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"R" Miscellaneous_April 1929
"R" MISCELLANEOUS James R. Reid request permission to Bk. Page close certain streets in Souter Beach Pk 8,-399 Resolution No. 1843 . Granting _Above 8, 402 Rose _Mahoney: _ordered removed emoved i-10-2- 9 9 , 112 Rodger440has. Raoetonr vlRaar 9, 119__ Radio Commission, _Federa1-Res.. 208 9,_ 347 Reiniking,Amalie Et -Objections to Filling Station adjoining Geo.Washington Hotel,_ 425 "R" MISCELLANEOUS BOOK, PAGE Reid, Walter -Objects to taxi drivers diverting patrons from one hotel to another 9, 430 Rod & Reel Club lights requested 2-19-30, 10, 9 Rand, F. H. Jr. -Request for division of Virginia Key Taxes 3-12-30 10,114 Railroad Trainmen -$$150 for Convention 10,16E Reduction of operating expenses 4-16.31 11, 18 "Real Estate Journal" Ad not allowed 11, 22 Road Tax inquiry from County Commission-! era 11,114 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 3. BOOK,PAGE Reid,John B: Lower Priced Homes 5-15--32 11, 327 " Collins Avenue Zoning Change " 11, 327 " See "South Beach Park Site" " Offers easement in return for San. Sewer : connection 10-5-32 11,3'9 Mrs.Clyde L.Ridley asks for consideration due to.fall 10-5-32 Rowley:Ed. given motorcycle in payment of repair bill 2-15-33 Robillard,J.H. on Sunday closing of grocery stores 9/20/33 11, 377 72. , 2 12, 143 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book, Page 4. Reid, John B. addresses Council Oct. 4, 1933 12, 147 Ritter, Judge Halsted L. Res. endorsing Res. 2693 11/1/33 12, 170 Radio Cab Co. protest to passage of Ordinances on Travel Bureaus & Taxicabs December 4th, 1933 12, l & 1 Reid,JohnB.objeots to construction of auditorium by Committee of 100 12, 203 Reid,John B.adyt eso h will a pear on August otn ana. omp a1n of se'ireral assessments as fixed btoafilssmgy34 13 1 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page Radio Cab Co.granted permit for storage garage 7/25/34 13 16 Reid, John B. files protests on 193+ Tax valuations (see Taxes -1934) Reid, John B. authorizes removal of house in Orchard Sub.#1 8/15/34 13 52 Robillard, Atty. gain requests passage of ordinance prohibiting carnivals 10/3/34 13,99 Reid, John B. filed protest of C.H. PaDhall on parking lot in B1k.77 10/22/3+ 13;12 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Read, C. H. W. suggests a nominal charge for Bathers in Lummus Park 1/30/35 13 261 Reid, John B. urges discontinuance of Parking Lot at Ocean Drive and 15th St. 1/16/35 13 233 Reid, John B. requests early examination for W. J. Veitch (Plumbing Contractor) 1/16/35 13 232 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 7. Book Rage_ Rod & Reel Club request City to petition against dredging in Biscayne Bay. 3/6/35 13 324 Raynor, Abe, asks permission to operate dance hall in connection with Minsky's Bar ' 4/3/35 13 355 Roome, W. C. granted permission to erect filling station R.P.Ave.& 41st 6/5/35 13 435 Reid,John B. complains on Bldg. Dept, action re: construction of wa 1. 6/1935 13,449 "Rn MI SCELLANE OU8 8. Book Page Root, Elbert - given $75.00 for A.A.U.Swimming meet 7/3/35 13 477 Roney Investment Corp. given notice to remove all obstructions in Miami Beach Drive and 23rd St. 8/2t/35 14 61 See Res. #3304 laf44,reports serving notice) 8/28135_5 16 yy granted liquor license 16[3S�S Royal Deli. granted beer & wine license 11/7/35 14 180 RlM ne, Simmsenj.granted beer and wine i sei5 edw licenseed pm S on for 14 103 ,grant license on game "The Fortune" 11/18/35 14 195 "R"° MISCELLANEOUS 9. Book Pae Roney -Plaza request to reconstruct ocean front cabanas approved subject —tom • • c • ■ • r -r- any portion of Miami Beach Drive 11/29/35_14 219 Riley's Foo Store - beer an12rs5 -Rune-y--investment Oo. agree to—sign Agreement with r ction of ocean front cabanas 12/4/35 14 228 Agreement filed -12/4/35 meeting 14.220 "R1e MI CBLLA L QU S 10/ Book Page Reineking,owner of Geo.Washington Hotel prof its zoning" change on 5th -St. 12/6/35 14 231 Roney -Plaza Hotel given_night club license 12/11/35 14 233 Roney -Plaza given permit to reeonst.ru_c_t cabanas around pools 12/11/35 14 235 Roemer,Sidney- permit for Skill game 12/23/35 14 244 bulkhead work ordered paid 12/23/35 14 251 °R" MISCELLANEOUS Il. Book Page G. 0.. Reed Co.awarded contract for realignment and extension of 22nd St. groyne- - 12/30/35 4 254 Ritter Hotel request permit to construe dance_platform 1/15/36 14 271 Ritter Hotel given p rmit for dance platform . 