Petitions_1926 to 1938-Handwritten Notes_PET IT IONS M. B. Realty Board. Book 6, Page 452 Alton Road .'roperty Owners M.B. Merchants Palm Island. #esidents 42-(4A9 � (✓ z J G GC' Gcr�iG�/ �. (Z •poi' :/„.„,„‘ • ///� 6 " 6 , " 453= Ir 11 7; rr 11 13.2 506 PETITIONS 75_„_„/2 7_ , %, v (etV nA./,P7 7 oe.,� 7 /1 121:,Fe,'Ittjo4-: t 2.t PITITIONS Boardwalk 1.1E-28: Bk. 8 Page 156 Womans Club for . lower. water rates 1-18-28 Bk. 8, Page 159 Property owners object to loud music at Patio 2.1-28 Bk. E, Page 168 xogrt o�v exb � ct ecAhray imp.s 3-21-2£ "' $, "" 214 ting.removaf of rairie Ave. pole line 4-4--28 " g, If 223 Requesting refund of 1926 Bridge Road As---` 223 sessments 2 8 "" , "' PEnt oNs ktequeeting Counoi.: to proceedFlst St.BCidge 4--15--28 Requesting early construc- tion of Boardwalk south of bth Street 5-16-2£ bth Strlln.seemore lights on ana otn Streetsbetween 5t (-5-28 Peddlers License Requesting closing of certain Streets in South Beach Park Bk,_ Page._ 6 230 8 8 249 337 399 PETITIONS _Request resurfacing and oiling of Stteets on Hibiscus Island Book, Page 8, x+33 Electrical Contractors 8,x+39 Electrical Contractors - Amend Ord. 9, 94 Removal of car tracks on Alton Road 9, 119 W. E. Palmer -closing 3* alley B1. 48 OB#3 9, 164 Veteran_s-coxing_ Matches,.Bardies_ Casino - 9, 169 Objecting to xasoline stations 5.15-29 9,_.82 Requesting Charter Board Election 7-17-29 9, 26; Deoision of judge Paul D. Barns 7-17-29 (Filed) PETITIONS 6. BOOB, PAGE So.Beaoh Playground Site on Meridian Ave. 9, 412 Requesting purchase of present site at 2nd & Washington 12-24-29 9, 420 Of property owners in Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach, objecting to business projects in said subdiivision 12-24-29 11 420 Objecting to construction of Filling Sta- tion at Lincoln & Alton 2-5-30 9 454 Sheridan Avenue Pavement, 2-19-30 Royal Palm Avenue Pavement 2-26-30 Against Club Lido 4-2-30 10, 10 10, 6o 10, 122 PETITIONS 7. BOOK, PAGE Requesting closing of Alley in Block 31, M. B. I. Ocean Front 5.21-30 10, 14t - Plumbers: Requesting change in Occupa- tional License 9-17-30 10, 265 Dade County School Board -Requesting Va- cation of Alley in Block a, Nursery Sub. 10-15-30 10, 286 Lions Club, C. of C. & American Legion - Re: Clay Tennis Courts for Flamingo Park 10-29-30 10, 305 Altos del Lar property owners 3--4731 10, 475 PETITIONS Ocean Drive Property Owners far *RV from gth Street to 14th Lane 4-1-31 It " n " 4-15731 Ocean Drive Property Owners th-9th for Lummus Park Landscaping 5-20-31 Requesting appointment of Dr. G. Harold Withers as City Health Officer 7-1-31 Against change in Diamond Bali Schedule in Flamingo Park 7-!24-31 Se BOOK PAGE 119 1 11, 14 11, 36 11, 96 11,109 PETITIONS Requesting postponement of Delinquent Lien Sale - 730-131 Requesting re -zoning of Lot 7, Block 8, Altos del Mar NO. 2 from "BA" to "BB" Requesting purchase of Block 114, OB #4, for Park Purposes 11-12-31 J.C.Penney: Revesting_refund of Belle Isle Paving Lien 12-16-.31 Requesting Warding 1-20-32 9. BOOK, PAG: 11,110 11,219 11,222 11., 25±z 11, 263 PETITIONS 10. BOOKS,_ PAGE Requesting Election on purchase of Block 114, 0. B. #4 — 2-3-32 11,271 Requesting removal of names from above re 11, 271 Requesting vacation of portion of 14th Street East of Bay Road 2-17-32 11, 278 Requesting that R&ilway Co. substi- tute buses for street car on Alton Roach 3-211-33 12, 17 -Altoa_Bel Tar-aiti zens request improvements & transportation �ac3lities 8-2-33 12, 115 PETITIONS 11. RE: Book Page Henry S.Hubbell violation of Zoning Ordinance 1/3/34 12 219 Petition for fishing on Easterly viaduct presented 3/7/34 12 298 Petitions presented by property owners on Wash.Ave. (Lincoln Rd.to 21st St.) re: heavy busses,control of dust & per- manent pavement 3/7/34 12. 