Plaques And Memorial Committee (Commissioners )_May 1980 to January 1982PLAVES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) Memo #8227, following appointment reported for record purposes only - Commissioner Mendelson - appointed - Meyerson 11 Date 5/21/80 Request to memorialize D. Lee Powell w/bronze 1/6/82 plaque to be p1d, at Bayshore Golf Course; not reached deferred to 1/20/82, Request to memorialize D, Lee Powell w/bronze plaque 1/20/8 to be pld. at Bayshore Golf Course; not reached — deferred to 2/3/82. (see POWELL, D. LEE [COUNCILMAN]) PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 12 Date Request to memorialize D. Lee Powell w/bronze 2/3/82 plaque to be plod. at Bayshore Golf Course; not reached - deferred to 2/17/82. (see POWELL, D. LEE [COUNCILMAN]) Amd'd. Memo 9347, Mayor Ciment apptd. Comm. Singer 2/17/82 to serve on Comm. Plaques & Memorials Committee with Comm. Weinstein, & requested that C. Mgr. submit recommendation for addnl. appts. & schedule com. meeting. Recognition of extraordinary cits. efforts to en- 2/17/82 hance quality of life on MB. VM Dr. Haber re- quested establishment of Outstanding Cit. of Yr. award PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 13 (Cont'd) Date & designation of Ms. Judy Drucker as 1st recipient,2/17/82 w/portrait to be comm'd & displayed. Discussion held. Suggestion of establishing annl. award referred to Comm. Plaques & Memorials Com. for consideration & recommendation. Proclamation to be drawn, designating Ms. Drucker as Outstanding Cit., to be pres'd. to her. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) Request to memorialize D. Lee Powell w/bronze 2/17/82 plaque to be pld. at Bayshore Golf Course, referred to Comm. Plaques & Memorials Com. for rev. & recom- mendation. Mayor Ciment requested that Com. rev. Mr. Powell's efforts to preserve golf course. (see POWELL, D. LEE [COUNCILMAN]) PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 14 Date Memo 150-82, rep. from Plaque & Memorial Com., not 3/17/8; reached - deferred to 4/6/82. Memo 150-82, rep. from Plaques & Memorial Com. 4/6/82 Recommendation to pl. memorials for former Mayor D. Lee Powell & former C. Mgr. Morris Lipp in City Hall & a stone & plaque memorial for Nat Fechtner at PAL bldg. site in Flamingo Pk, approved, subj. to submission of cost ests. by Admin.; Com. to pro- ceed w/finalization of plans. Comm. Singer requested that Admin. schedule Com. mtg. within 2 wks. to finalize location in City Hall of memorials for former Mayor & C. Mgr. In reply to Mayor Ciment's ques., Comm. Weinstein advised that Mrs. Powell PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 15 (Cont'd) Date preferred that her husband's memorial be pld. in 4/6/82 City Hall as opposed to Bayshore Golf Course as previously suggested. VM Dr. Haber inquired as to status of implementation 4/6/82 of 2/17/82 Comm. action re: recognition of Ms. Judy Drucker as Outstanding Cit. for her contrib. to cultur- al enhancement of lives of people. Asst. C. Mgr. Rob W. Parkins advised will investigate & rep. back. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATIONS) Memo 335-82, funding for memorial plaques; not 5/19/9r reached - def. to 6/2/82. PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMTTTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 16 Date Memo 335-82, funding for memorial plaques. $1,500 6/2/82 funding to purchase plaques in honor of former Mayor D. Lee Powell, former C. Mgr. Morris Lipp, & Mr. Nat Fechtner, approved. C. Mgr's recommendation to submit former C. Mgr. Harold T. Toal's name to Comm. Plaques & Memorial Com. for consideration, approved. (see CITY MANAGER - LIPP, POWELL, D. LEE (COUNCILMAN), CITY MANAGER - HAROLD T. TOAL) Memo 456-82, funding for memorial plaques, not 7/7/82 reached - def. to 7/21/82. ' PLAQtTES "AND 'MEMORIAL ` COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) -17 Date Memo 456-82, funding for memorial plaques, not 7/21/82 reached - def. to 8/18/82. Memo 456-82, funding for memorial plaques. Comm. 8/18/82 approved $2,800 appropriation from Contingency Fund for purchase of memorials in honor of Former Mayor D. Lee Powell, Former C. Mgr. Morris Lipp, Mr. Nat Fechtn,er (to be located in Flamingo Pk.), & Ms. Judy Drucker (color portrait to be pld. in TOPA). Memo 669-82, plaque for Harold T. Toal. Comm. 10/20/82 approved recommendation of Plaques & Mem. Com. that plaque in honor of former C. Mgr. Toal be pld. in City Hall rotunda area at cost of PtntR;S & MtMORIAL COMM3ITM OMMTS8 0 8P8) 18 bate (Coned) 10/20/82 approx. 