Petitions_April 1954PETITIONS 94 Book Page Petitions presented urging Council to proceed with condemnation proceedings on Block 1, Biscayne Beach Sub. 4-7-54 35 402 Petitions presented protesting sidewalk construction on Stillwater Drive 4-7-54 35 405 Petition presented asking that parking facilities be constructed in old municipal golf course in vicinity of 19th and 21st Sts. Referred to Parking Committee 4-7-54 35 416 PETITIONS 95 Book Page Petition presented requesting construction of sidewalks on 80th Street between Hawthorne Ave. and Crespi Blvd., Sidewalk Improvement ordered SK -181 4-21-54 35 438 Petition filed for reclassification of Meridian Ave. between 18th and 19th Streets to RE Multiple -family District. Res. #8746 calling zoning hearing on 10/6/54 7-7-54 36 50 PETITIONS 96 Book Page Petition that Blocks 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,12,13, 14 and 15, Altos del Mar No.2; and Blocks 1,2,15,16,17 and 18, Altos del Mar No. 1, be reclassified in RE Multiple -family, referred to Zoning Bd. 7-7-54 36 6o Petition that 10 -foot setback be required on 71st Street referred to Zoning Board. 7-7-54 36 6o Petition submitted by residents and _property owners in North Beach area asking that public swimming pool be built in vicinity of Bis. Elementary School 7-7-54 36 6o PETITIONS 97 in RE Multiple-famMk Page Petitions for rezoning/Elks 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,12,13, 14 and 15, Altos del Mar No. 2, and Blocks.1, 2, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Altos del Mar No. 1 (81st -87th Sts.) referred to Zoning Board for action 9-1-54 36 140 Petition filed asking for immediate construction of sanitary sewers on Biscayne Point. City Mgr. advises sanitary sewers for this island and others will be included in any future bond issue 12-15-54 36 380 PETITIONS 98 Book Page Petition filed requesting construction of sidewalk on south side of 1500 block on Marseille Dr. Work authorized. (sk-182) 2-2-55 36 424 Petition filed asking Council to award compensation to Mrs. Tania Zadorin, widow of Alexander who hanged himself in City Jai110-19-55 Petition submitted by Alton Rd. businessmen, requesting parking facilities in rear of west side of Alton Rd. from Lincoln RCommittee to 17th St., referred to 11-16-55 37 449 37 417 PETITIONS 99 Book Page Petition of employees in Group 3 of Personnel Board requesting recall election filed. Res. #9258 calling election to determine whether or not representative should be removed (Geo. Bond) 5-2-56 38 194 Petition filed requesting sidewalk construction between Lot 21, Blk 32, Lake View Sub. and W. 51st St. on Pine Tree Dr. Mr. Renshaw advises partial sidewalk construction would be dangerous, that sidewalk shoulc be cons 22u)ted from w.�7th6St. to W. 51st St. 230 PETITIONS 100 Book Page 2 petitions filed requesting a zoning change from single-family to multiple - family on property in the 1700 and 1800 bldcks of Michigan Avenue. Referred to.: Zoning Board. 6-6-56 38 234 Petition filed requesting that paving of Byron Ave. between 73rd and 75th Streets be increased to 69 foot width with 5 -foot sidewalk abutting the property line on each side of street. Authorized. 7-18-56 38 Petition filed requesting change in "R" bus route in north end of city ( 2nd and 73rd St.) Hearing ca11 ond1� � ept. 5th. lqo 315 PETITIONS 101 Book Page Petitions from Arthur Godfrey Road Assn and Exchange Club of Bayshore requesting Council to prevail upon County Commission and State Road Board to reconstruct terminal end east span of present MacArthur Causeway bridge, scheduled for demolition, for use as fishing pier 9-5-56 38 386 Petition of property owners on Byron Ave. and Harding Ave. from 74th to 75th. Streets presented, requesting alley in tris block be repaved. (H -439) 11-21-56 38 529 PETITIONS 102 Book Page Petition requesting angle parking on 74th St. betweenHarding & Dickens Avenues referred to Mr. Lipp. 12-5-56 39 1 Petitions requesting pavement of 3 alleys in northern end of City received. H-437 ordered. 1-23-57 39 81 Petitions requesting removal of all parking meters on Lincoln Road between Washington Ave & Alton Rd. Parking ommittee alchedules hearing later in nay• 2-6-57 39 97 PETITIONS 103 Book Page Hibiscus Island property owners petition City to establish trash pick-up spot. City Mgr. to negotiate for purchase of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1, Palm Island for this purpose. 2-6-57 39 97 Petition presented requesting paving of alley between 73rd and 74th Streets, by property owners on Byron and Carlyle Avenues --H-442 ordered 3-20-57 39 178 Petition requesting sidewalk construction on east side Trouville Espl. from 71st St. ;o Normandy Dr. (SK -230 ordered) 4-17-57 39 308 PETITIONS 104 Book Page Petitions submitted asking Council to call election on repeal of Zoning Ord. #1253 reclassifying oceanfront strip. 5-1-57 39 311 Petition submitted of property owners asking that Marseille Dr. between Bay Dr. and Rue Notre Dame be paved to its full width of 59 feet, instead of 50 feet as originally authorized. Authorized. 5-1-57 39 321 Petition presented that Bay Dr. between 71 S and RueGranville be paved to full width of 59 eet instead of 50 feet. Authorized. 5-1-57 39 321