Polo_May 1946POLIO. 2. Book Page Mr. Renshaw asks Dr. Cato for rigid inspection of eating places and z to augment forces for control of flies and rats 5/16/46 24 99 Mr. Renshaw's program to prevent polio epidemic read to Council 5/16/46 24 99 Mr. Renshaw's program is endorsed by Dr. Cato and Dr. Riley 5/16/46 24 100 ,POLIO Delegation from Parent -Teachers Assn. urge that City be kept in cleaner condition to prevent polio epidemic 5/15/46 24 86 1. Book Page Council advises that immediate steps would be taken to clean up city 5/15/46 24 87 Dr. T. E. Cato, Dr. E. G. Riley and Mr. Jack Cleary meet with Council to discuss means of preventing polio epidemic 5/16/46 24 98 POLIO 3 Book Page Mr. Snedigar suggests that more publicity ought to be given Miami Beach's few cases of polio 7/3/46 24 159 Council moves to investigate possibility of having regular spraying with D.D.T. Mr. Renshaw is instructed to contact proper authorities in matter 7/3/46 24 159 POLIO 4 Book Page N. H. Hankoff says he thinks more publicity of any kind about polio will be harmful to city 7/3/+6 24 160 Council takes no action on Mr. Snedigar's suggestion 7/3/46 24 160 Council discusses quarantine of school children returning from polio districts and joint statement of Dr. Cato and James T. Wilson is read 8/18/48 27 51