298 Petition presented for closing of alley in Blk.27,o.F. of M.B.I.Co. 31134 12 303 PETITIONS 12. Book Page- - Petition presented by Taxicab & For Hire Car operators 5/2/34 12 401 Grocerymen petition for use of sidewalk space 8/29/3- 13 60 Fruit Store operators 9/19/3+ 13 80 Property owners urging change in zon- ing restrictions of Pine Tree Drive between 28th and 30th Sts. 1/2/35 13 227 Change of name of Sheridan Ave. from 51st to 63rd Sts.to LaGorce Dr. 3/20/35 13 326 PETITIONS 13. Book Page Petition for rezoning of area lying between 24th and 26th St. from ocean to Collins Ave. 4/17/35 13 357 Petition presented seeking to vacate portion of Lenox Ave. for school purposes 6/5/35 13 444 Petition of Biscayne Bay Islands '80. for change in zoning regulati n Lots 11 to 2O,B1k.2-Hi ascus Isi. 7/10/35 13 491 PETITIONS 14. Book Page Petition from property owners object- ing to construction of Diesel Engine Power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/17/35 13 494 Petition from property owners urging sidewalk be placed in 20th Street from Collins Ave.leading to Ocean 8/7/35 14 28 Petition from Mrs. Sadie G.Bishof re: setback line on Espanola Way 9/4/35 14 83 Petition of Mary G. Wheeler,for zon- ing change Espanola Way 10/16/35 14 147 PETITIONS Book Page 15. Lula Winburn Parker - asks for zoning change, Lot 8,B1k.21,O.B. -- #2 - /-15/35 14 147 Petition of property owners protesting to ng s a on perm slued to W. C. -Roome _12123135 14 244 - Pettttont-to- .a.nge & 26,Ftphers 1Bt Sub• _ • "s+ efe ed to Zoning Board of Adj. 1/8/36 1 Lincoln Rd.Merchants Assn.ppresent petitions 1/29/56 14 276 PETITIONS 16. Book Page Rudolph Townsend and L.D.Hughes presence petition for change of -zoning-restrictions-on-west-side- of zoning- re strictio s -o r -west -s de -- of Wash.Ave.between 6th and 7th Sts. 1/29 14 277 Mary A.- Graves petitions Council to stop construction of septic tank --overf-low _2f26/36_ _ 14- 311 --School--Board--pet-i-ttone Coun-ei±to close -Lenox_ ve._.from 4th St.to Alton Rd. 3/4/36 14 326 PETITIONS 17. Book Page Pet itio4_presen_ted against opera- tion of heridan Park School 613/36 14 445 Petition filed by property owners sleeking to have footbridge constructer- -over- Lake-Ilancoas onstructed__over-Lake--Ilancoas --apt--24t -Sty 61-17{36 — ----1484 - prevent Petition filed seeking to =Su& further filling stati-Cins on 1aeh. Ave. 6117/36 14,482 etitionrilfi seeking to prevent oar rental lo SW cor,5th ci- F uc] id 7-15-36 15 1 Petition presented for paving 41st St. 8-21-36 15 86 PETITIONS 18. Book Page _Petitionpresented.for Whitewey light system in Flamingo Terrane Addition . 21- 36 - 15 Petitions of property owners filed against tanks for gas storage at - south -end -of -City t- south-e-nd-of--City----- 5-2-36 15 Petri tions -filed against the erection -cf--gas---s-to-rage- tanks- in Island-- View Subdn. 