Permits_December 1941 to anuary 1942PERMITS 133.
Book Page
Temporary permit granted C.A.Baez
for 5 cabanas on Lot 1, BJ .,A
Atlantic Heights Sub. 12//17 41 21 101
Temporary permit gran ed for
15 canvas cabanas on Ocean front
at Caribbean Hotel 12/17/41 21 101
Permit granted Surrey Hotel for
16 cabanas on ocean front for
their guests. 12/18/41 21 118
Rooming house permit for N.E. corner
of Collins Ave. & Lincoln d. ggranted
until May 1st, only. 1 7/42 21 128
Book Page
Resolution HO-._ 5449A passed grant-
ing permit to Marry Sirkin and
—Harry Koretzsky-to construct groyne
between Lots 6 & 7, Bik. 29, _ Fisher's
Ist Sub of Alton Beach. 1/22/4
Casanova Club ask for permit to
put entrance from Reuben's Rest.
on 23rd St. to Casanova Club. 2/4/42 21 170
3rd Reading Ord,37 amending Noise
Ordinance No. 497 2/4/42 21 171
Permission grante Ocean -Inland use
b1dgs-. at Lincoln& -Olins by Army sub-
jeet two fihing agreement 4/7/42 21 266
Book Page
No action taken on request of
Bert Reilly for funeral home per—
mit at 1125 Fifth St. 4/28/42 21 294
Temporary permit granted House of
Prayers at 1533 Wash.Ave. 5/6/42 21 300
Permit denied Bert Reilly for funeral
home at 1125 Fifth St. 5/6/42 21 301
Permission granted for proposed Community
Hall to be erected on West end of Lots
1,2 & 3,B1k.30,Fisher's 1st Subdn subject
to Agreement 5/6/42 21 304
Permit denied Leonard Beldner for
indoor bowling alley on Wash.Ave.
Book Page
21 319
Permit denied Fred Crockett to in-
stall skating rick in location south
of 5th St. 6/3/42 21 338
Irvin Pollak denied permit to install
shooting gallery 6/3/42 21 338
Gates of Prayer given permission to
move to Clay Hotel,Wash. Ave.1 Espanola
Way 8/5/42 21. 416
Book _int__
Carribean Cabana Club granted per-
mit to use cabanas on ocean front just
north of 63rd St. 11/18/42 21 465
Temporary permit granted Episcopal
Church for use of Adams Estate on
Belle Isle for duration of war 21492
Pollock,Irving asks for permit to
install billiard parlor on Wash.Ave®
(no action) 1/20/43 22 12
Pollock,Irving-asks permit for amuse-
ment center on 5th St. 2/17/14-3 22 32
Book Page
Permit denied Irving Pollock for
billiard parlor and amusement' center
on 5th St. 3/3/43 22 )i)►
Request of Milton Steinhart for Council
-_to suspend hie filIIng—Ertatt5t permit
for duratio.n_of war_._dente.d._ 4/7/43 22 68
Res,#56)+9 granting permission to U.S.
Gov't to use Million Dollar Pier as
Signal Station 4/15/43 22 73
Nathan MitnickiveDermit for
miniature golf course,.v corner
14th St. and Wash. Ave. 5/19/43 -22- 96
Book Page
Private Club permit granted Chester
A. Good at 6331 Collins Ave. 5/26/113 22 122
Permit granted .Chester A._ C Qod to
construct, wooden cabana. to replace
canvas cabanas - - 6/2/4-3— - 22- 132
Paul Pollak & Aaron Courshon seek
permit for game -device at 825
Washington Ave. (Clinton Hotel)10/20/43 22 1$9
Permit denied 11/3/43 _ 22 209
Paul & Al Pollak seek permit for
game -device at 1421 Washington
Ave. in Barracks Bar 21164 22 280
Daughters of Israel given permit
to build clubhouse on Lot 7, Block
80, Ocean Beach Add. #3 3/15/44 22 293
Granted to Al & Paul Pollak for
fare RIFLE SPORT in Barracks Bar
at 1421 Washington Ave. 3/15/44 22 295
Given to Dale Dorf for bait & tackle
store at 1321 5th St. 9/6/44 22 402
Chas. Erickson denied permit for
ice cream concession on beach 9/20/44 22 405
PERMITS 141. -
Book Page
Granted Drexel School 10/4/44 22 411
Granted by War Dept. for installa-
tion of water mains across
North Bay Causeway 10/4/44 22 411
Granted Wm. I. Heller for tutoring
service on Lincoln Road 10/4/44 22 414
Granted Jos. Dube for Narking lot
11-12, B. 1, Ocean Beach 10/20/44 22 420
CHILDREN'S CORNER 10/20/44 22 420
Book Page
Granted by War Dept. to bulkhead
and fill proposed island north of
Di Lido Island and to construct
a bridge,(t R wp-30 10/20/44 22 423
Granted Miami Beach Art School
and Biscayne Bay School 11/8/44 22 429
Granted Schimmel's Parking Ct.11/8/44 22 429
Granted Sgt. L. J. Genova, Robert
Maurice and Valencia Shoe Repair 442 &
for shoe repair shops 12/6/44 22 444
Book Page
Authorized to Sunset Island Property
Owners, Inc. to erect guard's house
on city's right-of-way adjoining the
bridge to Island No. 1 1/3/45 22 463
Charles Dance Studio given permit
for dancing school 1/3/45 22 464
Arthur Murray Studios and
Triton Hotel granted licenses
for dancing schools 1/17/45 22 464
Temporary permit granted for booth
at Lincoln & Drexel for M. B. Rec.
