Petitions_January to March 1951PETITIONS
Petition of six electrical con-
tractors reqesting Council to
direct Mr. Farrey to appoint
a Chief Electrical Inspector 1-17-51 30 336
Petition signed by 64 residents
of La Gorce Drive urging restora-
tion of two-way traffic filed 3-19-51 30 447
Petition of property owners on
Biscayne Point asking that plot
of ground immediately west of
Block 11 be equipped with
playground facilities 3-21-51 30 472
Book Page
Petitionof residents of
Pine Tree Drive favoring one
way traffic filed 3-28-51 30 481
Petition objecting to
Council's approval of
Lots 17,18,19, Blk 54,
Orchard Subs. 2 & 3, as
site for proposed 41st
street post office 5-2-51 31 105
Book Page
Petition of property owners
on Espanola Way asking changeof
name of street to 15th Place
referred to City Mgr. for
recommendation 5-2-51 31 118
Book Page
Petition objecting to paving
77th St. rrm Collins Ave. to
Tatum.Waterway_if cost is to
be assessable against abutting
property owners. No action. 5-2-51 31 128
Petitions presented requesting
sidewalk construction: Both
sides Hawthorne Ave. from 77th
St. to 86th St. and both sides
Crespi Boulevard from Hawthorne
Ave. to 86th St; both sides
Tatum Waterway Dr. from 77th St.
to 79th St. Taken under advisement.
5-2-51 31 128
Book Page
Petition submitted objecting to "un-
sanitary conditions" in connec-
tion with sewer serving Dubrow's
Cafeteria, referred to County
Health Inspectors 5-2-51 31 136
Re.l e iRon requesting
sidewalk construction north
end of City - funds to be
included in 1951-52 budget 5-16-51 31 181
Asking City to acquire Lots
in Block 7, Ocean Front Sub.
for off-street parking, referred
to Parking Committee 5-16-51 31 181
Book Page
Petition of property owners
in neighborhood of Miami Beach
Animal Hospital objecting to
noise from establishment.
Investigation being made. 5-16-51 31 190
Petition of Lincoln Road
merchants requesting pick-
pocket detective squad for
summer period. No action. 5-16-51 31 191
Petition of hotel operators
on Collins Ave. from 26th
St. to 44th St. asking that 6-13-51 31 264
Collins Ave. be designated 2 -way
street. Reports to be submitted.
Book Rage
Petition objecting to application
for permit to operate retail -
wholesale smoked fish market
dt Biscayne St. -Metro Smoked
Fish Corp. 6-20-51 31 295
Petition asking for removal
of parking restrictions
on Alton Road between 16th
and 17th Streets presented.
No action taken.
7-18-51 31 376
Book Page
City Mgr. advises of petition
of property owners on Harding
Ave. between 85th St. and
city limit to repave and widen
Harding Ave. from 85th St. to
north city limits - owners willing
to execute easements so street can
be paved to width of 49 feet.
Paving and widening authorized. 9-12-51 32 4+5
Petition presented requesting City
to provide off-street parking in
vicinity of 20th St. and Purdy
Ave. Referred to ParkingCommittee.
10-3-51 32 87
Book Page
Petition asking City to fight
suit seeking rezoning of 5 lots
north of Firestone Estate.
Bond item covering purchase of
ocean frontage north of Firestone
to be submitted to Eastern Invest-
ment Banking Vol. Credit Restraint
Group represented by Mr. Pallot
permitted to retain counsel at no
cost to city, to work with City
Attorney in defense of lawsuit.
10-30-51 32 124
Book Page
Normandy Isles Improvement Ass'n
petition asking Council to restore
2 -way traffic on 71st St. on Normandy
Isle and Normandy Dr. Action deferred.
10-3-51 32 87
Petition requesting that
Sarazen, Mitchell and Vardon
Streets be opened and paved.
Paving authorized. 10-3-51 32 92
Petition presented asking
City tonDur hsor condemn
29th St. 10-3-51 32 96
Book Page
Petition seeking reclassification
of property fronting on Lincoln Rd: -
part of Lots 7 & 8; part Lots 5 & 6,
part Lot 4, Blk 54, Fisher's 1st
Sub. of Alton Beach to "BA" Business
District. Hearing called 12/5/51.