9-16-36 15 145 M. B. Retail Liquor Dealers- Assn.ile petition re oYosin hour and music u tii �_ a 1� a-36 15 253_ PETITIONS 19. Book Page Property owners file -petition re- questing name of alley between Wash. & Collins Ave. be changed -to °Collins Court" 12-2-36 Petition filed prof sting to ._ .:. •- 15 255 on 2nd Street between Collins and Ocean Dr. 12/3/36 15 276 Petition filed objection to construe- -tIon and operation of ice warehouse 12-16-36 15 2g7 PETITIONS 20 Book Page Petition prese_n_ted requesting change in zoning for liquor on --41st St. 12-16-36 15 286 Petition filed for zoning change on 41st Street—Business Property 2-17-37 15 3_92 41st St. west of Prairie 2-17-37 15 401 Siems_Bros.pet_i_tion-for_ rezoning__of lana south of 15th St.& east of Ocean Dr. 3-17-37 15 430 PETITIONS Petition filed from ij-ist Street Association re: erection of trans- former Station. 4+-21-37 Geo, P. Jacobs presented petition for Package Goods Store in Normandy Beach South. 4-21-37 Petition filed by property owners as to changing name of part of Harding Ave. & Albacore Drive to Indian Creek Drive. 7/21/37 21 Book Page 16 33 16 190 PETITIONS 22 Book Page Petition filed against erection of utility building by Fla.Power & Light -0o. at +0th -&-Sheridan 9=15=37-16 257 _.Petition. filed against closing of foot of Biscayne St.for -We- Saving - stat -ton- 9-22--37 i6 -279 Petitions filed for changing zoning oiassifieation - on --Blocks 1 3 - 722nd Ocean Front Subdn. 10-6-37 16 300 Petition filed against issuance of bldg. ,rmtt for storage garage on Lots 5 & • Island ]Ltew 11-5- 37 16 3 PETITIONS - 23 _ Book Page Petition filed from property owners on San Marino Island asking provision be made for septic tank overflow 16 353 Petition prca-onttd objecting to early morning deliveries in vicinity of Collins Ave. and 9th St. 12-1-37 16 443 Petition from Taxi Cab owners for reduction in rates(no action) 2-2-3g 17 1 Petition of property owners in Altos Del Mar Nos.]. & 2 against construc- tion of sidewalk on eross streets 5-43g 17 137 PETITIONS Book Page Petition filed with application for license to operate Package Liquor -tore on 41st---Street--by National Package Stores 5-4-3 17 137 -Petition filed -urging amendment to Zoning Ord. to permit _shoe -repair shops on 41st St. 5-4-38 17 138 24 Petitions filed protesting sidewalk construction on streets from 76th --to 86th - 5=18=38 H-7 151 - Petition filed by property owners on & near 41st St.urging non -issuance e-ertaln-1ieenses _ ete 17 187 PETITIONS 25. Book Page Petition filed objecting to persons living on boats anchored in Sunset Lake 10-26-38 17 312 Petition filed by 2 property owners to opening of Palm'Island Night Club 10-26-38 17, 314 Petition filed from Oceanside Impr. Assn.urging better bus service to north endof City 11/4/38 17, 337 Petition filed urging that tennis courts be left in Washington Park 11/16/38 17 35g PETITIONS Petition presented by owners and 26 Book Page operators of hotels,apartments and business houses urging desig- nation of loading zones on Ocean Drive and installation of parking —Petition of operato-re-of motor vehicles urge that no additional 3 taxi permits be issued over last year's 11/2-3/38 3 Petition filed fog-r-e-zoni-ng-Lencx Manor Subdn.ref erred to Zoning Board of Adjustment 12/1!38 17 371