Piers_September 1937 to March 1938PIERS
Purchase of trestle for pier frog
G.O.Reed authorized at $993.75
Discussion on payment to ..O.Reea
Thr 74th St.Pier-Mr .Renshaw to ob-
Book Page
16 2547
tain release fromMerritt-Chapman
Scott Co. 1-19-38 16 504 -
Appropriation of $5,748.60 made for
deck on 74th St.Pier 2-2-3g 17 16
TWO petitions presented -one against
compion of pier and one for com-
pletion -3 17 42
Gov't Permit -74th � SnAPL1_zs6
PIERS (also see Docks) 2.
Book Page
Contract for removal of 74th St.
Pier let to Langston Const. Co.
at $450.00 8--1-38 17 229
Mr. Renshaw to protest appli-
cation to construct pier in
Biscayne Bay at Lot 12, Block
16, Biscayne Bch. 2nd Addn. 5/3/50 29 331
Res. #10818 opposing construction of
pier at Crystal House,5055 Collins Ave.
9-19-62 45 111