Permits_July 1959 to June 1960PERMITS 229
Book Page
Permit granted Gulf Oil Corp. for
installation of two 550 -gal. underground
gasoline storage tanks at Mark's
Quality Cleaners & Laundry, 1201 - 20th St.
7-15-59 42 184
Permit for bowling granted at
1111 Dade Boulevard, 1st floor
7-15-59 42 185
Permit granted for erection of Star Island
Guardhouse 11-18-59 42 373
Permission granted to Washington Fed.
Savings & Loan for erection of tent at
1717 Meridian re. dedication of new
branch bank (6/18 thru 7/11/60)
6-15-60 43 108
Book Page
Hebrew Academy granted permission
to use building at 710 Meridian Ave.
for classroom pruposes only. Period
not to exceed one year.
9-7-60 43 207
Temple Beth Sholom, Inc. granted
permit to construct and to operate
religious school at 4144-64 Chase Ave.
(Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30, Blk 2,
Nursery Sub.) 9-14-60 43 224
Book Page
Permission granted owners of Lots
10,11 and z of 12, 1st Ocean Front Sub.,
for construction of temporary sales office
and sample apt. bldg. on outlots on
w. side Collins Ave.(vicinity of 55th St.)
11-16-60 43 330
Hebrew Academy given permit to erect sign
on propertyoonnOldsMunicipal Golf Course
12-21-60 43 364
Speedy Car Wash - 535 Alton Rd. granted
permit to instal underground gasoline
storage tank 3-15-61 44 4
Oxford School granted permit to use
1144 West Ave. for school 5-3-61 44 64
Book Page
Permit granted Mes_fta of Greater Miami,
Louis Merwitzer High School, to use premises
at 1965 Alton Rd. (Eden Hotel) for high
school purposes for approx. 30 students,
for period of approx. 3 years.
7-5-61 44 120
Action deferred on Texaco's request
for permit to construct asphalt storage
tank on Texaco Property on Terminal Island.
City Atty to check ordinances.
8-2-61 44 154
J & M Transportation Co. 825 -5th St.
granted permit to install 2 addl under-
ground gasoline storage tanks, and 2 addl
gas pumps 6-8-61 44 96
Book Page
Permit granted Mesifta of Greater Miami,
Louis Merwitzer High School, to use
premises at 1965 Alton Rd. (Eden Hotel)
for high school purposes for approx. 30
students - period of approx. 3 years
7-5-61 44 120
Hebrew Academy given permission to
use bldg. at 1020 Michigan Ave. for
high school purposes, instead of
710 Meridian Ave. as previously
authorized. 8-16-61 44 167
Permit authorized Texaco Company to
construct asphalt storage tank on
their property on Terminal Island.
f11 -1 -Al 44 172
Book Page
Permit for underground gasoline
tank at 702 - 5th Street approved,
to service Avon Motors rental cars.
9-27-61 44 220
Permit granted Dr. Pinks for
operation of private hospital at
700 Alton Road 2-21-62 44 392
Permission granted Jerome Granger,
Vice=Pres. of Delmonico Corporation,
to permit a private school - Whitcomb
Schools of America- to conduct an adult
hotel training school in the Delmonico
Hotel at 6393 Collins Ave.
8-15-62 45 52
Book Page
permitranted Shorty & Fred's Inc.
to operate gasoline station at 1520
Alton Rd. 9-19-62 45 94
Permit grantedAQua Cycle Enterprises, Inc.
to operate aqua cycles (self propelled)
from Roney Plaza Docks. 11-7-62 45 163
Permit granted Chester Shapiro for
operation of boat livery at rear of
2228 Park Avenue. 11-7-62 45 172
Permit authorized for erection of tent
over loading dock area off main entrance
of Fontainebleau, Jan. 12 thru 16, 1963
for National Auto Dealers A 'n
1-1(0-63 45 305
Book Page
Permit authorized Hungarian American
Jewish Club, 1520 Lenox Ave. for operation
of private club (strictly religious and
social) 10-16-63 46 222
Application of the American Hungaria
Social Club - 1201 17th St., approved.
11-6-63 46 253
Permit authorized Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Co. for operation of typical "Goodyear
Service Store" at 1850 Alton Road, former
location of Riverside Memorial Chapel.
11-20-63 46 280
Book Page
Permit granted Sun Oil Co. to enlarge
present gasoline fillin station at.
N.E. cor. Washington Ave. & llth Street.
2-5-64 46 420
Permit granted Florida Tent Rental Co.
to erect tent at Bass Museum of Art for
opening dedication ceremony April 7, 1964.
