Police Department_March to April 1952POLICE DEPARTMENT 48 Book Page Mr. Lipp to check with Police Dept. about double and triple parking on streets, and use of Library Parking area for parking by various establishments, 3-19-52 32 439 Contract for printing Summons and Citation books for Traffic Dept. awarded to Allapattah Press 4-2-52 32 465 Allapattah Press asks release from above contract 4-16-52 32 484 POLICE DEPARTMENT 49 Councilman Turk asks City Mgr. to Book Paget investigate parking fines 4+-16-52 32 497 PolicelDept. to be asked to enforce zoning ordinance as to ski schools 9-3-52 33 236 Police Dept, to be instructed to make arrests in strip sho r clubs, and to make effort to have disgraceful signs or pictures of performers removed from outside of clubs; to enforce law re. all lewd shows in M.B. Also to see about 1ewd`ljterature at newstands 9-10-52 33 2140 POLICE DEPARTMENT 50. Book Page Action deferred on award of contract for Police uniforms 10-1-52 33 291 Contract for Policemen's uniforms awarded to Miami Uniforms, Inc. $5,627.00 10-15-52 33 318 M. B. Taxpayers' Ass'n file resolution containing recommendations for improving professional competence and uplifting standards of Police Dept. 1-21-53 33 480 POLICE DEPARTMENT Council urged to have protection furnished at two intersections near South Beach Elementary School either by traffic lights or police officers. Discussion re. school guards. City Mgr. to take matter up with Police Chief and report. 2-18-53 34 10 Resolution of M.B. Taxpayers Assn re. recommendations for improvements in operation of Police Dept. referred to' `C .ty Mgr. for study and recommend- ation 3-18-53 34 115 51. Book Page POLICE DEPARTMENT 52 Book Page Councilman Richard asks that Police Chief employ school guards, and that electrical devices for timing speed be used at schools. Chief questioned re. school guards; instructed to provide adequate protection at all schools 3-20-53 34 118 &12C Council discusses Police Department. Motion to dismiss Police Chief carries. City Atty explains how vacancy can be filled. Res. #8344 removing Chief Simpson. Councilman Richard to ask that Bill be passed providing that any policeman convicted of felony loses pension rights. 193-196 4-22-53 34 POLICE DEPARTMENT 53 Book Page City Mgr. advises that tentative investigation of Police Dept. has been started. Discussion re. vacation salary of Chief Simpson. 4-23-53 34 202 1st reading ordinance re. issuance of summonses and warrants of arrest for violation of City ordinances 5-6-53 34 225 Capt. W. M. Martin appointed to office of Police Chief 5-6-53 34 234 POLICE DEPARTMENT 54 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance re. issuance of summonses or warrants of arrest, Ord. #1049 5-20-53 34 269 1st reading amendment to Ord. #1049, (Sec. 1) re. issuance of 5-20-53 34 292 summonses or warrants of arrest 3rd reading amendment to Ord. 1049, re. issuance of summonses - Ord. No. 1056. 6-10-53 34 322 POLICE DEPARTMENT 55 Book Page Chief of Police requested to use every facility in dept. to find persons guilty of placing "Richard" stickers on automobiles on Election Day 6-10-53 34 334 City Mgr's appointment of Floyd A. Truscott as Chief of Police Dept. not confirmed 7-1-53 34 348 Floyd A. Truscott elected Police Chief 7-8-53 34 371 Police Chief Truscott to have two weeks time to straighten up affairs, before taking over his duties 7-8-53 34 377 POLICE DEPARTMENT 56 Book Page Discussion re. policemen's uniforms. City Mgr. advises new budget would provide for two uniforms for policemen... 