"R" Miscellaneous_January to February 1947"R" MISCELLANEOUS 70
Book Page
Royal Palm Hotel is granted
liquor license 1/2/47 24 445
Melvin Richard urges
Council to appropriate
$3,000 to Veterans
Housing Committee 1/15/47 24 459
Rajah Raboid objects to
recommendations of Miami
Beach Hotel Owners Ass'n.
as to entertainment in
hotel bars 2/5/47 24 470
Book Page
Royal Hungarian Restaurant
granted beer license 2/5/47 24 471
Robert Richter Hotel
granted liquor license 2/5/47 24 472
Res. #6191, disclaiming
any intent to censure
N. B. T. Roney or daughter
in connection with News
Bureau release of photograph
of eviction of Louise Z.
Osius 2/19/+7 24 520
Book Page
E. Q. Rodgers recommends that
City deed portion of Municipal
Golf Course to School Board in
exchange for Central School
property (taken under
advisement) 3/19/47 25 57
Melvin Richard's request
for permits to erect 2
political signs denied 5/7/47 25 140
Rosly's Chop House, Ray's
Cut Rate and Relish Bowl
granted beer & wine licenses 5/7/47 25 144
Book Page
Request of Ro L1 Poinciana
Festival for $1,500
appropriation is referred
to Public Relations
Advisory Committee 6/11/47 25 217
Dr. Maurice Rose's objec-
tions to truck traffic
on Pine Tree Drive is
referred to Mr. Renshaw 6/11/47 25 217
Robert Richter Hotel grant-
ed liquor license 6/18/+7 25 226
Book Page
Melvin Richard protests
192+7 100% tax assessments 7/7/27 25 252
He threatens council with
recall if the plan is not
put to vote of taxpayers 7/7/2+7 25 253
Ernest Roscoe's request
for escort bureau referred
to City Manager 8/20/2+7 25 327
Rendale Hotel and Rainbow
Room in Haddon Hall Hotel
granted liquor licenses 9/19/47 25 367
Russell's Restaurant granted
beer and wine license 10/1/47 25
Regal Cocktail Bar grant-
ed liquor license subject
to Building Dept. approval
Russian Bear Granted
liquor license
Dec. 29, 1947 designated
as "Runyon Fund Day"
25 480
11/19/47 25 48o
11/19/47 25 486
Book Page
Rod and Reel Club property
placed in Liquor zoning
District "C" (1st reading
of ordinance) 12/10/47 26 20
Joe Ruttenberg's application
for permit to buy and sell
old gold and silver is refer-
red to Asst. City Manager 1/7/48 26 45
Burnett Roth urges Council
to send delegates to
National Housing Conference
it is referred to Mr.
Renshaw 2/4/+8 26 185
Book Page
Melvin Richard speaks on his
proposal to acquire ocean
frontage and objects to A. E.
Woolfe's proposal to sell
ocean frontage to city @
$1.00 per strip 2/11/48 26 190
Morton Russack objects to
operation of rooming houses
in Single-family districts 2/18/48 26 225
Jas. H. Ruby asks that letter
re. proposed consolidation of
Miami and Dade Co. be sent to
all city voters 3/17/48 26 254
Book Page
Capt. Ross's request for dock
space for fishing boat on city
property is referred to
City Manager 4/21/48 26 298
Melvin Richard's request
for adoption of lock and
key ordinance is referred
to City Attorney 5/5/48 26 320
Melvin Richard's request
that license of Giant Garage
be revoked is referred to
Zoning Board of Adjustment 5/19/48 26 344
Melvin Richard urges Council
to complete plans for bridge
from vicinity of 63rd Street
to Normandy Isle
Council takes no action on
Melvin Richard's complaint
as to issuance of license
to Giant Garage
Book Page
6/2/48 26 369
6/2/48 26 37o
Jack J. Rosen resigns as
Associate Municipal Judge 6/2/48 26 376
Book Page
Members of Police Dept. urge
Council to refuse to accept
Judge Jack Rosen's
resignation 6/2/48 26 376
Mrs. Ethel Rodgers complains
of lack of law enforcement 6/18/48 26 404
Bart Riley asks for improved
parking facilities in 63rd
St. -Indian Creek area 7/7/48 26 437
Riptide Club granted
liquor license 7/21/48 26 445
Book Page
Ray's Luncheonette granted
beer and wine license 8/4/48 27 3
Rose Sundries granted beer
and wine license 8/18/48 27 21
Melvin Richard asks for
repeal of bulkhead extension
ordinances 9/15/48 27 93
Melvin Richard asks for
repeal of bulkhead exten-
sion ordinances (See
card "Bulkheads") 10/7/48 27 115
Book Page
Melvin Richard claims that
ambulance service is
inadequate 1/5/49 27 291
Council agrees to meet
at an early date to discuss
ambulance service 1/5/49 27 291
Glynn 0. Rasco's offer
to purchase city property
on Ives Dairy Road is
turned down 2/2/49 27 418
Book Page
Burnett Roth, representing
American Veterans Committee,
asks for space to man booth
to hear rent complaints 3/16/49 27 1+92
Melvin Richard asks for
clarification of policy re.
use of public address systems
during election campaign 3/23/49 27 501
Melvin Richard speaks on
Fire Department 4/6/49 28 1
Melvin Richard speaks on
"condition of city" 4/20/49 28 33
Book Page
Ray Redman asks for appropriation
to send "Mrs. America" contestant
to national contest 7/6/49 28 235
Ruth Rowe presents petitions
asking for ordinances to
prohibit burning of outside
lights after midnight and to
prohibit unnecessary honking
of horns
7/6/49 28 235
Ray Redman's request for "Mrs.
