Publicity_June to July 1950PUBLICITY 51
Book Page
$500.00 additional appro-
priated for summer fishing
tournament 6-7-50 29 396
$250.00 appropriated to
defray expenses of Jack
Rice --trip to new York
with Radio Queens 7-12-50 29 472
$100.00 appropriated to
defray expenses of Jerry
Moss while playing in two
tennis tournaments 7-12-50 29 472
Book Page
PRAC recommends appro-
priation of $1500.00 to
send Amer. Legion 40/8
locomotive to convention --
Council defers action
FRAC recommends allocation
of 1950-51 Publicity funds
$860.00 appropriation for
exhibit at Haitian exposi-
tion cancelled, as project
was abandoned
7-12-50 29 472
7-12-50 29 472
7-19-50 29 482
$5,000.00 appropriated from
1950-51 Publicity Funds to
underwrite 1951 American
Legion contention in Miami 7-19-50 29 483
Council discusses problem of
eliminating certain items
from budget recommended by
PRAC in order to permit
this underwriting 7-19-50 29 483
Book Page
Book Page
$ 500.00 appropriated for
"Mrs" America B'ontest 7-19-50 29 484
$750.00 additional appro-
priated for Summer Fish-
ing Tournament 8-23-50 30 46
$100.00 for 1/4 page
ad --Labor Day edition
of Miami Labor Citizen 8-23-50 30 46
$50.00 for golf trophy
for tournament of members
of Fla. Sports Writers
Assn-- 9/11 and 9/12 8-23-50 30 46
Book Page
$1500.00 appropriated from
PrIALOVFunds to send 40 & 8
to convention in San Fran-
cisco - October 1950 8-23-50 30 46
$1,200.00 additional appro-
priated from Publicity Funds
to help defray cost of 1950
Cuba Day celebration 9/20/50 30 74
Council to give letter to
Harvey Seeds Post promising
that City will allocate
$5,000. from 1951-52 Publicity
budget tt aeld_Drum &7$;igle Corps to
convention 9/22/50 30 82
Book Page
$65.00 appropriated for
street banner across 1'incoln
Rd. to be displayed on
occasion of homecoming cele-
bration for Al"Flip" Rosen 10-4-50 30 100
Request of Ray Redman for
$1,000.00 appropriation in
connection with "Mrs.
Florida" contest denied 10-25-50 30 110
1949-50 PRAC report accepted
as well as recommendations re
budget funds and moving pic-
ture of Miami Beach contract 11-15-50 30 1
itr tidit 57
Book Page
Res. #7349 authorizing execution
of agreement with Rainbow Pic-
tures for making motion picture
of Miami Beach 11-22-50 30 201
Appointments made to
Public Relations Advisory
Committee 12-27-50 30 294
$2,500 allocated in Publicity Bud-
get for M. B. Tennis Assn.
for Good Neighbor Tournament
realsed to Association 1/17/51 30 328
PUBtTcrr"Y 5$
Book Page
Two reports of Public Relations
Advisory Committee accepted
1. To lend assistance in Baby
Parade and Easter Parade -
2. To allocate additional
$350.00 from 1950-51 Publicity
Budget for Delta Airlines
promotion 2-21-51 30 403
$3,000. allocated from
Publicity Funds to Jack Rice,
assistance in Southern Radio 5-16-51 31 181
&$ Television77Queens Contest;
62tennisttourn the p 'b11 Relations
Advisory Comm. recommendations.
Book Page
Miami Beach Hotel Assn asks for
meeting to discuss Public Relations
and Publicity Bureaus merger
6-20-51 31 290
Public Relations Advisory Committee
recommends allocation of publicity
funds for next fiscal year
7-3-51 31 317
Purchase authorized of additional
prints of film "The Miami Beach
Story". Recommendation of Pub.
Rel. Advisory Committee
10-30-51 32 133
Book Page
$500.00 appropriated from Publicity
Funds for M.B. High School debating
team , 4-30-52 33 l0
Councilman Roth moves that requests
involving expenditure of publicity
monies be referred to Pub. Rel.
Advisory Committee before Council
considers it. No action. 4-30-52 33 12
Public Relations Advisory Committee
asks Council to follow procedure
heretofore adopted by which expenditures
Is the Goma tee or recommexatinsfrom PubliciftF would be ed
fore ounc a es action (g
Book Page
Action deferred on request that
election be held for freeholders
re. increasing millage for publicity
and advertising purposes 5-21-52 33 59
Venetian Islands Improvement Assn
protests proposed increase in
millage for publicity and advertising
purposes 6-4-52 33 96
Election called on July 15, 1952
for purpose of increasing millage
for publicity and advertising
purposes, Res. #8041 6-11-52 33 97
Book Page
Pub. Rel. Adv. Committee recommends:
killBal. of $3,194.44 in Folder Acct.
unused alloc. of $300. in 1951-52
budget for showing film "Miami Beach
Story" be transferred to general publicity
fund; (2) Appropriation of $250. be
made from Publicity Funds to Suzanne Herr.
