Publicity Budget_1928PUBLICITY BUDGET (1928) 4 Book, Page $1,000. appropriated for Rotary fishFry 8, 442 4m. Appropriated for Christmas Eve 9, 7 500. Tennis turned over to Tennis Club 9, 67 PUBLICITY BLTDsET (1") L BOOK, PA =E 500 ;.'IOD BroadcaE:tin _ Station 9, 256 PUBLICITY BUDGET 1929-1930 BOOK, PAGE $4,000 C. of C. for Booklets 9-4-29 9, 305 135 Ad in Daily News 9-4_29 9, 305 500 American Legion _Tour 9-4-29 9,_ 309 750 Southern Medical Assoc. Conven. 9, 350 75 0 12-4-29 9, 398 500 Community Chrictmes Tree n n n 9, 405 1,500 -C. of C. for Booklets 12-11-29 9,, 409 25 Shooting match-Am.Leg. 1-22-30 9, 446 100 Air -Meet Trophies 1-22-30 9, 446 500 S.Hannagan-Entertainment 4-2-30 10,(o4Te i U.0 CITY ETJDCE1 1930-1931 -� BOOK,PAGE $3,500 C of 0 for Booklets 8-5-30 10, 217 4, 000 Joint Publicity Booklet 8-5.30 10, 217 1g0 J.B.Lemon-Washington Trip 11-5-30 " 313 200 M.B.-P.T.A. Entertainment 11-5-30 " 316 300 0 of 0 for Booklets 11-12-30 " 334 1,000 Tennis Tournament 11-12-30 " 335 675 Flower Show 3-18-31 " 493 500 Steve Hannagan-Entertainment 4-15 1), __9 750 A.A.U.Convention at M.B. 4-15-31 11, 17 t'Ut;L1L1.1'Y tiUUGET 11.--IYYd BOOK,PAGE 3,500 C of C on Booklets 11--4-31 11,219 100 Greater Miami Port Ass.'n 1-6-32 11,258 80 M. B. Times Christmas Edition 1-6-32 11,260 500 Tennis Tournament Underwritten n 11,260 900 Greater Miami Port Assn 4-6-32 11313