Permits_January 1947PERMITS 168 Book Page Council denies request for permit for boat dock at Biscayne Waterway and 41st Street 1/2/47 24 441 Council denies request of Leonard Lack for permit to operate newsstand on sidewalk at 2232 Collins Ave.1/2/47 24 443 P. L. Watson given permit for archery school atei e. 1/2/47 24 448 may, 8e4i. bkaAk-e-4g PERMITS 169 Book Page Jack Diamond's request for permit for diving bell is taken under advisement 2/5/47 24 470 Application of Bath Club for permit for 3 docks is denied 2/5/47 24 470 Polly Lux given permit to service cars at 1000 Alton Road 2/5/47 24 481 PERMITS 17C Book Page Theo Miller's request for permit to operate dry cleaning machine in "BB" District is referred to Zoning Board 2/19/+7 24+ 492 Jack Diamond's request for Diving Bell is refer- red to City Manager 2/19/47 24 51+0 M. B. Railway Co. given permit to install two gasoline tanks at 350 Alton Road 3/5/47 25 12 PERMITS 171 Book Page Council denies request of Checker Cab Co. to install gas tank at Liberty and 22nd 3/19/47 25 40 Res. #6261, authorizing issuance of permit to 4 Winds Air Assn. to operate seaplane base and service center on Lummus Island 4/7047 25 88 To So. Bell Tel. Co. for addition to building at 331 69th St. 4/25/47 25 132 PERMITS 172 Book Page North Shore Hotel granted permit for 7 docks 5/7/47 25 145 Granted for YM & YWHA community center at 15th Terrace and Bay Road 5/21/47 25 173 Melvin Richard given permit to erect political sign on Lot 1, Block 5, 2nd 0. F. 5/21/47 25 174 To Alfred Destin Co. to install gasoline tank at 1780 Purdy Ave. 5/21/47 25 174 PERMITS To construct a filling station - to Louis Cohen at 844 5th St. Herman Glasser given permit to erect pole sign For outdoor putting course north of Surf Theatre, to Frederick G. Henson MARINES given permission to use Lummus Park beach for landing show 173 Book Page 5/21/47 25 175 6/11/47 25 ao3 6/18/47 25 234 7/2/47 25 235 PERMITS 174 Book Page Beach Motors given permit for sign at 10th & Alton 7/2/+7 25 235 David Copansky denied permit to operate news- stand on sidewalk at 23rd and Collins 7/2/47 25 235 Chicken in the Rough at #1 Lincoln Road granted occupational license for 1 year 10/1/47 25 387 PERMITS 175 Book Page Kahn -Salomon Co. given permission to install 2 gasoline tanks at 740 Alton Road 11/5/47 25 454 Ben Cohen granted permit to install gas and fuel oil tanks at Fleetwood Hotel dock 11/5/47 25 454 Granted Lincoln & Ocean Beach Club 12/4/47 26 5 Albury & Co. given permit to construct bort slips on their causeway property 1/14/48 26 95 PERMITS 176 Book Page Miami Beach Boat Corp. given permission to extend timber piles 1/14/48 26 95 Permit granted for bowling alley at 555 West Ave. 2/11/48 26 187 Granted Miracle Minit Man, Inc. for 2 gas pumps at 535 Alton Road 4/7/48 26 277 G. M. Phillips granted permit to construct filling station and garage on Lots 5/19/48 26 360 11 & 12, Blk. 6, N.Bch.So. PERMITS 177 Book Page Request of Professor Seward and Hanan Leeds for permit to erect canopy at Lincoln Road and Collins is referred to City Manager 6/16/48 26 404 Request of Rod and Reel Club for extension of docks at Hibiscus Island taken under advisement until adjacent property owners express opinions 6/16/48 26 405 PERMITS 178 Book Page Granted Bobby's Service Station to construct new station 6/16/48 26 405 Granted to Leo Solomon for bakery at 1102 Normandy Drive 6/16/48 26 411 Council approves change of plans for Bobby's Service Station 7/7/48 26 429 Permit granded Land O'Sun Dairies for gas tank and pump 7/21/48 26 452 PERMITS 179 Book Page Granted Melvin Stein for miniature golf course 9/1/48 27 57 Picciolo's Restaurant given permit to put up aluminum awning, subject to City Attorney's approval 9/1/48 27 69 Granted Belmar Hotel for swimming pool east of Miami Beach Drive and extension of bulkhead 9/8/48 27 90 PERMITS Council revokes permits issued to Belmar Hotel for construction of swimming pool east of Miami Beach Drive and extension of 180 Book Page bulkhead - Res. #6653 9/17/48 27 110 Granted to Veterans of Foreign Wars for club- house at 640 West