Post Office Building_May 1928 to October 1931POST OFFICE BUILDING
Communication from C. T,hase, Sr.,
eren ctingpbuibldingtnerry oe P.5 -1c- `
Book, Page
8 247
Resollittion #1795, urging that step p
be ta?n to secure Federao_oppzopri- 26
Letters from Senator, Con essman
and Asst. Postmaster 7-5--28 8 337
Resolution 2034 endorsing separate P.O. 9 283
C. W. Chase, Sr. & Mayor Cleary advise of
surplus of Miami appropriation 10-16-31 11,200
Res. 2486 urging Appro dtption 10-20-31 11, 201
Res. 2490 urging Construction 10-23-31 11, 214
Replies to letters &.resolutions 11--4-31 11, 21S
Res. 2526 urging establishment 3-16-32 11, 304
Inquiry re: Washington Ave. Sites 3-29-32 " 310
City Mgr. instructed to write P.O.
authorities re: more suitable site (12-19-32)
for P.O. Bldg than 'Yash. Ave . at l l th St. 11,462
Suggestion made to submit City owned
sites for location of new P.Offic7,1/36 14,47
Book Page
Res. #6087 adopted, pointing
out the need for a main post
office in Miami Beach 8/21/46 24 256
Civic League of Miami Beach
urges establishment of
post office in Miami Beach 8/21/46 24 265
Res. # 7068, urging removal
of Normandy Branch Post office
to more practical location 12/7/4+9 29 69
Rev. Yenches and Gustav Bohland
object to site of Normandy
branch 12-21.49 29 107
Book Page
Site of -Normandy Branch
discussed - City Attorney
to prepare resolution 1-11-50 29 128
Res. #7091 protesting
site of Normandy Branch
P.O. and asking representative
to discuss it with Council 1-18-50 29 146
Mr. Henry Hohauser asks that
City withdraw condemnation
proceedings against his 68
feet of Chase Avenue property
as U. S. Post Office is in- 3-21-51 30 465
terested in site for branch
post office - matter taken
i pr De11r1 C+.-4.
Mr. Irvin Pollak and Mr.
Henry Chakford advise that
Post office is also con-
sidering their property as
possible site of branch
post office (41st St) 3-21-51.
Council approves
ble locations of
in 41st St. area
in "RE" zone
Book Page
two possi-
post office
which are
3-23-51 30 475
Mr. Link to confer with
Post Office inspector
Morgan about possible
location of 41st Street
Book Page
post office 4-4 51 30 528
Council approves two
sets of plans of pro-
posed 41st Street
Post Office 4-18-51 31 11
Petition presented
objecting to Council's 5-2-51 31 105
approval of Lots 17,18,
19, Blk 54, Orchard Sub.#2 & 3,
as site for proposed 41st st. Post Office.
Council favors site between
Sheridan & un -named street
as site for new 41st Street
post office.
Book Page
5-2-51 31 105
Resolution of M.B. Residents
and Property Owners Association
read endorsing location of new
post office on 40th St. between
Royal Palm Ave. and Sheridan Ave.
5-16-51 31 184
Council discusses location
of :proposed neW post office
on 40th Street 5-16-51 31 184
Book Page
Warehouse on former Gulf Oil
Corp. property to be leased
to Post Office for month of
December, 1951. 11-7-51 32 160
Communication from Congressman
Lantaff read, advising that mail
emanating from M.B. will be post-
marked on M.B. and all intra -city
mail will be handled on Beach
1-16-52 32 305
Owner of Lots 1,2,11 and 12, Bik
16, Normandy Beach So. requests
change of easement in Bik 16, where
71st St. post office branch is located,
so that he can build addition to post
office. Res. #8215 authorizing exchange
of easement 1-7-53 33 46o
Book Page
U.S. Post Office Dept. to be requested
to establish postal station in Sunny
Isles area 1-7-53 33 461
Book Page
Council advised that authority had
been given Postmaster of Miami to
establish Sunny Isles Contract Branch
effective July 1, 1953. Patrons
affected may elect to receive mail
by general delivery at this branch
or continue to use Miami Beach address
if they desire. 6-17-53 314 336
Councilman Shapiro suggests that if
Post Office intends to erect new branch
office at any time, we offer site near
Auditorium on old Municipal Golf Course
oft St. ranch; open sub -station
vicinity 7-20-55 37 280