Pier Assn. to dispense information
to military personnel 1/17/45 22 464
Dancing school permits granted
Arthur Murray, Gomez & Rocio Dance
Studio, Sager -Green Dance Studio
& Carlos Gomez 2/7/45 22 471
Permit denied Patricia Kranson &
William Feldman for bureau for
social contacts 2/16/45 22 4So
Sought by Arthur J. Pomerant for
sanatorium at 1231 17th St.
Council asks for waivers of
objections from adjacent
property owners 4/18/45 23 46
p___T_ 145
Book Page
Tropical Beach Club given temporary
permit to erect cabanas at 693
Collins Ave. 4/25/45 23 57
Temple Beth Sholem given permit
for synagogue and community
center on Lots 28 to 31, Block
2, Nursery Sub. 5/2/45 23 6o
To Irving Koplo for shoe repair
shop at 239 23rd st. 6/20/45 23 123
To Valencia Shoe Repair at
237 Fifth street 7/5/45 23 143
Book Page
Standard Oil Co. given permit
to install 500 -gal. gasoline
tank and pump at 1125 20th St.
Application of Dale Dorf for
6,000 gal. gasoline tank
taken under advisement
Granted Miami Beach Marine
Basin for boat lift
23, 114-5
9/5/45 23 211
11/7/45 23 278
Request of M. Greenfield for
permifor motor scooters
referred to Police Dept. 11/21/45 23 289
?OMITS 147
Book Page
Council denies request for permit
for awning and sign at Alton
Road and Collins Canal 11/21/45 23 289
Request of Shore Club for
permit to operate private
cabana club referred to Mr.
Rice 11/21/45
Gulf Stream Yacht Club
denied permit to extend
docks 100 feet 11/21/45 23 304
Book Page
Gox. Cox asks for permit for
dock and breakwater - referred
to Mr. Renshaw 12/5/45 23 308
Permit granted Shaw Bros.
to install gasoline tank
on Lots 5 to 8, Block 1012/5/45 23 30�
Ocean Beach Add. #3
Traymore-Breakers Hotel
given permit for 2
toilets in connection
with cabanas 12/5/45 23 323
Book Page
Shore Club given permit to
operate private cabana club 12/19/45 23 324
Carl Ringdahl given permit
to construct 22 temporary
cabanas at 6901 Collins Ave. 12/19/45 23 325
Traymore-Breakers Hotels
given permit to install a
sink in connection with
operation of cabanas 12/19/45 23 325
Checker Cab Co. given permit
to install 2 gasoline tanks
at 830 Fifth St. 12/19/45 23 325
Book Page'
Wm. Freeman given permit to'
construct temporary cabanas
at #1 Lincoln Road 12/19/45 23 325
James A. Burns' application
for seaplane base at 930
Biscayne St. referred to
Mr. Renshaw with power
to act 12/19/45 23 335
Council denies application
for neon sign at Shoreham—
Norman hotel 12/26/45 23 337
Book Page
Council denies application of
Maj. Griffith for marine
rental business on Normandy
Isle 1/2/46 23 344
Traymore-Breakers given
permit to install coca cola
box, griddle and refrigerator
1/16/46 23 349
Shaw Bros. given permit to
install gasoline tank at
1853 West Ave. 1/16/46 23 349
Book Page
Dr. Wasman given permit for
veterinarian hospital on Lot
4, Block 14A, Island View 2/6/46 23 384
Berkeley Boone°s request for permit
to rent charter boats referred
to City Manager (applying on behalf
of Quitman Boat Sales) 2/6/46 23 384
Shaw Bros. given permit to install
gasoline tank at 1816 West Ave. 2/6/46 23 385
Book Page
Norman Richard's:_request
for radio store and bicycle
rental at 413 15th St. referred
to Building Dept. 2/20/46 23 409
Shoreham -Norman Hotel's
request for permit for
sign denied
2/2o/46 23 409
Lux Motor Sales application
for permit to install gas tank
at 1000 Alton Road granted
subject to approval of City .