America" appropriation denied 7/20/49
28 255
Book Page
Councilman Roth suggests
hiring woman psychologist
and establishment of
police school and of an
Accident Prevention Bureau 8/5/49 28 335
Rio Hotel granted per-
mission to erect 8
temporary canvas -cabanas 11/2/49 29 20
Bert Reilly's request for
waiver of awning upright
encroachments referred
to Building Department 12-21-49 29 104
Book Page
Isaac Rosen asks for
refund of tip sheet
license 1-11-50 29 131
Jack Rice reports on
radio show 2-1-50 29 i+9
Rotary Club resolution
on law enforcement pre-
sented 6-28-50 29 433
Res. #7219 adopted,
commending Rotary Club
for its -action 6-28-50 29 433
Book Page
B. J. Reilly's request for
permission to keep 2 awning
uprights in front of Richmond
Hotel is referred to Board
of Rules and Appeals 2-15-50 29 186
Book Page
$250.00 appropriated to
help defray expenses of
Jack Rice --accompanying
Radio queens to New York
City 7-12-50 29 472
Council appropriates
$500.00 for "Mrs. America"
contest --request for
appropration made by
Mr. Ray Redman 7-19-50 29 484
Red Adams Bus Lines, Inc.
denied authorization of
proposed terminal in
Miami Beach
Council denies requests
of Ray Redman for $1,000
appropriation (deficit
Mrs. America contest)
Complaint filed by Morton
Russack relative to
flying golf balls 3-21-51
Book Page
30 131
30 1+72
Book Page
Res. ##7498 commending Marschal
Rothe, Herald reporter 3-28-51 30 483
Mrs. Paul Rowe urges exclusion
of block between 63rd & 67th
Streets on Indian Creek Dr.
in setting up REE Districts 5-2-51 31 120
$3,000. allocated to Jack Rice..
for his assistance in the
Southern Radio & Television
Queen contest 5-16-51 31 181
Mrs. Frank Ryder objects to
proposed widening of 77th St. 5-16-51 31 183
Book Page
Res. #7656 thanking Radio &
Television Station for
cooperation during election 6.-8-51 31 258
Permit denied John B. Reid
for construction of comfort
station on his parking lot 7-18-51 31 380
:Council advised of suit brought by
John B. Reid to invalidate the
1951 Tax roll 8-10-51 31 456
Preliminary sketch of resubdivision
of Harry Richman property presented.
No action taken. 9-5-51 32 40
Book Page
E. Q. Rodgers submits report on
table of taxation for Dade County
and Flood Control District; urges
Council to take some action toward
correction of over -taxation on
the 2 levels 9-5-51 32 43
Objection made to parking lot of
John B. Reid. Investigation to be
made about buildings on lots.
10-3-51 32 96
Harry Rappoport appointed to
Plumbers Examining Board
(reappointment) 11-21-51 32 194
Book Page
Rader Engineering Co. engaged as
traffic engineers to make survey
and report on operation of traffic
system for 1952 calendar year
1-2-52 32 277
Res. #7921 authorizing execution
of agreement with Rader Engineering
Co. for report on operation of
parking system during year 1951
for $850.00 2-6-52 32 343
Roosevelt Theatre not given permission
to drive a calliope through streets
advertising current attractions 2-13-52 32 358
Book Page
Res. #7963 to the memory of
Judge Jack J. Rosen and Mrs. Rosen
3-26-52 32 448
Railroad ticket offices to be
established in Biami Beach as
soon as locations can be found -
Seaboard Air line Railroad Co.
and Florida East Coast Railway Co.
4-16-52 32 484
Action deferred on application
of Richmond Hotel for permit to
construct 3 canvas cabanas 6-4-52 33 92
Book Page
Mr. Rivkind designated liaison
director between City and hotel
industry 5-6-53 34 232
E. Q. Rodgers asks City to sell Lots 1
thru 4, White & Woodward's Resub. of
Lots 5 & 6, Blk 103, Ocean Beach Addn
No. 3, to client owning adjacent property.
Council opposed. 3-3-54 35 367
E. W. Rodgers suggests Council take
remedial action through courts against
County's "unlawful" tax table
12-1-54 36 360
Book Page
E. Q. Rodgers' communication re.
"Corrective relocation of table of
taxation, Dade County" filed
E. Q. Rodgers speaks on tax
equalization 3-21-56 38 100
Res. #9337 authorizing agreement with
owners of Roosevelt Theatre re. leasing
anarea of land adjacent to theatre
bldg. to enable installation of Cinerama
equipment 10-17-56 38 462
37 507
Book Page
Res. #9343 opposing application of
Rockana Carriers to operate auto
transport company to carry phosphates etc.
within the State of Florida
11-7-56 38 476
Communication from John B. Reid re.
rezoning oceanfront property filed.
Res. #9490 authorizing execution of 39 74
amendment to Rbosevelt Theatre lease,
in connection with Cinerama equipment
on City property, granting option to
extend lease 5-1-57 39 327