7-22-53 34 415 Resignation of Floyd A. Truscott as Police Chief accepted, effective 8-18-53. Capt. Martin designated to serve as Acting Police Chief until permanent appointment is mad .8-19-53 34 484 Romeo J. Shepard appointed Police Chief 10-7-53 35 4o POLICE DEPARTMENT 57 Book Page Council declines to act on request of Melvin Richard for appropriation for employment of private investigator to investigate Richard sticker incident 10-7-53 35 41 $500.00 appropriation for purchase of motion picture sound projector and screen for Police Dept. authorized 12-2-53 35 218 Special appropriation of $400.00 required for purchase of uniforms for Police Dept. electricians and paint crewmen - authorized from unappropriated current funds 1--54 35 286 POLICE DEPARTMENT 58 City Mgr. to see that Police Dept. Book Page has codification of rules governing the department 2-17-54 35 348 Mayor recommends action be taken to remove or suspend two detectives, indicted by Grand Jury. Also recommends action be taken to provide for rem val of any employee f m s rv1 e if h 1 refuses to wae Immunity w e testifying efore Grand Jury; and or (2) refuses to fill out and file financial statement when requested to do so by proper authorities. Councilman Powell to enlist support of Fla. Lea ue of Municipalities to get bills passed at next session of Legislaure effecting both recommendations 2-17-54 35 348 POLICE DEPARTMENT 59 Book Page Discussion re. request of two reinstated city detectives (Pierce and Huddleston), that payment of their salaries be made from date of removal until reinstatement. Payment authorized from Feb. 20 to Mar. 6, 1954 and from Apr. 12 to 29, 1954, incl. 474 and 5-12-54 35 475 City Mgr. asked to get report from Police Dept. relative to any night clubs that are known to cater to deviates 10-6-54 36 215 POLICE DEPARTMENT 60 Book Page Bids for auto for Police Chief rejected. Readvertisement authorized. 10-20-54 56 272 Council approves City Manager's recommendations re. working hours for public safety employees 3-16-55 36 610 Resolution of Democratic Club of M.B. presented, asking Council to make inquiry into manpower needs of Police Dept. Request taken under advisement. 5-18-55 37 167 POLICE DEPARTMENT 61A Book Page 1st reading ordinance amending Code so as to separate from Police Dept. all parking meter operations and placing Traffic Violations Bureau under Mgr. of Metered Parking System 8-1-56 38 337 3rd reading above ordinance deferred at request of Irving Cypen, atty for M.B. Police & Fiemen's Benevolent Assn. 8-15-56 38 372 Action again deferred on "Parking Meter" ordinance at request of Irving Cypen 9-19-56 38 401 POLICE DEPARTMENT 61 Book Page Detective Earl Mackey asks that his heart attack be recognized as service - connected disability and that he be recompensed. Matter taken under advisement 6-1-55 37 184 Romeo J. Shepard reappointed Police Chief 6-15-55 37 208 POLICE DEPARTMENT 62 Book Page City Mgr. advises he intends to submit to Council his recommendation that work -week of policemen be reduced to 40 hrs. for 8 mos. instead of 6 mos. of year; that in 1957-58 it be reduced to 40 hrs. for 12 mos. 8-15-56 38 371 POLICE DEPARTMENT 62A Book Page Chief of Police, Members of Police Dept. and Municipal Judges who participated in recent Seminar held by Hotel Association on hotel security commended. 10-3-56 38 445 3rd reading of "Parking Meter" ordinance again deferred 10-3-56 38 446 Firemen and Policemen's Benevolent Assn withdraws objection to ordinance divorcing parking meter operations from Police Dept. Intention of ordinance is explained. 10-17-56 38 455 POLICE DEPARTMENT 63 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance separating all parking meter operations from Police Dept. and placing Traffic Violations Bureau under Mgr. of Metered Parking System, Ord. #1233 10-17-56 38 470 Discussion re. newspaper article concerning congregation of undesirables in Miami Beach. City Mgr. to alert Police Chief about situation. Legal Dept. to explore possible enactment of ordinance which could be enforced against these people and to write to other cities for their methods of control. 6-7-57 39 379