Res. #7824. 11-7-51 32 142
Petition of taxicab operators
and drivers urging enactment of
ordinance allowing charge of
51.50 flat rate per person, with
53.00 minimum, to International
Airport. No action taken. 11-21-51 32 200
Book Page
Petitions filed objecting to any
possible rezoning or property on
Chase Ave. & Prairie Ave. now occupied
by Miami Beach Nursery and Suto Nursery.
Petitions ordered filed. 12-12-51 32 2245
Petition submitted asking for repeal
of Ord. No. 958, prohibiting the
display of large price signs in gasoline
stations. Hearing to be held.
Petitions presented of
12-12-51 32 246
property owners on South Shore
Drive requesting construction
of sidewalks from Biarritz Dr.
tothNor1ZeShore Dr/ Construction
2-52 32 275
Book Page
Council advised of requests of
property owners on east side of
Dickens Ave. between 74th & 75th
Streets for construction of
sidewalk. Authorized. 1-2-52 32 276
Mr. Renshaw advises that petition
has been submitted by property owners
in 900 block on Stillwater Drive,
asking for extension of sanitary
sewers. Recommends that extension 32 285
be made. (SR -514) 1-9-52
Book Page
Petition presented of 41st Street
merchants favoring benches on
sidewalk on Royal Palm Ave.
adjacent to Mendelsohn's Restaurant.
Council offered no objection but
took no action.
1-16-52 32 301
Ethel Warner advises that petition
had been filed atking for re-
classification of both sides of
Meridian Ave. between 18th St.
and Collins Canal in "RE"
Multiple -family District. 3-5-52 32 417
Referred to Zoning Board.
Book Page
Petition filed requesting Council
to change ordinance covering
awnings so as to permit curtains
running parallel with sidewalk.
Referred to committee for report.
1-23-52 32 319
Petition submitted signed by
property owners in Blocks 47,
50, 52 and 55 (south side of
South Shore Drive) objecting to
construction of sidewalks in
blocksentionec. Orinal petitigp
asking �ror construction o sidewa s
n North b51ore Drive a1o6rgd. 32
(re. SK -1
Book Page
Petition of property owners
objecting to application of
Moe Hellman for funeral home
at 1418 Alton Rd. Permit
32 333
Council advised of petition of
owners of seventeen lots on Michigan
& Jefferson Aves. from 6th to 8th
Streets requesting paving of 20 foot
alley between Michigan and Jefferson
Aves. Improvement authorized.
3-19-52 32 434
Book Page
E. Q. Rodgers submits petition
asking: for reclassification of
Altos del Mar No. 1 and Altos
del Mar No. 2 to RE Multiple
family District. Referred to
Zoning Board of Adjustment for
recommendations 4-2-52 32 467
Petition of 2500 Collins Corp.
that Block 5, Amended Map of
Ocean Front Property be rezoned
from one-story cabana zone to
a two-story cabana zone, referred
to Zoning Board of Adjustment
4-16-52 32 499
Book Page
Petition submitted asking acquisition
of ocean end of 16th Street for public
beach purposes. Matter to be considered
when budget is made up 5-7-52 33 21
Petition filed asking Council to
acquire privately -owned 1/2 of ocean end
of 15th Street for public beach purposes.
To be discussed when 1952-53 budget is
made up 5-7-52 33 22
Petition filed objecting to construction
of Hebrew Academy on Suto Nursery property
on Chase Avenue 5-7-52 33 22
Book Page
Petition signed by various hotel
owners and operators on Ocean Drive
presented, urging Council to locate
Community Center in Lummus Park
6-4-52 33 86
Petition of property owners
asking for sewer extension in
Stillwater Drive 6-11-52 33 102
Petition of 4 property owners on Abbott
Ave. between 71st St. & 69th St. asking
for business variance referred to Zoning
Bd. of Adjustment for recommendation
and report 6-18-52 33 119
Book Page
Petition filed opposing proposed
63rd Street Overpass. Model of
overpass and property that would
be affected by it to be built
7-16-52 33 158
Petition for rezoning of Lots 6,
north 1/2 of Lot 8, and all of
Lot 9, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.
