Pirnie,Malcolm-Engineer_August 1940 to August 1950?IRNIE. MALCOLM e Engineer City Mgr. given_ authority_to employ Mr.Pirnie at $22,000.00 for water survey--if-he is mot satisfied th t _City of Miamioan_assure us future supply of water 8-8-40 Employed as engineer to survey and make recom- . 1 Book Page 1 258 with screening of sewage 6-7-50 29 399 _ 29 412—_ II 0 Res. #724l authorizing ex-cutt on of contract wi M_lco m Pirniie 8-2-50 29 502 PIRNIt s MAtCOLM - ENGINEF.,ES' 2 Book Page Mr. Renshaw advises that work relative to study of equipment to be used on the sewer outfall has been delayed by investigation with ---SB of H is making - Council instructs Mr. Renshaw to have study con- tinued in accordance with contract with Pirnie 1-24-51 Invoice in amount of $3,000 approved 3-19-51 30 450 30 339 PIRNIE MALCOLM - ENGINEERS S tatement for partial payment for design of sewage disposal facilities, approved - $4,000.00 4-18-51 Statement of Malcolm Pirnie approved $+,O00.00 6-8-51 Statement of Malcolm Pirnie approved -$4,000.00 7-3-51 Council discusses proposed sewer screening plant. Matter taken under consideration. 10-30-51 3. Book Page 31 12 31 247 31 319 32 134 PIRNIE,'MALCOLM - ENGINEERS 4. Book Page Statement of Malcolm Pirnie approved covering charges for engineering services in connection with design of M.B. Screening & Comminution Plant, $30,566.88 12-19-51 32 251 Above contract with Mr. Pirnie to be kept in effect 12-21-51 32 267 Communication from Malcolm Pirnie filed re. cost and fees of sewage disposal plant 1-2-52 32 277