3-18-64 46 472
Permit granted Standard Oil Co. to erect
16' internally illuminated sign at new
service station N.W. cor. Alton Rd. and
18th St. 8-5-64 47 142
Permission granted for erection of banner
across Arthur Godfrey Rd. at Alton Rd.
in connection with the American Society
of Travel Agents convention. 9-17-64 47 214
Permit granted Shell Oil
Shell Service Station at
and 17th St.
Book Page
Co. to rebuild
S.W.—cot. Alton Rd.
12-16-64 47 386
Permit approved for construction of
service station by Humble Oil Co. on
Lots 4 and 5, Blk 17, Commercial 1st Addn
(property at west side of Alton Rd. in
170block immediately south of Collins
Canal) 5-5-65 49 61
Permit granted Jim Welch of the M.B.Sun
to hold Automobile Show on Lincoln Rd. Mall
Nov. 12 thru 14, 1965. 8-4-65 49 212
Book Page
Hearing called on 1/5/66 to consider
request for permission to operate temporary
snack bar for workmen at 100 Lincoln Rd.
bldg. site. (Sol Singer) 12-15-65 49 468
Hearing conducted on application of Sol Singer
to operate temporary snack bar for workmen on
site of 100 Lincoln Rd. Motion to grant license
carries. City Atty to prepare ordinance authorizing6
licensing and prescribing fee. 1-5-66 50 rep
diiing ordinance establishing license fee
coonsTructTonasei[esg-ueacli moeTilegun°Tt2 �6Nen 50 374
Ordinance adopted #15$8 providing license fee 400
pnd e tablishin regulations ror
mmobilecaterergs„7-6-66 50
& 17
Book Page
Request of Dr. David Pinks that fee paid
for building permit for hospital
construction at Alton Road near 7th St.,
which was not started, be applied to new
permit, deferred. 4-19-67 51 560
Request of Dr. David Pinks to apply
previous permit fee to present renewal
of permit for construction of South Shore
Hospital considered and City Mgr.
authorized to recompute amount of work
completed under previous permit and make
adjustment. 5-3-67 51 580
Permit authorized to Agudath Israel Hebrew
Institute for use of premises at 7811
Carlyle Ave. for school purposes. 9-20-67 52 283
Permission granted to Pershing Auto to
move 4,000 gallon gas tanks at 1545 Alton Rd.
9-20-67 52 299
Permit authorized to Amber Fuel Oil Co.
approving installation of 4,000 gallon
underground tank at 16 Island Ave. (Memo 828)
10-4-67 52 330
Permit authorized for construction of new
Cities Service Station & Tire Store at
1454 Alton Rd. (Memo 829) 10-4-67 52 330
Permit authorized to Shelborne Hotel, 1826
Collins Ave. to operate parking area.
Permit authorized to J.R.P. Co., 1460 West
Ave. to operate parking area. 12-6-67
52 391
52 434
Permits and/or licenses authorized for 23
renewal parking area and 8 renewal parking
lot applications. 12-6-67 52 434
Permits authorized for renewal parking lot
licenses: De Luxe Parking and Strath Haven
Hotel. 1-3-68 52 492
243 .
Sign permit for Avis Car Rental Agency, 2327
Liberty Ave. authorized. 1-3-68 52 493
Construction of flat wall sign "Safeway Discount
Center" at 1127 Washington Ave. approved. 1-17-68 52 525
Construction of plastic faced sign "Antiques,
Milar Galleries," etc., at 6701 Collins Ave.
approved. 2-21-68 52 525
Construction approved of flat wall sign "341
Fashions" at 341 Lincoln Road, flat & non -
flashing. 2-21-68 52 525
Applications for sign permits approved: 1036
Lincoln Road Mall; Corinthian Apt. Hotel;
MacArthur Causeway, Belcher Oil; Edgewater Beach
Hotel; 6979 Collins Ave.; 2201 Collins Ave.; 444
Arthur Godfrey Rd.; 6061 Collins Ave.; 1565
Collins Ave.; 6700 Collins Ave.; Mimosa Apt.
Hotel; 2-21-68
Sign permits approved: 2900 Collins Ave.; 958
Arthur Godfrey Rd.; 1447-49 Penna. Ave.
Sign permits approved: Claude Southern Corp. at
52 547
53 29
630 Alton Rd. and Neon Sign & Service Co. at
731 Lincoln Rd. Mall. 3-6-68 53 59
Two signs approved at Copa City, 1301 Dade
Blvd. Sign permits authorized: Flutie Neon
Signs at 552 Arthur Godfrey Rd.; McNeill Sign
Co. at 1026-30 Lincoln Rd. Mall; Edvito Sign
Co. at 444 Arthur Godfrey Rd.; Neon Sign &
Service at 444 Arthur Godfrey Rd. 3-20-68 53 61
Permit approved for completion of sign at 1674
Alton Rd. applied for by Billy Favor - Favor -It
Sign Co. 3-20-68 53 62
Sign permits approved, Claude Southern Corp. at
320 Arthur Godfrey Rd., 1688 Meridian Ave. &
155 Lincoln Rd. 4-3-68 53 113
Permit authorized for demolition & reconstruction
of service station (new Sinclair Station) at
1601 Alton Rd. 4-3-68 53 114
Permits (Sign) approved: Claude Southern Corp.
