Police Department_August 1933 to February 1934POLICE DEPARTMENT Book, Page RCA Radio_ outfit authorized 715/33. 12, 98 Police Dept.lnstructed to make recommendations re: traffic directions _- 8/2$/33 Mayor urges that 2 new cars be purchased for radio equipment 9/8/33 Instructed to launch campaign against vagrants _and_loit.erers- #2681 Police Chief Teaney requests acyl en and further appropriations 2/12 2 add'l men for Police Dept+ 2/14/34 12, 133 ria 12/34 122 142 9/20/33 12, 145 12, 257 12, 258 POLICE DEPARTMENT Book Page Letter of appreciation filed 2/21/34 12, 2g3 Police Dept, reduced to --26 ---------------------- --- men effective 5/2/34 5/2/34 12 401 Repair work to be sent to -City Garage and office of Police Dept. Custodian abolished 5/2/34 12, 401 Complaints re:Hibiscus Island parking & fishing parties 7/25/34 13 16 Authority given for employment--.of-5 Police Sergeants 10/3/3+- 13 98 POLICE DEPARTMENT 3e Book Pae New uniform contract let to Lincoln Tailors 10/19/34 13 118 4 New Ford Autos authorized pur- chased by Police Dept. 10/31/34 13 134 Purchase of 3 Harley-Davidson motor- cycles authorized 11/21/34 13 161 No police officers to be employed until further notified 11/21/34 13 170 6 Police officers dismissed :1/2/35 13 222 3 radios ordered purchased and trans- mitting equipment brought UD to date 10/25/35 14 161 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4, Book Page Police Uniforms ordered purchased from Lincoln Tailors 10/25/35 14 161 Bids were received for four new cars for Police Department. 11/15/35 14 191 Three new Fords and one new Plymouth were ordered purchased. 11/15/35 14 192 E.D.Carpenter appointed Chief of Detectives 2/5/36 14 294 POLICE DEPARTMENT Book Page Contrast for new uniioom.e_ awarded to Lincoln Tailors 11-5-36 15 215 $300.00 appropriated for Police Shoot- Lng Range bldg. 3-10-37 15 430 Contract for police uniforms 5. let to Lincoln Tailors 10-20-37 16 335 Purchase of 3 Chevrolets and 2 HarleyDavidson-Motorcycles authorized 12-15-37 16 453 POLICE DEPT. Book Page Purchase of new R.C.A.Police Radio transmitter authorized 4-6-38 17 93 Police Dept..authorized to keep funds derived from unclaimed prop- erties for their benefit fund 5-4-38 17 143 Purchase of 3 Chevrolet automobiles authorized 11/2/38 17 334 Purchase of auto testing equipment authorized 11/4/38 17, 3. Chief Yocum recognized as Head or Police Dept. 3/1/39 17 486 POLICE DEPT. Book Page Appropriation not exceeding $50.00 per month made available for Police Shooting practice 7-26-39 18 177 Medical expenses of Patrick McNamara (Police Officer) to be borne by City 7-28-39 18 181 Authority given to advertise for bids on Police Uniforms and Automotive equipment 10-5-39 18 Committee appoihted to consider above 18 322 bids 10-5-39 Council makes suggestion re:Police Dept.18 322 322 POLICE DEPT. Bids received on automotive equipment for Police Dept. -re - 8 Book Page ferred to committee 10/18/39 18 328 Contract let to vona1 d 8. LaVigne for Police Uniforms 10-30-39 18 345 Contract for new motorcycles and automobiles let to Harley-Davidson and Southland Mbtar s 10-30=39-- 1E 3 1-5 ----Committee-to again -confer on _nese Polios uu1forms 11-3-39 1g 372 POLICE DEPT. Book Page $5,000.00 appropriated for private investigation 11/16/39" -1 384 —Police Dept. 1ns_trtiot to keep --- open alley in B1k.31, isher's 1st 9ubdn. of Alton Beach 12/6/39- f f39- - - -18 4-006 Authority given for salary payment to Anthony ttedules --while attending - Naval Intelligence school 2/14/40 18 481 4 Policemen to be sent to shooting contest in Jacksonville at City' s expense- 6/19/10 19 169 POLICE DEPT. 10 Book Page 8 doz.police shirts ordered purchase `" 32.50 per do z. 7/3/40 19 189 Anthony Redules sent to Naval Intelligence school for 30 days 10/2/40 19 319 3 Fords purchased from Sam Murray and 5 new Harley-Davidson Motorcycles - 11 -13-40 19 411 POLICE DEPT. Bids received for sale to City of 3 Sedans—and 5 tao.t.orcycles 1I Book Page 10-30-40 19 377 Bids to be called for on new police unifarms 11/27/40 19 430-- $15.00 per week authorized for Shoot- ing Range Supervisor 12/9/40 19 461 Contract for new police uniforms awarded Donald S.. LaVign_ 12/11/40 19 477--- $150 appropriated for Flamingo Open Pistol Tournament 3/5/41 20 88- POLICE DEPARTMENT 12 Book Page $250.00 appropriated for sendirigPolice- men to compete in pistol tournament in Jacksonville 7/2/41 20 331 5 Sedans, 1-3/4 ton truck and 7 motor- cycles ordered purchased for Police Department 8/8/41 20 419 Contract for uniforms for Police Dept. awarded to City Tailors of Miami or to Appel & Co. of Miami and New York (left to City Mgr.) 10/4/41 20 462 Council authorizes payment of 30¢ a meal for prisoners meals 10/4/41 20 462 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Book Page Traffic Inspector Hoover submits recommendations with reference to "no parking" zones 11/6/41 21 23 A. W. Simpson appointed. Chief of Police 11/20/41 21 61 Res. #5410 commending H. V. Yocum