Pine Tree Drive_March 1937 to August 1938PINE TREE DRIVE Book Page C until -approves of removal of pine trees on West side of Pine Tree Dr. when -new -homes are -constructed 3=.3-37 15 419 Pang -of -Pine Tree Drive from 46th Bt. to Flamingo Waterway discussed 4-6-38 17 93 City Mgr. reports progress in obtain- ing prepayment of costs and permission of--abutting-property---owners -on- -proposed Pine Tree Drive pavement 8-3-38 17 239 PINE TREE DRIVE '2 Book Page Mrs. Walter's urges widening of Pine Trete- Dr.- --from- 41st --to 51st St. 12/6/39_ 18 406 PINE TREE DRIVIE Book Page . 0 . Hunter urges Counni1 to-au_thoriza_ pavgment of Pine Tree Dr.from 46th 0 lamingo a-terway - above cork __authorize& when property awners--make prepayment of cost of work 5/3/39 18 55 Cid Manager instructed to call for bids for topping of pine trey -s - ---VW/45 23---- -203 Contract for topping trees on Pine Tree Drive awarded Calrnayr Nursery in amount of $5,782.70 9/5/45 23- 2.* - -211 PINE TREE DRIVE Council cancels contract with Calmay Nursery for topping pine trees 10/3/45 23 237 3. Book Page Mrs. A. N. Walters of Miami Beach Garden Club asks Council to' clean up Pine Tree Drive - referred to Mr. Hice 11/21/45 23 304 Mr. Link, Park Supt., is authorized to proceed with plan for topping pine trees on basis of $15 per tree 7/3/46 24 181 PINE TREE DRIVE I Dr. Maurice Rose's objec- tions to truck traffic on Pine Tree Dr. is refer- red to Mr. Renshaw 4. Book Page 6/11/+7 25 217