Publicity_September 1939 to June 1940PUBLICITY Book --26 Page Graydon rev .s exn]ains ewspaper and magazine advertising program. 9 22--39 18 289 Res.#4741 calling election on 1 mill increase in levy for publicity -pu-r-pose8- 4/17/40 19 82 —41544.00 --app Gpr2 ated4o-r-summer-- advertising program 5/1/40 19 88 Publicity Millage election held June 1940-450 votes cast , 349 ye $t; and 101 -6/5740- 4, /57 0 4, no. PUBLICITY �7 Book Page Steve Hannagan awarded contract to handle publicity for ensuing season for -$50,650.00 8-7-40 19 250 Contract for City Advertising awarded to Parsone,Door & Hume,Inc. 8/7/40 19 231 Report of Joe Copps for 1940-41 season f fled 3/39/41- 20 117 Counoil-agree- to--SSt-eve Hanfag-an'"s- proposal for summer publicit and the enga ing of �t ewart- Canrerron a 0 /r 20 192 PTYBLICTPY 28 Book Page Parsons,Dorr and Hume given contract for 1941-42 advertising 6/6/41 20 272 gobs D. Montgomery - submits Bid for handling publicity for 1941-42 at $30,000. 6/11/41 20 277 M. G. Warner representing Nat Dorfman Organization of New York advise they wish to submit proposal Publicity work 6/18/41 2C 284 Council authorizes appropriation Qf $8,000.00 be set up from next year s Nplicity Fund for C b r of Commerce 1941-42 Booklets b/188/41 20 305 PUBLICITY 29 Book Page $1,000.00 made from next year's budgeta'2 for Fla. Exhibit A�l20 331antic City / Payment of bills to the M B. Tropics by (Agents—Parsons, Dor & Hume) orered paid in amount of g399.38. 7/2/41 20 335 3 proposals received for handling 1941-42 publicity (Hamilton Wright,Inc., John D. Montgomery, Steve Hannagan Associates) 8/8/41 20 419 Contract for 1941-42 Publicityawarded act Steve Hannagan Associates t price -not exceeding 40,000 8/8/41 20 420 PUBLICITY Bock Page Council discusses advisability of holding free -holders election on additional mill for publicity 4/15/42 21 276 Council agree not to hold publicity millage election this year 4/28/42 21 294 Publicity contract. awarded to Steve Hannagan on year'round, basi=s✓ 7/9/42 21 382 Advertising contract awarded to GGdon Bevis for 1942-43 season 7/9/42 21 382 PUBLICITY 31 Boo? Page City Mgr.eports with reference to proposed publicity program to tissue bulletins to combat ru- mors and advertisement campaign in 28 newspapers 8/5/42 21 416 $2500.00 appropriated for above bulletins and $26,000 for advertis- ing in 2$ newspapers 8/5/42 21 417 Payment of $$1,000 to M.B.Tropies for 100,000 copies of their paper to be distributed to soldiers, ddiscussed Council ratifies above action3/3/ 2/3/4322 4323 22, 224 PUBLICITY Book Page M.B.Aot.Asen. and Lincoln Rd. Assn. approve of 2 milllevy for publicity, same to be reserved for post-war advertising 6/16/43 22 138 Res.#5679 calling an election on July 20th, 1913,for purpose of increasing publicity millage to 2 mills 6/16/43 22 138 Res.#5685 accenting Cert.of Can- vassing Board as to result of election 7/21/43 22 158 Publicity Millage Election discussed and u of funds 7/7/43 22 153 PUBLICITY 33. Book ,Page Contract with Hannagan Associates renewed for year ending 10/31/44 10/20/43 22 202 Contract with Hannagan Associates renewed for year ending 10/31/45 "-kQ.s. 5'78o 12/20/44 22 453 Voters do not approve additional 1 mill levy for publicity 4/25/45 23 54 Conference held with Steve Hannagan and representatives of civic organizations 4/27/45 23 58 PUBLICITY 31.. Book Page Council authorizes appointment of committee to act in advisory capacity as to city's publicity program 5/16/5 23 99 Steve Hannagan's proposal for next fiscal year read re. handling publicity - taken under advisement 6/2o/145 23 131 Public Relations Advisory Committee appointed for 1 year term 6/2o/145 23 132 PUBLICITY Public Relations Advisory Com- mittee recommends that Convention Bureau, News Bureau and Advertis- ing be consolidated under direction of Tom Smith 10/3/45 23 238 1st reading of ordinances setting up Miami Beach Convention and News Department, amending Classi- fication Ordinance and Salary Ordinance 1013/45 23 239 35• Book Page PUBLICITY 36 Book Page Ordinance setting up Miami Beach Convention and News Dept. amended before 3rd reading to change name to "PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPT." 10/17/45 23 250 Ord. #749 creating Public Relations Dept. given 3rd reading 10/17/45 23 251 Tom F. Smith is appointed Director of Public Relations Dept. 10/17/45 23 254 Council adopts a budget of 150,O00 for Public Relations Department for fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1946 3/2o/46 23 463 37 Book Page Report of Public Relations Advisory Committee from Aug. 14, 19451 to July 17, 1946 submitted and accepted 7/17/46 24 207 Chamber of Commerce urges that election be called to vote on additional mill for publicity 3/5/47 25 31 PUBLICITY 38 Book Page