"R" Miscellaneous_December 1937 to January 1938R MISCELLANEOUS 20 Book Page Rubeneteins given ?ermit to rarang sign 12-1-37 16 407 _Ring & M honey_apply_ for alit contract 12-3-37 16 419 A.W.Ryan and W. B. McDonald granted p ng perm t 12-8-37 1 -Romer, Sid- granted permit for south beach game 12-15-37 16 41.6 Roney -Plaza Hotel given parking lot permit -12-15-37 16 446 Royy-141 Bar livenaee transferred to Ainsworth Buck 1-5-38 16 466 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page S. A.Ryan-report made that he is using lot west of his garage for -bt±s-ine s s-- purpo st*s- 1--19-x- 16 500 Rodgers, E. Q. - offers ocean frontage -to dCit Y for purchase -for parkpurposes 1-19-38 16 501 Ryan, S. A. - denied parking lot in rear of Dade Motor Sales Garage 2-16-38 17, SIO Riahman,Hariy - requests zoning change in Subdn.of Blk.g©,Alton Beach. 16-38 17 62— "R" MISCELLANEOUS 22 Hnnk .'age Rodgers, E.Q. submitsppices op lots in Block 113, 0.11.#4. 5-4-38 1 7 13 Raffington, T.E. urges traffic Hlights on Alton Road -at inter vale (authorized) 5-18-38 17 152 Roney, N. B. T. requests reimburse- ment -for construction of groyne at--- --foot-or-20th t--foo t-- -.29th Street g -3-3g- 17 --- 23 -9- -Ray ! a Famous --Steaks -o --Chi a, -Ino. , liquor application presented 8-17-3g 17 252 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 23 Bow Page Ray's Famous steaks, Inc., granted helm liquor license 9-7-38 17 2-75 Risco, Margie -o -ranted beer and wine license for Canary Cottage 9 - - 7_38-- 17 275 Reed Const. Co._ — _awarded. contract for removal of Flagler Mem.Isl. -bulkhead 9-7-38 17 279 Rosedale Delicatessen granted permit to erect marquise sign 10-19-38 17 310- - RIVIERA, granted -beer -and wine permit at 7147 Collins Ave. 10-26-3$ 17__ _312 "1R" MISCELLANEOUS 24 Book Page Roorne, W. C. denied permit to construct auto lift at 41st St. and Royal Palm Ave. 10-26-38 17 313 Reed Co.,G.O. ask reaffirmation of City's former agreement to reimburse property owners for groyne construc- tion at ocean street ends. 10-26-38 17 314 Royal Hotel given permit to erect canopy sign 11/2/38 17 334 Roth, I. /131q1iViIn t of Derby Bar 11/16/38 17 344 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 25— Book 5—Book Page Reed, Fred W. seeks permit to operate gravitonic life ray thodes,M.H.submi s propos for p met -era 11/23/3g 17 360 Romana ' s Restaurant granted beer and wine license 11/23/3g 17 365 Russian Bear Rest .granted beer & wine permit 12/__143$ _.7 372 Rosedale Delicatessen request for permit to erect sign referred to Mr. Renshaw & Burbridge 12/-7/38 17 30- 66C Lt RC/izt/at euz 2 eoar& 2oa e413.1ado o4 zwaed ue-ATS- pTgeaauseu R6C Lt RC/izt/at usTSU-a2-oo— g.Ttuaed peTuep uessawaTtaa eiwpesog G6C Lt 9C/R/aT asueoTT gnt0 4.u2-3TN pa q.usag-apT4.dTii a6C Lt 4Teu1.9gMbP(ATV ).oul44inut�88 d Lt 9C/L/zt Wt IBToaemmoo paques2 tazoH BzBta-Aeuog _WC Lt/L/zt— esueoTT euT* pine aeag pe q.usa2 'adg stood uBmou 90 -ed $Oog 9z SIIOINV7720SID( 010 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Rays Famous Steak Rest.denied parking lot permit (27tM1Cy }ins) -Ring-tMahoney --Arner--appoi.--t-ed-as Auditors for 1938-1939 12/21/38 17 S. A. Ryan Motors denied parking lot permit for 20th St. & Liberty Riptide Club granted nig t -club 17 X45 permit 2-1-39 17 467 C.H.W.Read appointed as member of 1.5-39 • Book Page :111 . b .;ll "R" MISCELLANEOUS. Riptide Club granted night club license 3/8/39 2g Book Page 17 519 Rodgers, E. Q. reports Mrs.Mollie Wasman will trade -her Lbt--1 for I6t 2, - Blk. 113,0.B.#4 if-purcha-s.ed. by City (rejected by Council) 3/22/39 18 17 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Rumsey offer to sell their interest in Tax Sale Cert. to Belle--isle-Park Tract -to city --4/5/39 lg 20 S 1Go1Ietrom requeats_that ROADSIDE REST be permitted to remain open until 1 A.M. this summer(dee i d) 4/19/39 -1 37 "R"° MISCELLANEOUS Ro»As Bar Liquor transferred from to Frank Schuler is advertised 29 Book Page license to be Ainsworth Duck providing same -- 5/3/39 18 56 --Rosedale Delicatessen given permit __10 rehang sign__ __ 8-7-39__-_ 18 192 RIB & LOIN,Inc.granted liquor permit 8 213 Rivvieand raeHotel Co. grant8eg/ / �9 1 18 230 Riviera Hotel Co,granted liquor license 9-20-39 1g 276 1tR' 'MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Roney9N.B.T. files agreement upon granting of permit by, Council for --een-struct-i-en-o--e-aban-as-at-seuth- side of 20th St.