8700. (see CITY MANAGER - HAROLD T. TOAL) 2/2/83 Memo 83-83, statute in honor of Jose Marti, requested by Luis Hernandez, editor & dir. of Tiempo Nuevo Newspaper, accepted; to be pld. in vicinity of Bass Museum. Costs for creation, erection, & placement to be sponsored by fund-raising drive by Tiempo Nuevo. (see GIFTS, TAX EXEMPT - TRUSTS, BASS ART MUSEUM) 9/21/83 Res. honorarily co -naming 17th St. located R -9F bet. Collins Ave. & West Ave., as "Hank PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMi7"i'BB (COMMISSIONERS) 19 Date (Cont'd) 9/21/83 Meyer Blvd." Hal Hertz appeared & presented request. Suggestion referred to Comm. Plaques & Memorials Com. for consideration & recommendation. 1/18/84 Hal Hertz inquired as to status of request R -11G to honorarily co -name 17th St. bet. Collins & West Aves. as "Hank Meyer Blvd.", (on 9/21/83 was referred to Comm. Plaques & Memorials Committee for consideration & recommendation). Mayor Fromberg apptd. Comr. Shockett (repl'g former Comr. Weinstein to serve on Committee w/Comr. Singer, & re- quested Admin. schedule a mtg.; Mr. Hertz to be advised. PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS) 2u Date (Cont'd) 2/15/84 Memo 101-84, Comr. Grenald apptd., replacing R -3A Comr. Shockett. 3/14/84 Discussion re. honoring police officers R -9H Daniel Bearden & Donald Kramer through an appropriate memorial in the MB Police & Cts. Facility; referred to Comm. Plaques & Memorial Committee for evaluation & recom- mendation. Police Ch. to be involved in deliberations. Mayor Fromberg asked C Atty to provide him a copy of the arrest record of the man who allegedly killed Officer Kramer. (see JUSTICE CTR., POLICE DEPT.) PLAW28 & MgMORTAL COmMITTV, 21 bate -4/19/84 Memo 244-84, request of Plaques &Memorial R -8E Com. for a plaque dedication in memory of Claude Renshaw. Request approved, w/under- standing this will not be only tribute con- sidered; cost of plaque, mailing invita- tions, & ceremony to be approx. $1,000, to be appropriated fr. City Hall Bond Fund. (see RENSHAW, CLAUDE - CITY MANAGER) 7/25/84 Memo 508-84, Res. 84-17810 adopted, auth'g. C -4H acpt. & appropriation of monies col. by Salvador Lew & WRHC to est. Trust Acct., recognizing efforts in est'g. acct., & pro- viding for 3 Plaques & Memorial Com. desig- MOM & . ;M MOVAL. C®MM Tr bate (Cont'd) -7/25/84 Hees to adv. Com: on ann. disbursements. - C -4H (see KRAMER, DONALD MEMORIAL TRUST, MISCELLANEOUS) 22 'i Lit 10/3/84 Mayor Fromberg advised it had been suggested R -11C that consideration be given to renaming Chase Avenue fr. 41st St. to Muss Pk as Kronish Blvd. (in recognition of yrs. of community serv. by Rabbi Leon Kronish) and suggested matter t be ref. to on 1Comm. Plaques & Arkoinlaadvised TempletgBetn snaldm84congrega- tion Pres. Neal Amdur requested if recogni- tion is approved, it be expedited so the 23 Date (Cmit ay 10/3/84 Rabbi could be informed at the 10/5/84 I61 `R -11e Nidre sere. Fri evg._ Matter ref to Com: & forthcoming Com. recommendation endorsed, unless addnl. Comm. input deemed necessary, in which case item is to be pld. on 10/17/84 Comm. agenda. As requested by Comr. Singer, Comm. ref. matter to Com. for consideration at its 10/4/84 mtg., item re possible renam- ing of 41st St. to something more suitable to the community (repl'g Arthur Godfrey Rd), possibly thru conducting a contest. (see STREET NAMES, ARTHUR GODFREY RD.) Hal Hertz pres'd request for area to be des- ignated for placement of privately -funded 1/23/85 R -7B PIAUgaOIi&L Cgm.. Date (Cont' d) 1/2x/85 pedestal Claude Henshaw'monument: Rea.