEETWOOD HOTEL Q togga er-mit-f-or extension of dock 1251 upon final pas- sage of Zon.Ord.amendment 10/2/47 19 313 Re -q rest made mor permi t to - operate Billiard 10/2/40 19 313 Permit given for inetallingh case at 1061 Wash.Ave. 10-2-40 19 320 pump at ley .lu.toonina. 10-2_40 19- 320 PEAINIITS 11a Book Page Orange State Gil Co. given permit to construct fillingstation__and. t-orage- garage 10-16-40 19 353 John Rosenbaum denied permit to erect awning canopy in Lakeside Drug tore patio 10-16-40 -} acradden Ho tel --grant ed -permit ma -it --to - remodel hotel to include 000k-tail__lounge 10/16/40 -1-9__x3-5_4 Permitiven for dog grooming_ shat 503 Meridian oAve. 10/16/40 19 354 PERMITS 111 Book Page M.H.White,Associates, denied permit to operate -billiard gaif Kame-bn 5tb St. 10-16-40 19 357- -Balding Permit on JAI LAI Fronton -order-ed-oanselled-and fee returned Building Dermic author© zed - to CHAS. 19 357 A. BAEZ for office & toilet building - 10-1640 19 357 1 ;H Hiorobin requests permits for buildings in Parkview Sub. 10 21-40 19 363- --- Buiiding permit for additions & altera- tions t, bldg.in rear of 1010 Penn. granted 365 10 PERMITS 112 Rook Page Harry Martin, granted permit for operation of—cabana colony in B1k 19 --5, J[.B.L.Co.Oc-ean-Front--1.0/23/44 5tanebrak T-- wT-. - request for-pe3mit for parking lot and private beach re- ferred to Councilman Hice 10/23/40 19 371 370 Lord, t._E. granted permit for veteri- narian office at 1764 West Ave. Z1=6-40 19 398 —REMITAII1_IED_ - for_ teaching backgammon, mah-Jong and Bridge by Penthouse Club 11=640 .-9 399 PERMITS 113 Book Page Harry Martin! s_permit_'-o -Eab-ana construction revoked 11-13-40 19 401 x&P—Ins-. enestpermit-to-erect cabanas and operate private beach 11-13-40 19 401 Messrs.Spencer & Kraemer given per- mission to operate pedal boats from foot of 24 lrZ S -t sou h o f foo br i A ge 11/13/40 19 410 Martin, Harry - again given permit t - : S. - • „ - , , Collins Ave. 11/20/40 19 422 PERMI TS 114 Book Page Permit denied MANSION OPERATING CO. for cabana beach club 11-2)-40 19 422 Permits denied two parLi es for operation of 2 marriage bureaus 11/20/40 19 422 Permit denied gulf Oil Co. for post sign at their station - Dade Blvd. & Purdy Ave. 11/20/40 19 422 Crockett Fred - given permission to have music in store bldg. at 14th St. and Alton Road 11/27/40 19, 433 PERMITS G.T.Stonebraker granted permit to rent bicycles at 7101 Collins Ave. 11/27/40 19 433 Peiners Organization seek funeral home permit at 1131 Fifth St. 12/11/40 19, 462 Permit denied for projecting sign on restaurant located at S.W.corner 10th —St.—and Ocean Dr. 12/11/40 19 463 Walsh School_ _of Busiz=as-s—Svlence granted permit for 1940110seasonlull 19 47'7 Workmen's Circle Lyceum ied permit for auditorium 12/11/40n 19 478 115 Book Page PERMITS -118 Book Page Council instruct Harry Martin to build frame comt`orn st.ati and shoow-er- bu.iit ing—ln cenneeti-o ith his cabana., colony 12/11/40 19 479 Council approves new plan for Delicate Frank Shuler e s :b '• • • ' c 12/16/40 19 480 Fla. Power & r.ight_00.grsnted permit for expansion of transformer facilities a .& Harding Alley 12/18/40 19 PERMITS 117 Book Page Beach Theatre given permit to erect marquee sign -12/24%40— -i9 - - -493 Permit denied for operation of chipp- ing green in Block 5,M.B.I.Co.Ocean Front 12%24- 19 493 Mr. Spencer given permission to use _N 1/2-of_str+eet end nn Lcke--Paneoast -------------- -- (other three parties to share balance) 12/24/40 19 493 Peo les Water & Gas Co.given permit to ex end transmission main from 41st St. to Linc-oR 1/2/41- 20-- 1 PERMITS 118 Book Page General Motors denied permit to erect tent in Flamingo Park for Parade of Progress exhibit 1/15/41 20 15 M.B.Ohrjstj sn Sctence Church ask for permit to erect church at 28th St.