from "RAA" to"RE" denied 7-23-52 33 168
Petition submitted by numerous
residents of South Beach, asking Council
to provide community center facilities -
stage & seating arrangementa, at foot of
Municipal Pier b-6-52 33 177
Book Page
Petition requesting rezoning of
Lots 9,10, 11 and 12, Blk 1,
2nd Ocean Front Sub. from single-
family to RE multiple -family
denied 8-6-52 33 189
Petition of property owners on
Byron Ave. between 83rd and 85th
Sts. that Byron Ave. paving be
delayed, denied 8-6-52 33 189
Petition submitted, asking that
recreational facilities, consisting
of stage and seating arrangements be
provided at foot of Municipal Pier
52 33 218
Book Page
Lincoln Rd. Merchants Assn present
petition requesting removal of parking
meters on Lincoln Rd; that no parking
be permitted between certain hours; and
that synchronized traffic lights be
installed. Mr. Lippts report read;
City Mgr. makes recommendation. No action
taken on request 9-3-52 33 236
Petition filed asking that "promised
park project on Biscayne St. and Alton
Rd., on the bay, be completed, along
with other improvements voted for
area south of Fifth St." 9-10-52 33 244
Book Page
Hebrew Academy resolution filed
requesting Council to outlaw "horror"
and "sex" comic books at newstands.
Taken under advisement,pending
conference with Police Chief
10-15-52 33 316
Petition filed requesting paving
of alley between Michigan and Lenox
Ave. from 6th St. to 7th St. (H-366)
10-15-52 33 320
Mr. Lipp advises of request of
Lansrose, Inc., 99 -yr. lessees of
Lots 6 and 7, Bik 9, Harding Townsite,
for extension of sanitary sewer line
(SR -921) 10-15-52 11 122
Book Page
Owner of Lot 2, Blk 28, Lake View
Sub. requests sanitary sewer extension
to serve this property (SR -522)
11-5-52 33 350
Owners of property on Byron Ave.
between 69th and 71st Sts. petition
Council to put in sidewalks (SK -162)
11-5-52 33 352
Petition filed - Collins Avenue
owners and operators of hotels,
asking that traffic between 26th
St. & 44th St. remain on two-way
basis 11-5-52 33 355
Book Page
Petition filed requesting that
71st Street be renamed "Miami
Beach Boulevard". Public hearing
to be held. 11-5-52 33 356
Petition filed requesting Council
to provide City ambulance service.
Committee of Councilman Frank and
City Mgr. Renshaw appointed to study
matter and make recommendations
11-19-52 33 380
Petition requesting that 2 -way
traffic again be instituted on
Normandy Isle. Action deferred.
11-26-52 33 393
Book Page
Petition filed by owners living between
Trouville Esplanade and Rue Granville
on 71st St., requesting construction
of sidewalk on south side of 71st St.
(SK -165) 12-3-52 33 406
Petition presented requesting paving
of alley north of Biscayne St.
(Jefferson Ave. to Washington Ave.
to be paved) (H-365) 12-3-52 33 408
Petition submitted by property owners
requesting paving of Alton Court from
llth to 12th Sts. (H-367) 12-3-52 33 409
Book Page
Petition filed by 71st St. and
Normandy Dr. business people requesting
restoration of 2 -way traffic on these
streets 12-3-52 33 413
Petition filed requesting resumption
of 1 -way traffic on Indian Cr. Dr.
and Collins Ave. between 26th and
44th Streets 12-3-52 33 413
North Shore Drive property owners
petition City to construct sidewalk
on south side of North Shore Dr.
(SK -167) 12-17-52 33 438
Book Page
Petition filed for construction
of sidewalk on 81st St. between
Crespi Blvd. & Hawthorne Ave.
(SK -168) 12-17-52 33 439
Request made for sanitary sewer
extension to serve Lot 1, Blk 11,
Nautilus Addtn, (SR -523) 12-17-52 33 441
Petition filed requesting construction
of sidewalks on both sides of Marseille
Drive in 1700 block (SK -169)
1-7-53 33 458
Book Page
Two petitions filed favoring re-
classification of ocean front strip
between the Firestone Estate and
Royal York Hotel, so as to permit
construction of hotels. 1-21-53 33 469
Petition requesting installation
of sidewalks on Biarritz Dr. bet.