3 at 4201 Collins Ave.; 2 at 1301 Dade Blvd.
4-17-68 53 149
Sign permit authorized for revised sign GREAT
TRAIN ROBBERY reducing size & changing colors.
4-17-68 53 150
ABC revised request for erection of sign at
337 Lincoln Rd. approved with deletion of word
"wholesale" & subject to building owner's
approval. 5-1-68 53 152
Sign permits approved: Acolite Sign Co. at 810
Lincoln Rd. Mall & 842 Lincoln Rd.; Electro
Neon Sign at 706 71st Street & 1626 Michigan
Ave.; Bill's Sign Shop at 38 Ocean Drive;
Bengis Assoc. at 8702 Collins Ave.; Smith &
Kammer at 1230 6th St.; Harold Edelstein, Prop.
at 7124 Abbott Ave. 5-1-68 53 171
Sign permits authorized: Neon Sign & Service at
1565 Collins Ave. & Claude Southern Corp. at
1601 Alton Rd. & 6348 Collins Ave. 5-15-68 53 179
Pavilion Apartment -Hotel Bulkhead permit
authorized on oceanfront at 5601 Collins Ave.
subject to there being no encroachment & further
to final field check upon date construction
commences. 5-15-68 53 201
Permit authorized for construction of Town & Beach
Apartments bulkhead on oceanfront at 6925 Collins
Ave. subject to there being no encroachment &
further to final field check upon date construction
commences. 5-15-68 53 201
Request for permit for construction of additional
telephone equipment building on Lots 7 & 8,
Block 65, Commercial Subdivision (between 1538
& 1560 Lenox Ave.) approved. 5-15-68 53 201
Sign permit granted to Continental Sign Co. at
2505 Collins Ave. (The Lyon's Den) in accordance
with revised sketch. 6-5-68 53 211
Request for sign permit granted to Charwend, Inc.
d/b/a The Pagoda at 211 -22nd Street. 6-5-68 53 219
Sign permit granted to Continental Sign Co. at
490 Alton Road, Chamber of Commerce Dock.
6-5-68 53 220
Sign permit granted to Nu -Art Signs at 1301 &
1325 Dade Boulevard ( Copa Lounge ). 6-5-68
53 220
Sign permit granted to Bengis Assoc. at
Riverside Funeral Chapel, 1920 Alton Rd.; M. B.
Drugs, 501 Washington Ave.; Riverside Memorial
Chapel, 1250 Normandy Dr. 6-5-68 53 220
Taxicab Permit #93 transferred from S & J
Transportation, Inc. to Minnie Pritzker.
6-5-68 53 234
to Florida Power & Light Co.
Permit authorized/for extension of substation
on Lot 3, Block 54, Orchard Subs. Nos. 2 & 3.
6-26-68 53 253
Sign permits approved: Bill's Sign Shop at 1020
Lincoln Rd.; Duall, Inc. at 216-67 St.; Bengis
Assoc. at 764 Washington Ave.; Pino's signs at
7118 Collins Ave. 6-26-68 53 271
Request for permission to erect tent on Saks
Fifth Avenue patio area for week of 8/3-12, 1968
deferred to 7/17/68. 7-3-68 53 290
Manager to supply Council with basis for issuance
of permit to Saxony Hotel during travel agents
visit, re. Saks request. 7-3-68 53 291
Permit granted --use of Bermuda Apartments, 1721
Meridian Avenue, by Washington Federal Savings &
Loan Association in conduct of its savings & loan
association business. 9-18-68 53 452
Motion approved for increase in building permit
fees (1968-1969 Budget). 9-30-68 53 473
Ordinance #1716 adopted, on emergency basis, in-
creasing building, electrical and plumbing
permit fees. 10-11-68 53 520
Parking permit fees increased (necessitated by
4% state sales tax): annual permit (sold in May
only of each year) --new rate $102; one-half year
summer rate --new $48; one-half year winter rate --
new $66. During summer months, monthly permits --
$13. Parking Committee awaiting ruling whether
tax will be required on "courtesy permits."
10-16-68 53 543
Permit apporved for construction of bulkhead at
6969 Collins Avenue, Port Royale Corp. 11-6-68 53 575
Permit approved for relocation of City National
B nk pp ive in facilities to Lots 3,4 9 and 10,
B`locki3, Normany hSouth Beachemo . 178 Nov 6 53