& Fairgreen Dr. or- 28-th & Royal Palm Ave. 1/15/41 20 17 Jewish Funeral Home ask for permit for Funeral home on Lot 6,B1k.34, ord C prn r c i a� uh. 1/4/41 20 --04 Shoo i- 1ler permit denied at 58 Ocean Drive 1/29/41 20 30 PERMITS 119 Book Page Bldg. Dept.instructed not to issue permit for erection o L%.urch on 28 - 2//41 20 33 Permit denied Miami Jewish Funeral Home for Funeral Home on Alton Road (1100 Block) 2/5/41 20 -33- Construction of cabanas on Lots 1 t Hei • hts = .•ro eco -s and Bldg. Dept.instructed to issue Building Dept.to Chas.E.Baez-2/5/41 20 33 PERMITS 120 Book Page Orange State Oil Co. denied permit for pole sign 2/5/41 20 34 FTarold A. OJark asks for refzr.rl-_of fee paid for bldg. permit for addn. p ower 'o e 63 — BuildingPermit to be issued gratis for consruction of Car G. Fisher Memorial 2/12/41 220- 71 Miss Marion_. Smith request permission to operate a Private Detect ve Office Building Permit grante Leon Chaves 20 83 upon_his deeding to city a to /i/a strap across Fast end of lot. /al 20 374 SIT OZ u zt /61/ B d d eu�Zor� 'Zai OSS TivagT 9F i pthi j enol O. pa luBa`� O-�maa i YET OZ Tt/6I/2 4aBt3 PIosf 'sW PeluaP .I940H saemoy 03--uo IpTpp,a _anj 4Tmaadl_Sp il-ria--puu ell 211 03 It/61/2 aogoadsul SuTpTTng of. paaaaja.K --TIT '41S__ 4 -et -40r1-110- x pT .g-eogJjDine o9Xa o 4Tuzaed au .00 aeJsuteas eToNTUIeg Jo gsenbeg 2tt OZ QAsq. e4ILT4OT PUB ODUVsm toottos aBATdgg -aiAnBaado 04 uoTseTIJ9d .zoa JBW/ WI 'sal/ Jo 4sanbaa uo uoj q uoT4we ox 9Bd xoog QZI SZIU'IaTd PERMITS Building permit Avent e 121 Soak Page granted Workmen's Circle r an assembly buildingat 25 Washington-- 3/1941 20 118 Miami Parks and Spring Co- denied permit for wholewale store on Alton Road south of 15th Street 3/19/41 20 131 Requewt .ear permission to conauo aootor's • - .. :- - - - •-. -s Texaco Co. seek permi or ng ----station–an Lot -e--1 & 2, Bik. 7, NormandBeach South 4/16/41 Tranefef permit from Dave Teitah to apner authorized 4/16/41 20 156 20 17g— PERMITS 122 Book Page Texas Co. granted p rmit for filling tn on Lots 1,& 3loc4�rma3dy eat goun//+I 20 181 Permitranted. Kinsman's Nursery for installing 1000-garwn gas tank ump for their -private - u -se 4125/41 20 192 No action taken on request for funeral Home and Mortuary for C.Schoor--on—Lot 2,B1k.66A.0 . Sub. 5/21/41 20 240 London, B. H. - files objection to —building permitssued for const u — tion of ho el_ by._ Lynmar te.l_ arp. 6/11/41 20 276 PERMITS 123 Book Pg. Request for permit to erect sign on Alton Road;just north of bank bldg., referred to City Manager 6/11/41 20 277 Construction work on Ly nmar Corp. - Lot 13, Bik. 12, O.B. #1 - to be held up a few days until Building Dept. arid Mr. Renshaw can arrive at solution 6/11/ 41 Discussion with reference to issuance of Building Permit to Lynmar Corp. for hotel on Lot 13, Blk.12, 0.B. #1 6/12/41 20 281 Committee appointed toon der the above matter 6/12/41 20 281 20 2lto ERP+IITS 124 iinntt Book Paggf amen e oaia?idinn 68de918WE that they Lave all agreed that Build- ing Code be allowed to stand as it is and provisions of same gylmid Above recommendation accepted on Lynmar Corp. job and Building Permit ordered revoked 6/12/41 Fla. Power & Light Co. request for additional oil storage tanks on Cause- way referred to City Atty. foropinion b/18/41 