Manager and Bldg. Dept. 3/6/46 23 419
Book Page
Request of Orange State Oil
Co. for permit for 1000 gal.
gasoline tank for use of
boat LAKE PANCOAST referred
to Mr. Renshaw 4/3/46 23 483
Council takes no action on
request of Ben Cohen, atty.,
for license for dress manufact—
uring business at 18th Street
and Purdy Avenue 4/3/46 23 501
Book Page
Granted to North Shore Bank at
71st St. and Abbott Ave.. 4/17/46 24 12
Granted to Ed Singer of the
National Hotel to use 17th
St. mess hall in connection
with operation of his hotel
Lester Margolis and Jerome
Robinson denied permit for
power boat concession on
Lake Pancoast
5/15/46 24 87
5/15/46 24 87
Book Page
Edward S. Baltier denied permit
for boat livery business at Dade
Blvd. & Alton Road 5/15/46 24 87
Arnold Stelzer given permit to
operate newsstand on sidewalk
at 531 15th St. 5/15/46 24 87
Variety Theatre is given
permit for sign 5/15/46 24 88
Council approves
2 gasoline tanks
Ave., subject to
permit to instal
at 2370 Collins
Mr. Renshaw's
Book Page
24 108
Bith Club given permit to
construct 6 temporary cabanas
6/5/46 24 115
Ray Yunes given permit for
pie shop at 2020 Collins Ave. 6/19/46 24 127
Mitchell Wolfson given
permit for sign on his
own property
6/19/46 24 144
Book Page
Samuel Resnick and John Morris
Chanin denied permits to operate
horse-drawn carriages 7/3/46 24 162
Lincoln -Collins Corps given permit
to construct public transportation
building on portions of Lots 4, 5
& 6, Blk. 54, Fisher's 1st 7/17/46 24 187
Carl T. Douglass' request for
permit to operate golf driving
range on municipal golf course
referred to City Manager 7/17/46 24 187
Application of M. B. Boat Corp.
for permit to construct 60 ft.
wharf referred to City Mgr. 7/17/46
Book Page
Children's Center given permit
to operate private school at
2469 Collins Ave. 8/7/46 24
Application of Boss Lully
for pet shops referred to
Mr. Hice 8/7/46 24 234
Book Page
W. C. Culbreth denied permit
for newsstand on public
property at 1100 15th St. 8/7/46 24 235
Maurice Gratton denied permit
for dance floor at 1614 Alton
Road 8/7/46 24 235
Harold Archer given license.
for night club at Vanderbilt
Hotel 8/7/46 24 235
Carl T. Douglass denied permit Book Page
to operate golf driving'range
on municipal golf course 8/7/46 24 254
Miami Beach Boat Corp. given
permit for timber wharf 8/7/46 24 254
Philip Levine and Arthur G.
Wein given permit to operate a
newsstand in window of Collins 273
Drug Store at 1hYi Collins Ave. 247
Book Page
Sheridan Park School (Mrs. Thos.
Crosby) granted private school
renewal license 8/21/46 24 257
War Dept. extension of time
on permit to build bridge
connecting proposed island
north of Di Lido with Di
Lido island filed in
meeting of 10/20/44
Application of King Cole Motors
for permit for sign is denied
9/4/46 24 273
Book Page
Philip Levine and Arthur G. Wein
given permission to operate news-
stand in window of Collins Drug
Store at 1444 Collins Ave. 9/4/46 24 273
Council grants temporary
permit to King Cole Motors
to erect pole sign at
1525 Alton Road 11/6/46 24 378
Requests for sign permits
made by Flamingo Theatre,
Walburne Hotel and Alton Boat
Co. are referred to Mr.
Renshaw with power to act 11/6/46 24 379
Book Page
Request of M.B. Airline Serivice
for permit for loading platform
is referred to City Manager
with power to act 11/6/46 24 380
Mrs. Shepard Swede asks
that permit for newsstand
at Collins Ave. & Espanola
Way be revoked - Council
takes no action for this
year 11/6/46 24 390
Book Page
Flamingo Hotel given permis-
sion to operate water ski
school as service to guests 11/6/46 24 390
Res. #6148, granting temporary
permission to erect cabanas on
ocean front strip east of Block
8, Ocean Front Property 11/14/46 24 395
So. Bell Tel. Co. given permit
to install gasoline tank at
1538 Lenox Ave. 11/20/46 24 397
M. B. Marine Basin given permit
to construct 12 mooring piles 11/20/46 24 397
Book Page
David Glaser's request for
permit for newsstand is
referred to Mr. Tomlinson 11/20/46 24 398
Council denies application
of Chris Hofer for permit
to sell frozen foods from
mobile unit
11/20/46 24 403
Request of Bernard Schaffer
for permit to operate water
ski school at Floridian Docks
is referred to City Manager
with power to act 11/20/46 24 408
Orange State Oil Co's. request
for permit to install 4 gasoline
tanks at 210 Alton Road is
denied 12/4/46 24 412
Isidore Marks' request for
permit for marine filling
station at 210 Alton Road
is denied 12/18/46 24 427
Book Page
North Shore Hotel granted
permit to construct 3
boat slips extending 40
feet into bay 12/18/46 24 428