Ave. 10/7/+8 27 113 Granted M. B. Auto Rental, Inc. for 500 -gal. gasoline tank 10/20/48 27 143 PERMITS 181 Book Page Thos. Hamblen's request to operate speed boat float in ocean referred to City Manager 11/17/48 27 207 M. B. Jewish Community Center granted permit for canvas awning 12/1/48 27 218 South Fla. Motors Co. granted permit for gasoline tank 12/1/48 27 230 PERMITS 182 Book Page Denied Thos. Hamblen to operate speed boat float in ocean 12/1/48 27 235 So. Bell Telephone Co. tr�akted permit for gasoline l2/24/48 27 261 Council denies application of Disabled American Veterans for permit to operate private club at 345 Lincoln Road 1/5/49 27 272 PERMITS 183 Book Page Hibiscus Masonic Lodge given permission to build temple at 10th and Alton 1/19/49 27 336 Rendale, Monroe Towers, Greenbrier and Grand Plaza hotels granted permis- sion to put up temporary cabanas 1/19/49 27 391 Granted Young's Service Station to construct filling station at ?30 5th Street 3/2/49 27 450 PERMITS 184 Book Page Permit for filling station at 7125 Abbott Ave. granted 5/18/49 28 151 Pgi 7Z-ed2r A Pei 14-e Philip Pritzert given permit - to operate lunch wagon 7/6/49 28 230 Permit granted Fla. Power & Light Co. to put up building at 6875 Harding Ave. to house transiformers 7/6/49 28 231 North Shore Hotel given permit to extend dock and build additional slips 7/6/49 28 234 PEhMITS 185 Book Page Robt. Bennett granted permit to construct bowling alley on Northeast corner of Dade Blvd and Purdy Ave. 10/26/49 29 11 Samuel Jamison given per- mit to erect 8 temporary canvas cabanas on Lot imme- diately south of Rio Hotel at 63rd Street for winter season only 11/2/49 29 20 Elks Lodge given permit to hold charity bazaar just north of Fleetwood Hotel 12-21-49 29 90 PERMITS 186 Book Page Granted Beach Auction Gallibries & Furniture Mart to conduct auction sales 2-1-50 Gran' -ed Rabbi Jacob Landgar+en A -o conduc+ church services a+ 909 Collins Ave. 2-15-50 Lucille Boule's application to operate male escort bureau denied Permit for private club on Lots 38 & 39, Bik. 3 2nd Ocean Front, granted 3-15-50 3-15-50 29 153 29 171 29 233 29 239 PERK= 187 Book Page Permit granted Realty Board to erect temporary buildings at rear of Auditorium for use at convention this fall 4-5-50 29 253 Permit granted Alton Boat Co. to install 1,000 gallon gasoline tank and pump at dock at 380 Alton Rd. 6-7-50 29 398 Permit granted Nat'l. Auto Dealers to erect two circus tents in connection with January 1951 convention 6-21-50 29 414 PERMITS 188 r Book Page Philip Pritzert permit re- newed for operation of lunch wagon 7-5-50 29 452 For construction of filling station to Stern -Case Motors, Inc. at 380 Alton Rd. 8-2-50 20 510 Permit granted employee of McArthur Jersey Farm dairy to sell milk on Gaines Constr. Col job 10-26-50 30 131 PERMITS 189 Book Page Shaw Brothers given permit to construct filling station at 907 5th Street 11-15-50 30 179 Alton -Dade Corporation given permit to construct filling station on northeast corner of Alton Rd. & Dade Blvd. 11-22-50 30 196 Permit granted Samuel Selleck to sell watercycles in a store at Gulf Hotel 12-6-50 30 211 PERMITS . 190 Book Page Permit granted Henry's Auto Rental, Inc. and Whalen Auto Rentals for installation of gasoline storage tanks 12-7-50 30 218 Granted Samuel Wasserman for fish market at 1673 Alton Rd 12/13/50 30 241 PERM/TS Permit authorized to A. Siegel to operate shoe repair shop at 532 Collins Ave. 12-20-50 30 253 Permit authorized for operation of dramatics art school at 1613 Alton Rd 12-20-50 30 253 191 Book Page Permit authorized to M. B. Boat Slips to construct timber pier into Biscayne Bay at Lot 36, Block 15A, Island View Addn. 2-7-51 30 364 PERMITS 192 Book Page Permit authorized Shaw Brothers to install 1,000 gallon gasoline tank at Zaret Construction Co.'s plant 1901 West Ave. 3-7-51 30 433 Shoe Repair license authorized in BA business district to Morris Klein 7-18-51 31 404 Application of Metro Smoked Fish Corp. for permit to operate wholesale - retail store denied 7-18-51 31 407 Permission granted for erection of 2 canvas cabanas