6-11-52 33 102
City Mgr. authorized to spend
up to $2,000. from Publicity Funds
to put up decorations throughout City
for Shrine convention 6-11-52 33 102
Book Page
Bill of Colographic Press, $11,900.00,
for printing 400,000 publicity
folders, approved for payment
1-21-53 33 473
Statement of August Dorr $3,492.71
for printing publicity folders
approved. this job was contracted
by Pub. Rel. Adv. Comm. without
consent of City Mgr's office)
2-25-53 34 32
August Dorr ldvertising, Inc.
retained to oo preliminary work
on publicity folders for 1953-54
at estimated cost $1,500. 5-20-53 34 286
Book Page
Recommendation of Public Relations
Advisory Committee for allocation
of 1953-54 publicity fund approved
11-4-53 35 142
Request of Ray Redman for appropriation
of $1,000 from publicity funds for
30 -day promotional campaign in Washington
D.C. for publicizing to federal employees
the advantages of this city for summer
vacations, referred to City Mgr and
Public Relations Director
3-3-54 35 361
Book Page
Jack Rice, coordinator of Southern
Radio Queens contest asks for add'l
$500. appropriation for further
promotion of project. City Mgr.
to ascertain whether or not funds
are available. 7-7-54 36 51
Mr. Renshaw calls Council's
attention to need of additional public
relations, publicity and advertising
funds. Letter from Public Relations
Dir. Meyer submitted on subject.
Discussion held. Meetin-(-9-54
. 9 ,1 held
36 77
with City Manager. -( 5
Book Page
City Mgr advises Council that 1954-1955
publicity funds will be used in near
future and he hoped that no later than
next meeting Council would be prepared
to approve some allocation of these funds.
9-1-54 36 149
Pub. Rel. Dir. Meyer asked to set up
some kind of testimonial for Marion
Park, swimmer, and Jerry Moss and Mike
Green, tennis players, and other young
athletes in recognition of recent
accomplishments 9-15-54 36 184
Book Page
',ouncil approves allocatl.on of
publicity funds for 1954-55 fiscal
year ($324,202.00) 10-8-54 36 221
Dinner given by City officials on
Jan. 18th, in honor of Shah and Queen
of Iran 1-19-55 36 1117
$3,500 allocation from Publicity Funds
for Radio Queens contest on June 20-26,
1955 approved 5-18-55 37 175
Allocation of 1955-56 Publicity Funds
approved - $337,705.95 10-19-55 37 415
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized from
1956-57 Publicity Funds to defray
expenses of Mike Green and Jerry Moss
while participating in tennis tournaments
($500.00 each). Future requests for
funds to be made earlier so that Council
could have benefit of Public Relations
Advisory Committee's recommendations.
6-6-56 38 220
Request of M.B. Civic Orchestra for
$5,000 allocation in 1956-57 Publicity
Budget to underwrite concerts, taken
under advisement 6-6-56 38 220
Book Page
$3,500 allocated from 1956-57 Publicity
Funds to underwrite 1956 Radio Queens
Contest 6-6-56 38 220
Councilman Richard urges publicity
re. land valuation increases. City
Mgr. to see that additional publicity
is released by Mr. Meyer's office.
6-27-56 38 265
$700.00 appropriated from 1955 Publicity
Funds to held defray expense of sending
two members of M. B. Swimming
Detroit 7-18-56 38 309
Book Page
Statement of Jack Rice for expenses
in connection with 1956 Radio & TV
Queen's promotion, $3,064.22 approved
for payment 7-18-56 38 311
Statement of Jack Rice for expenses
in connection with 1956 Fla. Beauty
and Talent Pageant Radio Queens Contest,
amount $435.07, approved 9-19-56 38 407
Payment for partial shipment of general
information folders authorized to
A.D Wei*s Lithograph Co., Inc.,
$3,423.02 10-3-56 38 430
Publicity Budget in amount of
$356,000 adopted for 1956-57
which includes $7,500 allocation for
M.B. Golf Tournament provided that
they raise an add'l $15,000 which
they require. Tournament Committee
required to give City accounting of
all funds collected.
10-3-56 38 438
2nd statement of A.D. Weiss
Lithograph Co. Inc. in amount
$2,775.42 for 45,000 general information
folders approved for payment
10-17-56 38 450
Book Page
Corrected Publicity Budget (1956-57)
$351.,134.00 adopted. Former
g presented on 10/3/56 rescinded.
10-17-56 38 466
Transfer of Publicity Funds $286.99
approved -- to cover 10-17-56 38 467
August Dorr statement.
Statement of A.D. Weiss Lithograph Co.
for 88,244 general information folders,
amt $5,442.54, approved for pa ent
11-7-56 38 488
Book Page
Jack Rice asks Council to appropriate
$3,500 to help defray expenses of
conducting Southern Radio Queens
Contest, scheduled for June 2-9, 1957
at Di Lido Hotel. Letter from M. B.
C of C that it will no longer act as
sponsoring agency. Discussion held.
$3,500 to be made available provided
all activities and publicity will
originate from Miami Beach.
5-1-57 39 343
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized to
defray expenses of Mike Green and
Jerry Moss while participating in
tennis tournament play this summer.
($500.00 each). 5-15-57 39 344
City Mgr authorized to make payment
of $500.QQc o Mike Green and Jerry
Moss with an accounting of how the
money is spent to be rendered to
the City at later date 6-7-57 39 378
No action on request of Jack Rice
for payment of entire $3,500 allocation
for annual Radio Queens Contestet7 39 378