Public Relations Advisory Commitee_January 1952 to April 1952PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 44 Book Page Recommends appropriation of $150.00 from Publicity Funds to cover trans- portation expenses of Larry Evans, chess champion. Authorized. 1-2-52 32 276 Resolution #7927 commending C. W. Chase, Jr. for his service as Chairman of the Committee 2-6-52 32 355 Councilman Roth moves that requests involving expenditire of publicity monies be referred to Pub. Rel. Advisory Committee before Council considers it. No action. 4-30-52 33 12 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 45 Committee asks Council to follow Book Page procedure heretofore adopted by which expenditures from Publicity Fund would be referred to the Committee for recommendations before Council takes action. Communication filed. 5-7-52 33 25 Committee recommends: (1) Bal. of $3,194.44 in Folder Acct. and unused alloc. of $300.00 in 1951-52 budget for showing film "Miami Beach Story" be transferred to general publicity fund; (2) Appropriation $$250. be made from Publicity Funds 33 102 to Suzanne Herr PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee commends Hank Meyer and Tom F. Smith on their respective accomplishments. 7-16-52 Committee submits recommendations as to magazine advertising schedule for period 12/1/52 thru Nov. 1952, total cost $26,285.28. Approved. 10-15-52 46 Book Page 33 160 33 329 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 47 Book Page Committee submits 4 recommendations: (1.)That unexpended funds in News & Convention Bureaus, and Pub.Rel. Dept. at::end of 1951-52 fiscal yr. be carried over in 1952-53 budget (Cannot be complied with) (2.)That one adv. in Nat'l Geographic Magazine be cancelled and increased rate of Holiday Magazine be accepted. (Approved) (3.)That bill of August 1 orr for work in connection with taking bids for printin folders, be paid out of $20 000 allocation for folders in 1952-53 publicity budget. (Action postponed until 11/26/52) (cont.) PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 48 Book Page cont.) (4.) That salary of News Editor in Publicity Bureau be increased from $5,544.00 to $6,500.00 per year (Referred to City Mgr. for study and recommendation) 11-19-52 33 383 Recommends that City Council contribute $2,500.00 toward cost of University of Miami tourist survey in Greater Miami area. No action taken. 1-21-53 33 477 Appointments of members of the Public Relations Advisory Committee d ferred until next meeting 2-4-53 33 513 It rms expired in Nov.) PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 49 Book Page Appointments deferred until next meeting 2-18-53 34 24 Statement of August Dorr $3,492.71 for printing publicity folders approved. (this job was contracted by Pub. Rel. Adv. Comm. without consent of City Mgrts office) 2-25-53 34 32 Communication from M. B. Chamber of Commerce relative to Public Relations Advisory Comm. Suggestion made to revert to former method of appointing committees, ie let the City Mgr. make appointments arra Council confirm. No action.3-4-53 34 46 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 50 Book Page Appointments to Committee: Joe Hart; Edward Herr; Jess Bramson; A. Ernest Woolfe; Charles Goldberg; C. W. Chase, Jr.; Morty Gottlieb 3-4-53 34 54 Council approves Committee's recommendation to allocate $3,000. in Publicity budget for Radio Queens Contest promotion 3-18-53 34 110 Recommends that $2,500. be appro riated toward cost of continuing tourist survey. Appropriation authorized. 3-25-53 34 127 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 51 Book Page Recommends that Council allocate $5,000 from unallocated funds in publicity budget to aid in promotion and development of television metWork shows. Authorized. 4-1-53 34 145 Recommends that $1,000. be allocated from funds returned from Orange Bowl underwriting, to assist junior tennis players in tournament play. Aulthorized. Recommends that budget allocation53 34 178 of $2,500.224 toward summer fishing tournament be increased to $4,000,00. Approved. 5-6-53 34 227 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recommendation of for allocation of fund approved Appointments made: C. W. Chase, Jr. Joe Hart Edward Herr Jess Bramson 52 Book Page Advisory Committee 1953-54 publicity 11-4-53. 35 142 Jules Gillette Charles C. Goldberg Morty Gottlieb 11-4-53 35 146 Res. #8585 thanking Ernie Woolfe for services on Public Relations Advisory Committee 11-18-53 35 172 PMBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 53 Book Page Recommends automatic resignation of any member of committee who is absent from 3 consecutive meetings for iieasons other than illness or absence from city. City Atty to make necessary preparations to accomplish recommendation. Suggestion made that this rule might be made to apply to other Boards also. 2-3-54 35 328 Communication from PRAC commending Mayor Shapiro for publicity received as result of his photograph with Milwaukee Braves in issue of Life 4-7-54 35 416 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 54 Book Page Request for appropriation of $500.00 to aid in sending 5 golfers to national tournament in Dallas, referred to PRAC 6-2-54 36 12 Committee recommends that request for $500. appropriation to defray expenses in sending 5 golfers to tournament in Dallas, be denied 7-7-54 36 61 Committee recommends that $1,000 be appropriated to help defray expenses of sending Drum and Bugle Corps to convention iAttshington,D.C. COUNCIL DENIES. (Harvey Seeds Post 29) 7-7-54 36 64 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 55 Book Page PRAC requests meeting with members of Council prior to budget time. Mayor to set time 7-21-54 36 94 Recommends that $515.49 be appropriated to defray expenses of sending 3 members of MB Swimming Assn to Indiana for Nat'l Outdoor Championships to be held 8-4 to 8-8-54. Accepted and authorized. 7-21-54 36 98 Communication from PRAC recommending allocation of 1954-55 publicity funds presented and ordered held for consideration at budget meeting. C of C letter re. alb cation of these funds also he for nnnni dAral:i nn r3-4-�j 36 109 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 56 Book Page City Mgr. to meet with Pub. Rel. Adv. Committee to discuss allocation of 1954-55 publicity fund 9-15-54 36 195 Joe Hart reappointed to Public Relations Advisory Committee 2-23-55 36 448 Appointments: Edward Herr Jules Gillette C. W. Chase, Jr. Morty Gottlieb Charles C. Goldberg Jess Bramson 3-2-55 36 454 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 57 Book. Page Appointments: - 1 year terms C. W. Chase, Jr. Richard F. Bryce Joe Hart Jess Bramson S. Robert Siegel Jules Gillette Edward Herr 3-28-56 38 122 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 58 Book Page Letter from Public Rel Advisory Committee advising they have revised their recom- mendations as to allocation of 1956-57 Publicity Funds. Publicity Budget in amount of $356,000 adopted for 1956-57 which includes $7,500 allocation for the M.B. Golf Tournament provided that they raise an add'l $15,000 which they require. Tournament Committee required to give City accounting of all funds collected. Appointments to Pub. Rel. Advisory 38 438 Committee to be made at next meeting 6-19-57 39 384 PUBLIC RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Joe Hart (reappointment) Jules Gillette n C. W. Chase Jr. Otto Fenias (appointment) David Hochberg Richard Bryce (reappointment) Edward Herr 1 year term, expiring July 3, 1958 59 Book Page 7-3-57 39 427