at Indian Queen 5Hotel 31 426 PERMITS 193 Book Page Permit for awning to be issued to Edward Feinstein, 927 Lincoln Rd. (formerly Russian Bear Restaurant) 11-7-51 32 143 Permission granted M.B. Boat Slips to build docks at 1928 Purdy Ave. extending into Biscayne Bay 125 feet 12-12-51 32 242 Permit given Harold Minsky to hold burlesque shows in Plaza Theatre 12-19-51 32 259 Permit authorized for erection of attractions board sign at Auditorium 1-16-52 32 306 PERMITS 194 Book Page Permit given for two canvas cat na enclosures in rear yeard of South Seas Hotel for this season only 2-6-52 32 348 Private Club permit granted Miami Showmen's Assn at 1160 Normandy Dr.(Lots 23 thru 27, 4-4-52 32 470 Blk 10, Ocean Side Section Isle of Normandy) Permit for a motorcade for Emmett W. Kehoe on April 21, 1952, granted 4-16-52 32 499 PERMITS 195 Book Page 2 -hour extension of time for sale of package goods only , to 10:00 P.M., during Shrine convention,week of June 15, 1952, granted 6-4-52 33 91 Action deferred on application of Richmond Hotel for permit to construct 3 canvas cabanas in front of hotel 6-4-52 33 92 Permit to operate palm reading establishment at 719 Washingto Ave., in "BB" zone denied 6-4-52 33 96 PERMITS 196 1 . (7 c'tr�+�.� Book Page Permit granted Irving Lieberman for permission to sell wrapped sandwiches, etc. to men working on construction north of 41st St. to City limits 6-18-52 33 119 Ben Giller applies for permit to operate private cabana club at 8305 Crespi Blvd., to be known as Biscayne Beach Pool and Cabana Club; City Clerk to look into application to ascertain whether this would be private club or commercial operation 8-20-52 33 214 PERMITS Ben Giller to confer with Mr. Lipp relative to his application for permit to operate private cabana club 8-20-52 197 Book Page 33 220 Permit granted Circle Cab. Co. to install 2,000 gal. gasoline tank at 1627 Alton Court 8-27-52 33 222 PERMITS -198 Book Page Application for permit to erect temporary tent frame with canvas cover at rear of Sans Souci Hotel, to be taken down after each time used, referred to City Manager for report and recommendations 9-3-52 33 232 Sans Souci Hotel given permit to erect tent frame and awning cover over cabana area 9-10-52 33 244 Permitranted Poinciana Hotel to construct bulkhead and return wall easterly of the Hotel 9-10-52 33 245 PERMITS Martha Frost files application for permit to operate vocal studio at 1410 Alton Rd. To be investigated to determine classification and if permitted under zoning ordinance at that location 10-15-52 33; 315 Application made for permit to operate private bridge club at 7135 Byron Ave. No action. 11-5-52 No action on application for license to operate palmistry establishment at 719 Wash. Ave. (BB Business Class.) 11-19-52 33 366 199 Book Page 33 356 PERMITS 200 Book Page Permit granted M.B. Federal Savings & Loan Assn to install 110 -gallon underground gasoline tank for standby lighting plant unit at 7100 Harding Ave. 11-19-52 33 376 Permit granted Fla. Power & Light Co. to install 1,000 gal. gasoline tank at 1920 West Ave. 11-19-52 33 376 Permit granted to operate funeral home at 1743 Bay Rd.- Hellman Funeral Chapel 11-19-52 33 380 PERMITS 201 Book Page Junior's Restaurant permitted to erect canopy for shelter for patrons at their parking lot at 2924 Collins Ave. - canopy to be 151 x 6' - for one year only. 12-3-52 33 412 Permission granted Temple Beth Sholom to use grounds adjoining Temple for children's carnival on 12/16 and 12/17/52 12-10-52 33 418 Permit approved for construction of 2 -story garage, as accessory use of International Hotel, 4300 Collins Ave. 12-17-52 33 427 PERMITS 202 Book Page Request for permit to engage in guided tour business referred to City Mgr. for investigation and recommendation 12-24-52 33 446 Permit granted Murry Weiss to install 2,000 gal. gasoline tank underground at 730 - 5th St. 2-25-53 34 32 Wm. Allen Rogers'application for permit to operate charter boat denied by Marine Inspection Board. Rogers appeals to Council from Board's denial. Matter postponed until next r giar 34 47 meeting.