Public Relations Advisory Commitee_April to June 1945PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1. Book Page Councilman Powell urges appointment of committee to act in advisory capacity with regard to City's publicity and advertising 4/18/45 23 48 Council authorizes the appointment of above committee 5/16/45 23 99 Committee appointed, consisting of Messrs. Guy W. Ellis, Ben Turchin, August Geiger, Leonard L. Abess, Thos. DuPree, Maxwell J. Lubin & Milton Weiss, each for 1 year 6/20/45 23 132 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2. Book Page Samuel L. Matz appointed as additional member of committee 8/1/45 23 196 Recommend giving contract to Robert E. Clark and Associates for northern newspaper advertising 8/29/45 23 207 Miami Beach Times' request for ad referred to Committee 19/3/45 23 233 Committee recommends consolidation of Convention, News and Advertising under direction of Tom F. Smith 10/3/45 23 238 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5. Book P .ge Request of Boy Scouts for appropria- tion referred to Committee 10/17/45 23 -'255 Recommend 2 appropriations 11/7/45 23 278 Request of Miami Citizen for ad .referred to committee 11/21/45 23 289 Request of Biscayne Bay Regatta Committee for $2,500 appropria- tion for 19+7 regatta is refeered to committee 6/5/1+6 24 107 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4 Book Page Request of Gardner Mulloy, tennis player, for $500 appropriation is referred to committee 6/5/46 24 107 Thos. 0'H. DuPree resigns from committee 6/19/46 24 150 Request of Royal Poinciana Festival, Inc. for $1,000 for 1947 festival is referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 7/3/46 24 182 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5 Book Page Report of committee from --Aug. 14, 1945 to July 17, 1946 submitted and accepted 7/17/46 24 207 Request of Miami Citizen for Labor Day ad referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 8/7/46 24 235 Request of Greater Miami Drum & Bugle Corps' for contribution is referred to Committee 8/21/46 24 264 Request of Harvey Seeds Post of American Legion for contribution is referred to committee 9/18/46 24 299 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 Book Page Request of Anglers, Inc. for $6,500 appropriation toward 12th annual fishing tournament is refigered to Pub. Rel. Adv. Committee 9/18/46 24 312 Appointments to committee for 1 -year terms: Guy W. Ellis, Ben Turchin, August Geiger, Milton Weiss, Samuel L. Matz, Leonard L. Abess & Maxwell J. Lubin /PA 40 11/6/46 24 378 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 7 Book Page Recommends that the City seek legislative authority to levy additional occupational license taxes, the proceeds to be used for advertising and publicity purposes - Council takes under advisement 2/5/47 24 479 Recommends partial budget for Publicity and Advertising - Council adopts budget 2/5/47 24 479 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 8 Book Page Orange Bowl Committee's request for $12,000 appropriation for 19+8 festivities is referred to committee 3/19/47 25 46 Recommends (1) appropriating $12,000 for 19+8 Orange Bowl festivities; (2) that Graydon E. Bevis be retained as Advertising Counsel; (3) that $500 be appropriated for hay fever leaflets 1+/16/47 25 113 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Council refers matter of re- appointment of Graydon E. Bevis as Advertising Counsel back to committee for further consideration 4/16/47 25 11.4 Leonard L. Abess resigns from committee 5/7/+7 25 167 9 Book Page Committee offers to meet with Council to discuss'its recommendation that Graydon Bevis be re-employed as Advertising Counsel 5/7/+7 25 168 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 10 Book Page 6/11/47 25 217 6/11/47 25 217 Request of Royal Poinciana Festival for appropriation of $1,500 for 1948 is referred to committee Recommends that City under- write "pop" concerts if money can be found Council appoints C. W. Chase, Jr. to fill vacancy created by resignation of Leonard L. Abess 6/11/47 25 217 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COJ1MITTEE 11 Book Page Request of Greater Miami Airport Assn. for $5,000 toward 191+8 Air Maneuvers is referred to Committee 6/18/1+7 25 233 Request of Miami Polo Ass'n. that City appropriate $1,500 to spqnsor polo team is referred to PRAC 11/5/1+7 25 1+61+ Recommends that appropriation be set up for advertising in resort editions 11/19/1+7 25 465 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12. Book Page Enttre committee consist- ing of Guy W. Ellis, Ben Turchin, August Geiger, Milton Weiss, Samuel L. Matz and C. W. Chase, Jr. ��rfe`ap�pointed 11/20/47 25 489 Request of Rod & Reel Club for $500 appropriation for Sailfish Tournament is refer- red to committee 7/21/48 26 456 Resignation of Ben Turchin accepted 10/7/48 27 129 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 13 Book Page Samuel A. Rivkind appointed on committee to take place of Ben Turchin 10/20/+8 27 163 Resignation of Guy W. Ellis 11/3/48 27 181 Res. #6679 commending Mr. Ellis " 27 181 C. W. Chase, Jr., August Geiger, Samuel L. Matz, Samuel Rivkind, Milton Weiss, J. N. Morris and M. J. Heck appointed 12/1/48 27 231 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 14 Book Page Request of Sherman F. Crise for City to donate trophy for boat race is referred to committee 12/8/48 27 238 Request of Miami