Public Utilities_June 1933 to July 1936PUBLIC UTILITIES • Res. authorizing Public Utilities to file reports why their rates should not be reduced. Res. 2635 Granted 30 days additional time to make above report June 28,1933 Above reports filed 8/16/33 City Atty. and City Mgr. to attend hearing on Telephone rates 4/18f34 12, 376 Gas Company file schedules of new rates 7/1/36 14, 487 1 Book,Page 12:711- 12: 2,74 12, 94 12:127 PUBLIC UTILITIES Book Page Peoples Water and Gas Co.file new rate schei ules 11_19_37 16 3g3 Peoples Water & Gas Co.gile new rate schedules 5-11-3g 17 149 Florida Power & Light Co. file new so •es u es o ra Peoples Water & Gas Co. file -neva rate schedules 1 PUBLIC UTILITIES 3. Book Page Councilman Powell urges that utility lines be laid underground8/17/45 23 20 3 Committee comprising Messrs. Powell, Pole and Renshaw appointed to confer with utility companies re. laying lines underground 9/5/45 23 215 M. B. Elks endorse:Council°e efforts to have utility lines laid underground 11/7/45 23 263 PUBLIC UTILITIES . 4 Book Page Council instfjucts City Attorney to prepare ordinance requiring utility companies to place wires underground within period of 5 years 11/21/45 23 298 Mr. Paul Kingsley of Utilities Subscribert Association asks for endorsezneh of the organi- zation 12/7/50 30 240 PUBLIC UTILITIES 5 Book Page Councilman Roth suggests employing someone on permanent basis who would have responsibility of supervising all public utilities and ironing out complaints. Taken under advise- ment 11-19-52 33 379 Roth presentP8g81ngnce creating Dept. of Public Utilities. Referred to City Mgr. to look into probable cost, and report back. 3-25-53 34 129 A. J. Kaplan complains re. tax returns made by public utility companies 5-20-53 34 290 PUBLIC UTILITIES 6 Book Page Employment of utilities consultant and''cost discussed. Councilman Roth requests that survey be made of utility companies and that City Mgr. be directed to consult with Utilities Analysts to find out basis their services could be employed by City. Matter referred to City Mgr. for report and recommendation. 8-12-53 34 46o City Mgr. reports on above. Proposal presented of National Utility Service, Inc. to work with Utility Analysis, Inc. Action deferred. 1-6-54 35 287