Police Chief Michael J. Glenn_January 1931 to May 1932MICHAEL J. GLENN - POLICE CHIEF l BOOK, PAGE Appointed as Acting Chief 1-27-31 10, 456 Appointed as Chief 24-31 10, 465 Southern Detective -Bureau request 3-18-31 ", Refund of Salary Deducted 8-14-31 11, 125 Chief Glenn suspended 54-32 11, 321 Hearing held & he reinstated. 5-6-32 11, 325 Chief Glen, resigns 11-22-32 11,11-44 GLENN. MICHAEL J.(TRIAL Minute data of Nov. 9th, _Minute .data of Nov. Minute data of Nov. Minute data of Nov. (2nd trial) Z 1932(Book 11 Page x-25 &426.) 14,1932 (Book 11, Pages_428 to 431, Incl.) 16, 1932t(B ij2;linclages 431 22,1932 (Book 11, Pages )1'4}! to W! 5, Incl. )