1/29/36 111- 2g5 Rodgers,E.Q. offer to purchase S* Lot 4, Bik.UOcean Beach 1729/36 14 276 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 12. Book Page Raynor, Evelyn - granted permit to sell beer and wine at 56 Ocean Dr. 1/2934 14 -243-- Romano' s granted beer license —2=5-36 E.Q.Rosenbaum refused, license for bumper game 2=5-36 -14- 294 Rockefeller Center- request for $450. for Fia.Exhibit tatted 2/26/36 ----RiakabaughiGertrucle- -ace ident claim settlement -3/18/36 14 344 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 13. Book Page Rod and Reel Club application for permit to sell beer and wine to be- c 4/1/36 its 56S Rodgers,E.Q.suggests certain City owned sites be submitted for new Post Office location 7/1/36 14 487- -Robineau, S. P. A Lincoln Rd. Liquor Stor. •_ . Read, C F W -asks permit for =aa Co. tanks in Island View Sub.9-16-36 15 126 "R'i MISCELLANEOUS 14. Book Page Red Cap, Inc., granted beer & wine license 9-16-36 15 15 Reid, John B. - request for parking lot at 1 th Lane & Collins 9-30-36 15 153 Riptide Club - granted liquor license for 223 -23rd St.(1936-37) 10-7-36 15 161 Reid John B. client granted parkinglot at 14th Lane & Cc411ine subject to receipt of wwivers 11/2/36 15 219 Derby ask permit to operate in ent on Alton Ra. 11/18/36 15 232 "R1° MISCELLANEOUS 15. Book Page Ruby's Place - granted beer and wine permit 11-1g-36 15 232 Roemer, Sid - Corn game ap roved 11-1S-366 15 244 Rosenbaum -Eddie application for corn game license refused 11-1g-36 15 244 Roller Derby - permit denied for operating on beach 12/3/36 15 276 Rice,Mr.Bell - granted parking lot at S.E. cor.6th St. &Wash. Ave. 12-9-36 -15 2g6 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Roadside Rest granted liquor license 12-16-36 16. Book Page 15 291 Reilly, Bert - asks permit to erect canopy on parking lot -denied 1-20-3( 15 336 RipPide Club -granted night club license 1-20-37 15 337 Roney -Plaza Hotel granted night club license 1-20-37 15 337 Read, C:H.W. asks permit far parkin -lot at--14.1-st & Sheridan - 1-20-37 15 338 Roberts Drug Store granted beer And wing. Tutrmit —2-3-37 15 380 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 17. Book Page Reeder, R. A. urges City to sponsor Knight Templar beach party 4--7-37 15 497 Wm. Rubin prevent d 1 ., license to sell liquor at 7135 Collins Ave., now zoned against -same. Romer,Phillp- - granted fish market permit 9-1-37 Rod & Reel Club file letter to War Dept. on withdrawal for permit to —drive-moerin p ling 9-7-37- 16 251 16 _33 241 TLC 91 LC -LI -TI asuaaTI euTi pLts aaaq pa4uea:5'4saU paaj`saaATT-- 91 L£ -y - '400`t 413 L. ©a. 'uPPV enTT4n1M t ':E ' 11 oZ ssaa,Jo psaH•M•g•p OCC 91 LC -0E-01 solotissagawq BuT sTnSas aousuTpao ;o wzof snuase UTATawt sp.uoTE 9O 91 L£ -IT -OT sasuaoTT eupt pus swag pad va2 s`CaTpTg Pus iTargq L,G 91 L£-oC-6- SLq66$4PP_'4NC 02 aaTd -tae 'ouI.O'o'peag azed goog $T 5flOS! VIT3DSIW 0;w MISCELLANEOUS 19 Book Page Rivi.era,Inc.granted beer and wine license 11-17-37 16 371 Ripa ide Club granted night club license 11-17-37 16 371 for _Romer-21146,11censelaill gime at 10 Ocean Drive 11-17-37 16 372 temporarily held up Riohards,Melvin--again urges adoption of ordinance on barber shops 11-19-37 16 372 S A_Rran aRks permit to park carry on Lot Blk.C,M.B.I.Ocean Front 12-1-37 16 403 R MISCELLANEOUS 20 Book Page Rubensteins given permit to,_r_eha,ng sign 12-1-37 16 407 Ring & Mahoney apply for audit contract 12-3-37 16 419 A.W.Ryan and W. B. McDonald granted parking mot permit 12-8-37 16 kW- -Romer, Bid granted permit- -for south b-aoh game 12-15-37 Rone -Plaza Hotel given •arkin lot permit -12-15-37 1 Roy ' ansferred t Ainsworth Buck 1-5-3$ 16 446 16 466