Trouville Espl. and Rue Granville
presented. (SK -170) 2-25-53 34 29
Petition filed asking City
Lots 10 & 11, Blk 5, Ocean. Side Section
Isle of Norm. for off-street parking.
$2:2,000. to be offered. 3-4-53 34 54
Book Page
Request made for paving portion of
Alton Court between 13th and 14th Sts.
(H-368 ordered) 3-18-53 34 111
Petition submitted requesting
construction of sidewalks on 79th
Terrace. (SK -171 ordered) 3-18-53 34 113
Petition filed requesting that provision
inzoning ordinance permitting multiple -
level parking garages be repealed. Referred
to Zoning Bard. 4-15-53 34 180
Book Page
Taxicab operators filepetition
requesting repeal of Sec. 4 and 5
of Ordinance #1004, relating to
taxicab stands. Action 4-22-53 34 188
Petition of residents requesting
appointment of committee to disburse
$1,000.00 allocation by Council to
help Jr. tennis players 5-6-53 34 232
Petition presented requesting that
plaground facilities for older children
be pr•wided in Stillwater Park. Referred
to City Mgr. with authority to act.
5-13-53 34 239
Book Page
Petition presented,- requesting with-
holding any action in connection with
future of Convention Bureau 6-10-53 34 333
Petition submitted by South Shore
Democratic Club asking Council to give
favorable consideration to selection
of Police Chief from among senior officers
in Police Dept. 7-1-53 34 348
Petition signed by 44 operators of
businesses on 71st St. and on Normandy
Dr. asking for resumption of 2 -way traffic
on Normandy Isle. Action deferred until
7-22-53 - traffic report to be made
7-15-53 34 388
Book Page
Walter Kovner files petition asking
that Lot 6, Blk 22, Ocean Beach Addn
#3, (1200-1224 Washington Ave.) be
reclassified from BAA to BA Business
District 7-15-53 34 388
Petition by owners of residences on
Pine Tree Dr. bet. 25th and 26th
Street, asking that paving assessments
against their property be canceled.
No action. 7-15-53 34 388
Petition Of Pine_Tree Drive residents
(block from blst to 63rd St.) objecting
to widenin of pavement from 30' to 50'.
Paving project rescinded.
8-5-53 34 424
Book Page
Petition signed by operators of 8 hotels
asking that hours for entertainment in
cabarets be extended to 2:00 A.M.
Tabled until October 21st - hearing to
be held.
10-7-53 35 50
Petition presented opposing application
of James I. Stearns for beer and wine
license at 1445 Drexel Ave.
10-7-53 35 53
Petition presented-- objections to
manner in which food and beverage
concession at Normandy Shores Golf Club115
has been handled 10-21-53 35
Book Page
Petition requesting beautification
of center strip of Washington Ave.
from 1st Street to Lincoln Rd. referred
to City Mgr. 8-5-53 34 427
Petition submitted by operators of
businesses on Purdy Ave. between 18th
and 20th Streets, asking for better
parking facilities. Referred to
City Mgr. for handling 9-2-53 35 8
Petition submitted by numerous
residents and people in marine industry
opposing construction of any more islands
in Biscayne Bay 10-7-53 35 50
Book Page
Petition presented asking for extension
of landscaping of center parkway on
Washington Ave. from 5th St. to 3±d St.
Approved, provided funds available.
11-4-53 35 122
Petition presented asking for adjust-
ment in paving assessment on Byron Ave.
from Indian Creek Dr. to 71st Street,
(Highway Improvement H-354). No
action. 11-4-53 35 127
Petitions submitted by residents in
Stillwater Park area, requesting that
this park be maintained for youngchildren.
$3,'100 riarampropriated for resit raio n 35 138
Book Page
Petition filed protesting issuance
of license in event application is
filed for presentation of a "female
impersonator show" 11-10-53 35 151
Petition presented asking City to
acquire property for parking purposes
on West Ave. bet. 18th and 20th Sts.
Referred to Parking Committee with
request for a report 11-18-53 35 X65
Petition submitted requesting extension
of landscaped center parkway from 3rd
St. to 1st St. Approved; estimated 244
cost $7,200.00 12-16-53 35