Publicity_June 1928PUBLICITY r -T 2. Book, Page Meet of nearby towns & cities at Miami City Hall to -discussin- fied program of publicity o- 2v S 304 Councilman Clements1 report 6-8-28 8 305 Miami C of C present program 6-20-25 8 323 PUBLICITY Book, Pjg City asked to:finance Chicago Office 8, 384 Above pro j ec c held over for the present 8, 390 Balance in Booklet budget turned over to 1}12 C. of C. 6th Floor to be prepared for this office E, 43; Flooring left to Mr. Renshaw' s judgment Clerk instructed to prepare Budget Budget Resolution No. 1853 8 435 8 431 PUBLICITY Book, Pace Request for "Ask Mr. Foster" service 9, 31 Resolution & Contract: 1929-1930 Season 9, 93 Steve Hannagan's Proposition 3-20-29 9, 93 (Attached to Res. 1936) $500. Appropriation for local newspaper advertising 4-17-29 9, 124 Mayor Sewell requests joint publicity 9, 182 ea_lty Bo^rc7 request for 250. 6-19--29 9 2)+2 , 0 of C request $5,000 for Booklets 9, 271 C of j l eq ec t ;1,500 for Booklets 12--4+---29 " 396 PUBLICITY 5 BOOK, PAGE Resolution & Contract: 1930-1931 Season Resolution No. 2237 3-19-30 10, 118 Sewell & Phelps: Cooperation with Miami asked 6-19-30 10, 175 Report on Meeting 7-9-30 10, 200 Councilman Mead appointed Committeeman 10, 200 Discussion on Joint Health Booklet 7-16-30 Appropriation of 84,o00 made " 8-5-30 ft " $3,500 to 0. of C. " Data for joint booklet approved 9-1-30 201 217 217 255 PUBLICITY BOOKS PAGE Resolution 2400: 1931-1932 Seca on- 3-'1-31 10,4 88 $50O-Hannagan-Entertainment Expense /i.-3-" 11, 9 Appropriation far establishment of office in Empire State Bldg. asked 6-15-31 11, 77 J.H.Wendler: Expenditure of Publicity_ Funds to bolster summer business 7-15-31 " 100 Edith May Bates;_Summer Advertising proposition 8-5-31 11 112-- PUBLICITY T6 BOOK, PAGE X3,500 to C of Con Booklet 11 -►x-31_ Res. 2531: 1932-1933 Season 3-16-32 11, 219 11, 3014- PUBLICITY 8. Book, Pag' City of Miami Beach Publicity_ Council makes recommendations 10-12-32 11, 378 Sl tesfozsiirectton signs 10-12-32 11, 379 Public ity-C ounc ice-reque s t s -levy of one mill for publicity 10-19-32 11, 383 Council increases appro. to_25 10-19_32 11,394- 2L Appro. ror Pub.BookI ' $200.00 APPra.fer-Radio PkRTY No�rthern adv. recommendat' ` 10-tth. adv. recom. proved Ir.Hannagan &_Ai_ty oAgmal 10-26-3S - 11,414 19-26-32 11,418 11-1432 111-42A 11-19-332- _-11, _ PUBLICITY 1932-33 9. Book,Page Mr. Hannagan requests additional man - Council authorizes $$500.00 in additional salary 1-5-33 11,477 Salaries in Publicity Dept. re- duced 2-8-33 11, 499 Employment of part time man for one month authorized 4-5_33 12, 24 Various civic bodies present petitions for higher inillage for publicity 4-19-33 12,25 Committee appointed on above 4-19-33 12, 25 LtJBLICITY 10. Book, Page Civic bodies urge increase in Publicity millage 5-17-33 12 52 Resolution urging State Legis- lature to pass Act providing for increase in millage 5-17-33 #2617 12,52 Councilman Keuling urges appro- priation for Broadcasting (motion does not carry) 5/3/33 12,49 Wilbu.rt Bach employed for one additional month on part-time 6/7133 12, 75 Election called on Publicity Manage #2642 6/9/33 12, 86 PUBLICITY 11. Book, Page Proofs of posting and publishing notice of election 77133 12,101 Certificate on Clerk & Insp. 7/19133 Council canvasses returns -Election--dos-not- carry— of-Mi-ami-urges- r -r -of-Mi- mi --urges- coopera- tion int_ing out publicity 7119/33 12, 103 Mr.Seweii again_a ouncil-i- Committee appointed(Mayor & Mr.lCeu1ing) la108 a d, 20,0 romadee, rater /3311ed 12, 9 12, 102 12,102- 12-x103 PUBLICITY /I 4 Book, Page City Mgr. Mayor Katzentine & Council- man Keuling appoint#d as Committee on joint Publiotty work x/18/33 12' 129 Mr. Mead to serve on above committee during Mr. Renshaw's absence 9/2/33 12, 135 Mayor Sewell suggests joint advertising program at Chicago World's Fair 5/31/34 12, 415 PUBLICITY 12. Book Page Joint publicity program is adopted by City Council 10/4/33 12, 156 Council approves letting of contract to low bidder on de luxe booklet 10/4/33 12, 156 Payment of *20,000. fund left to City Mgr. & Committee 10/4/33 12, 156 Councilman Keuling explains joint Publicity fund to inquiries 10/18.33 12, 158 Schedule of items indluded in joint Publicity program presented 10/24/33 12, 164 PUBLICITY 13, Book Paw .Tentative set-up for Dept. for 1933-34 season 11/1/33 12: 171 Mr, Wilbert Bach employed as Publicity Director 11/1/33 12, 172 i Page ads in Daily News and Herald authorized 11/15/33 12, 184 Summer Publicity Program authorized for 1934 6/6/34 12, 417 Couhcil agrees to Joint