& ocean 10-4-39 18 296 —RUBY -F00 -1 -9 -GRANTED --Li quoT-%icense 10/5/39 _18_ 314 RUSSIAN BEAR granted liquor license - -- - 11/16/39384 Rodgers: E. Q. o Uers-to trad_.erl� ain property for 4 tracts on 12th St. 9 18 386 ROADSIDE REST_graated ni providing same is soundproofed 18 393-- "R" MISCELLANEOUS 31 Book Page Rib & Loin d/b as Carrousel —granted night club license providing same is —soundproof -ed 11/17/39 1. 393 Roth,I. complains of proposed dancing at OId Prague Restaurant 12/6/39 lg 401 Rubin, Seymour =granted parking lot on N. s ide of Li nc• oln $f1._ 12/-6/39 18 k06 Robinson,Robt. L. granted peddle_boat- etc. license in Lake Pancost 12/6/39 18 407 RENAULT TAVERN granted beer and wine license 12/6/39 be 413— "R" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Bock -image Rodgers, E. Q. _ makes offer on trade of property to City 12/6139 18 414 Permit Brant ed RONEY PLIC A HOTEL ter cons ruction of 9 cabanas 12/13/39 18 1135-- Re-dfern-Se-raie e s t parking lot •ermit in rear of 1601 Alton Rd. .12/20/39 18 421 Roth,I. -complains of patio restaurant located at 1035 Collins Ave. 12/20/39 18 420 RIPTIDE CLUB ask for night -club -denied unt�,l. sound wrr,t4d 12/20/39 18 422 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Roemer,Sid - no action taken on his application for "Skiliette game 12/20/39 33 Book Page 18 425 Rauzin,Marvin - granted parkin lot for Lots 1 to 4, B1k.42,0.B.#3 1/3/40 18 438 Robinso n,Robt.L.inqu ires of Council con- cerning permit for peddle boats in'Lake Pancoast next season 4-17-40 19 82 Robinson,Robt. L. -again asks re license for next season for peddle boat s 5/1/40 19 88 Railey-Mllam,Inc.advise they will not ob jectionablekto0UouncilBe5 15 40 anythin19 121 "R" MISCELLANEOU S 34+ Book Page Rodgers,E.Q. makes request for permit to locate fruit packing business on t -s 5/15/40 19 125 Rubin, Seymour requests pavement of Prairie Avenue north and south of 14-lst St. for depth of bu 6sine�sproperty 152 Redfern Sinclair Station denies permit for---pole—sign 619/409— Rwigers,E.Q. again seeks permit to erect friit packing house 6/19/40 19 161 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 3L./3 Book Page The "Revere11 granted beer and wine license g-26- O 19 304 "R'1 MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page Romers - 41st St.granted beer and wine license 10-2-40 19 314 Raubfogel,Morris - deniecLpermit to transfer beer and wine license to address across the street 10-2-40 19 314 Redules,Anthony - authority for pay- ing his salary while attending Naval Intelligence School 10-2-40 19 319 Rosenbaum,John -asks for permit to erect -awning canopy in Lakeside Pharmacy pati -o-- denied _Ira -16-4o 354 "Rn MISCELLANEOUS Roney -Plaza Hotel license royal Palm Hotel liquor license granted liquor 10-21.40 Bar granted 11/6/40 36 Book Page 19 363 Red Top Cab Co,agree to to satisfy Police Dept. Royal Palm Hotel denied to erect 30 foot signs 19 387 paint cabs_ 11/13/40 19 400 permit___ 11/13/40 19 400 Rodgers,E.Q. - asks for sidewalks to nd Palm- rees trimmed on, -- .11/13/40 n-.11/13/40 19 410 e repaire 5th St. "R" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Ronk Page Ryan S, A. - granted parking lot permit Lots 6 and 8,Blk.3,0.F.Prop. 11 20 40 -412 Ross, C. Chandler -granted parking lot at Alton Rd.& Michigan Ave. 11-20-40 19 413 Robinson, Robt.L. - asks for share of Lake Pancoast at foot of 24th St. for docking his boats 11/27/40 19 430— Read,Charles - denied permit to dock his charter boat in Collins Canal Il/27/40 19 430 "R" MISMLANEOUS 38 Book Page Reuben's Rest. granted beer and wine license -11/27/40 -19 434 Rase°, Atty. G.O. complains of unsanitary -conditions in rear of store at 4Ist St. and Royal Palm Ave. 12/4/40 19 445 Rendale Hotel granted liquor license 1274/40 19 448 Reilly, Bert - asks Gounen-to-reIax-en- forcement of Beach chair ordinance 12/11/40 19 463 Re';1019 enled beer and wine cense 0 es de Pharmacy 12/18/40 19 483 • "Rte` MISCELLANEOUS 39 a Book Page City Manager Henshaw give_ three months leave of absence 12/24/40 19 493 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 39b Raleigh Hotel granted liquor lieense -12/24/40 197- 492 . .. . .:. - - . L . City Clerk 1/2/41 20 4 Ryah's Irish House granted beer end wine license 1/2/41 20 10 Reilly,Bart J.