Publicity_September 1939 to June 1940PUBLICITY
Graydon rev .s exn]ains ewspaper
and magazine advertising program.
9 22--39 18 289
Res.#4741 calling election on 1 mill
increase in levy for publicity
-pu-r-pose8- 4/17/40 19 82
—41544.00 --app Gpr2 ated4o-r-summer--
advertising program 5/1/40 19 88
Publicity Millage election held June
1940-450 votes cast , 349 ye $t; and 101
/57 0
Book Page
Steve Hannagan awarded contract to
handle publicity for ensuing season
for -$50,650.00 8-7-40 19 250
Contract for City Advertising awarded
to Parsone,Door & Hume,Inc. 8/7/40 19 231
Report of Joe Copps for 1940-41 season
f fled 3/39/41- 20 117
Counoil-agree- to--SSt-eve Hanfag-an'"s- proposal
for summer publicit and the enga ing of
�t ewart- Canrerron a 0 /r 20 192
Book Page
Parsons,Dorr and Hume given contract
for 1941-42 advertising 6/6/41 20 272
gobs D. Montgomery - submits Bid for
handling publicity for 1941-42 at
$30,000. 6/11/41 20 277
M. G. Warner representing Nat
Dorfman Organization of New York
advise they wish to submit proposal
Publicity work 6/18/41 2C 284
Council authorizes appropriation Qf
$8,000.00 be set up from next year s
Nplicity Fund for C b r of Commerce
1941-42 Booklets b/188/41 20 305
Book Page
$1,000.00 made from next year's
for Fla. Exhibit A�l20 331antic
City /
Payment of bills to the M B. Tropics by
(Agents—Parsons, Dor & Hume) orered
paid in amount of g399.38. 7/2/41 20 335
3 proposals received for handling
1941-42 publicity (Hamilton Wright,Inc.,
John D. Montgomery, Steve Hannagan
Associates) 8/8/41 20 419
Contract for 1941-42 Publicityawarded
act Steve Hannagan Associates t price
-not exceeding 40,000 8/8/41 20 420
Bock Page
Council discusses advisability of
holding free -holders election on
additional mill for publicity
4/15/42 21 276
Council agree not to hold publicity
millage election this year
4/28/42 21 294
Publicity contract. awarded to Steve
Hannagan on year'round, basi=s✓ 7/9/42 21 382
Advertising contract awarded to
GGdon Bevis for 1942-43 season 7/9/42 21 382
Boo? Page
City Mgr.eports with reference
to proposed publicity program
to tissue bulletins to combat ru-
mors and advertisement campaign
in 28 newspapers 8/5/42 21 416
$2500.00 appropriated for above
bulletins and $26,000 for advertis-
ing in 2$ newspapers 8/5/42 21 417
Payment of $$1,000 to M.B.Tropies for
100,000 copies of their paper to be
distributed to soldiers, ddiscussed
Council ratifies above action3/3/ 2/3/4322
4323 22, 224
Book Page
M.B.Aot.Asen. and Lincoln Rd.
Assn. approve of 2 milllevy for
publicity, same to be reserved for
post-war advertising 6/16/43 22 138
Res.#5679 calling an election on
July 20th, 1913,for purpose of
increasing publicity millage to
2 mills 6/16/43 22 138
Res.#5685 accenting Cert.of Can-
vassing Board as to result of election
7/21/43 22 158
Publicity Millage Election discussed
and u of funds 7/7/43 22 153
Book ,Page
Contract with Hannagan Associates
renewed for year ending
10/31/44 10/20/43 22 202
Contract with Hannagan Associates
renewed for year ending
10/31/45 "-kQ.s. 5'78o 12/20/44 22 453
Voters do not approve additional
1 mill levy for publicity 4/25/45 23 54
Conference held with Steve
Hannagan and representatives
of civic organizations 4/27/45 23 58
Book Page
Council authorizes appointment of
committee to act in advisory
capacity as to city's publicity
program 5/16/5 23 99
Steve Hannagan's proposal for
next fiscal year read re.
handling publicity - taken
under advisement 6/2o/145 23 131
Public Relations Advisory
Committee appointed for
1 year term 6/2o/145 23 132
Public Relations Advisory Com-
mittee recommends that Convention
Bureau, News Bureau and Advertis-
ing be consolidated under direction
of Tom Smith 10/3/45 23 238
1st reading of ordinances setting
up Miami Beach Convention and
News Department, amending Classi-
fication Ordinance and Salary
Ordinance 1013/45 23 239
Book Page
Book Page
Ordinance setting up Miami Beach
Convention and News Dept. amended
before 3rd reading to change name
10/17/45 23 250
Ord. #749 creating Public
Relations Dept. given 3rd
reading 10/17/45 23 251
Tom F. Smith is appointed
Director of Public Relations
Dept. 10/17/45 23 254
Council adopts a budget of
150,O00 for Public Relations
Department for fiscal year
ending Oct. 31, 1946 3/2o/46 23 463
Book Page
Report of Public Relations
Advisory Committee from Aug.
