"R" Miscellaneous_January to February 1942rt " 'MISCkLLANE4.US 49 Book Page Mr. Jack Rice-presented plan for publicizing :Miami Beach by series of radio salutes to _other Cities. ounci an o son 1/21/42 a of t d to $nv sti-21 154 gate ttiis project. Council authorized appropriation pf $2000. for radio program as offered by Jack Rice. 1/22/42 21 159 -Permit requested to put entrance through Reuben's Rest. to Casanova Club, referred to City Mgr.& City Atty. 2/4/42 21 170 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Russian War Relief given tag day privilege 3/4/42 21 229 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 50 Book Page Raubfogel,Morris - grantedbeer and wine linense for Lee's Pharmacy at 801 Washington Ave. 4/l5/42 21 269 Reilly,Bert - asks permission to lease his property at 1125 Fifth Street for funeral home (no action) 4/28/42 21 294 Reilly,Bert- denied permit for funeral home at 1125 Fifth St. 5/6/42 21 301 Rice,Jack - request of City to make appropriation to Elks Lodge for Radio Queen Contest referred to City Mgr. 5/6/42 21 312 °R H MI SCELLANEOUS 51 Book Page Rosedale Delicatessen granted Beer and Wine license 7/1/42 21 346 Barnett Rosenthal granted beer and wine license at 671-75 Wash.Ave. 7/1/42 21 346 Nathan Rutter granted beer and wine license for 2601 Collins Ave. 7/1/4.2 21 346 Rivierra Grill -.granted beer and wine [now Palm Grill) Ritzland Suit to bre10-1-42 eeded restric- tions 42� ioativ7Ritzladd Corp.10/21/42 21 438 l&, MISCELLANEOUS 5:A Book _Page._ Rimer, Gertrude - restaurantranted beer and wine license 1/6/43 21 497 "R° MISCELLANEOUS 52 Book Page Hal Raymond granted liquor license for RAYMOND'S PACKAGE STORE --2/17/43 22 33 .--Rosedale Deli -Gates -gen- (Dave Alper) - _granted -beer and wine license 7/7/43 22 151 Richard,.- Atty.Melvin,- calls -attention to several abuses to Taxicab business__ 7/7/43 22 155 Atty. Richard ca11 attention to abuses in taxicab business -asks --for 14 permits for Arrow Cab Ass' n. Council advised this would be considered at meeting of Oct. -27--- 22 178 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 53 BOOK PAGE Associate Judge Melvin Richard resigns 10/6/43 22 187 Regina"s Restaurant Ra1ph Habib) 22 1 0 gr nted_beer wine license 0 3 9 Appropriation of $2,192 made to pay Reed Construction Co, for repairs to 11-lst Street bridge 11/3/14-3 22 210 Riptide Club granted liquor license 11/17/43 22 214 Council accepts resignation of Associate Judge Melvin Richard 22 219 11/17 "R" Miscellaneous 5�} BOOK PAGE Gertrude Rimer granted HOT BEER LICENSE 12/2/43 22 235 Beer & wine license granted Rae's Place 2/16/44 22 275 DR. Alfred Richman of N.Y. Cit y offers to buy Municipal Hospital 3/15/44 22 294 Council denies of Mrs. J. F. Rifkin for waiving of interest on lien on lot 15, block 38, Palm View 7/5/44 22 361 "R" Miscellaneous 55 Book Page Beer & wine license granted Royal Delicatessen (Harry & Fannie Greenberg) 8/16/44 22 395 Request of S. Rutter for liquor license in Goodman Bldg. (1225 Wash. Ave.) referred to City Attorney 9/6/44 22 401 Liquor license granted Louis Mutter for Riptide Club 9/20/44 22 406 Council denies request of S. Rutter for liquor license at 1225 Wash. Ave. upon City Attorney's opinion being adverse to issuaI.e 9/20/44 22 406 "R" Miscellaneous 56. Book Page Rosedale Restaurant granted beer and wine license (Yedlin & Mishkin) 10/20/44 22 420 C. H. W. Read reappointed on Real Est. Examining Board 10/20/44 22 424 Ray Cut -Rate Drugs granted beer and wine license 12/6/44 22 443 Benj. Rimer asks that Ord. #402 be amended to permit operation of package store at 1241 Everglades Concourse • 1/3/45 22 462 "R" Miscellaneous 57. Book Page Francis Rogers application for travel bureau denied. 