- 11-711 85-17978 -adopted;- designating '24° ' (2') . ' of sp. on top step of front entrance to City Hall (facing Conv. Ctr. Dr.) bet. 2 ctr. posts, for placement. Mayor Fromberg suggested Adm. & Comm. Plaques & Memorials Committee be involved in the monument design & placement. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COM.) 3/6/85 Res. 85-18039 adopted, amdg above res. to R-9H provide that the City accept the gift of the Claude Renshaw monument, to be pld. in a prominent pl. w/in City, mutually agreed upon by donor & Adm. Comr. Singer suggested P L40VgS. & 1! MORY�,L COM,'1"' g 25 Date (Cont'd) -3/6/$5 future allegations that decisions are made R-911 by only 2 mems. of CPMC. No opposition expressed to Mayor Promberg's suggestion that CPMC be converted to a 7 mem. Ad Hoc com., w/membership to incl. (in addn. to 2 Comm. mems.) 5 pvt. sector reps., to be apptd. by the Mayor. (see RENSHAW, CLAUDE - CITY MANAGER) 7/10/85 Memo 413-85, request of Jerry Libbin, M.B. R -1A Jewish Com. Ctr. Dir., to discuss 4221 Pine Tree Dr. lease rev. and permission to name mini-pk. bg. const'd. on 4223-4249 Pine Tree Dr. for Mr. & Mrs. Lou Stein (maj. PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 26 Date (Cont'd) 7/10/85 contrib.). Request to name pk. for maj. R -1A contrib., ref. to Comm. Plaques & Memorial Com. for rev. & recommendation. (see JEWISH COMMUNITY CTRS. OF SO. FL, CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE) 7/10/85 Adm. to submit, for 7/24/85 mtg., rep./ R -11F recommendation re. expanding Comm. Plaques & Memorial Com. 7/24/85 Memo 460-85, no opposition expressed to R -9C Adm's. recommendation that comp. of Comm. subcc s. (Bond Counsel Com., Pkg. Com., Plaques & Memorial Com.) remain unchanged. (see CITY COMM., PARKING COM.) PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMItPEE 27 Date 7/24/85 Salomon Garazi, Pres. - Temple Moses, pres'd R -9E request to name 1 -block lg. thoroughfare behind Temple (bet. Rue Notre Dame & Vichy Dr.), "Maimonides Plaza". Temp. naming approved for 8/18/85 ceremony dur. 8/14- 18/85 Sephardic Congregation of Fla. conv. commemorating 850 ann. of Maimonides' birth. Perm. naming ref. to Comm. Plaques & Memorial Cam. (see STREET NAMES) 7/24/85 Comm. Plaques & Memorial Com. recommendation R -9H to accept multistory, lighted memorial to fallen police officers (& possibly firemen), to be pl'd. in pk. imdtly. so. of old city -AMOMVAWMAMORTWOMUTTA0-- -28' --bate (Cont'd) 1/24/85 hall, a -roved. Comr.--Singer advised that 1R; -9g- Donald Kramer- Memorial --Trust prob. will be used to est. an officer -of -the -year award. (see DONALD KRAMER MEMORIAL TRUST, POLICE DEPT.) 9/18/85 M#520-85, rep. & recommendation fr. the R -3B Plaques & Memorial Com. re. renaming of alley So. of Temple Moses (bet. Rue Notre Dame and Vichy Dr.) to Maimonides St., approved; cost of signs to be borne by Dade Co. (see STREET NAMES) PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 29 Date 12/4/85 Discussion re designated area in City Hall R -9J for MB Employee Hall of Fame; concept approved; Adm. to outline procedure; appli- cations/nominations to be submitted to Plaques and Mem. Com. for consideration. (see CITY EMPLOYEES) 12/18/85 M#746-85, rep. fr. Plaques 8 Mem. Com. re.: R-38 1. Donald Kramer mem. plaque honoring all fallen offs./wording/unveiling; approved unveiling 2/19/86. 2. John 'Sputnik' Koppin 16" x 20" bronze plaque purchase; auth'd ($499.50), to be pl'd on reef (sunken ship). (Cont'd on next card) PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 30 Date (Cont'd) 12/18/85 3. Plaque at Flamingo Pk./Capital Bk. R4B tennis ctr. & Abel Holtz Stadium 3 wording; approved. (see FLAMINGO PARK, TENNIS, POLICE DEPT.) 5/7/86 Placement of Claude Renshaw Monument; def. R -9E to 5/21/86. (see RENSHAW, CLAUDE - C MGR) 5/21/86 Discussion re placement of Claude Renshaw R -9D monument; def. to 6/4/86. 6/4/86 Discussion re. placement of Claude Renshaw R -9B Monument; def. to 6/18/86. PLAQUES AND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 31 Date 6/18/86 Adm. ref. Claude Renshaw Monument placement R-9B to Art in Pub. Places Com. to det. location & submit recommendation for Comm. Com. to contact Hal Hertz. (see ART IN PUBLIC PLACES)