Public Relations Advisory Commitee_January 1950PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 27 Book Page Request of Realty Board for appropriation of $5,000.00 for convention in Nov. 1950 referred to committee 1-4-50 29 111 Request of Haitian Commercial Attache for participation in Haitian exposition referred to PRAC 1-11-50 29 128 PRAC recommends against 2 requests for appropriations: (1) Realty Board (2) Greater Miami Boy,s Drum & Bugle Corps 1-18-50 29 139 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 28 Book Page Recommends against appropriation for Haitian Exposition 1-18-50 29 139 Request of Florida Sun for birthday advertisement referred to PRAC 3-1-50 29 212 Murray B. Sheldon resigns from Committee 4-5(-50 29 273 M. B. Apt. Assn. asks to replace Mortimer Raskin on Committee 4-5-50 29 274 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 29 Book Page Recommends improvement in base ball park facilities in order that major leagues may traih here 4-5-50 29 274 Recommends appointment of committee to study plans for rebuilding of park throukh issuance of revenue bonds 4-5-50 29 274 Mayor to appoint committee in line with PRAC recom- mendations 4-5-50 29 274 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 30 Book Page Res. #7175 relative to referring requests for publicity appropriations to PRAC before Council considers them 4-19-50 29 314 D. Richard Mead appointed to PRAC to replace Murray B. Sheldon 4-19-°50 29 314 Samuel A. Rivkind re- signs from PRAC 5/3/50 29 341 Meyer Friedman appointed to replace Mr. Rivkind 5/3/50 29 341 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 31 Book Page Recommends that 1950-51 adver- tising contract be awarded to August Door, Inc. 6-7-50 29 396 Recommendations that $350.00 be appropriated to pay tennis tournament expenses of Suzanne Herr and $ 500.00 additional for summer fishing tournament accepted 6-7-50 29 396 Recommends additional appro- priation of $2,752.00 to Chamber of Commerce for answering mail inquiries, etc 6-14.50 29 408 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 32 Book Page Request of Jack Rice for appro- priation of $250.00 to help defray expenses to New York City in connection with Radio Queens contest referred to PRAC 6-21-50 29 413 Request of American Legion for $5,000 to underwrite 1951 convention referred to PRAC 6-21-50 29 414 Request of American Legion to send 40/8 locomotive to 1950 National Convention referred to committee for action 6-28-50 29 434 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 33 Book Page Recommends that $250.00 be appropriated to assist in defraying the expenses of Jack Rice while accompanying winners of Radio, etc. queens to New York -- Council authorizes payment 7-12-50 29 472 Recommends that $11500 be appropriated to send AML. 40/8 locomotiveto convention - Council de- fers action 7-12-50 29 472 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recommends that $100.00 be appropriated to help defray expenses of Jerry Moss while playing in two tennis tournaments - Council authorizes appropriation 7/12/50 29 472 Book Page Recommends that request of American Legion for $5,000 be denied but that Council should give this special consideration - Action deferred 7/12/50 29 472 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recommendations as, to allocation of 1950-51 Publicity Funds 7-12-50 Request of Miami Labor Citizen for Labor Day advertisement referred to committee 8-2-50 Request of A. E. Woolfe for $750.00 addition for Summer fishing tournament referred to Committee 8-9-50 30 6 Recommends $100.00 be appro- priated for advertisement in Labor Day edition of Miami Tabor Citizen 8-23-50 30 46 35 Book Page 29 i+72 29 501 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 36 Book Page Recommends $750.00 be appro- priated for Summer Fishing Tournament --additional 8-23-50 30 46 Recommends $50.00 be appro- priated for golf tourney trophy --Fla. Sports Writers Association -- 8-23-50 30 46 Recommendation of PRAC re. appropriation of $1,500.00 to send 40 & 8 to conven- tion in San Fransisco approved 8-23-50 30 46 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY -COMMITTEE 37 Book Page Request of Mrs. Gladys Pennington for $1,000.00 contribution toward expense of conducting Queen of Skies contest (Women's Air Race) referred to committee for recommendations 10/4/59 30 86 Recommendations that 1: $65.00 be appropriated from Publicity Funds for street banner "Al Rosen" celebration and to deny request of Miami Legionnaire to purchase space in convention magazine accepted 10/4/50 30 100 PUBLIC RELATIONS. ADVISORY. COMMITTEE 38 Book Page Recommendations to deny requests for funds (1) Ray Redman for - $1,000.00 (Mrs. America contest deficit); (2) Queen of the Skies- contest, kies_contest, accepted 10-26-50 30 131 1949-50 Report accepted & filed 11-15-50 30 173 PRAC recommendations relative to budget funds approved 11-15-50 30 173 PRAC recommends that contract for production of film publicizing M. B. be awarded -to Rainbow PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 39 Book Page Pictures, Inc. at a price of $7,500.00 - Recommendation accepted 11-15-50 30 174 Ray Redman submits financial report on Mrs. Florida contest 11-15-50 30 176 Messrs. D. Richard Mead, Edward Herr, C. W. Chase, Jr., Jess Bramson, Jonas Weiland, A. E. Woolfe, Chas. Goldberg appoined 12-27-50 30 294 PURL -IC RELAt/OkS ADVISORY CQMMYTT t 40 took Page Report to lend assistance to 41st Street Business Assn. in promotion of Baby Parade and Easter Fashion Parade -accepted 2-21-51 30 402 Report to allocate additional $350.00 from Publicity Budget for future promotion in con- nection with Delta Air Lines Chicago promotion accepted 2-21-51 30 403 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 41 Book Page Recommendations approved - $3,000. allocation to Jack Rice, assistance in Southern Radio & Television Queens Contest; $241.74 allocation to Suzanne Herr, expenses'6 tennis tournaments. From Publicity Funds. 5-16-51 31 181 Urges passage of legislation to permit use of occupational license monies for advertising - promotion purposes. No action. 5-16-51 31 182 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 42 Book Page Recommendations approved - $250. appropriation towards expense of "Tennis Week" Sept. 10-16, 1951, honoring Doris Hart and Gardner Mulloy; $104. to Suzanne Herr to supplement $241.74 previously appropriated; that above expendi- tures be allotted from any surplus funds in News, Pub. & Con. Bureaus; that any unexpended funds at end of 1950-51 fiscal.. vr. be carried over into 1951-52 budget of dept. of origin. 10-11-51 32 104 PUBLIC -RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 43 Book Page Pub.Rel.Advisory Comm. recommends $2,572. be allocated from surplus funds in 1950-51 folder account of Publicity Fund for purchase of additional prints of film "The Miami Beach Story". Purchase authorized. 10-30-51 32 133 Submits report on activities of Committee during year 1951. Committee for year 1952 appointed. Edward Herr, Jess Bramson, Charles Goldberg, A. Ernest Woolfe, Morty Gottlieb, Joe Hart. C.W.Chase Jr. 11-7-51 32 158