Pub. Relations Advisory Committee recommends that City seek legis- lative authority to levy additional occupational license taxes, the proceeds to be used for advertising and publicity purposes 2/5/47 24 479 Pub. Relations Advisory Committee recommends partial budget, which Council accepts 2/5/47 24 479 Chamber of Commerce urges that City ask Legislature for authority to increase pu lic y m lage 3,/19/47 25 4$ PUBLICITY 39 Book Page Council calls election on April 22 to vote on 2 mill levy for publicity for 1947 and 1948 3/19/47 25 46 (Res. #6237) Council aef x appropriates $500 for publication of hay fever leaflets 4/16/47 25 114 Mr. Frank favors taxing the hotels for expense of publicity 6/18/47 25 224 PUBLICITY 40 Book Page Council moves to have publicity bulletins (explaining how public monies are being spent) sent out at least quarterly by Tom Smith, Public Relations Director 7/10/47 25 258-59 $1,000 appropriated for hay fever leaflets 7/16/47 25 291 $1,650 appropriated for distribution of folders through Cuba, Caribbean area and parts of South America 4/7/48 26 287 PUBLICITY 41 Book Page Council appropriates $300 for Radio Queen Contest banquet 5/5/x+8 26 332 $15,000 appropriated for spring and summer advertising 5/19/48 26 354 $1,000 appropriated for series of programs over Radio Station WVOK in Birmingham, Alabama 7/21/48 26 453 PUBLICITY 42. Book Page Council appropriates $250.00 to aid Lions Club in publicity program 7/21/1+8 26 457 Council to meet on Sept. 8 to conduct hearing on advertising contract for next year 9/1/1+8 27 75 Council conducts advertis- ing hearing 9/8/48 27 87 4 advertising firms submit plans for city advertising for next year 9/13/48 27 90 PUBLICITY 143 Book Page August Dorr awarded advertis- ing contract for year ending 9/30/49 9715/48 27 100 1948-49 publicity funds allocated 11/3/48 27 181 Chamber of Commerce and Public Relations Advisory Committee recommend that full mill be levied in 1949-50 budget for publicity and advertising 7/6/49 28 238 Funds appropriated for philharmonic concerts $450. 9/21/49 28 405 PUBLICITY Council authorizes appro- priation of $2,000 for Jewish War Veterans convention in October 9/21/49 28 432 Council appropriates $5000 from Publicity Funds to pur- chase band instruments for Nautilus School 10/5/49 28 448 Book Page Council appropriates $710 for C of C map folders 10/5/49 28 457 PUBLICITY 45 Book Page Advertising contract for 1949-50 fiscal year awarded to August Door Advertising, Inc 11/23/49 29 67 Council authorizes spending of $20,000 for magazine advertising and $15,000 for winter and fall adver- tising program 11/23/49 29 67 Appropriates $1,488.50 for Chamber of Comnerc, book- lets 11/23/49 29 68 PUBLICITY '+5 Book Page Council appropriates $100.00 to entertain Airport Operators Council of America from Publicity Funds - Public Relations Director Meyer to handle details 10/12/49 28 473 Council underwrites Orange Bowl 1950 festivities to extent of $12,000.00 - Appropriation from Publicity Funds 10/26/49 29 11 PUBLICITY 46 Book Page Appropriates $770.05 to liquidate deficit incurred by Presidents' Council in connection with 1949 Cuba Day and appropriates $2,000.00 for 1950 Cuba Day Cele- bration - .11,14.44x- 11/23/49 29 68 7z:co Denies request of Ocean Drive division of Miami Beach Hotel Owners Association for $ 500. appropriation to aid in celebration of completion of Lummus Park lighting City to assist in publicity for event 11/23/49 29 68 PUBLICITY Appropriates $125.00 for lighting field, insurance and numbering of seats in connection with Civic League Football game 11/23/49 29 68 Denies request for Appropriation of $200.00 for ad in program of Civic League 11/23/49 29 68 Council approves recommendation of Public Relations Advisory Com- mittee that all requests for Book Page 47 PUBLICITY 48 Book Page publicity fund expenditures be referred by the City Clerk to the committee prior to being presented to the City Council 11/23/49 29 68 $300.00 appropriated to decorate Washington Ave. from Publicity Funds 12/7/49 29 72 $200.00 appropriated from Publicity Funds to decorate 41st St. 12/7/49 29 72 PUBLICITY $750.00 appropriated from Publicity Funds for Christmas Eve pageant upon recommadation of Public Relations Adv. Committee 12/7/49 29 72 1949-50 budget approved 12-21-49 29 106 49 Book Page $1,200 appropriated for booth in Chicago Delta Air Line office Councilmen Roth and Turk object to unfavorable news stories 1-4-5o 29 125 1-11-50 29 127 PURI, TCi1'y 50 Book Page $860 appropria-ed for Hai+ian Exposia-ion exhibi+ 2-15-50 29 169 $2,500 appropriated for Radio Queens contest 3-15-50 29 236 Contract for 1950-51 fiscal year awarded to August Dorr Adv. Co. 6-7-50 29 396 $350.00 appropriated to defray tennis expenses of Suzanne Herr 6-7-50 29 396