- renders opinion on Carpenter vs Yocum cas--1/29/41 20 31 Reilly Bart J. bill on above case ordered paid,250.00 1/29/41 20 32 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page Rose, W. T. - asks Council to Clear 75th St. and pave same from -Harding to yr Ayes. and to gave Byron ve. from 75th to 74t4 ot; also that 'larding 'venue be widened from-- th-76th-So th- RASCO, ATTY. GLYNN 0. -resents petitions iRggus�' sosf orpdi.5%7% iregulat20 X96 RASCO, ATTY. GLYNN 0. advises that grou of citizens_ar-e seeking_ erection and operation of a Municipal Hospital 5/7/41 20 196 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Ridley, Mrs .Clyde Lane - _offer of settlement on 50% basis for 1938 and 1939 -tax sale certificates against Lot .z • 4 • wnsite - accepted 5/7/41 20 2.01 Rgsco, Atty. (nn 0. ress pis pe - ow e o ono pita 5/15/x+1 all -y20 223 Rosenberg, Alexander - name res;-tored to Registeation List 5/2V41--- 20 242 -- Glynn 0. Rascoe presents report of citizens hospital committee with re- fece to Floridian Motel as possible see #42) "R" MISCELLANEOUS hospital 7/2/41 Council advises Atty. Rasco that proposed Zoning Change of Lear School property is in hands of Zoning Board of Adjustment 7/2/41 Rice, Jack - asks Council to use radio broadcast as medium ford- vertising Miami Beach 7/2/41 Richards, Melvin Atty. 0 ordinance to permit licenses from location from person to person 42 Book Pag 20 316 20 316 ?0 331 - presents form transfer of liquor to location ana 10/2/41 2- 425 rtRtt MISCELLANEOUS 49 Book Page Richard, Atty. Melvin presents proposed amendment to liquor ord. to permit transfer of liquor licenses from person to person and location to location 8/6/41 20 374 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 43 Book Page Richard, Atty.Melvin -complains of hotels leasing out commercially their cabanas 10-2-41 20 426 Roney -Plaza Hotel - liquor license approved subject to regular adver- tising 10-2-41 20 427 Royal Palm Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 10-2-41 20 427 Rabin Corp. granted parking lot per- mit at S.E.cor.l8th St. & Wash.Ave. 10/2/41 20 440 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page Read,C.H.W. - appointed to R.E. Examining Board to serve until 10/31/44 10/4/41 20 462 Rosenstein,Louis - requests permit to buildand operate Kosher butchery on Lot 42,B1k.111,0.B.#3 10/15/41 20 465 Roney Plaza Hotel and Cabana Sun Club - confirmation on liquor license 10/15/41 20 467 Louis Rosenstein again request permit for live poultry market on Lot 42 Block 111, 0. B. #3. 10/22/41 21 2 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 45 Book Page Atty. Richard presented his Ord. to amend Liquor Ord. to perm't transfer of licenses. 10/22/411 21 2 Council took no action. Atty. Richard gomplains of cabana situation at ocean front hotels between 15th & 19th Sts. 10/22/41 21 3 City Mgr. instructed to negotiate as to price, etc. for the conttrol of rodents. 10/23/41 21 7 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 46 Book Page Joe Rubin complains of license re- quired for •restaurants in his hotels 11/5/41 21 11 S.A.Ryan,Inc. granted Parking Lot permit for Lots 6 & 8, 481k -.- c., Ocean Front Property 11/5/41 21 11 Joe Rubin again complains of being required to pay restaurant license. City Attorney to investigate 11/6/41 21 16 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 47 BookPage Mrs. Mae G. Ruch granted Homestead Exemption for 1941 on Lot 13 & S. )' LU , LilLf Z� Sub. 11/10/41 21 29_ _ Joe Rubin again complains of having to pay restaurant license in his hotels 11/i@/41 21 44 -- Council denied request for permit forburl-eaquc show in Gant -Gaither Theatre, Max Rudnick appliDant U/12/41 21 4l Rib & Loin granted permit forNight Club, 11/19/41 21 49 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 48 Book Page . Raleigh Hotel granted liquor license 11/19/41 21 50 Melvin Richard appointed Associate Municipal Judge. 11/26/41 21 282 Riptide Club granted liquor license 12/5/41 21 86 Riptide Club grante�c Night Club license 12/17/41 -421 103 Dr. C.F. Rocher°appointed to serve on Health Advisory Committee. 12/18/41 21 120