Junior of Commerce for appropriation of $250.00 for trophy for Regatta referred to committee 1/19/49 27 381 Approve $500 appropriation for summer fishing tournament 7/6/49 28 238 Request of Summer Fishing Tournament for $3,500 for 1949-50 fishing tournament referred to committee 7/20/49 28 254 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 15 Book Page Request of Drum & Bugle Corps. for funds referred to commttee 8/5/49 28 336 All requests for newspaper advertisement to be re- ferred to committee 9/7/49 28 388 Request of Florida Sun for advertisement in their Mail - Away Edition referred to Public Relations committee 9f21/49 28 424 Request of Gr. Miami Drum & Bugle Corps referred to Committee(financial) 9f28/49 28 437 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 16 Rook Page Request of Miami Herald for advertisement in newspaper during JWV Convention referred to committee for recommendations 9/28/49 28 430 Request of Marcy Ball, editor of Panorama, for advertise- ment during JWV convention referred to committee for recommendations 10/5/49 28 455 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12 Book Page Invitation of Haitian Consul to furnish exhibit for Port ku Prince Exposition referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee and Public Relations Director 10/26/49 29 Request of Miami Herald for advertisement at cost of 684.00 in Invitation Issue November 20; and from Miami Beach Times for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and City birthday ads at cost of 100.00 each referred to com- mittee 11/2/49 29 28 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Request of North Beach Busi- ness Assn. for $1500.00 appro- priation to conduct marine pageant on Indian Creek re- ferred to Committee for recom- mendations 11/9/49 29 37 Request of City Boxing Commission for $500.00 appropriation to entertain delegates en route to Nat'1 Boxing Assn. Convention in Havana, referred to committee for recommen- dations 11/9/49 29 37 18 Book Page PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 19 Book Page Request of Civic League that City pay -all costs in connection with use of football field on Dec. 10th by their organization for charity game: - Referred to Committee for recommendations 11/9/49 29 39 Council decides method of appointing committee 11/9/49 29 40 Committee as appointed and elected: M. B. Sheldon, Edward Herr, C. W. Chase,Jr. Jess Bramson, Russell Niceley Charles Goldberg, A. Ernest PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 20 Book Page Woolfe, Mortimer Raskin, S. A. Goodman and Samuel Rivkind 11/9/49 29 41 Request of Presidents' Council that City make up $740.65 deficit in connection with Cuba Day celebration -- re= ferred to committee for recommendations 11/16/49 29 43 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 21 Book Page Submits recommendations as -to requests for publicity appro- priations, as follows: 1. Recommendation accepted by Council that City's advertising contract be awarded to August Dorr Adv., Inc. for 1949- 50 fiscal year and that 20,000 be spend for magazine adver- tising and $15,000 for fall and winter adv. program 11/23/49 29 67 2. Recommendation accepted by Council that $1,488.50 be appropriated for C of C booklets 11/23/49 29 68 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 22 Book Page 3. Council accepts recommendation that $770.05 be appropriated to liquidate the deficit in- curred by the Presidents' Council in connection with 1949 Cuba day and that $2,000 for 1950 Cuba Day be appro- priated less $770.05 deficit as aboiaementioned 11/23/49 29 68 4/Council accepts recommendation that the request of the Ocean Drive division of MB Hotel Owners Assn for $500 be denied 11/23/49 29 68 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 23 Book Page 5. Council appropriates $125.00 for expenses of Civic league in connection with football game 11/23/49 29 68 5. Denies $200.00 appropriation for advertisement in Civic League football trogram 11/23/49 Accepts recommendation that all requests for publicity expenditures be referred by the City Clerk to the com- mittee prior to being pre- sented to the Council 11/23/49 29 68 29 68 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTi;E 24 Book Page Request of 41st Street Asso- ciation for financial assistance in connection with putting up Christmas decora- tions on 41st Street referred to committee for recommenda- tions 11/23/49 29 69 Committee recommends that requests of Washington Ave. Assn. and 41st St. Assn for appropriations for Xmas decorations be denied - Council rdspriates requested 12/7/49 29 72 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee recommends that 750.00 be appropriated from Christmas Eve Marine Pageant 12/7/49 25 Book Page 29 72 Recommends that Public Rela- tions Dept. be taken over as permanent City Dept. and fi- nanced from general revenue - Asst. City Attorney Cypen's opinion read - Council takes matter under consideration 12/7/49 29 82 Council votes to take operating expenses of Public Relations Dept. from Publicity funds 12/7/49 29 82 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTRR Recommends allocation of publicity funds for 1949-50 fiscal year - Council approves 12-21-49 29 106 Asks Council to give FRAC opportunity to be heard when recommendation is rejected 12-21-49 29 106 Asked to appear before Council in connection with M. B. Times ads 12-21-49 29 107 26 Book Page