20 281 20 282 20 284 PERMITS 125 Book Page Leon Chaves requests Bldg. pe.uiit to construct building over all of Lot 12, Bik. 1, Harding Town, to 41 20 315 Council takes no action on Mrs. OliveiiWofford's application for LaketPancoastommercia],fe/4-ril on 20 330 Gulf Oil Corp. given permission to move pole sign from Miami to their Bay Front Property at South end of City 7/2/41 20 340 PERMIT S L. & H. Miller, request to install gasoline tank & pump in easement thru Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 14, Island View Re- ferred to City Manager 7/2/41 20 340 Mercantile Natal Bank rggquest to e- rect large vertical sign tno7aot.o20 3n 40 taken 126 Book Page Council authorize exchange of ease- ments on H.J.Brennen property to permit construction of swimming pool 7/16/41 20, 356 PERMITS 127 Book Page Chaves, Leon - granted bldg. permit upon his deeding to City 10 -foot strip across east end of lot 8/6/41 20 374 Permit for filling station on Lot 1 Bik. 99, granted subject to approval of plans by Bldg. Dept. 8/6/41 20 374 Marks, Isador, permit requested to operate live poultry market 8/6/41 20 374 Mercantile Nat'l Bank given permit for large neon verticle sign 8/6/41 20 377 Council agree that compromise adjust- ment on setback of bldg.on Lots 19 & 20, B1k.39,Comm.Sub. acceptable 8/6/41 20 388 iI PFRM I TS tt 128 Book Page Grande's Shoe Repair shop granted permit on Lots 7 and 8,B1k.8 • Normandy Beach South. 10/2/41 20 439 Request for permit to operate cabana colony on Lots 9 to 12, Blk.29,Fisher's 1st Sub.of Alton Beach referred to City Manager 10/3/41 20 442 Wolfson;Philip- no action taken on his request to build storage and garage bldg.on Lot 32,B1k.7,2nd Ocean Front Subn. 10/3/41 20 444 PERMITS 129 Book Page Dave Alper granted building permit for Lot 5, Blk.55,Orchard Subdn.subject to his dedicating 10' easement to City 10/15/41 20 465 Rosenstein,Louis -requests permit for Kosher butchery on Lot 42,B1k.111, 0.B.#3 10/15/41 Sey Corporation - granted building per- mit for filling station at S.W.cor. Washington Ave. & 6th S. 10/15/41 20 466 20 465 PERMITS 130 Book Page Otto Stegemenn again asked per- mit for kosher butchery on Lot 42, Lok. 111, 0. B. #3 for 21 2 Louis Rosenstein Permit granted Kay Kastner 1 for dancing school at 1000 Lincoln Rd. Council denied to grant permit4 for 21 removal of fram bldg. from 6944 Collins Ave. to Lot 2, Blk. B, Atlantic Heights. 10/23/41 21 7 Victor Adams granted permit for Shoe Repair Shop at 1020 ver - glades Concourse 11/6/41 21 16 PERMITS 131 Book Page Council granted permit to North Shore Improvement Co. for exten- slo2i of dock 6O' into Biscayne Ray 11 12/41 21 45 John Murphy grAnted permit to construct ten cabanas on ocean front -tet --691,h St,. and Ocean. - 1 9/41 21 48 Times Square Rest. request permit to -erect con conforming roo sign 11/19/41_ 21 48 PERMITS _ 132 Book Page fussie Jacobskirid requests permit for Fish Market at e 4grtgepbgiw iE/"5/41 21,85 for—oxtenaion of pior. 12/5/41 21 9G Mr.Critchlow granted permit for golf school and driving range on --1,.W-.-corner of Biscayne St. amd Collins Ave. 12/17/41 21 100 PERMITS 133. Book Page Temporary permit granted C.A.Baez for 5 cabanas on Lot 1, Blk. Atlantic Heights Sub. 12//17 4,A 1 21 101 Temporary permit granted for 15 canvas cabanas on Ocean front at Caribbean Hotel 12/17/41 21 101 Permit granted Surrey Hotel for 16 cabanas on ocean front for their guests. 12/18/41 21 118 Rooming house permit for N.E. corner of Collins Ave. & Lincolnrant d. ed until May lst, only. 1//7/42 21 128