1/2/45 22 462 Application of Ryan's Irish House for liquor license denied as being contrary to zoning (see index "LIQUOR") 2/7/45 22 471 Benjamin Rimer's application for liquor package license denied as being contrary to zoning (see index "LIQUOR") 2/7/45 22 471 Roy Ramson's ap lication or liquor license tenied as Deing "R" -Miscellaneous 58. BOCK PAGE contrary to zoning (see index ?LIQUOR") 2/7/45 22 471 Roney Plaza liquor license trans— ferred to J. Myer Schine and Louis J. Schine 4/18/45 23 4+5 Leo Robinson's application for liquor license at 1612 Washington Avenue placed of record 5/16/45 23 98 Beer & wine license granted Royal Delicatessen (Hope) 6/6/45 23 108 "R" Miscellaneous 59 Book Page P. H. Reece instructed to take out baggage and transfer license at 1006 5th St. or remove sign 7/18/45 23 152 Leo Robinson urges that pine trees on Pine Tree Drive be removed 9/5/45 -- ---i y � 23 211 " Mi scellaneous Vivion Rutherford, Assistant City Attorney, advises he has accepted position with County Solicitor 6o. Book Page 9/5/45 23 214 M. H. Rhodes Co. given contract for parking meters 9/21/45 23 231 Beer and wine license granted Revere Bar & Restaurant 10/3/45 23 233 Ray's Cut Rateranted beer and wine license 10/17/45 23 248 a11Rtd Miscellaneous Raleigh Hotel granted liquor license 61 Book Page 11/7/45 23 266 Rendezvous Restaurant granted service bar license 11/21/45 23 293 Liquor licenses granted Ritz Carlton Hotel, Robert Richter Hotel and Rendale Hotel 12/5/45 23 319 Carl Ringdahl given permit to construct 22 temporary cabanas at 6901 Collins Ave. 12/19/45 23 325 "R" Miscellaneous Ritz Carlton'Hotel's-request for permission to erect canvas fence referred to Asst. City Manager 2/6/46 23 384 62 Book Page Rose's Bar & Lunch granted beer and wine license Council grants permission to Joe Reinertson to sub -let a portion of Contract 2 -FM to the M. F. Comer Bridge and Foundation Co. 4/17/46 24 37 3/20/46 23 454 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 63 Book Page Al Ritchie asks to use Flamingo Park for wrestling matches and Attorney is instructed to prepare agreement (See WRESTLING) 5/15/46 24 88 Ryan's Irish House granted beer and wine license 5/15/46 24 89 Royal Palm Bar granted liquor license 6/5/46 24 109 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 64 Book Page John B. Reid protests article in Miami Herald regarding Miami Beach water and also objects to proposed 36th St. Causeway 6/5/46 24 127 Rendale Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 6/19/46 24 136 Burnett Roth urges Council to pass ordinance freezing rents (after termination of OPA July 1, 1946) - Council takes no action 7/3/1+6 24 158 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 6� Book Page Request of Royal Poinciana Festival, Inc. for $1,000 for 1947 festival is referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 7/3/46 24 182 E. Q. Rodgers complains that veterans cannot rent apart- ments in buildings being constructed for veterans - Councilman Pole is asked to investigate 7/3/46 24 182 Liquor license granted Don Richard's Famous Door 7/17/46 24 192 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 66 Book Page Rendezvous Sandwich Shop granted liquor license 8/7/46 24 234 Melvin Richard protests granting of liquor license to Al's Bar (Alexander Fastow) 8/7/46 24 234 Beer and wine license is denied Jos. Rosenberg and Sam Richman at 18 Collins Ave. 8/21/46 24 257 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 67 Book Page Ted Reber speaks on behalf of amendment to liquor ordinance to permit women to serve liquor by the drink except in night clubs 9/4/46 24 270 Raleigh Room granted liquor license 10/2/46 24 320 Royal Delicatessen and Roberts Sundries granted beer and wine licenses 11/6/46 24 380 "R" MISCELLANEOUS Raleigh Hotel is granted liquor license 11/6/46 Request of Lions Club to hold RODEO in football field in Flamingo Park is denied 11/20/46 Rose Kosher Restaurant, granted beer license Wm. Z. Ruth appointed Board of Electrical Examiners Inc. 11/20/46 on 11/20/46 68 Book Page 24 382 24 398 24 398 24 408 "R" MISCELLANEOUS 69 Book Page Representatives of RODEO, INC. urge Council to reconsider and grant permission to hold rodeo in park football field 12/4/46 24 409 After discussion, Council continues to refuse permission for rodeo 12/4/46 24 410 Council denies Hollis Rinehart's request to City remove portion of bay bottom land from injunction suit 12/4/46 24 420