14, 19451 to July 17, 1946
submitted and accepted 7/17/46 24 207
Chamber of Commerce urges
that election be called to
vote on additional mill for
publicity 3/5/47 25 31
Book Page
Pub. Relations Advisory Committee
recommends that City seek legis-
lative authority to levy additional
occupational license taxes, the
proceeds to be used for advertising
and publicity purposes 2/5/47 24 479
Pub. Relations Advisory Committee
recommends partial budget,
which Council accepts 2/5/47 24 479
Chamber of Commerce urges
that City ask Legislature
for authority to increase
pu lic y m lage 3,/19/47 25 4$
Book Page
Council calls election on
April 22 to vote on 2 mill
levy for publicity for
1947 and 1948 3/19/47 25 46
(Res. #6237)
Council aef x appropriates
$500 for publication of hay
fever leaflets 4/16/47 25 114
Mr. Frank favors taxing the
hotels for expense of
publicity 6/18/47 25 224
Book Page
Council moves to have publicity
bulletins (explaining how public
monies are being spent) sent
out at least quarterly by Tom
Smith, Public Relations
Director 7/10/47 25 258-59
$1,000 appropriated for
hay fever leaflets 7/16/47 25 291
$1,650 appropriated for
distribution of folders
through Cuba, Caribbean
area and parts of
South America 4/7/48 26 287
Book Page
Council appropriates $300
for Radio Queen Contest
banquet 5/5/x+8 26 332
$15,000 appropriated for
spring and summer advertising 5/19/48 26 354
$1,000 appropriated for
series of programs over
Radio Station WVOK in
Birmingham, Alabama 7/21/48 26 453
Book Page
Council appropriates $250.00
to aid Lions Club in
publicity program 7/21/1+8 26 457
Council to meet on Sept.
8 to conduct hearing on
advertising contract for
next year 9/1/1+8 27 75
Council conducts advertis-
ing hearing 9/8/48 27 87
4 advertising firms submit
plans for city advertising
for next year 9/13/48 27 90
Book Page
August Dorr awarded advertis-
ing contract for year ending
9/30/49 9715/48 27 100
1948-49 publicity funds
allocated 11/3/48 27 181
Chamber of Commerce and Public
Relations Advisory Committee
recommend that full mill be
levied in 1949-50 budget for
publicity and advertising 7/6/49 28 238
Funds appropriated for
philharmonic concerts $450. 9/21/49 28 405
Council authorizes appro-
priation of $2,000 for Jewish
War Veterans convention in
October 9/21/49 28 432
Council appropriates $5000
from Publicity Funds to pur-
chase band instruments for
Nautilus School 10/5/49 28 448
Book Page
Council appropriates $710
for C of C map folders 10/5/49
28 457
Book Page
Advertising contract for 1949-50
fiscal year awarded to August
Door Advertising, Inc 11/23/49 29 67
Council authorizes spending
of $20,000 for magazine
advertising and $15,000
for winter and fall adver-
tising program 11/23/49 29 67
Appropriates $1,488.50 for
Chamber of Comnerc, book-
lets 11/23/49 29 68
Book Page
Council appropriates $100.00
to entertain Airport Operators
Council of America from
Publicity Funds - Public
Relations Director Meyer
to handle details 10/12/49 28 473
Council underwrites Orange
Bowl 1950 festivities to
extent of $12,000.00 -
Appropriation from
Publicity Funds 10/26/49 29 11
Book Page
Appropriates $770.05 to
liquidate deficit incurred by
Presidents' Council in
connection with 1949 Cuba Day
and appropriates $2,000.00
for 1950 Cuba Day Cele-
bration - .11,14.44x- 11/23/49 29 68
Denies request of Ocean Drive
division of Miami Beach Hotel
Owners Association for $ 500.
appropriation to aid in celebration
of completion of Lummus Park lighting
City to assist in
publicity for event 11/23/49 29 68
Appropriates $125.00 for
lighting field, insurance
and numbering of seats in
connection with Civic
League Football game 11/23/49 29 68
Denies request for
Appropriation of $200.00
for ad in program of
Civic League 11/23/49 29 68
Council approves recommendation
of Public Relations Advisory Com-
mittee that all requests for
Book Page
Book Page
publicity fund expenditures
be referred by the City Clerk
to the committee prior to being
presented to the City
Council 11/23/49 29 68
$300.00 appropriated to
decorate Washington Ave.
from Publicity Funds 12/7/49 29 72
$200.00 appropriated from
Publicity Funds to decorate
41st St. 12/7/49 29 72
$750.00 appropriated from
Publicity Funds for Christmas
Eve pageant upon recommadation
of Public Relations Adv.
Committee 12/7/49 29 72
1949-50 budget approved 12-21-49 29 106
Book Page
$1,200 appropriated for
booth in Chicago Delta
Air Line office
Councilmen Roth and Turk
object to unfavorable
news stories
1-4-5o 29 125
1-11-50 29 127
PURI, TCi1'y 50
Book Page
$860 appropria-ed for
Hai+ian Exposia-ion
exhibi+ 2-15-50 29 169
$2,500 appropriated
for Radio Queens contest 3-15-50 29 236
Contract for 1950-51
fiscal year awarded to
August Dorr Adv. Co. 6-7-50 29 396
$350.00 appropriated to
defray tennis expenses of
Suzanne Herr 6-7-50 29 396