past Chief of Police 11/20/41 21 61 Extra month's salary authorized to H.V.Yocum 11/24/41 21 63 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,. Book Page Committee is appointed to study salaries of members of Police Dept. 12/17/41 21 101 Res. 473 placing responsibility of approving extra hour of music in bars in hands of Police Dept.2/25/42 21 213 Police Dept. to see that bars not holding night club licenses discontinue any entertainment not permitted under their license 7/15/42 21 387 POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Book Page Councilman Burbridge asks that more shirts be provided for policemen 5/17/44 22 332 Councilman Burbridge asks that more shirts be provided for policemen 5/2/45 23 67 Councilman Powell urges police sub -station at north Beach 5/2/45 23 67 Councilman Powell urges that City hire more policemen 7/9/45 23 151 POLICE DEPARTMENT 16 Book Page Councilman Powell urges police to patrol parks 7/18/45 23 159 Councilman Powell calls atten- tion to crime wave and to inability of Police Dept. to cope with it - 1/16/46 23 347-8 Councilman Powell asks Mr. Renshaw to furnish report of arrests and convictions during past 90 days 1/16/46 23 348 POLICE DEPARTMENT 17 Book Page Mr. Renshaw reports on Police Dept. arrests and convictions during past 90 days - Council discusses report at length 1/29/46 23 370 Mrs. Henry Levy complains of inefficiency of Police Dept. 2/6/46 23 404 Council authorizes purchase of 11 new motorcycles from Harley-Davidson Co. 5/15/46 24 92 POLICE DEPARTMENT 18 Book Page Council appropriates $382.79 to send Police Pistol Team to regional matches 6/19/46 24 143 Bid of Graybar Electric Co. for truck signal maintenance tower accepted 7/3/46 24 176 Mr. Snedigar asks the City Mgr. to investigate the reported necessity for hold- ing court each day or at nights 9/4/46 24 284 POLICE DEPARTMENT Mr. Burbridge urges that consideration be given to using returned servicemen who were given training qualifying them for plain clothes work 12/18/46 24 436 19 Book Page Mr. Liberman urges that detective examinations be held after the season is over Mr. Powell urges that Police School be made Deermanenttfeature of the amen 12/18/46 24 436 12/18/46 24 4u r'OLICE DEPARTMENT 20 Book Page Mayor Frink suggests that examinations for detectives be deferred until after the season is over 1/2/47 24 Elounci lman Frink makes motion to the above effect but it fails to carry 1/2/47 24 453 41st St. Ass'n. request for another policeman on 41st St. is referred to Mr. Renshaw - also Mr. Liberman's request for additionalolice protec- tion at North Beach 1/15/47 24 467 453 POLICE DEPARTMENT 21 Book Page Mr. Snedigar says there are not enough policemen to enforce traffic laws 2/5/47 24 476 Mr. Renshaw says men are available on eligible lists 2/5/47 24 476 Mr. Powell calls attention to violations of speeding laws 2/5/47 24 476 Michael Fox, of M. B. Apt. House Ass'n., commends Police Department 2/5/47 24 476 POLICE DEPARTMENT 22 Book Page 71st St. Ass'n. asks for additional police protec- tion for Normandy Isle 2/19/47 24 492 Wm. E. Cook also asks for police sub station at north end of city 2/19/47 24 492 Requests are referred to City Manager 2/19/47 24 492 Resolution fails to pass defining civil service status of 5 detectives 4/16/47 25 102 POLICE DEPARTMENT 23 Book Page Circuit Court Order orders reinstatement of J. Earl Handberry - Council author- izes an appeal to Supreme Court without supersedeas 5/7/47 25 167 P. R. Short appointed Chief 6/6/47 25 201 Edw. Herr and Louis Shafkin urge that a more adequate police force be provided 6/18/47 25 224 Council appropriates $638.00 for Police Pistol Team 6/18/47 25 226 POLICE DEPARTMENT 24 Book Page Councilman Burbridge protests alleged brutality of 2 police officers 2/4/48 26 181 Purchase of new uniforms referred to City Manager and Police Chief 4/7/48 26 277 Res. #6564 requesting City Manager to procure service records of all members performing the duties of g detective 4/21/48 26 312 25 POLICE DEPARTMENT Book Page $1,600 appropriated to send Officer Leonard to FBI School 4/21/48 26 314 Res. #6572 passed, rescinding Res. #6564, requesting service records of detectives 5/5/48 26 335 Members of Police Dept. urge Council to refuse to accept Judge Jack Rosen's resignation 6/2/48 26 376 $627.00 appropriated to send Police Pistol team to Jacksonville 6/2/48 26 376 POLICE DEPARTMENT 26 Book Page Mrs. Ethel Rodgers complains of lack of law enfommement 6/18/48 26 404 City Manager to look into matter of finding suitable uniforms for Police and Fire Depts. 7/21/48 26 457 Council discusses pend- ing xx civil service exam. for patrolmen (with modifications) POLICE DEPARTMENT 27 Book Page 2 motorcycle officers to be sent to inauguration of Governor Warren 12/24/48 27 262 Council asks Personnel Director to hold liberalized exams for patrolmen 1/19/+9 27 392 Mr. Levy's complaint about stolen automobile referred to City Manager for investigation 2/2/49 27 410