M ami-fig am each 4 Publicity program for 1934-35 b/28/34 12, 47 3,000 Appropriated 6/28/34 12, 71 PUBLICITY 14. Book Page Wilbert Bach Appointed as Director for Summer 1934 Publicity 6/28/34 12, 472 Publicity Director for 1934-35 discussed 11/1/34 13, 135 Joe Copps appointed as Publicity Director for 1934-35 season Res. #2999 11/14/34 13 146 $2500 appropriated from Publicity Funds for Chamber of Commerce 11/16/34 13, 157 Pete Crossland employed as Summer. Publicity Director(1935) 3/20/35 13 334 PUBLICITY 15. Book Page Joe Copps submits report on opera- tions of Publicity Dept. for season 1934-35 4/3/35 13 355 Joint Publicity Meeting in Chicago, to be attended by Councilman Cleary 4/4/35 13, 356 Council agrees to pay 40% of $5,000 lease on Chicago Publicity office. 4/16/35 13, 357 PUBLICITY 16. Book Page Mr. Joe Copps offered $110.00 per week for 22 weeks to act as Director of Publicity for 1935-36 season 8/12/35 14, 35 Wire from Joe Copps refusing above offer 8/16/35 Proposal from Joe Copps and acceptance by City Council 9/13/35 City of Miami Publicity Board asks for cooperation of Miami ea hn 1935-36 Publicity program ept.1u,1935 14, 51 14 92 14 92 PUBLICITY 17. Book Page Council agrees to pay their portion of rent on Chicago Publicity office but will handle entire balance of funds for publicity themselves Sept.10,1935 14 91 GRAYDON E. BEVIS DESIGNATED to handle season's advertising Sept.13,1935 14 92 Miami Publicity Board asks what portion of expe rses of Chicago office we intend to pay 9/18/35 14 100 Council agrees to Day 1M for maint.of Chicago office & 2M office rent 10/2/35 14 129 PUBLICITY 18. Book Page Contract for advertising booklets awarded The Record Co. 10/14/35 14 132 •15,000 additional appropriated for -advertising 10/14/35 14 133 Contract with 'Ask Mr. Foster Sertiae" authorized for one year 11/7/35 14 179 E-. pay -1/ 2 of $15,000.expense on Chicago Publicity Office - no action 4/2/36 14 ---370 PUBLICITY 19. Book Page *,000. appropriated for Chicago Publicity office with certain stipu- --lat-ion-s- 4/16/35 14 395 Discussion on increasing millage for publicity purposes6/3/36 14 46.8 Res. #3574 calling an election for one mil i fnrp"bl +city purposes 6/17/36 14, 43 _Result of Election held 7-21-36 canvassed by City Council 8-5-36 15 57 Rea.#3642A accepting results 8-5-36 15 58-- PUBLICITY 20. Book Page 44250.00 app ogriate foi Publicity Book1its for 1936-37 season .25 • 15 92 -- Preparation of 1936-37 -Publi-eity— Booklets let to Record Co. 9-4-36 15 119 Awarding of contract for 1936-37� advertising delayed 9-4J-36 15 120 Advertising contract for 1936=37 -a8`asUIT awarded -t -Lcoffi= s c= Ha i 9-30-36 15 156 Steve Hannagan's organization awarded -Publicity-Contract for 1936-47 x--30-36 - 15 r -7--- PUBLICITY 21. Book Page New location of Chicago Publicit office approved 10-21-36 15 188 Appropriation of $3500.00 made from 1937 Publicity Funds for mailing -Publicity Bookl4ts,etc. 10-21--3$ _15 - 1E59 "Ask Mr.Foster Service" ask renewal —f contract 10-21-36 15 $1500.00appropriated for placing of -a&ve e4ng--boards 11 4-36 15 204 X50. -00 --appropriated for "Ask Mr. oster Service" 11--5-36 15 211 PUBLICITY 22e Book Page Publibit.y Program for 1936-37 season recommended y Ci y Mgr. 15 216 $3,335.00 appropriated for Summer u. c y program 3-31-3( 1 Council tentatively agrees to pay 1/2 of -rent for May -on -Chicago -Office 4-23-37 16 35 Steve Hannagan & Joe Copps reappointed for next season at $ 12, 000, --each. 6/25/37 46- 171 PUBLICITY 23 Loomis -Hall Co awarded 1 7-_ L_Adv. Book Pagee ato i� 2 0 $4950.00 appropriatedtder of Commerce for summer publicity lT 61 Report on result of Publicity Elec- tion held June 14,1938 b-15-38 ( 183 Res.#4334 accepting result of election held 6/14/345 6--15-38 17 1£ Graydon E. Bevis awarded Adv. Con- tract for 1938-39 8-3-58 • 17 234 PUBLICITY Steve Hannigan and his associate Joe Copps engaged for 1938-1939 season's Publicity at $12 000.00 8-24-38 Chamber of Commerce appropriated $6100.00 for Publicity Booklets 9-7--38 Ask Mr. Foster Contract renewed for 1 year at $950.00 10.26-38 Contract with Station WKAT authorized at $100.00 per week 2/1/39 24 Book Page 17 263 17 276 17 316 17 469 PUBLICITY Book Page 25 M. B. Uhamber of Commerce publicity program for summer of 1939 approved in amount of $8,-093apprepriation made -- a v ngiconfrace of / 39 -4O -7H0/39 -I x59- Steve_Hannagan appointed handle Publicity for 1939 s —sea,-den-tative budget of $29,900.00 1110/39 18 159 Appropriation of $7,269.00 for Miami -Bea-ch-Chamber o Commerce bookl , film, etc. ,apo �d ] 59-